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We have previously shown that Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans produces an immunosuppressive factor encoded by the cytolethal distending toxin (cdt)B gene. In this study, we used rCdt peptides to study the contribution of each subunit to toxin activity. As previously reported, CdtB is the only Cdt subunit that is capable of inducing cell cycle arrest by itself. Although CdtA and CdtC do not exhibit activity alone, each subunit is able to significantly enhance the ability of CdtB to induce G2 arrest in Jurkat cells; these effects were dependent upon protein concentration. Moreover, the combined addition of both CdtA and CdtC increased the ED50 for CdtB >7000-fold. In another series of experiments, we demonstrate that the three Cdt peptides are able to form a functional toxin unit on the cell surface. However, these interactions first require that a complex forms between the CdtA and CdtC subunits, indicating that these peptides are required for interaction between the cell and the holotoxin. This conclusion is further supported by experiments in which both Jurkat cells and normal human lymphocytes were protected from Cdt holotoxin-induced G2 arrest by pre-exposure to CdtA and CdtC. Finally, we have used optical biosensor technology to show that CdtA and CdtC have a strong affinity for one another (10(-7) M). Furthermore, although CdtB is unable to bind to either CdtA or CdtC alone, it is capable of forming a stable complex with CdtA/CdtC. The implications of our results with respect to the function and structure of the Cdt holotoxin are discussed.  相似文献   
The virulence loci play an essential role in tumor formation by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Induction of vir gene expression by plant signal molecules is solely dependent on the virulence loci virA and virG. This study focused on the virA locus of the octopine type Ti plasmid pTi15955. The nucleic acid sequence of a 5.7-kilobase fragment encompassing virA was determined. Genetic analysis of this region revealed that virA contains one open reading frame coding for a protein of 91 639 daltons. Immunodetection with antibodies raised against a 35-kDa VirA fusion protein produced in E. coli identified the VirA product in wild-type Agrobacterium cells. Moreover, it is shown that the VirA protein is located in the cytoplasmic membrane fraction of Agrobacterium. These data confirm the proposed regulatory function of VirA whereby VirA acts as a membrane sensor protein to identify plant signal molecules in the environment. The proposed sensory function of VirA strikingly resembles the function of the chemotaxis receptor proteins of E. coli.  相似文献   
Acarbose blocks the digestion of complex carbohydrates, and the NIA Intervention Testing Program (ITP) found that it improved survival when fed to mice. Yet, we do not know if lifespan extension was caused by its effect on metabolism with regard to the soma or cancer suppression. Cancer caused death for ~80% of ITP mice. The ITP found rapamycin, an inhibitor to the pro‐growth mTORC1 (mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1) pathway, improved survival and it suppressed tumors in Apc+/Min mice providing a plausible rationale to ask if acarbose had a similar effect. Apc+/Min is a mouse model prone to intestinal polyposis and a mimic of familial adenomatous polyposis in people. Polyp‐associated anemia contributed to their death. To address this knowledge gap, we fed two doses of acarbose to Apc+/Min mice. Acarbose improved median survival at both doses. A cross‐sectional analysis was performed next. At both doses, ACA fed mice exhibited reduced intestinal crypt depth, weight loss despite increased food consumption and reduced postprandial blood glucose and plasma insulin, indicative of improved insulin sensitivity. Dose‐independent and dose‐dependent compensatory liver responses were observed for AMPK and mTORC1 activities, respectively. Only mice fed the high dose diet exhibited reductions in tumor number with higher hematocrits. Because low‐dose acarbose improved lifespan but failed to reduced tumors, its effects seem to be independent of cancer. These data implicate the importance of improved carbohydrate metabolism on survival.  相似文献   
The conversion of dihydroorotate to orotate, one of the key reactions in the de novo pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway, has been studied in a number of parasitic protozoa. Enzyme activities capable of carrying out this reaction were detected in six members of the Kinetoplastida (Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma congolense, Trypanosoma vivax, Trypanosoma lewisi, Trypanosoma cruzi, Leishmania enriettii) and three members of the genus Plasmodium (P. knowlesi, P. berghei, P. gallinaceum). The mechanism of the reaction in the two groups of protozoa were quite distinct. In the Kinetoplastida, the enzyme is an hydroxylase which occurs in the soluble fraction of the cell and probably requires tetrahydrobiopterin for activity. In contrast, in Plasmodium, the enzyme is a dehydrogenase which is particulate, probably mitochondrial, and intimately connected to the electron transport chain to which it passes electrons directly, probably at the ubiquinone level. Neither activity is regulated by fully formed pyrimidines. The enzyme in Plasmodium is similar in mechanism to the isofunctional mammalian enzyme. However, since malarial ubiquinones are apparently different from those in the mammal and since menoctone, which is active in vivo in experimental malaria, is a good inhibitor of the malarial enzyme, it could represent a useful target for chemotherapeutic attack. The enzyme in the Kinetoplastida is quite distinct from that in the mammal so that it too apparently falls into this category, though none of the currently used antitrypanosomal drugs appears to block it activity at physiological concentrations.  相似文献   
Cancer cells are exposed to external and internal stresses by virtue of their unrestrained growth, hostile microenvironment, and increased mutation rate. These stresses impose a burden on protein folding and degradation pathways and suggest a route for therapeutic intervention in cancer. Proteasome and Hsp90 inhibitors are in clinical trials and a 20S proteasome inhibitor, Velcade, is an approved drug. Other points of intervention in the folding and degradation pathway may therefore be of interest. We describe a simple screen for inhibitors of protein synthesis, folding, and proteasomal degradation pathways in this paper. The molecular chaperone-dependent client v-Src was fused to firefly luciferase and expressed in HCT-116 colorectal tumor cells. Both luciferase and protein tyrosine kinase activity were preserved in cells expressing this fusion construct. Exposing these cells to the Hsp90 inhibitor geldanamycin caused a rapid reduction of luciferase and kinase activities and depletion of detergent-soluble v-Src::luciferase fusion protein. Hsp70 knockdown reduced v-Src::luciferase activity and, when combined with geldanamycin, caused a buildup of v-Src::luciferase and ubiquitinated proteins in a detergent-insoluble fraction. Proteasome inhibitors also decreased luciferase activity and caused a buildup of phosphotyrosine-containing proteins in a detergent-insoluble fraction. Protein synthesis inhibitors also reduced luciferase activity, but had less of an effect on phosphotyrosine levels. In contrast, certain histone deacetylase inhibitors increased luciferase and phosphotyrosine activity. A mass screen led to the identification of Hsp90 inhibitors, ubiquitin pathway inhibitors, inhibitors of Hsp70/Hsp40-mediated refolding, and protein synthesis inhibitors. The largest group of compounds identified in the screen increased luciferase activity, and some of these increase v-Src levels and activity. When used in conjunction with appropriate secondary assays, this screen is a powerful cell-based tool for studying compounds that affect protein synthesis, folding, and degradation.  相似文献   
“Super-blooms” of cyanobacteria that produce potent and environmentally persistent biotoxins (microcystins) are an emerging global health issue in freshwater habitats. Monitoring of the marine environment for secondary impacts has been minimal, although microcystin-contaminated freshwater is known to be entering marine ecosystems. Here we confirm deaths of marine mammals from microcystin intoxication and provide evidence implicating land-sea flow with trophic transfer through marine invertebrates as the most likely route of exposure. This hypothesis was evaluated through environmental detection of potential freshwater and marine microcystin sources, sea otter necropsy with biochemical analysis of tissues and evaluation of bioaccumulation of freshwater microcystins by marine invertebrates. Ocean discharge of freshwater microcystins was confirmed for three nutrient-impaired rivers flowing into the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, and microcystin concentrations up to 2,900 ppm (2.9 million ppb) were detected in a freshwater lake and downstream tributaries to within 1 km of the ocean. Deaths of 21 southern sea otters, a federally listed threatened species, were linked to microcystin intoxication. Finally, farmed and free-living marine clams, mussels and oysters of species that are often consumed by sea otters and humans exhibited significant biomagnification (to 107 times ambient water levels) and slow depuration of freshwater cyanotoxins, suggesting a potentially serious environmental and public health threat that extends from the lowest trophic levels of nutrient-impaired freshwater habitat to apex marine predators. Microcystin-poisoned sea otters were commonly recovered near river mouths and harbors and contaminated marine bivalves were implicated as the most likely source of this potent hepatotoxin for wild otters. This is the first report of deaths of marine mammals due to cyanotoxins and confirms the existence of a novel class of marine “harmful algal bloom” in the Pacific coastal environment; that of hepatotoxic shellfish poisoning (HSP), suggesting that animals and humans are at risk from microcystin poisoning when consuming shellfish harvested at the land-sea interface.  相似文献   
Stem bromelain is a proteolytic phytoprotein with a variety of therapeutic effects. Understanding its structural properties could provide insight into the mechanisms underlying its clinical utility. Stem bromelain was evaluated for its conformational and folding properties at the pH conditions it encounters when administered orally. It exists as a partially folded intermediate at pH 2.0. The conformational changes to this intermediate state were evaluated using fluorinated alcohols known to induce changes similar to those seen in vivo. Studies using circular dichroism, fluorescence emission spectroscopy, binding of the hydrophobic dye 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonic acid and mass spectrometry indicate that treatment with 10–30% hexafluoroisopropanol induces the partially folded intermediate to adopt much of the native protein's secondary structure, but only a rudimentary tertiary structure, characteristic of the molten globule state. Addition of slightly higher concentrations of hexafluoroisopropanol caused transformation from an α-helix to a β-sheet and induced formation of a compact nonnative structure. This nonnative form was more inhibitory of cell survival than either the native or the partially folded intermediate forms, as measured by enhanced suppression of proliferative cues (e.g., extracellular-signal-regulated kinase) and initiation of apoptotic events. The nonnative form also showed better antitumorigenic properties, as evaluated using an induced two-stage mouse skin papilloma model. In contrast, the nonnative state showed only a fraction of the proteolytic activity of the native form. This study demonstrates that hexafluoroisopropanol can induce a conformational change in stem bromelain to a form with potentially useful therapeutic properties different from those of the native protein.  相似文献   
In most cilia, the axoneme can be subdivided into three segments: proximal (the transition zone), middle (with outer doublet microtubules), and distal (with singlet extensions of outer doublet microtubules). How the functionally distinct segments of the axoneme are assembled and maintained is not well understood. DYF-1 is a highly conserved ciliary protein containing tetratricopeptide repeats. In Caenorhabditis elegans, DYF-1 is specifically needed for assembly of the distal segment (G. Ou, O. E. Blacque, J. J. Snow, M. R. Leroux, and J. M. Scholey. Nature. 436:583-587, 2005). We show that Tetrahymena cells lacking an ortholog of DYF-1, Dyf1p, can assemble only extremely short axoneme remnants that have structural defects of diverse natures, including the absence of central pair and outer doublet microtubules and incomplete or absent B tubules on the outer microtubules. Thus, in Tetrahymena, DYF-1 is needed for either assembly or stability of the entire axoneme. Our observations support the conserved function for DYF-1 in axoneme assembly or stability but also show that the consequences of loss of DYF-1 for axoneme segments are organism specific.Cilia are microtubule-rich cellular extensions that arise from basal bodies near the surfaces of most eukaryotic cell types. Defective cilia cause a wide variety of diseases, including polycystic kidney disease, primary ciliary dyskinesia, and retinal degeneration (3). A typical motile cilium has a microtubule-based framework, the axoneme, which contains nine outer (mostly doublet) microtubules and two central (singlet) microtubules. In most cilia, the axoneme can be subdivided into three segments: proximal (transition zone), middle (containing outer doublet microtubules), and distal (containing singlet extensions of peripheral microtubules). The outer doublet microtubules of the middle segment have a complete tubule A made of 13 protofilaments and an incomplete tubule B made of 11 protofilaments that is fused to the wall of the A tubule (36, 57). The outer microtubules in the distal segment lack the B tubule (32, 49). The distal segment also lacks dynein arms and radial spokes, and its microtubules are terminated by caps that are associated with the plasma membranes at the tips of cilia (11, 50). The distal segments are characterized by a high level of microtubule turnover, which could play a role in the regulation of the length of cilia (31).The mechanisms that establish the segmental subdivision of the axoneme are not well understood. Studies of Caenorhabditis elegans indicate that the distal segment is assembled using a mechanism that differs from the one utilized in the middle and proximal segments (54). In most cell types, ciliogenesis is dependent on the intraflagellar transport (IFT) pathway, a bidirectional motility of protein aggregates, known as IFT particles, that occurs along outer microtubules (10, 28, 29, 42). IFT particles are believed to provide platforms for transport of axonemal precursors (23, 44). The anterograde component of IFT that delivers cargo from the cell body to the tips of cilia is carried out by kinesin-2 motors (28, 63), whereas the cytoplasmic dynein DHC1b is responsible for the retrograde IFT (41, 43, 53). Importantly, in the well-studied amphid cilia of C. elegans, two distinct kinesin-2 complexes are involved in the anterograde IFT and differ in movement velocity: the “slow” heterotrimeric kinesin-II and the “fast” homodimeric OSM-3 kinesin (54). While kinesin-II and OSM-3 work redundantly to assemble the middle segment, OSM-3 alone functions in the assembly of the distal segment (39, 56).In C. elegans, DYF-1 is specifically required for assembly of the distal segment (39). In the DYF-1 mutant, the rate of IFT in the remaining middle segment is reduced to the level of the slow kinesin-II, suggesting that the Osm3 complex is nonfunctional and that kinesin-II functions alone in the middle segment. Thus, DYF-1 could either activate OSM-3 kinesin or dock OSM-3 to IFT particles (14, 39).However, a recent study of zebrafish has led to a different model for DYF-1 function. Zebrafish embryos that are homozygous for a loss of function of fleer, an ortholog of DYF-1, have shortened olfactory and pronephric cilia and ultrastructural defects in the axonemes. In the middle segment, the fleer axonemes have B tubules that are disconnected from the A tubule, indicating that DYF-1 functions in the middle segment and could play a role in the stability of doublet microtubules (40). Earlier, a similar mutant phenotype was reported in Tetrahymena for a mutation in the C-terminal tail domain of β-tubulin, at the glutamic acid residues that are used by posttranslational polymodifications (glycylation and glutamylation) (47). Glycylation (46) and glutamylation (12) are conserved polymeric posttranslational modifications that affect tubulin and are highly enriched on microtubules of axonemes and centrioles (reviewed in reference 20). Other studies have indicated that tubulin glutamylation contributes to the assembly and stability of axonemes and centrioles (4, 8). The fleer mutant zebrafish cilia have reduced levels of glutamylated tubulin (40). Pathak and colleagues proposed that the primary role of DYF-1/fleer is to serve as an IFT cargo adapter for a tubulin glutamic acid ligase (25) and that the effects of lack of function of DYF-1/fleer could be caused by deficiency in tubulin glutamylation in the axoneme (40). As an alternative hypothesis, the same authors proposed that DYF-1 is a structural component that stabilizes the doublet microtubules in the axoneme (40).Here, we evaluate the significance of a DYF-1 ortholog, Dyf1p, in Tetrahymena thermophila. Unexpectedly, we found that Tetrahymena cells lacking Dyf1p either fail to assemble an axoneme or can assemble an axoneme remnant. While our observations revealed major differences in the significance of DYF-1 for segmental differentiation in diverse models, it is clear that DYF-1 is a conserved and critical component that is required for assembly of the axoneme.  相似文献   
We have previously demonstrated that the replacement of the S gene from an avirulent strain (Beaudette) of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) with an S gene from a virulent strain (M41) resulted in a recombinant virus (BeauR-M41(S)) with the in vitro cell tropism of the virulent virus but that was still avirulent. In order to investigate whether any of the other structural or accessory genes played a role in pathogenicity we have now replaced these from the Beaudette strain with those from M41. The recombinant IBV was in effect a chimaeric virus with the replicase gene derived from Beaudette and the rest of the genome from M41. This demonstrated that it is possible to exchange a large region of the IBV genome, approximately 8.4 kb, using our transient dominant selection method. Recovery of a viable recombinant IBV also demonstrated that it is possible to interchange a complete replicase gene as we had in effect replaced the M41 replicase gene with the Beaudette derived gene. Analysis of the chimaeric virus showed that it was avirulent indicating that none of the structural or accessory genes derived from a virulent isolate of IBV were able to restore virulence and that therefore, the loss of virulence associated with the Beaudette strain resides in the replicase gene.  相似文献   
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