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For efficient replication, viruses have developed mechanisms to evade innate immune responses, including the antiviral type-I interferon (IFN-I) system. Nipah virus (NiV), a highly pathogenic member of the Paramyxoviridae family (genus Henipavirus), is known to encode for four P gene-derived viral proteins (P/C/W/V) with IFN-I antagonist functions. Here we report that NiV matrix protein (NiV-M), which is important for virus assembly and budding, can also inhibit IFN-I responses. IFN-I production requires activation of multiple signaling components including the IκB kinase epsilon (IKKε). We previously showed that the E3-ubiquitin ligase TRIM6 catalyzes the synthesis of unanchored K48-linked polyubiquitin chains, which are not covalently attached to any protein, and activate IKKε for induction of IFN-I mediated antiviral responses. Using co-immunoprecipitation assays and confocal microscopy we show here that the NiV-M protein interacts with TRIM6 and promotes TRIM6 degradation. Consequently, NiV-M expression results in reduced levels of unanchored K48-linked polyubiquitin chains associated with IKKε leading to impaired IKKε oligomerization, IKKε autophosphorylation and reduced IFN-mediated responses. This IFN antagonist function of NiV-M requires a conserved lysine residue (K258) in the bipartite nuclear localization signal that is found in divergent henipaviruses. Consistent with this, the matrix proteins of Ghana, Hendra and Cedar viruses were also able to inhibit IFNβ induction. Live NiV infection, but not a recombinant NiV lacking the M protein, reduced the levels of endogenous TRIM6 protein expression. To our knowledge, matrix proteins of paramyxoviruses have never been reported to be involved in innate immune antagonism. We report here a novel mechanism of viral innate immune evasion by targeting TRIM6, IKKε and unanchored polyubiquitin chains. These findings expand the universe of viral IFN antagonism strategies and provide a new potential target for development of therapeutic interventions against NiV infections.  相似文献   
Specific activities of Saccharomyces cerevisiae RNA polymerases I and II were measured in cells growing under different nutrient conditions and throughout the mitotic cell cycle. The specific activity of RNA polymerase I (possibly the ribosomal polymerase) does not vary during the yeast cell cycle. In contrast the specific activity of RNA polymerase II (messenger polymerase) increases during the first third of the cycle and thereafter declines. The independent regulation of synthesis of these two enzymes is further emphasised by observations on the response to different nutrient conditions. Shifting cells from minimal to rich medium led to enhanced RNA polymerase I activity but very little change in activity of RNA polymerase II. Furthermore the activity of RNA polymerase I varies directly with change in growth rate whereas the activity of RNA polymerase II is approximately constant over a range of growth rates. From this data it is suggested: (i) The synthesis of these two enzymes is independently regulated; (ii) RNA polymerase I is synthesised continuously throughout the cycle whereas RNA polymerase II is synthesised periodically early in the cell cycle.  相似文献   
We have shown previously that mice fed the American Institute of Nutrition (AIN-76A) purified diet experience a significant increase in uterine:body weight (U:BW) ratios when compared to the U:BW ratios of mice fed a closed formula natural ingredient diet (Certified Rodent Chow #5002) for 7 days. The AIN-76A purified diet contains 5% corn oil and 65% carbohydrates with 50% of the carbohydrates coming from sucrose or dextrose and 15% from corn starch. The objective of this study was to determine whether the fat and carbohydrate content contributed to the unexpected uterine growth promoting activity observed in mice fed the AIN-76A diet. Estrogen bioassays were performed using CD-1 mice weaned at 15 days of age and assigned randomly to the negative control diet (Certified Rodent Chow #5002) or to the positive control diet (#5002) containing 4 or 6 ppb DES for comparison or to the test diets. The test diets were prepared by adding sucrose, dextrose, corn starch, corn oil or soybean oil to the #5002 negative control diet at 10% w/w concentration. Uterine:BW ratios were determined at 7 days post-feeding. The uterine weights and the U:BW ratios of mice fed the test diets containing dextrose, corn starch, or corn oil, were increased significantly (P less than 0.05) over those of mice fed the negative control diet. The uterine weights and U:BW ratios of mice fed the test diets containing sucrose or soybean oil also were increased over those of mice fed the negative control diet. These increases in uterine weights and U:BW ratios were similar to the increases in uterine weights and U:BW ratios of mice fed the positive control diet containing 4 ppb DES. It was concluded that the fats and carbohydrates caused preferential increases in uterine weights and in U:BW ratios and may account for the estrogen-like uterine growth promoting activity observed in mice fed the AIN-76A purified diet.  相似文献   
A cultured rat ovarian cell line (31 A-F(2)) was used to study the effect of growth factors (epidermal growth factor [EGF] and fibroblast growth factor [FGF]), a survival factor (ovarian growth factor [OGF]), a hormone (insulin), and an iron-binding protein (transferring) on cell proliferation and steroid production under defined culture conditions. EGF and insulin were shown to be mitogenic (half-maximal response at 0.12 nM and 0.11 muM, respectively) for 31A-F(2) cells incubated in serum-free medium. EGF induced up to three doublings in the cell population, whereas insulin induced an average of one cell population doubling. FGF, OGF, and transferrin were found not to have any prominent effect on cell division when incubated individually with 31A-F(2) cells in serum-free medium. However, a combination of EGF, OGF, insulin, and transferrin stimulated cell division to the same approximate extent as cells incubated in the presence of 5 percent fetal calf serum. EGF or insulin did not significantly affect total cell cholesterol levels (relative to cells incubated in serum-free medium) when incubated individually with 31A-F(2) cells. However, cell cholesterol levels were increased by the addition of OGF (250 percent), FGF (370 percent), or a combination of insulin and EGF (320 percent). Progesterone secretion from 31A-F(2) cells was enhanced by EGF (25 percent), FGF (80 percent), and insulin (115 percent). However, the addition of a mitogenic mixture of EGF, OGF, insulin, and transferrin suppressed progesterone secretion 150 percent) below that of control cultures. These studies have permitted us to determine that EGF and insulin are mitogenic factors that are required for the growth of 31A-F(2) cells and that OGF and transferrin are positive cofactors that enhance growth. Also, additional data suggest that cholesterol and progesterone production in 31A-F(2) cells can be regulated by peptide growth factors and the hormone insulin.  相似文献   
Anaerobically grown Staphylococcus epidermidis fermented glucose with the production of lactate and trace amounts of acetate, formate and CO2. Isotopic and inhibitor studies, assays for key enzymes of different metabolic pathways, and fermentation balances, all indicated that glucose was metabolized principally via glycolysis and to a very limited extent by the hexose monophosphate oxidative pathway. Serine fermentation proceeded via deamination and dismutation yielding NH3 and equimolar amounts of lactate, acetate and CO2; small amounts of formate arose by the operation of pyruvate-formate lyase. Incorporation of 0.5% (w/v) glucose in the growth medium depressed serine metabolism by repressing the activities of serine dehydratase and pyruvate dehydrogenase but, conversely, enhanced the activities of phosphofructokinase and lactate dehydrogenase. Glucose-grown organisms at various stages of anaerobic batch growth showed an inverse relationship between the rates of fermentation of serine and glucose. L-Lactate dehydrogenase activity in crude extracts depended on fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, and fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase was found to be a class I aldolase. Despite the presence of ribokinase, D-ribose-5-phosphate isomerase, transaldolase and transketolase, the organisms utilized ribose only after growth aerobically in basal medium, and then at a slow rate after an initial lag period.  相似文献   
The methyl alpha-glucoside-transport system of Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been characterized with respect to its specificity, energy-dependence, kinetics and regulation. The uptake of glucose involved two components, one of which transported glucose (K(m)=8mum) and methyl alpha-glucoside (K(m)=2.8mm) whereas the other was more complex, involving the extracellular activity of glucose dehydrogenase. Mutants defective in this enzyme have been isolated and characterized. The methyl alpha-glucoside-glucose-transport system was repressed when the organism was grown in the absence of glucose; the induction of this transport system by glucose, and its activity once induced, were inhibited by products of citrate metabolism.  相似文献   
Dawes , Clinton J., Flora M. Scott , and E. Bowler . (U. California, Los Angeles.) A light- and electron-microscopic survey of algal cell walls. I. Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(10): 925–934. Illus. 1961.—An introductory survey of the structure of the cell walls of brown, red, and green algae, as seen under light and electron microscopes, has been completed. In the present paper (Part I) the structure of the thalli of the Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta is compared, and the occurrence of intercellular spaces, pitting, and microfibrillar patterns is discussed. A detailed comparison of the cell-wall structure and growth of a brown alga, Dictyota flabellata, and of a red alga, Helminthocladia californica, is also presented. In Dictyota, typical of the brown algae, the microfibrillar pattern in the apical cells and in the adjacent cells of the thallus tip is reticulate. In mature cells, the microfibrils are dominantly parallel in orientation. Pits, which are fields of closely set pores, are distinctive. The microfibrils in the pit areas are masked by non-fibrillar material. Helminthocladia, with a cell wall characteristic of the red algae, differs from Dictyota in that the microfibrillar pattern is reticulate at all ages of the cell and throughout the thallus. In the pit areas, the microfibrils are not masked by amorphous material. Pit connections, characteristic of the Florideae, can be divided into 2 major groups. Either the pit connection is an open channel between 2 adjacent cells, or it is composed of numerous plasmodesmata traversing a continuous, loose, microfibrillar wall. The techniques of the survey are emphasized in that fragmented cell walls were studied, and, also, chemically cleared material was constantly compared with fresh material under light and electron microscopes. It is concluded that the cell wall, as a taxonomic character, is of value only in delimiting the Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta.  相似文献   
Abstract The interaction of a fluorescent probe with three species of bacteria shows properties consistent with the probe acting as a substrate for an efflux system that can also transport phosphonium ions and related compounds.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The mechanisms of the antinociceptive activity of () epicatechin (EPI), a compound isolated from the hydroalcoholic fraction of Combreum leprosum Mart & Eicher. METHODS: were assessed in the model of chemical nociception induced by glutamate (20 mumol/paw). To evaluate the mechanisms involved, the animals , male Swiss mice (25-30 g), received EPI (50 mg/kg p.o.) after pretreatment with naloxone (2 mg/kg s.c. opioid antagonist), glibenclamide (2 mg/kg s.c. antagonist K + channels sensitive to ATP), ketanserin (0.3 mg/kg s.c. antagonist of receptor 5-HT2A), yoimbine (0.15 mg/kg s.c. alpha2 adrenergic receptor antagonist), pindolol (1 mg/kg s.c. 5-HT1a/1b receptor antagonist), atropine (0.1 mg/kg s.c. muscarinic antagonist) and caffeine (3 mg/kg s.c. adenosine receptor antagonist), ondansetron (0.5 mg/kg s.c. for 5-HT3 receptor) and L-arginine (600 mg/kg i.p.). RESULTS: The antinociceptive effect of EPI was reversed by pretreatment with naloxone and glibenclamide, ketanserin, yoimbine, atropine and pindolol, which demonstrates the involvement of opioid receptors and potassium channels sensitive to ATP, the serotoninergic (receptor 5HT1A and 5HT2A), adrenergic (receptor alpha 2) and cholinergic (muscarinic receptor) systems in the activities that were observed. The effects of EPI, however, were not reversed by pretreatment with caffeine, L-arginine or ondansetron, which shows that there is no involvement of 5HT3 receptors or the purinergic and nitrergic systems in the antinociceptive effect of EPI. In the Open Field and Rotarod test, EPI had no significant effect, which shows that there was no central nervous system depressant or muscle relaxant effect on the results. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that the antinociceptive activity of EPI in the glutamate model involves the participation of the opioid system, serotonin, adrenergic and cholinergic.  相似文献   
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