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Summary In Salmonella typhimurium, streptomycin resistance can occur by mutation at the strA or the strB mutants have altered ribosomes which are refractory to the drug in cell-free amino acid incorporation systems, and in 3H-dihydrostreptomycin binding studies. StrB mutants, unlike the strA mutants, are resistant to several aminoglycoside antibiotics and resistance is not due to a mutational change in the cell's protein synthetic machinery. Spectinomycin resistant mutants of S. typhimurium also fall into two classes, only one of which is ribosomal in mechanism. The spcA and spcB loci are closely linked to strA, aroC, and argG on the S. typhimurium linkage map.  相似文献   
1. The thermal denaturation and precipitation of beta-lactamase I from Bacillus cereus 569/H/9 at 60 degrees C are reversible, a soluble and almost fully active enzyme being obtained after solution of the precipitate in 5m-guanidinium chloride or 8m-urea and subsequent removal of the denaturing agent. 2. Inactivation of beta-lactamase I occurs rapidly between 50 degrees and 55 degrees C and is shown by circular-dichroism spectra to be accompanied by an extensive conformational change. 3. A change to a different conformation occurs in 6m-urea. This change is also reversible; refolding with almost complete recovery of enzymic activity occurs within 5min of dilution of the denaturing agent. 4. Inactivation of beta-lactamase I at pH3.0 and 11.0 is also associated with conformational changes, since a proportion of the lost activity is recovered within 5min of adjustment of the pH to 7.0.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung An Hand von 229 Brutbeginn-Daten von freilebenden Gänsen, die während der Jahre 1956–1966 in Seewiesen (Obb.) (48°N, 11°11E) brüteten, wurden die mittleren Brutbeginn-Daten von 5 Gänsearten und von Artbastarden bestimmt. Es zeigte sich, daß die untersuchten Arten unter diesen Bedingungen in derselben Reihenfolge brüteten, wie ihre Artgenossen in freier Wildbahn. Die mittleren Brutbeginn-Termine wurden allerdings um so mehr vorverlegt, je später die Art normalerweise brütet (Abb. 1). , die mit artfremden verpaart waren, brüteten zur selben Zeit wie ihre Artgenossen, die mit artgleichen verpaart waren (Abb. 1). GraugansxSchneegans-Bastard-, die mit Schneegantern verpaart waren, begannen meist nach den Graugänsen, aber stets vor den Schneegänsen zu brüten (Abb. 1, 2). Das intermediäre Brüten dieser wird als starkes Argument für die Richtigkeit der Hypothese gewertet, nach welcher die artspezifisch verschiedenen Brutzeiten wenigstens zum Teil genetisch bedingt sind. In der Diskussion wird die Frage kritisch erörtert, wie weit schon allein die Tatsache, daß die verschiedenen Arten über Generationen hinweg in derselben Reihenfolge wie ihre wildlebenden Artgenossen zu brüten beginnen, als Beweis für derartige genetische Unterschiede angesehen werden kann.
Summary In 229 cases onset of breeding was recorded from free-living geese of 5 species and of some hybrids of these species, kept in Seewiesen/Obb. (48° N, 11° 11E) from 1956 to 1966. It was found that the species under these conditions bred in the same seasonal sequence as did wild birds. The mean breeding times, however, were found to be advanced in relation to the onset of breeding in the wild (Fig. 1). This was especially evident in the case of late-breeding species. paired with of another species came into breeding condition at the same time as paired with of the same species (Fig. 1). GraylegxSnowgoose hybrid paired with Snowgoose in most cases started to breed later than Greyleg geese but always earlier than the mean breeding time for Snowgeese (Fig. 1, 2). This intermediate breeding time is taken as a strong argument for the hypothesis that the species specific differences in breeding times are, at least in part, genetic in origin. The question as to the extent to which the differences in breeding times alone, persisting for generations in the same sequence as those of wild birds, can be attributed to genetic differences between the species, is critically discussed.
The incidence of impaired renal concentrating ability in pregnant women with asymptomatic significant bacteriuria is significantly less than previously reported when osmolality readings are performed on every urine specimen obtained during the 24 hours'' deprivation of fluids. The concentrating defect is more considerable as pregnancy progresses. The lower the maximum urinary osmolality the more difficult is the treatment of the patient, and the higher the incidence of acute pyelonephritis.  相似文献   
Forty-four cases of liver fluke infestation (fascioliasis hepatica) were diagnosed near Chepstow, Monmouthshire, in 1968. Intramuscular emetine hydrochloride and oral chloroquine given to the adults and children, respectively, were well tolerated. Assessment by repeated stool examination, complement fixation and liver function tests, and full blood counts indicated that treatment had been effective in most cases. It is recommended that both the growth and the sale of watercress should be strictly controlled.  相似文献   
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