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MicroRNAs are modifiers of gene expression, acting to reduce translation through either translational repression or mRNA cleavage. Recently, it has been shown that some microRNAs can act to promote or suppress cell transformation, with miR-17-92 described as the first oncogenic microRNA. The association of miR-17-92 encoded microRNAs with a surprisingly broad range of cancers not only underlines the clinical significance of this locus, but also suggests that miR-17-92 may regulate fundamental biological processes, and for these reasons miR-17-92 has been considered as a therapeutic target.


In this study, we show that miR-17-92 is a cell cycle regulated locus, and ectopic expression of a single microRNA (miR-17-5p) is sufficient to drive a proliferative signal in HEK293T cells. For the first time, we reveal the mechanism behind this response - miR-17-5p acts specifically at the G1/S-phase cell cycle boundary, by targeting more than 20 genes involved in the transition between these phases. While both pro- and anti-proliferative genes are targeted by miR-17-5p, pro-proliferative mRNAs are specifically up-regulated by secondary and/or tertiary effects in HEK293T cells.


The miR-17-5p microRNA is able to act as both an oncogene and a tumor suppressor in different cellular contexts; our model of competing positive and negative signals can explain both of these activities. The coordinated suppression of proliferation-inhibitors allows miR-17-5p to efficiently de-couple negative regulators of the MAPK (mitogen activated protein kinase) signaling cascade, promoting growth in HEK293T cells. Additionally, we have demonstrated the utility of a systems biology approach as a unique and rapid approach to uncover microRNA function.  相似文献   
A considerable amount of information is available about the structure and function of the central nervous system in adult crustaceans. However, little effort has been directed toward understanding embryonic and larval neurogenesis in these animals. In the present study we recorded neurogenesis in the brain of laboratory-reared larvae of the spider crab Hyas araneus. Proliferating cells were detected immunocytochemically after in vivo labeling with 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine. This method has already been used to study the proliferation of neuroblasts in the ventral nerve cord of spider crab larvae. In the brain, a set of mitotically highly active neuroblasts was found in newly hatched zoea 1 larvae. These neuroblasts are individually identifiable due to their position and therefore a schematic map of the cerebral neuroblasts could be established. The number of active neuroblasts is high from hatching throughout the molt to the zoea 2. This proliferative action then decreases dramatically and has ceased at the time of first metamorphosis toward the megalopa larva. However, many ganglion mother cells born by unequal division of neuroblasts then go through their final division throughout the subsequent megalopa stage. In the brain, all mitotic activity has ceased at the time of second metamorphosis with the exception of a cluster of labeled nuclei within the olfactory lobe cells. In this cluster, the generation of neurons persists beyond the second metamorphosis into the crab 1 stage. Meanwhile, the neuropil volume of the olfactory lobes increases 10-fold from hatching to the crab 1. These results are discussed with regard to reports on neuronal proliferation during adult life in insects and rodents. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Lethal and sublethal effects of particular starvation events were investigated in larvae of Carcinusmaenas L. Mean survival times of continuously starved zoeae-1 were approximately twice the normal stage duration (12, 18, 25°C), and both increased with falling temperatures. At 6°C zoea-1 was unable to develop to stage-2. No larva retained the ability for successful further development if starved for half the stage duration time and was then refed. The zoea-1 larvae had to feed for at least 20 % of the normal stage duration for some larvae to moult to zoea-2. Some initial feeding was necessary to start zoea-1 development. Beyond a certain point of energy and accumulation of reserves development of the larvae seems to continue regardless of feeding rates. The demands for larval feeding correspond very well with the larval moulting cycle. Larvae of C. maenas proved to be well adapted to natural shortage of food.  相似文献   
The influence of starvation on larval development of the spider crabHyas araneus (L.) was studied in laboratory experiments. No larval stage suffering from continual lack of food had sufficient energy reserves to reach the next instar. Maximal survival times were observed at four different constant temperatures (2°, 6°, 12° and 18 °C). In general, starvation resistance decreased as temperatures increased: from 72 to 12days in the zoea-1, from 48 to 18 days in the zoea-2, and from 48 to 15 days in the megalopa stage. The length of maximal survival is of the same order of magnitude as the duration of each instar at a given temperature. Sublethal limits of early starvation periods were investigated at 12 °C: Zoea larvae must feed right from the beginning of their stage (at high food concentration) and for more than one fifth, approximately, of that stage to have at least some chance of surviving to the next instar, independent of further prey availability. The minimum time in which enough reserves are accumulated for successfully completing the instar without food is called point-of-reserve-saturation (PRS). If only this minimum period of essential initial feeding precedes starvation, development in both zoeal stages is delayed and mortality is greater, when compared to the fed control. Starvation periods beginning right after hatching of the first zoea cause a prolongation of this instar and, surprisingly, a slight shortening of the second stage. The delay in the zoea-1 increases proportionally to the length of the initial fasting period. If more than approximately 70 % of the maximum possible survival time has elapsed without food supply, the larvae become unable to recover and to moult to the second stage even when re-fed (point-of-no-return, PNR). The conclusion, based on own observations and on literature data, is that initial feeding is of paramount importance in the early development of planktotrophic decapod larvae. Taking into account hormonal and other developmental processes during the first moult cycle, a general hypothesis is proposed to explain the key role of first food uptake as well as the response pattern of the zoea-1 stage to differential starvation periods.Contribution to research project Experimentelle Marine Ökosystemanalyse sponsored by Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Grant No. MFU-0328/1).  相似文献   
Ion channel mapping techniques are described and the results for two fungal organisms, Saprolegnia ferax and Neurospora crassa, are presented. In these species, two channel types have been characterized, stretch-activated channels exhibiting significant calcium permeability and spontaneous channels having significant potassium permeability. Two distinct analyses of patch clamp data, analysis of channel self-clustering and association between different channel types, and localization along the hyphae, reveal significant differences between the two organisms. S. ferax maintains a tip-high gradient of both channel types which is lost after disruption of the actin cytoskeleton. There is significant self-clustering of the channels, as well as interactions between channel types. N. crassa on the other hand does not maintain tip-high gradients, and clustered distributions are observed only for the stretch-activated channels. In terms of physiological roles, evidence is quite strong that the stretch-activated channels function as a growth sensor in S. ferax, but have an unknown function in N. crassa. In both organisms, the potassium permeable channels presumably function in potassium uptake. The differences between these two organisms may be due, in part, to differences in their normal environment: aquatic versus terrestrial. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.  相似文献   
Sulphate uptake and its distribution within plants depend on the activity of different sulphate transporters (SULTR). In long‐living deciduous plants such as trees, seasonal changes of spatial patterns add another layer of complexity to the question of how the interplay of different transporters adjusts S distribution within the plant to environmental changes. Poplar is an excellent model to address this question because its S metabolism is already well characterized. In the present study, the importance of SULTRs for seasonal sulphate storage and mobilization was examined in the wood of poplar (Populus tremula × P. alba) by analysing their gene expression in relation to sulphate contents in wood and xylem sap. According to these results, possible functions of the respective SULTRs for seasonal sulphate storage and mobilization in the wood are suggested. Together, the present results complement the previously published model for seasonal sulphate circulation between leaves and bark and provide information for future mechanistic modelling of whole tree sulphate fluxes.  相似文献   


The genus Micronycteris is a diverse group of phyllostomid bats currently comprising 11 species, with diploid number (2n) ranging from 26 to 40 chromosomes. The karyotypic relationships within Micronycteris and between Micronycteris and other phyllostomids remain poorly understood. The karyotype of Micronycteris hirsuta is of particular interest: three different diploid numbers were reported for this species in South and Central Americas with 2n?=?26, 28 and 30 chromosomes. Although current evidence suggests some geographic differentiation among populations of M. hirsuta based on chromosomal, morphological, and nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers, the recognition of new species or subspecies has been avoided due to the need for additional data, mainly chromosomal data.


We describe two new cytotypes for Micronycteris hirsuta (MHI) (2n?=?26 and 25, NF?=?32), whose differences in diploid number are interpreted as the products of Robertsonian rearrangements. C-banding revealed a small amount of constitutive heterochromatin at the centromere and the NOR was located in the interstitial portion of the short arm of a second pair, confirmed by FISH. Telomeric probes hybridized to the centromeric regions and weakly to telomeric regions of most chromosomes. The G-banding analysis and chromosome painting with whole chromosome probes from Carollia brevicauda (CBR) and Phyllostomus hastatus (PHA) enabled the establishment of genome-wide homologies between MHI, CBR and PHA.


The karyotypes of Brazilian specimens of Micronycteris hirsuta described here are new to Micronycteris and reinforce that M. hirsuta does not represent a monotypic taxon. Our results corroborate the hypothesis of karyotypic megaevolution within Micronycteris, and strong evidence for this is that the entire chromosome complement of M. hirsuta was shown to be derivative with respect to species compared in this study.
Molecular evolution of olfactomedin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Olfactomedin is a secreted polymeric glycoprotein of unknown function, originally discovered at the mucociliary surface of the amphibian olfactory neuroepithelium and subsequently found throughout the mammalian brain. As a first step toward elucidating the function of olfactomedin, its phylogenetic history was examined to identify conserved structural motifs. Such conserved motifs may have functional significance and provide targets for future mutagenesis studies aimed at establishing the function of this protein. Previous studies revealed 33% amino acid sequence identity between rat and frog olfactomedins in their carboxyl terminal segments. Further analysis, however, reveals more extensive homologies throughout the molecule. Despite significant sequence divergence, cysteines essential for homopolymer formation such as the CXC motif near the amino terminus are conserved, as is the characteristic glycosylation pattern, suggesting that these posttranslational modifications are essential for function. Furthermore, evolutionary analysis of a region of 53 amino acids of fish, frog, rat, mouse, and human olfactomedins indicates that an ancestral olfactomedin gene arose before the evolution of terrestrial vertebrates and evolved independently in teleost, amphibian, and mammalian lineages. Indeed, a distant olfactomedin homolog was identified in Caenorhabditis elegans. Although the amino acid sequence of this invertebrate protein is longer and highly divergent compared with its vertebrate homologs, the protein from C. elegans shows remarkable similarities in terms of conserved motifs and posttranslational modification sites. Six universally conserved motifs were identified, and five of these are clustered in the carboxyl terminal half of the protein. Sequence comparisons indicate that evolution of the N-terminal half of the molecule involved extensive insertions and deletions; the C-terminal segment evolved mostly through point mutations, at least during vertebrate evolution. The widespread occurrence of olfactomedin among vertebrates and invertebrates underscores the notion that this protein has a function of universal importance. Furthermore, extensive modification of its N-terminal half and the acquisition of a C-terminal SDEL endoplasmic-reticulum- targeting sequence may have enabled olfactomedin to adopt new functions in the mammalian central nervous system.   相似文献   
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