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This paper presents a simple model for the evolution of reaction norms for age and size at maturity that predicts reaction norms with a variety of shapes. Using realistic parameter values the model predicts reaction norms close to those observed in Drosophila. The major assumptions of the model are: 1) that net reproductive rate is maximized, 2) that growth is determinate, and 3) that mortality rates are independent of age and size at maturity. If, additionally, juvenile mortality is uncorrelated with a growth coefficient, k, the model predicts that selection favors maturation later at a smaller size when k is reduced by environmental factors and that decreased juvenile mortality leads to delayed maturity. These two predictions conform with those found by previous models using other measures of fitness. Correlations between k and juvenile mortality can change the shape of the predicted reaction norm. Depending on the precise form of the correlation, the model can predict done- or bowl-shaped reaction norms and can predict delayed or earlier maturity as k decreases. These shapes are qualitatively different from those predicted by previous models that used different fitness measures. Systematic estimates of the parameter values for this and for related models are required to determine the appropriate fitness measure for models of reaction norms.  相似文献   
Kin recognition and cannibalism in polyphenic salamanders   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
We investigated kin discrimination among larvae of Arizona tigersalamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum) which occur as "typical"morphs that feed mostly on invertebrate prey and occasionallyon conspecifics, and as "cannibal" morphs that feed primarilyon conspecifics. When housed with smaller larvae that differedin relatedness, both cannibals and typicals preferentially consumedless-related individuals. Cannibals ate typicals much quickerwhen the choice was between nonkin and siblings than when thechoice was between nonkin and cousins, indicating that cannibalscould distinguish different categories of relatives. Cannibalswere less likely to eat a larval sibling that was a cannibalmorph than a sibling that was a typical morph. Occluding animals'nares temporarily eliminated kin discrimination, implying thatolfaction is important in recognition. Larvae from differentsibships varied considerably in their ability to discriminatekin, and the greater the probability that a larva from a givensibship would develop into a cannibal morph, the more likelythe members of that sibship were to discriminate kin. Our resultsenable us to infer the functional significance of kin recognitionin this species and to develop an evolutionary model of themechanisms underlying the joint control of kin recognition andcannibalistic polyphenism.  相似文献   
Abstract. A landscape-based characterization of vegetation has been developed for southwestern California using satellite imagery, air photos, existing vegetation maps, and field data. Distribution maps of nine dominant coastal scrub species and 13 species assemblages that were identified by divisive information analysis have been analyzed to quantify spatial patterns of species co-occurrence. Three general distribution patterns are identified that suggest the Diegan, Ventaran and Riversidian Associations identified by other workers. Vegetation data have also been related to land ownership and management to assess the conservation status of upland plant communities. A large proportion of the mapped distribution of species and vegetation types is on private land, and several taxa show less than 4 % of mapped distribution in nature reserves. The analysis highlights the need to extend current conservation planning efforts into the northern part of the region to encompass areas where Salvia leucophylla is a frequent community dominant.  相似文献   
Abstract. We describe a model of heath vegetation, in which species were classified into five functional groups based on characteristics of their propagule pools, post-fire growth, timing and mode of reproduction and competitive status. The model assumes no recruitment without fire and a simple competitive hierarchy based on vertical stature. A critical feature of the model is an initial post-fire window of 5–6 yr in which competition from overstorey species on understorey species is reduced. Understorey functional groups differ in their ability to exploit this window. In the field, we tested five predictions derived from the model: (a) overall species richness of understorey varies inversely with overstorey density as a result of a trend in richness of woody species, but not in herbaceous species; (b) where an overstorey was present in the previous fire interval, post-fire population density is reduced in a functional group of understorey serotinous resprouting shrubs, but not in a group of understorey obligate-seeding shrubs with soil seed banks; (c) in understorey serotinous resprouting shrubs, post-fire regrowth in resprouting individuals is adversely affected by the presence of an overstorey in the preceding fire interval; (d) in understorey serotinous resprouting shrubs, levels of pre-fire propagules are lower in the presence of an overstorey, reducing the density of post-fire recruits; and (e) in understorey serotinous resprouting shrubs, recruitment relative to the pre-fire population is unaffected by overstorey species within the window of reduced competition. Of these, three tests (a,b,d) supported the model, one (e) may support the model, but the results were inconclusive and one (c) did not support the model. Limitations and further applications of the model are discussed. Our results suggest that maintenance of high densities of overstorey populations is in conflict with conservation of some understorey species. Models of the type we propose will help identify and resolve such conflicts and promote the judicious use of fire to maintain full species diversity of plant communities.  相似文献   
An X-ray structural analysis of bis-2,2′,N,N′-bipyridyl ketone cobalt(III) nitrate dihydrate, CoC22H20N4O4+· NO3·2H2O,Mr=559.38 g/mol, P , a=8.862(2), b=16.195(3), c=8.772(2) Å, α=103.54(2), β=95.74(3), γ=105.07°, V=1164.4(4) Å3, Z=2, Dx=1.595 g/cm3, Mo Kα radiation (λ=0.71073 Å), μ=7.8 cm−1 and R=0.079, revealed a Co(III) cation in a slightly distorted octahedral environment. The structure reveals that the ligand di-2-pyridyl ketone (dpk) has undergone a hydration reaction across the ketone double bond and one of the hydrate oxygen atoms coordinated to the metal forming a tridentate chelate. This new Co(dpk-hydrate)2+ complex displays the least distorted geometry yet reported for either 1:1 or 1:2 (metal:ligand) complexes. A geometry optimization using the INDO model Hamiltonian as implemented in the program ZINDO was performed on the title complex with the Co3+ modeled as a singlet. The result of the computation corroborates the geometry of the title complex as that expected for Co3+.  相似文献   
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) overload may contribute to cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury. We report utilization of a previously described cardiomyocyte model (J. Cell. Physiol., 149:347, 1991) to assess the effect of H2O2-induced oxidative stress on heart-muscle purine and pyrimidine nucleotides and high-energy phosphates (ATP, phosphocreatine). Oxidative stress induced by bolus H2O2 elicited the loss of cardiomyocyte purine and pyrimidine nucleotides, leading to eventual de-energization upon total ATP and phosphocreatine depletion. The rate and extent of ATP and phosphocreatine loss were dependent on the degree of oxidative stress within the range of 50 μM to 1.0 mM H2O2. At the highest H2O2 concentration, 5 min was sufficient to elicit appreciable cardiomyocyte highenergy phosphate loss, the extent of which could be limited by prompt elimination of H2O2 from the culture medium. Only H2O2 dismutation completely prevented ATP loss during H2O2-induced oxidative stress, whereas various freeradical scavengers and metal chelators afforded no significant ATP preservation. Exogenously-supplied catabolic substrates and glycolytic or tricarboxylic acidcycle intermediates did not ameliorate the observed ATP and phosphocreatine depletion, suggesting that cardiomyocyte de-energization during H2O2-induced oxidative stress reflected defects in substrate utilization/energy conservation. Compromise of cardiomyocyte nucleotide and phosphocreatine pools during H2O2-induced oxidative stress was completely dissociated from membrane peroxidative damage and maintenance of cell integrity. Cardiomyocyte de-energization in response to H2O2 overload may constitute a distinct nonperoxidative mode of injury by which cardiomyocyte energy balance could be chronically compromised in the post-ischemic heart. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary Differentiated neuroblastoma cells exhibit both the delayed rectifier potassium current (I K) and the M-current (I M). The present study was designed to determine the roles of protein kinase C (PKC) and of the calmodulin-binding protein 80K/MARCKS, a prominent substrate for PKC and possible regulator of these currents. Neuroblastoma x glioma (NG108-15) hybrid cells transfected with m1 muscarinic receptors were grown with 1% fetal bovine serum (FBS) without the prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) and isobutylmethylxanthine (IBMX) usually added in preparation for electrophysiological studies. Under these conditions, the usual pleomorphism was largely abolished, leaving two populations of small cells with stellate and spherically symmetrical geometries. Whole-cell patch clamping indicated that the two cell types had identical electrophysiological properties, displaying: I k, a small current through a T-like Ca2+ channel, and no M-current.Stimulation with carbachol shifted the distribution of cells to a more stellate morphology within 24 hr and later (after 48 hr) reduced the PKC substrate 80K/MARCKS by 22±7%. In contrast to the stimulation of I k observed with cardiac cells, PKC activation produced only a small inhibition of I k, which was independent of carbachol pretreatment. Thus, PKC and 80K/MARCKS can be dissociated from the regulation of I k in neuroblastoma cells.Supported in part by research grants from the National Institutes of Health (DK-40145 and EY-08343) and from the U.K. Medical Research Council.We thank Dr. Peter J. Parker for his generous gift of PKC, and Yvonne Vallis for her skillful assistance with the cultures and harvesting of the NG108-15 transfected cells.  相似文献   
Abstract: Apoptotic cell death plays a critical role in the development of the nervous system. The death of mature nondividing neurons that fail to receive appropriate input from the target field has been extensively studied. However, the mechanisms mediating the extensive cell death occurring in areas of the developing brain where proliferating neuroblasts differentiate into mature nondividing neurons have not been analyzed. We show here that the cell cycle arrest of a proliferating cell of neuronal origin by removal of serum results in either apoptotic cell death or differentiation to a mature nondividing neuronal cell. The proportion of cells undergoing death or differentiation is influenced in opposite directions by treatment of the cells with cyclic AMP and retinoic acid. This suggests that following the withdrawal of signals stimulating neuroblast cell division, neuronal cells either can cease to suppress a constitutive suicide pathway and hence die by apoptosis or, alternatively, can differentiate into a mature neuronal cell. Regulation of the balance between apoptosis and neuronal differentiation could therefore play a critical role in controlling the numbers of mature neurons that form.  相似文献   
Abstract: There appear to be two anatomically distinct β-endorphin (βE) pathways in the brain, the major one originating in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus and a smaller one in the area of the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) of the caudal medulla. Previous studies have shown that these two proopiomelanocortin (POMC) systems may be differentially regulated by chronic morphine treatment, with arcuate cells down-regulated and NTS cells unaffected. In the present experiments, we examined the effects of chronic opiate antagonist treatment on βE biosynthesis across different CNS regions to assess whether the arcuate POMC system would be regulated in the opposite direction to that seen after opiate agonist treatment and to determine whether different βE-containing areas might be differentially regulated. Male adult rats were administered naltrexone (NTX) by various routes for 8 days (subcutaneous pellets, osmotic minipumps, or repeated intraperitoneal injections). Brain and spinal cord regions were assayed for total βE-ir, different molecular weight immunoreactive β-endorphin (βE-ir) peptides, and POMC mRNA. Chronic NTX treatment, regardless of the route of administration, reduced total βE-ir concentrations by 30–40% in diencephalic areas (the arcuate nucleus, the remaining hypothalamus, and the thalamus) and the midbrain, but had no effect on βE-ir in the NTS or any region of the spinal cord. At the same time, NTX pelleting increased POMC mRNA levels in the arcuate to ~ 140% of control values. These data suggest that arcuate POMC neurons are up-regulated after chronic NTX treatment (whereas NTS and spinal cord systems remain unaffected) and that they appear to be under tonic inhibition by endogenous opioids. Chromatographic analyses demonstrated that, after chronic NTX pelleting, the ratio of full length βE1–31 to more processed βE-ir peptides (i.e., βE1–27 and βE1–26) tended to increase in a dose-dependent manner in diencephalic areas. Because βE1–31 is the only POMC product that possesses opioid agonist properties, and βE1–27 has been posited to function as an endogenous anatgonist of βE1–31, the NTX-induced changes in the relative concentrations of βE1–31 and βE1–27/βE1–26 may represent a novel regulatory mechanism of POMC cells to alter the opioid signal in the synapse.  相似文献   
Tobacco plants were genetically transformed to generate antisense RNA from a gene construct comprised of a full-length cucumber NADH-dependent hydroxypyruvate reductase (HPR) cDNA placed in reverse orientation between the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter and a nopaline synthase termination/polyadenylation signal sequence. In vivo accumulation of antisense HPR RNA within eight independent transgenic tobacco plants resulted in reductions of up to 50% in both native HPR activity and protein accumulation relative to untransformed tobacco plants (mean transgenote HPR activity=67% wild type, mean transgenote HPR protein=63% wild type). However, in contrast to previous reports describing antisense RNA effects in plants, production of the heterologous HPR antisense RNA did not systematically reduce levels of native tobacco HPR mRNA (mean transgenote HPR mRNA level=135% wild type). Simple regression comparison of the steady-state levels of tobacco HPR mRNA to those of HPR antisense RNA showed a weak positive correlation (r value of 0.548, n=9 ; n is wild type control plus eight independent transformants; significant at 85% confidence level), supporting the conclusion that native mRNA levels were not reduced within antisense plants. Although all transgenic antisense plants examined displayed an apparent reduction in both tobacco HPR protein and enzyme activity, there is no clear correlation between HPR activity and the amount of either sense (r=0.267, n=9) or antisense RNA (r=0.175, n=9). This compares to a weak positive correlation between HPR mRNA levels and the amount of HPR activity observed in wild-type SRI tobacco plants (r=0.603, n=5). The results suggest that in vivo production of this heterologous HPR antisense RNA is inhibitory at the level of HPR-specific translation and produces its effect in a manner not dependent upon, nor resulting in, a reduction in steady-state native HPR mRNA levels. In this context, the observed antisense effect appears to differ mechanistically from most antisense systems described to date.  相似文献   
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