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GIANT CENTRIOLE FORMATION IN SCIARA   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Although somatic tissues of Sciara contain 9-membered centrioles, germ line tissues develop giant centrioles with 60–90 singlet tubules disposed in an oval array. Some 9-membered centrioles still may be seen in second instar spermatogonia. Each of these centrioles is associated with a larger "daughter" or secondary centriole at right angles to it. Most centrioles of second instar spermatogonia consist of 20–50 singlet tubules arranged in an oval, sometimes associated with an even larger secondary centriole. The more recently formed centriole of a pair is distinguishable from its partner by a concentric band of electron-opaque material inside its tubules. If a pair of centrioles at right angles to each other is pictured as a "T" formed by two cylinders, the secondary centriole is always the stem of the T; the primary centriole is the top. The two centrioles are oriented at the pole of the mitotic spindle so that the tubules of the primary centriole are parallel to the spindle axis. Each daughter cell receives a pair of centrioles and, during interphase, each of these centrioles gives rise to a new daughter centriole. A Golgi area of characteristic morphology is found in association with centrioles shortly after two new ones have formed. We conclude that in Sciara a centriole may give rise to a daughter morphologically different from itself. Whether the daughter is a 9-membered or giant centriole depends on the tissue type and stage of development.  相似文献   
Addition of Triton X-100 to chloroplast suspensions to a final concentration of 100–200 µM causes an approximate tripling of chloroplast volume and complete inhibition of light-induced conformational changes, light-dependent hydrogen ion transport, and photophosphorylation. Electron microscopic studies show that chloroplasts treated in this manner manifest extensive swelling in the form of vesicles within their inner membrane structure. Triton was adsorbed to chloroplast membranes in a manner suggesting a partition between the membrane phase and the suspending medium, rather than a strong, irreversible binding. This adsorption results in the production of pores through which ions may freely pass, and it is suggested that the inhibition of conformational changes, hydrogen ion transport, and photophosphorylation by Triton is due to an inability of treated chloroplast membranes to maintain a light-dependent pH gradient. The observed swelling is due to water influx in response to a fixed, osmotically active species within the chloroplasts, after ionic equilibrium has occurred. This is supported by the fact that chloroplasts will shrink upon Triton addition if a nonpenetrating, osmotically active material such as dextran or polyvinylpyrrolidone is present externally in sufficient concentration (>0.1 mM) to offset the osmotic activity of the internal species.  相似文献   
Measurement of the weight of individual virus particles from untreated and antibody-treated populations was made by quantitative electron microscopy. The weight of antibody bound depended on the concentration of antibody in solution. One population of viruses exposed to an antibody concentration which resulted in 95% inhibition of hemagglutination showed a mass increase of 55%, corresponding to an absolute increase of 9.0 x 10-17 g in the median value. Another population, whose hemagglutination inhibition assay was 64%, showed a 39% increase in mass corresponding to an absolute median increase of 7.3 x 10-17 g. The larger viruses in each population bound a greater absolute amount of antibody than did the smaller ones, but the latter bound relatively more antibody in proportion to their mass. No cross-reactivity was found between the antibody to influenza A/PR8 and the influenza strain B/LEE. Influenza A/PR8 controls exposed to nonspecific gamma-globulin displayed a significant weight loss, at least in part owing to loss from the core, as judged from the electron micrographs.  相似文献   
On Bioelectric Potentials in an Inhomogeneous Volume Conductor   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Green's theorem is used to derive two sets of expressions for the quasi-static potential distribution in an inhomogeneous volume conductor. The current density in passive regions is assumed to be linearly related instantaneously to the electric field. Two equations are derived relating potentials to an arbitrary distribution of impressed currents. In one, surfaces of discontinuity in electrical conductivity are replaced by double layers and in the other, by surface charges. A multipole equivalent generator is defined and related both to the potential distribution on the outer surface of the volume conductor and to the current sources. An alternative result involves the electric field at the outer surface rather than the potential. Finally, the impressed currents are related to electrical activity at the membranes of active cells. The normal component of membrane current density is assumed to be equal at both membrane surfaces. One expression is obtained involving the potentials at the inner and outer surfaces of the membrane. A second expression involves the transmembrane potential and the normal component of membrane current.  相似文献   
In attempting to understand the yield region of the α β transformation in keratins (Astbury and Woods, 1933), we recently proposed a statistical-mechanical model (David and Schor, 1965) which generalized the work done by others on the helix random coil transformation (Zimm and Bragg, 1959; Gibbs and DiMarzio, 1959) (thermal denaturation) to the case of a polypeptide under external tension (Birstein, 1962). We wish now to report the comparison of the quantitative aspects of this model to the observed tension-length isotherms (in the yield region) of Cotswold wool.  相似文献   
Haemophilus parainfluenzae was capable of synthesizing 22 fatty acids. These fatty acids were equivalent to 4% of the bacterial dry weight. These fatty acids were localized in the membrane-wall complex, which contained the respiratory pigments, the quinone, and the phospholipids. The fatty acids which could be extracted with organic solvents comprised 86% of the total fatty acids of the cell. These fatty acids were distributed as 98% in the phospholipids and 1.9% in the neutral lipids, of which 0.5% were free fatty acids. Palmitic, palmitoleic, oleic, and vaccenic acids comprised 72% of the total fatty acids and were found almost exclusively in the phospholipids. The phospholipids also contained the cyclopropane fatty acids. The neutral lipids contained significant proportions of the odd-numbered branched and straight-chain fatty acids. The principal free fatty acids were n-dodecanoic and pentadecenoic acids. The nonextractable wall complex contained 14% of the total fatty acids. These wall fatty acids were rendered soluble only after saponification. The wall fraction contained all of the beta-hydroxymyristic acid and most of the myristoleic and pentadecenoic acids. The significance of the distribution of fatty acids between nonesterified, neutral lipid, phospholipid, and nonextractible wall remains to be determined.  相似文献   
Satisfactory extraction and assay procedures have been developed for the lipids of Staphylococcus aureus. The following lipids have been characterized in detail: the vitamin K(2), which is shown to exist as isoprenologues with side chains of 35, 40, and 45 carbon atoms; monoglucosyldiglyceride and diglucosyldiglyceride, which account for all the carbohydrate in the lipid extracts; the lysyl ester of phosphatidyl glycerol, phosphatidyl glycerol, and cardiolipin, which account for 98% of the phosphate in the lipid extract. The extraction procedure removes 98% of the total bacterial fatty acids. Acidification of the medium before harvest and refluxing in isopropanol are critical in the extraction procedure for the maximal recovery of lysyl-phosphatidyl glycerol and the glucolipids. The lipids have been shown to be a part of the same membrane as the respiratory pigments.  相似文献   
Numerous reports have indicated that a single histoplasmin skin test may stimulate humoral antibodies to Histoplasma capsulatum antigens in histoplasmin-hypersensitive individuals. Although these investigations concur that antibody elevations are evoked, they vary in the reported degree of incidence and response induced, and they cast doubt on the interpretation of serological tests in the diagnosis of histoplasmosis. Histoplasmin-hypersensitive subjects (114) were bled prior to administration of the skin test, 2 days later, at the time this test was read, and 15 and 30 days after testing. No significant antibody titers were observed at 2 days. At 15- and 30-day intervals, only 17 (15%) of the subjects demonstrated circulating antibodies. All 17 showed agar gel bands; 5 demonstrated no complement-fixation (CF) titers, 10 produced CF antibodies ranging from 1:8 to 1:16, and 2 demonstrated titers of 1:32. The data suggest that skin testing does not interfere significantly with antibody levels in sera drawn approximately 2 days after administration of antigen. However, since titers as high as 1:32 were obtained at later intervals, such reactions should be evaluated cautiously and only after consideration of clinical findings.  相似文献   
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