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A collection of 26 Enterobacteriaceae reference strains provided by Reference Centres in Moscow (USSR) and Copenhagen (Denmark) as well as a collection of 660 freshly isolated cultures of Gram-negative bacteria of different origin were investigated using SIB indicator systems manufactured at the Gorky Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology (USSR) and API-20E, Rapid-20E and API-10S kits (API, France) with the aim of species determination. In analyzing freshly isolated cultures, API-20E, API-10S and SIB-B kits proved to be of approximately equal efficiency, whereas the Rapid-20E system enabled species identification in no more than 78% of the tested cultures. In a model biotyping of 284 E. coli cultures of different origin, SIB-B and API-20E kits in combination with the Analytical Profile Index enabled sufficiently rapid and standard identification of Enterobacteriaceae biovars.  相似文献   
The guanidinium toxin-induced inhibition of the current through voltage-dependent sodium channels was examined for batrachotoxin-modified channels incorporated into planar lipid bilayers that carry no net charge. To ascertain whether a net negative charge exists in the vicinity of the toxin-binding site, we studied the channel closures induced by tetrodotoxin (TTX) and saxitoxin (STX) over a wide range of [Na+]. These toxins carry charges of +1 and +2, respectively. The frequency and duration of the toxin-induced closures are voltage dependent. The voltage dependence was similar for STX and TTX, independent of [Na+], which indicates that the binding site is located superficially at the extracellular surface of the sodium channel. The toxin dissociation constant, KD, and the rate constant for the toxin-induced closures, kc, varied as a function of [Na+]. The Na+ dependence was larger for STX than for TTX. Similarly, the addition of tetraethylammonium (TEA+) or Zn++ increased KD and decreased kc more for STX than for TTX. These differential effects are interpreted to arise from changes in the electrostatic potential near the toxin-binding site. The charges giving rise to this potential must reside on the channel since the bilayers had no net charge. The Na+ dependence of the ratios KDSTX/KDTTX and kcSTX/kcTTX was used to estimate an apparent charge density near the toxin-binding site of about -0.33 e X nm-2. Zn++ causes a voltage-dependent block of the single-channel current, as if Zn++ bound at a site within the permeation path, thereby blocking Na+ movement. There was no measurable interaction between Zn++ at its blocking site and STX or TTX at their binding site, which suggests that the toxin-binding site is separate from the channel entrance. The separation between the toxin-binding site and the Zn++ blocking site was estimated to be at least 1.5 nm. A model for toxin-induced channel closures is proposed, based on conformational changes in the channel subsequent to toxin binding.  相似文献   
We describe the ultrastructural localization of plasma cell immunoglobulins in vibratome sections of popliteal lymph nodes. Fixation with glutaraldehyde-paraformaldehyde gave better tissue and antigen preservation than paraformaldehyde or periodic acid lysine-paraformaldehyde; biotinylated Fab fragments of sheep anti-mouse IgG-streptavidin-biotinylated horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or Fab-HRP conjugates gave similar results. With both immunoreagents, excellent tissue preservation and antigen detection was observed in the first layer of cells sectioned with the vibratome. Conjugates of anti-mouse IgG with HRP did not show any staining. Peroxidase stain was observed in the nuclear envelope, cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, and the Golgi apparatus complex. In the Golgi apparatus, staining was seen consistently in cisternae of the cis face and in adjacent vesicles; the trans cisternae showed weak or no stain, and adjacent vesicles, "coated" vesicles, and granules were not stained. This study shows that high quality of tissue preservation and antigen detection, by both light and ultrastructural immunocytochemistry, is feasible in tissue fixed with glutaraldehyde-paraformaldehyde followed by vibratome sectioning and immunostaining with Fab-biotin-streptavidin-biotin-HRP, or Fab-HRP.  相似文献   
The solubilization and removal of defined glomerular immune complex deposits by excess antigen was examined in NZB/W female mice. Glomerular deposits were induced by administering preformed immune complexes to young (2 to 4 mo) mice before they naturally acquired deposits from endogenous disease and to old (7 mo) mice with deposits from naturally acquired disease. The administration of excess antigen specifically removed deposits of preformed immune complexes in both groups. This was associated with a reduction in circulating large latticed complexes containing more than two antigen and two antibody molecules (greater than Ag2Ab2). Established deposits in old mice therefore did not interfere with removal of newly induced deposits of preformed immune complexes. Glomerular deposits were also induced in young mice by a chronic human serum albumin (HSA) immune complex model. The antigen in immune deposits induced by 2 wk of chronic antigen administration was solubilized and was removed within 48 hr of administering excess antigen. Circulating antibodies to the antigen were also reduced by excess antigen. Glomerular deposits of mouse immunoglobulin and complement were not significantly reduced by excess antigen but remained more intense than in mice of comparable age given preformed complexes. Thus deposits of other antigen antibody systems and possibly endogenous disease were induced by the chronic HSA immune complex model in NZB/W mice. However, defined antigen deposits within deposits containing multiple antigen antibody systems can clearly be removed by administering excess antigen.  相似文献   
Hybridomas were prepared from the spleen of a BALB/c mouse immunized with EL-4 T lymphoma cells. One, designated A1, was found to secrete a monoclonal antibody that reacted with two T lymphoma cells of C57BL origin, EL-4 and C6VLB, but not with normal C57BL/6 splenocytes or thymocytes, C57BL/6 T cell clones, or other T or B lymphomas by complement-mediated cytotoxicity or indirect immunofluorescent staining. Monoclonal antibody (MAb) A1 precipitated a protein that migrated at 85 kD under nonreducing and 43 kD under reducing conditions. The fact that the antigen defined by MAb A1 was a disulfide-linked dimer, together with the essentially clone-specific distribution of the reactive epitope, raised the possibility that the antibody defined an epitope of the antigen receptor. However, several additional observations revealed that the antibody defined a distinct and novel T cell surface structure. MAb 124-40, previously shown to react with the antigen receptor of C6VLB cells, reacted with variants of C6VLB that failed to express the A1 epitope. Sequential immunoprecipitation indicated that MAb A1 and MAb 124-40 reacted with distinct molecular species on C6VLB cells. Endoglycosidase digestion showed that the structure reactive with MAb A1 was not derived from that reactive with MAb 124-40 by addition of N-linked oligosaccharide residues. Two-dimensional gel electrophoretic analysis of precipitates obtained from radioiodinated C6VLB cells with MAb 124-40 resolved the alpha and beta subunits of the antigen receptor. Similar analysis of precipitates obtained with MAb A1 revealed only a single basic chain under reducing conditions, although anomalous mobility suggestive of a second, more acidic chain was observed under nonreducing conditions. Two-dimensional maps of tyrosine-containing chymotryptic peptides of the proteins isolated with MAb A1 and MAb 124-40 were completely different, suggesting that the molecules shared no peptides and were distinct in primary structure. Finally, cross-linking studies performed with a cleavable reagent indicated that the A1 molecule, unlike the antigen receptor defined with MAb 124-40, was not associated with additional, T3-like structures on the surface of C6VLB cells. Although the MAb A1 was unreactive with normal cells in cytotoxicity or staining assays, a molecule of the appropriate size was immunoprecipitated in small amounts from lysates of radioiodinated normal spleen and thymus cells. These data indicate that MAb A1 defines a novel disulfide-linked T cell surface molecule distinct from the antigen receptor.  相似文献   
We have studied 27 cell lines homozygous by consanguinity for the major histocompatibility complex to establish the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns seen with six different restriction enzymes (Bam HI, Bg1 II, Eco RI, Hinc II, Hind III, Pvu II) and DR beta chain probes. The probes used were a full-length cDNA DR beta probe and a probe specific for the 3' untranslated region. The RFLP obtained represent the first standard patterns for the individual haplotypes DR1 through 7 and DR9 as defined by genetically homozygous lines. The patterns obtained reflect the DR specificities closely, as well as the DRw52 and DRw53 specificities. These latter specificities are associated with the most prominent patterns of RFLP. Bands are present which are unique for the haplotypes DR1, DR2, DR4, DR7, DRw52, and DRw53, and could be used for typing these haplotypes in heterozygotes. Subtypes can be identified for all of the haplotypes except DR1. These subtypes indicate that there is an extensive amount of polymorphism in the DR subregion that has not been identified serologically.  相似文献   
The inoculation of B6D2F1 mice with T lymphocytes from the C57BL/6 parental strain induces an "immunosuppressive" graft-vs-host reaction (B6 GVH), whereas inoculation of T cells from the other, DBA/2 parental strain induces an "immunostimulatory" GVH reaction and a lupus-like disease (DBA GVH). The present study compares cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) function in the spleens of these GVH mice as well as differences in the donor inoculum that could account for these different types of GVH. We observed that the B6 GVH induces an immunodeficiency that encompasses CTL precursors (and possibly T helper cells) and results in suppressor cells that abrogate responses to both trinitrophenyl (TNP)-modified self and third party alloantigens. In contrast, the DBA GVH induces only a T helper cell immunodeficiency and results in suppressor cells selective for class II restricted L3T4+ T helper cells. Chimeric T cells were detected in both types of GVH. In the B6 GVH both L3T4+ and Lyt-2+ donor cells were observed, although Lyt-2+ cells predominated. In the DBA GVH, donor T cells were almost exclusively of the L3T4+ phenotype. The lack of appreciable donor Lyt-2+ cells in the DBA GVH can be explained by a defect in the DBA donor inoculum manifested by a naturally occurring two-fold reduction in Lyt-2+ cell numbers as well as a nine-fold reduction in CTL precursors with anti-F1 specificity. T cells in the DBA inoculum, therefore, are predominantly L3T4+. A similar defect induced in B6 donor cells by anti-Lyt2 antibody and complement not only converted the suppressive GVH to a stimulatory GVH, as measured by anti-DNA antibodies, but also resulted in a T cell immune deficiency characteristic of the DBA GVH, i.e., a selective loss of the TNP-self CTL response. Thus the presence or absence of adequate numbers of functioning Lyt-2+ cells in the donor inoculum is correlated with the development of either a suppressive or stimulatory GVH, respectively. That donor Lyt-2+ cells mediate a suppressive GVH through cytolytic mechanisms is evidenced by greater than 70% reduction in B6 GVH spleen cell numbers and readily demonstrable anti-F1 CTL activity by these spleen cells despite an inability to generate anti-allogeneic or anti-TNP self CTL activity even in the presence of added T helper factors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Antibody responses of young adults to Haemophilus influenzae type b polysaccharide (Hib) or its protein conjugate were studied with special attention to the isotype composition of the antibodies. Three conclusions of interest can be made: 1) Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies in polysaccharide-immunized volunteers displayed the subclass pattern previously found in antibodies to meningococcal type A polysaccharide. IgG1 was the predominant subclass in IgG antibodies of some individuals, IgG2 in others. Still others had the two subclasses in varying but more even proportions. 2) The conjugate vaccine induced a geometric mean response 2 to 3 times higher and an IgG response 4 times higher to Hib than the polysaccharide vaccine. 3) Anti-Hib antibodies induced by the conjugate vaccine still had essentially the same IgG subclass composition as anti-Hib antibodies induced by the polysaccharide. This composition was strikingly different from the composition of the anti-diphtheria toxoid response induced by the same conjugate vaccine.  相似文献   
We present a statistical-mechanical selection theory for the sequence analysis of a set of specific DNA regulatory sites that makes it possible to predict the relationship between individual base-pair choices in the site and specific activity (affinity). The theory is based on the assumption that specific DNA sequences have been selected to conform to some requirement for protein binding (or activity), and that all sequences that can fulfil this requirement are equally likely to occur. In most cases, the number of specific DNA sequences that are known for a certain DNA-binding protein is very small, and we discuss in detail the small-sample uncertainties that this leads to. When applied to the binding sites for cro repressor in phage lambda, the theory can predict, from the sequence statistics alone, their rank order binding affinities in reasonable agreement with measured values. However, the statistical uncertainty generated by such a small sample (only 6 sites known) limits the result to order-of-magnitude comparisons. When applied to the much larger sample of Escherichia coli promoter sequences, the theory predicts the correlation between in vitro activity (k2KB values) and homology score (closeness to the consensus sequence) observed by Mulligan et al. (1984). The analysis of base-pair frequencies in the promoter sample is consistent with the assumption that base-pairs at different positions in the sites contribute independently to the specific activity, except in a few marginal cases that are discussed. When the promoter sites are ordered according to predicted activities, they seem to conform to the Gaussian distribution that results from a requirement for maximal sequence variability within the constraint of providing a certain average activity. The theory allows us to compare the number of specific sites with a certain activity to the number that would be expected from random occurrence in the genome. While strong promoters are "overspecified", in the sense that their probability of random occurrence is very low, random sequences with weak promoter-like properties are expected to occur in very large numbers. This leads to the conclusion that functional specificity is based on other properties in addition to primary sequence recognition; some possibilities are discussed. Finally, we show that the sequence information, as defined by Schneider et al. (1986), can be used directly (at least in the case of equilibrium binding sites) to estimate the number of protein molecules that are specifically bound at random "pseudosites" in the genome.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
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