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Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) is of major economic importance in Southeast Asia and for small land holders in Thailand in particular. Due to the high value of latex, plantations are expanding into unsuitable areas, such as the northeast province of Thailand where soil fertility is very low and therefore appropriate management practices are of primary importance. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) contribute to plant growth through a range of mechanisms and could play a key role in a more sustainable management of the rubber plantations. We described the diversity of AMF associated with rubber tree roots in Northeast Thailand in relation to tree age and soil parameters along a chronosequence of rubber tree plantations. Cassava fields were included for comparison. Rubber tree and cassava roots harbored high diversity of AMF (111 Virtual Taxa, VT), including 20 novel VT. AMF VT richness per sample was consistently high (per site mean 16 to 21 VT per sample) along the chronosequence and was not related to soil properties. The composition of AMF communities differed between cassava and rubber tree plantations and was influenced by soil texture and nutrient content (sand, K, P, Ca). AMF community composition gradually shifted with the age of the trees. Our results suggest that the high diversity of AMF in this region is potentially significant for maintaining high functionality of AMF communities.  相似文献   
The preparation of greater than 30 different hybridomas, all secreting IgM class antibodies against epiglycanin, a glycoprotein at the surface of the mouse mammary carcinoma cell line TA3-Ha, is described. The specificities of 10 of the antibodies, with affinity constants in the range of 10(8)-10(10) l/mol were compared in an enzyme competitive binding assay. The affinity of epiglycanin was strongly reduced for all antibodies tested by incubation with periodate (10 mM, 4 degrees C) and was reduced for most of the antibodies by endo-alpha-N-acetyl- D-galactosaminidase. This suggested that carbohydrate, and specifically the Gal beta (1----3)GalNAc disaccharide, formed an integral part of the epitopes of most of the antibodies. The isolated disaccharide, however, exhibited 250,000 times less inhibitory activity in the competitive binding assay than epiglycanin. The binding capacity of epiglycanin was also reduced by incubation with trypsin or pronase, suggesting a high molecular weight dependency for binding. Incubation with sialidase increased its affinity for the antibodies. The binding of the antibodies to epiglycanin was strongly inhibited by peanut agglutinin, and to a lesser extent by lectins from Triticum vulgaris, Ricinus communis, Pisum sativum and Phaseolus vulgaris. None of the antibodies bound to any of eight different gangliosides immobilized on HPTLC plates. Mono- (Fab) and divalent [F(ab')2] fragments of the antibodies possessed very low affinity for epiglycanin. The results demonstrated that the specificities of the antibodies are related, but distinguishable, and they suggest that this epiglycanin-IgM model may be useful for studies on the general principles of the interaction between IgM antibodies and mucin-type glycoproteins.  相似文献   
The coxsackie B virus and adenovirus (Ad) receptor (CAR) functions as an attachment receptor for multiple Ad serotypes. Here we show that the Ad serotype 9 (Ad9) fiber knob binds to CAR with much reduced affinity compared to the binding by Ad5 and Ad12 fiber knobs as well as the knob of the long fiber of Ad41 (Ad41L). Substitution of Asp222 in Ad9 fiber knob with a lysine that is conserved in Ad5, Ad12, and Ad41L substantially improved Ad9 fiber knob binding to CAR, while the corresponding substitution in Ad5 (Lys442Asp) significantly reduced Ad5 binding. The presence of an aspartic acid residue in Ad9 therefore accounts, at least in part, for the reduced CAR binding affinity of the Ad9 fiber knob. Site-directed mutagenesis of CAR revealed that CAR residues Leu73 and Lys121 and/or Lys123 are critical contact residues, with Tyr80 and Tyr83 being peripherally involved in the binding interaction with the Ad5, Ad9, Ad12, and Ad41L fiber knobs. The overall affinities and the association and dissociation rate constants for wild-type CAR as well as Tyr80 and Tyr83 CAR mutants differed between the serotypes, indicating that their binding modes, although similar, are not identical.  相似文献   
NK cell activation is negatively regulated by the expression of target cell MHC class I molecules. We show that this relationship is nonlinear due to an NK cell activation/inhibition threshold. Ewing's sarcoma family tumor cell monolayers, which were highly susceptible to NK cells in vitro, developed a highly resistant phenotype when cultured as three-dimensional multicellular tumor spheroid structures. This suggested that tumor architecture is likely to influence the susceptibility to NK cells in vivo. Resistance of the multicellular tumor spheroid was associated with the increased expression of MHC class I molecules and greatly reduced NK cell activation, implying that a threshold of NK cell activation/inhibition had been crossed. Reducing MHC class I expression on Ewing's sarcoma family tumor monolayers did not alter their susceptibility to NK cells, whereas increased expression of MHC class I rendered them resistant and allowed the threshold point to be identified. This threshold, as defined by MHC class I expression, was predictive of the number of NK-resistant target cells within a population. A threshold permits modest changes in the target cell surface phenotype to profoundly alter the susceptibility to NK cells. Whereas this allows for the efficient detection of target cells, it also provides a route for pathogens and tumors to evade NK cell attack.  相似文献   
Previous studies on metabolic responses to feeding (i.e. the specific dynamic action, SDA) in Antarctic fishes living at temperatures below zero have reported long-lasting increases and small peak responses. We therefore hypothesized that the postprandial hyperemia also would be limited in the Antarctic fish Pagothenia borchgrevinki. The proportion of cardiac output directed to the splanchnic circulation in unfed fish was 18%, which is similar to temperate fish species. Contrary to our prediction, however, gastrointestinal blood flow had increased by 88% at twenty four hours after feeding due to a significant increase in cardiac output and a significant decrease in gastrointestinal vascular resistance. While gastric evacuation time appeared to be longer than in comparable temperate species, digestion had clearly commenced twenty four hours after feeding as judged by a reduction in mass of the administered feed. Even so, oxygen consumption did not increase suggesting an unusually slowly developing SDA. Adrenaline and angiotensin II was injected into unfed fish to investigate neuro-humoral control mechanisms of gastrointestinal blood flow. Both agonists increased gastrointestinal vascular resistance and arterial blood pressure, while systemic vascular resistance was largely unaffected. The hypertension was mainly due to increased cardiac output revealing that the heart and the gastrointestinal vasculature, but not the somatic vasculature, are important targets for these agonists. It is suggested that the apparently reduced SDA in P. borchgrevinki is due to a depressant effect of the low temperature on protein assimilation processes occurring outside of the gastrointestinal tract, while the gastrointestinal blood flow responses to feeding and vasoactive substances resemble those previously observed in temperate species.  相似文献   
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