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Immune defences and the maintenance of immunological homeostasis in the face of pathogenic and commensal microbial exposures are channelled by innate antimicrobial pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) such as toll‐like receptors (TLRs). Whilst PRR‐mediated response programmes are the result of long‐term host‐pathogen or host–commensal co‐evolutionary dynamics involving microbes, an additional possibility is that macroparasitic co‐infections may be a significant modifier of such interactions. We demonstrate experimentally that macroparasites (the model gastrointestinal nematode, Heligmosomoides) at peripheral sites of infection cause substantial alteration of the expression and function of TLRs at a systemic level (in cultured splenocytes), predominantly up‐regulating TLR2, TLR4 and TLR9‐mediated cytokine responses at times of high standing worm burdens. We consistently observed such effects in BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice under single‐pulse and trickle exposures to Heligmosomoides larvae and in SWR and CBA mice under single‐pulse exposures. A complementary long‐term survey of TLR2‐mediated tumour necrosis factor‐alpha responses in wild wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) was consistent with substantial effects of macroparasites under some environmental conditions. A general pattern, though, was for the associations of macroparasites with TLR function to be temporally dynamic and context‐dependent: varying with different conditions of infection exposure in the field and laboratory and with host genetic strain in the laboratory. These results are compelling evidence that macroparasites are a major and dynamic modifier of systemic innate antimicrobial responsiveness in naturally occurring mammals and thus likely to be an important influence on the interaction between microbial exposures and the immune system.  相似文献   
The Rhizobia are a group of free-living soil bacteria known for their ability to symbiotically infect the roots of specific host plants as well as to produce siderophores in order to compete with other microorganisms for the limited availability of iron in the rhizosphere. In this study, Rhizobium leguminosarum ATCC 14479, which preferentially infects the red clover Trifolium pratense, was found to produce the trihydroxamate siderophore vicibactin (C33H55N6O15) under iron restricted conditions. In addition, two other iron-binding, siderophore-like compounds: C20H36N4O10, C31H55N6O15, were isolated and purified from the culture media. Due to the structural similarity of the latter compounds to vicibactin based on electrospray-mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance data, these heretofore unreported molecules are thought to be either modified or degraded products of vicibactin. Although vicibactin has previously been found to be commonly produced by other rhizobial strains, this is the first time it has been chemically characterized from a clover infecting strain of R. leguminosarum.  相似文献   
Strong selection on parasites, as well as on hosts, is crucial for fueling coevolutionary dynamics. Selection will be especially strong if parasites that encounter resistant hosts are destroyed and diluted from the local environment. We tested whether spores of the bacterial parasite Pasteuria ramosa were passed through the gut (the route of infection) of their host, Daphnia magna, and whether passaged spores remained viable for a “second chance” at infecting a new host. In particular, we tested if this viability (estimated via infectivity) depended on host genotype, whether or not the genotype was susceptible, and on initial parasite dose. Our results show that Pasteuria spores generally remain viable after passage through both susceptible and resistant Daphnia. Furthermore, these spores remained infectious even after being frozen for several weeks. If parasites can get a second chance at infecting hosts in the wild, selection for infection success in the first instance will be reduced. This could also weaken reciprocal selection on hosts and slow the coevolutionary process.  相似文献   
It is important for biology to understand if observations made in highly reductionist laboratory settings generalise to harsh and noisy natural environments in which genetic variation is sorted to produce adaptation. But what do we learn by studying, in the laboratory, a genetically diverse population that mirrors the wild? What is the best design for studying genetic variation? When should we consider it at all? The right experimental approach depends on what you want to know.  相似文献   


A recent paper by Tomasetti and Vogelstein (Science 2015 347 78–81) suggested that the variation in natural cancer risk was largely explained by the total number of stem-cell divisions, and that most cancers arose by chance. They proposed an extra-risk score as way of distinguishing the effects of the stochastic, replicative component of cancer risk from other causative factors, specifically those due to the external environment and inherited mutations.


We tested the hypothesis raised by Tomasetti and Vogelstein by assessing the degree of correlation of stem cell divisions and their extra-risk score with radiation- and tobacco-associated cancer risk.


We fitted a variety of linear and log-linear models to data on stem cell divisions per year and cumulative stem cell divisions over lifetime and natural cancer risk, some taken from the paper of Tomasetti and Vogelstein, augmented using current US lifetime cancer risk data, and also radiation- and tobacco-associated cancer risk.


The data assembled by Tomasetti and Vogelstein, as augmented here, are inconsistent with the power-of-age relationship commonly observed for cancer incidence and the predictions of a multistage carcinogenesis model, if one makes the strong assumption of homogeneity of numbers of driver mutations across cancer sites. Analysis of the extra-risk score and various other measures (number of stem cell divisions per year, cumulative number of stem cell divisions over life) considered by Tomasetti and Vogelstein suggests that these are poorly predictive of currently available estimates of radiation- or smoking-associated cancer risk–for only one out of 37 measures or logarithmic transformations thereof is there a statistically significant correlation (p<0.05) with radiation- or smoking-associated risk.


The data used by Tomasetti and Vogelstein are in conflict with predictions of a multistage model of carcinogenesis, under the assumption of homogeneity of numbers of driver mutations across most cancer sites. Their hypothesis that if the extra-risk score for a tissue type is high then one would expect that environmental factors would play a relatively more important role in that cancer’s risk is in conflict with the lack of correlation between the extra-risk score and other stem-cell proliferation indices and radiation- or smoking-related cancer risk.  相似文献   
Calcium (Ca2+) is vital for multiple processes in the body, and maintenance of the electrolyte concentration is required for everyday physiological function. In the kidney, and more specifically, in the late distal convoluted tubule and connecting tubule, the fine-tuning of Ca2+ reabsorption from the pro-urine takes place. Here, Ca2+ enters the epithelial cell via the transient receptor potential vanilloid receptor type 5 (TRPV5) channel, diffuses to the basolateral side bound to calbindin-D28k and is extruded to the blood compartment via the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger 1 (NCX1) and the plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase (PMCA). Traditionally, PMCA1 was considered to be the primary Ca2+ pump in this process. However, in recent studies TRPV5-expressing tubules were shown to highly express PMCA4. Therefore, PMCA4 may have a predominant role in renal Ca2+ handling. This study aimed to elucidate the role of PMCA4 in Ca2+ homeostasis by characterizing the Ca2+ balance, and renal and duodenal Ca2+-related gene expression in PMCA4 knockout mice. The daily water intake of PMCA4 knockout mice was significantly lower compared to wild type littermates. There was no significant difference in serum Ca2+ level or urinary Ca2+ excretion between groups. In addition, renal and duodenal mRNA expression levels of Ca2+-related genes, including TRPV5, TRPV6, calbindin-D28k, calbindin-D9k, NCX1 and PMCA1 were similar in wild type and knockout mice. Serum FGF23 levels were significantly increased in PMCA4 knockout mice. In conclusion, PMCA4 has no discernible role in normal renal Ca2+ handling as no urinary Ca2+ wasting was observed. Further investigation of the exact role of PMCA4 in the distal convoluted tubule and connecting tubule is required.  相似文献   
Over the past century, studies of human pigmentary disorders along with mouse and zebrafish models have shed light on the many cellular functions associated with visible pigment phenotypes. This has led to numerous genes annotated with the ontology term “pigmentation” in independent human, mouse, and zebrafish databases. Comparisons among these datasets revealed that each is individually incomplete in documenting all genes involved in integument‐based pigmentation phenotypes. Additionally, each database contained inherent species‐specific biases in data annotation, and the term “pigmentation” did not solely reflect integument pigmentation phenotypes. This review presents a comprehensive, cross‐species list of 650 genes involved in pigmentation phenotypes that was compiled with extensive manual curation of genes annotated in OMIM, MGI, ZFIN, and GO. The resulting cross‐species list of genes both intrinsic and extrinsic to integument pigment cells provides a valuable tool that can be used to expand our knowledge of complex, pigmentation‐associated pathways.  相似文献   
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