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The terrestrial New Zealand fauna has developed on an ancient landmass of continental origins that has had an increasingly isolated existence since the late Mesozoic. As a continental remnant, New Zealand harbours survivors of many ancient lineages many of which were once far more widely distributed. But New Zealand's fauna also resembles that of an isolated archipelago: many higher taxa are missing; some have undergone extensive radiations in situ; and levels of endemism approach 100% in many groups. Ecologically, the fauna is characterized by frequent niche shifts, gigantism, and extended life histories with low reproductive rates, factors that make many species vulnerable to human disturbance. Data continue to amass supporting the ecophysiological as well as phylogenetic distinctiveness of the fauna. Described taxonomic diversity, even of terrestrial vertebrates, continues to increase.  相似文献   
The osmotic and ion-specific components of salt-induced inhibition of leaf expansion growth were investigated in beans grown from 12 h to several days in either NaCl-containing solution cultures, an isosmotic concentrated macronutrient solution, or a vermiculite–compost mixture with low Na+ but high Cl availability. Inhibition of leaf expansion and leaf ABA increase was more intense in the NaCl than in the isosmotic macronutrient treatment. Root Na+ was highly correlated to inhibition of leaf expansion and leaf or xylem sap ABA. When Na+ was sequestered in soil, salinized plants showed no reduction in leaf expansion or ABA increase, regardless of the presence of high leaf Cl concentrations. Stomatal conductance exhibited an exponential relationship with the reciprocal value of xylem sap ABA. Our results indicate that an ion-specific effect caused by Na+ in roots may account for an ABA-mediated reponse of both stomatal closure and leaf expansion inhibition.  相似文献   
Trophic supplements to intraguild predation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Intraguild predation (IGP) is a dominant community module in terrestrial food webs that occurs when multiple consumers feed both on each other and on a shared prey. This specific form of omnivory is common in terrestrial communities and is of particular interest for conservation biology and biological control given its potential to disrupt management of threatened or pest species. Extensive theory exists to describe the dynamics of three-species IGP, but these models have largely overlooked the potential for other, exterior interactions, to alter the dynamics within the IGP module. We investigated how three forms of feeding outside of the IGP module by intraguild predators (i.e. trophic supplementation) affect the dynamics of the predators (both IG predator and IG prey) and their shared resource. Specifically, we examined how the provision of a constant donor-controlled resource, the availability of an alternative prey species, and predator plant-feeding affect the dynamics of IGP models. All three forms of trophic supplements modified the basic expectations of IGP theory in two important ways, and their effects were similar. First, coexistence was possible without the IG prey being a superior competitor for the original shared resource if the IG prey could effectively exploit one of the types of trophic supplements. However, supplements to the IG predator restricted the potential for coexistence. Second, supplements to the IG prey ameliorated the disruptive effects of the IG predator on the suppression of the shared resource, promoting effective control of the resource in the presence of both predators. Consideration of these three forms of trophic supplementation, all well documented in natural communities, adds substantial realism and predictive power to intraguild predation theory.  相似文献   
In addition to the well-defined contribution of the liver, adipose tissue has been recognized as an important source of angiotensinogen (AGT). The purpose of this study was to define the angiotensin II (ANG II) receptors involved in regulation of adipose AGT and the relationship of this control to systemic AGT and/or angiotensin peptide concentrations. In LDL receptor-deficient (LDLR(-/-)) male mice, adipose mRNA abundance of AGT was 68% of that in liver, and adipose mRNA abundance of the angiotensin type 1a (AT(1a)) receptor (AT(1a)R) was 38% of that in liver, whereas mRNA abundance of the angiotensin type 2 (AT(2)) receptor (AT(2)R) was 57% greater in adipose tissue than in liver. AGT and angiotensin peptide concentrations were decreased in plasma of AT(1a)R-deficient (AT(1a)R(-/-)) mice and were paralleled by reductions in AGT expression in liver. In contrast, adipose AGT mRNA abundance was unaltered in AT(1a)R(-/-) mice. AT(2)R(-/-) mice exhibited elevated plasma angiotensin peptide concentrations and marked elevations in adipose AGT and AT(1a)R mRNA abundance. Increases in adipose AGT mRNA abundance in AT(2)R(-/-) mice were abolished by losartan. In contrast, liver AGT and AT(1a)R mRNA abundance were unaltered in AT(2)R(-/-) mice. Infusion of ANG II for 28 days into LDLR(-/-) mice markedly increased adipose AGT and AT(1a)R mRNA but did not alter liver AGT and AT(1a)R mRNA. These results demonstrate that differential mRNA abundance of AT(1a)/AT(2) receptors in adipose tissue vs. liver contributes to tissue-specific ANG II-mediated regulation of AGT. Chronic infusion of ANG II robustly stimulated AT(1a)R and AGT mRNA abundance in adipose tissue, suggesting that adipose tissue serves as a primary contributor to the activated systemic renin-angiotensin system.  相似文献   
We used a multi-gene approach to assess the phylogenetic relationships of New Zealand diplodactylid geckos to their Australian and New Caledonian relatives and to one another. Data from nuclear (RAG-1, PDC) and mitochondrial (ND2, 16S) genes from >180 specimens representing all 19 recognized New Zealand taxa and all but two of 20 putatively new species suggested by previous studies were analyzed using Maximum Parsimony, Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian inference. All analyses retrieved a monophyletic New Zealand clade, most closely related to the Australian Diplodactylidae exclusive of Pseudothecadactylus. Hoplodactylus is paraphyletic and composed of two morphological groups: a broad-toed clade, consisting of the island-restricted, largest extant species, Hoplodactylus duvaucelii, and the species-rich, wide-ranging Hoplodactylus maculatus clade; and a narrow-toed clade, comprising five monophyletic subgroups: Naultinus, the Hoplodactylus pacificus and Hoplodactylus granulatus clades, and the distinctive species Hoplodactylus rakiurae and Hoplodactylus stephensi. Each of these lineages is here recognized at the generic level. Our data support recognition of 16 new species (36 total), and five new or resurrected genera (seven total). The New Zealand diplodactylid radiation split from its Australian relatives 40.2mya (95% highest posterior density estimate 28.9-53.5), after the opening of the Tasman Sea. Their distribution cannot, therefore, be regarded as derived as a result of Gondwanana vicariance. The age of the New Zealand crown group, 24.4mya (95% highest posterior density estimate 15.5-33.8), encompasses the period of the 'Oligocene drowning' of New Zealand and is consistent with the hypothesis that New Zealand was not completely inundated during this period. Major lineages within New Zealand geckos diverged chiefly during the mid- to late Miocene, probably in association with a suite of geological and climatological factors that have characterized the region's complex history.  相似文献   
The dependence of metabolic processes on temperature constrains the behavior, physiology and ecology of many ectothermic animals. The evolution of nocturnality in lizards, especially in temperate regions, requires adaptations for activity at low temperatures when optimal body temperatures are unlikely to be obtained. We examined whether nocturnal lizards have cold-adapted lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). LDH was chosen as a representative metabolic enzyme. We measured LDH activity of tail muscle in six lizard species (n = 123: three nocturnal, two diurnal and one crepuscular) between 5 and 35 °C and found no differences in LDH-specific activity or thermal sensitivity among the species. Similarly, the specific activity and thermal sensitivity of LDH were similar between skinks and geckos. Similar enzyme activities among nocturnal and diurnal lizards indicate that there is no selection of temperature specific LDH enzyme activity at any temperature. As many nocturnal lizards actively thermoregulate during the day, LDH may be adapted for a broad range of temperatures rather than adapted specifically for the low temperatures encountered when the animals are active. The total activity of LDH in tropical and temperate lizards is not cold-adapted. More data are required on biochemical adaptations and whole animal thermal preferences before trends can be established.  相似文献   
This review will focus on the role of cytokines in the behavior of macrophages, a prominent cell type of atherosclerotic lesions. Once these macrophages have immigrated into the vessel wall, they propagate the development of atherosclerosis by modifying lipoproteins, accumulating intracellular lipids, remodeling the extracellular environment, and promoting local coagulation. The numerous cytokines that have been detected in atherosclerosis, combined with the expression of large numbers of cytokine receptors on macrophages, are consistent with this axis being an important contributor to lesion development. Given the vast literature on cytokine-macrophage interactions, this review will be selective, with an emphasis on the major cytokines that have been detected in atherosclerotic lesions and their effects on properties that are relevant to lesion formation and maturation. There will be an emphasis on the role of cytokines in regulating lipid metabolism by macrophages. We will provide an overview of the major findings in cell culture and then put these in the context of in vivo studies.  相似文献   
The contribution of transmembrane regions I, II, and III of the Rickettsia prowazekii ATP/ADP translocase to the structure of the putative water-filled ATP translocation channel was evaluated from the accessibility of hydrophilic, thiol-reactive, methanethiosulfonate reagents to a library of 68 independent cysteine-substitution mutants heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli. The MTS reagents used were MTSES (negatively charged) and MTSET and MTSEA (both positively charged). Mutants F036C, Y042C, and R046C (TM I), K066C and P072C (TM II), and F101C, F105C, F108C, Y113C, and P114C (TM III) had no assayable transport activity, indicating that cysteine substitution at these positions may not be tolerated. All three MTS reagents inhibit the transport of ATP in mutants of TM I (L039C, S043C, S047C, I048C) and TM II (S061C, S063C, T067C, I069C, V070C, A074C). Further, these residues appear to cluster along a single face of the transmembrane domain. Preexposure of MTS-reactive mutants S047C (TM I) and T067C (TM II) to high levels of ATP resulted in protection from MTS-mediated inhibition. This indicated that both TM I and TM II make major contributions to the structure of an aqueous ATP translocation pathway. Finally, on the basis of the lack of accessibility of charged MTS reagents to the thiol groups in mutants of TM III, it appears that TM III is not exposed to the ATP translocation channel. Cysteine substitution of residues constituting a highly conserved "phenylalanine face" in TM III resulted in ablation of ATP transport activity. Further, substituting these phenylalanine residues for either isoleucine or tyrosine also resulted in much lower transport activity, indicating that some property of phenylalanine at these positions that is not shared by cysteine, isoleucine, or tyrosine is critical to translocase activity.  相似文献   
Introduced rats are now being eradicated from many islands. Increasingly, these eradications are contested by activists claiming moral, legal, cultural, historic or scientific reasons and poorly documented evidence of effects. We reviewed the global literature on the effects of rats on island flora and fauna. We then used New Zealand as a case study because of its four-decade history of rat eradications and many detailed and innovative studies of how rats affect native species. These include use of exclosures, local manipulations of rat populations, video surveillance, and measurements of responses following eradications. The most intensive studies have been on the Pacific rat (Rattus exulans), a small South-East Asian species spread by Polynesians throughout the Pacific. These and the more recently introduced Norway rat (R. norvegicus) and ship (roof) rat (R. rattus) suppress some forest plants, and are associated with extinctions or declines of flightless invertebrates, ground-dwelling reptiles, land birds, and burrowing seabirds. On islands off France, Norway rats are also implicated in declines of shrews. Globally, ship rats were associated with declines or extinctions of the largest number of indigenous vertebrate species (60), including small mammals such as deer mice and bats. Effects of rats on forest trees and seabird populations are sufficiently pervasive to affect ecosystem structure and function. However, the data are patchy. Deficiencies in our knowledge would be reduced by documenting distribution and abundance of indigenous species before and after eradications. Comprehensive measurements of the responses of indigenous species to rat eradications would enable the development of testable models of rat invasion effects.  相似文献   
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