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Homogeneously purified poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) specifically stimulated the activity of immunoaffinity-purified calf or human DNA polymerase by about 6 to 60-fold. Apparently, poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of DNA polymerase was not necessary for the stimulation. The effects of PARP on DNA polymerase were biphasic: at very low concentrations of DNA, it rather inhibited its activity, whereas, at higher DNA concentrations, PARP greatly stimulated it. The autopoly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of PARP suppressed both its stimulatory and inhibitory effects. By immunoprecipitation with an anti-DNA polymerase antibody, it was clearly shown that PARP may be physically associated with DNA polymerase . Stimulation of DNA polymerase may be attributed to the physical association between the two, rather than to the DNA-binding capacity of PARP, since the PARP fragment containing only the DNA binding domain showed little stimulatory activity. The existence of PARP-DNA polymerase complexes were also detected in crude extracts of calf thymus.  相似文献   
Mesenchymal cells (fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells) and endothelial cells were shown to interact with elastin fibers. The strong adhesion of elastin fibers to these cells is mediated by a cell membrane complex with a major glycoprotein component of 120 kDa designated as elastonectin. This interaction was studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and immunocytochemical techniques using antibodies raised against the elastin adhesive proteins. When fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells were cultured in presence of elastin fibers, TEM showed an adhesion mechanism that takes place over several sites along the plasma membrane of these cells. Endothelial cells showed a very close association with elastin, emitting “pseudopodia” that embody the fibers. TEM, indirect immunofluorescence, immunoperoxidase, and confocal microscopy showed the presence and localization of cell membrane components synthesized in large quantities when cells were incubated in presence of elastin. Cells without elastin fibers barely revealed the adhesive membrane complex. These results confirm and extend previous findings concerning the presence of an inducible cell membrane complex that mediates the adhesion of elastin fibers to these cell types. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Leaf and stem explants of passionfruit (Passiflora eadulis fv flavicarpa) were co-cultivated with a disarmed strain of Agrobacterium tunefaciens harbouring the co-integrate vector pMON200. Four plants of passionfruit were regenerated from leaf explants on agar-solidified Murashige and Skoog (1962) based medium containing 4.43 M 6-benzyl-aminopurine and supplemented with 86 M kanamycin sulphate. The four plants were rooted by transfer to MS based medium with 14.7 M 3-indolebutyric acid and 2.68 M -naphthyleneacetic acid for 7 d, followed by MS based medium lacking growth regulators. Both media used for rooting contained 172 M kanamycin sulphate. Rooted plants were potted and grown to maturity. Three of the plants synthesised nopaline and expressed neomycin phosphotransferase activity; DNA dot blot and polymerase chain reaction analyses confirmed the presence of the neomycin phosphotransferase gene in three plants.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - CTAB hexadecy-Itrimethylammonium bromide - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - IBA 3-indolebutyric acid - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) - NAA -naphthyleneacetic acid - NPTII neomycin phosphotransferase II - nptII neomycin phosphotransferase II gene - PCR polymerase chain reaction - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - Tris tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane  相似文献   
Many studies have reported on the dental status of elderly patients. The results demonstrate consistent differences between normative and perceived needs in addition to varying levels of awareness of dental education among carers. This review article attempts to integrate a range of social factors which must be considered if holistic and comprehensive care is to be delivered to elderly patients.  相似文献   
It is generally accepted that the Kd for hormone binding to estrogen receptors in extracts ranges between 0.1–1 nM and that binding displays positive cooperativity due to formation of homodimers. After carefully optimizing assay procedures, to diminish ligand depletion phenomena and to fully control recoveries, we find a single class of non-interacting high affinity hormone binding sites with a Kd of approx. 10 pM. Ligand depletion was avoided by decreasing receptor concentrations to 5–8 pM. We were therefore obliged to employ radioiodinated estradiol as a probe as the specific radioactivity of tritiated estradiol was too low to maintain the accuracy of the binding assay. Human estrogen receptor extracted from the MCF7 cell line and recombinantly produced (in yeast) wild-type human receptor have identical equilibrium hormone binding characteristics.  相似文献   
Several groups have reported protection against experimental SIV infection in macaques immunized with a whole inactivated virus vaccine. The aim of the current study was to investigate whether five macaques vaccinated with whole inactivated SIV and previously shown to be protected against challenge with two divergent strains of SIV grown on human cells could resist challenge with a subsequent homologous SIV grown on macaque cells. We show here that this same vaccine did not protect when the challenge virus was grown on primary cells of monkey origin.  相似文献   
In six chronic dialyzed uremic patients, an intravenous sodium selenite (Se 50 μg during 5 wk and then 100 μg) and zinc gluconate (Zn 5 mg) supplementation was performed during 20 wk at each dialysis session three times weekly. Before supplementation, plasma Se and Zn, plasma and erythrocytes (RBC) antioxidant metalloenzymes glutathione peroxidase (GPX), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were significantly decreased, whereas lipid peroxidation (as thiobarbituric acid reactants TBARs) was increased. To obtain a significative change in plasma selenium, we had to use an Se dose of 100 μg/dialysis session. Then, treatment-increased plasma Se (from 0.58 ±0.09 to 0.89±0.16 μmol/L) led to a repletion of RBC-GPX (from 29.6±6 to 43±5.8 U/g Hb) and increased plasma GPX levels (from 62±13 to 151±43 U/L). Plasma Zn and RBC-SOD did not vary significantly. The change of TBARs was not observed between wk 1 and 4. They decreased significantly between wk 4 (4.80±0.21μmol/L) and wk 20 (4.16±0.26 μmol/L). We noted a low correlation between TBARs and plasma GPX. A strong correlation was observed between Se and plasma GPX. The reversal of Se deficiencies should reduce oxidative damage observed in these patients.  相似文献   
Abstract: The effect of Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) treatment (100 mg/kg/day, per os, for 14 days) on electroconvulsive shock (ECS)-induced accumulation of free fatty acids (FFA) and diacylglycerols (DAG) was analyzed in rat cerebral cortex and hippocampus. EGb 761 reduced the FFA pool size by 33% and increased the DAG pool by 36% in the hippocampus. These endogenous lipids were unaffected in cerebral cortex. During the tonic seizure (10 s after ECS) the fast accumulation of FFA, mainly 20:4, was similar in sham- and EGb 761 -treated rats, in both the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. However, further accumulation of free 18:0 and 20:4, observed in the hippocampus of sham-treated rats during clonic seizures (30 s to 2 min after ECS), did not occur in EGb 761-treated animals. The rise in DAG content triggered in the cortex and hippocampus by ECS was delayed by EGb 761 treatment from 10 s to 1 min, when values similar to those in sham animals were attained. Moreover, in the hippocampus the size of the total DAG pool was decreased by 19% during the tonic seizure. At later times, DAG content showed a faster decrease in EGb 761-treated rats. By 2 min levels of all DAG acyl groups decreased to values significantly lower than in sham animals in both cortex and hippocampus. This study shows that EGb 761 treatment affects, with high selectivity, lipid metabolism and lipid-derived second messenger release and removal in the hippocampus, while affecting to a lesser extent the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   
Mangroves are among the most carbon-dense ecosystems worldwide. Most of the carbon in mangroves is found belowground, and root production might be an important control of carbon accumulation, but has been rarely quantified and understood at the global scale. Here, we determined the global mangrove root production rate and its controls using a systematic review and a recently formalised, spatially explicit mangrove typology framework based on geomorphological settings. We found that global mangrove root production averaged ~770 ± 202 g of dry biomass m−2 year−1 globally, which is much higher than previously reported and close to the root production of the most productive tropical forests. Geomorphological settings exerted marked control over root production together with air temperature and precipitation (r2 ≈ 30%, p < .001). Our review shows that individual global changes (e.g. warming, eutrophication, drought) have antagonist effects on root production, but they have rarely been studied in combination. Based on this newly established root production rate, root-derived carbon might account for most of the total carbon buried in mangroves, and 19 Tg C lost in mangroves each year (e.g. as CO2). Inclusion of root production measurements in understudied geomorphological settings (i.e. deltas), regions (Indonesia, South America and Africa) and soil depth (>40 cm), as well as the creation of a mangrove root trait database will push forward our understanding of the global mangrove carbon cycle for now and the future. Overall, this review presents a comprehensive analysis of root production in mangroves, and highlights the central role of root production in the global mangrove carbon budget.  相似文献   
We examinedchlL (frxC) gene evolution using several approaches. Sequences from the chloroplast genome of the fernPolystichum acrostichoides and from the cyanobacteriumSynechococcus sp. 7002 were determined and found to be highly conserved. A complete physical map of the fern chloroplast genome and partial maps of other vascular plant taxa show thatchlL is located primarily in the small single copy region as inMarchantia polymorpha. A survey of a wide variety of non-angiospermous vascular plant DNAs shows thatchlL is widely distributed but has been lost in the pteridophytePsilotum and (presumably independently) within the Gnetalean gymnosperms.The namefrxC was originally used to denote a gene encoding a product with probable Fe : S cluster binding activity. This activity was postulated due to the amino acid sequence similarity between this product and the Fe : S-binding nitrogenase iron proteinnifH. Fe : S-binding is a property shared by ferredoxins, which are denoted by the prefix frx. However, this gene does not encode a ferredoxin. It is much larger than any known ferredoxin, it binds its Fe : S cluster between two halves of a homodimer (Fujita & al. 1989,Burke & al. 1993 a, c) instead of within a single subunit, and it lacks the pattern of clustered cysteines present in all ferredoxins (Meyer 1988). Therefore, we use the namechlL to recognize the sequence and functional similarities to the bacterial PChlide reductase subunit,bchL. Similar usage has been adopted for this (Suzuki & Bauer 1992) and other (Choquet & al. 1992,Burke & al. 1993b) PChlide reductase subunits.  相似文献   
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