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Transforming growth factor-beta inhibits endothelial cell proliferation   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) is an inhibitor of the proliferation of bovine aortic endothelial cells in culture. Basal cell growth in serum-containing medium and cell proliferation stimulated by fibroblast growth factor (FGF) are inhibited by TGF-beta in a dose-dependent manner. Half-maximal inhibition occurs at an inhibitor concentration of 0.5-1.0 ng/ml. TGF-beta does not appear to be cytotoxic and cells treated with the inhibitor grow normally after removal of TGF-beta. High concentrations of FGF are ineffective in overcoming TGF-beta-induced inhibition of cell proliferation, suggesting that antagonism of growth factor-induced cell proliferation by TGF-beta is of a noncompetitive nature.  相似文献   
The interaction of apocytochrome c with aqueous dispersions of phosphatidylserine from bovine spinal cord and with other negatively charged phospholipids has been studied as a function of pH and salt concentration by using spin-label electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy and chemical binding assays. The ESR spectra of phospholipids spin-labeled at different positions on the sn-2 chain indicate a generalized decrease in mobility of the lipids, while the characteristic flexibility gradient toward the terminal methyl end of the chain is maintained, on binding of apocytochrome c to phosphatidylserine dispersions. This perturbation of the bulk lipid mobility or ordering is considerably greater than that observed on binding of cytochrome c. In addition, a second, more motionally restricted, lipid component is observed with lipids labeled close to the terminal methyl ends of the chains. This second component is not observed on binding of cytochrome c and can be taken as direct evidence for penetration of apocytochrome c into the lipid bilayer. It is less strongly motionally restricted than similar spectral components observed with integral membrane proteins and displays a steep flexibility gradient. The proportion of this second component increases with increasing protein-to-lipid ratio, but the stoichiometry per protein bound decreases from 4.5 lipids per 12 000-dalton protein at low protein contents to 2 lipids per protein at saturating amounts of protein. Apocytochrome c binding to phosphatidylserine dispersions decreases with increasing salt concentration from a saturation value corresponding to approximately 5 lipids per protein in the absence of salt to practically zero at 0.4 M NaCl.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
G M?rdh  B L Vallee 《Biochemistry》1986,25(23):7279-7282
The class I human liver alcohol dehydrogenases (ADHs) catalyze the interconversion of the intermediary alcohols and aldehydes of dopamine metabolism in vitro, whereas those of the class II and class III do not. The individual, homogeneous class I isozymes oxidize (3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethanol and (4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)ethanol (HMPE) and ethanol with kcat/Km values in the range from 16 to 240 mM-1 min-1 and from 16 to 66 mM-1 min-1, respectively. They reduce the corresponding dopamine aldehydes (3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)acetaldehyde and (4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)acetaldehyde (HMPAL) with kcat/Km values varying from 7800 to 190,000 mM-1 min-1, considerably more efficient than the reduction of acetaldehyde with kcat/Km values from 780 to 4900 mM-1 min-1. For beta 1 gamma 2 ADH, ethanol competes with HMPE oxidation with a Ki of 23 microM. In addition, 1,10-phenanthroline inhibits HMPE oxidation and HMPAL reduction with Ki values of 20 microM and 12 microM, respectively, both quite similar to that for ethanol, Ki = 22 microM. Thus, both ethanol/acetaldehyde and the dopamine intermediates compete for the same site of ADH, a basis for the ethanol-induced in vivo alterations of dopamine metabolism.  相似文献   
Streptomyces antibioticus accumulated glycogen and trehalose in a characteristic way during growth on solid medium. Glycogen storage in the substrate mycelium took place during development of the aerial mycelium. The concentration of nitrogen source in the culture medium influenced the time at which accumulation started as well as the maximum levels of polysaccharide stored. Degradation of these glycogen reserves was observed near the beginning of sporulation. The onset of sporogenesis was always accompanied by a new accumulation of glycogen in sporulating hyphae. During spore maturation the accumulated polysaccharide was degraded. No glycogen was observed in aerial non-sporulating hyphae or in mature spores. Trehalose was detected during all phases of colony development. A preferential accumulation was found in aerial hyphae and spores, where it reached levels up to 12% of the cell dry weight. The possible roles of both carbohydrates in the developmental cycle of Streptomyces are discussed.  相似文献   
Chloroplast protein synthesis was measured during the expansion,maturity and senescence of the oldest leaf of barley, Hordeumvulgare L., var. Hassan. A maximum rate of protein synthesisoccurred near the end of the expansion stage 9 d after sowing.Protein synthesis increased again at the beginning of senescenceand reached a new maximum at day 14 after sowing. Detachmentand incubation of leaves in the dark stimulated chioroplastprotein synthesis by fully expanded or by senescent leaves butnot by expanding leaves. If the detached leaves were kept inthe light, chloroplast protein synthesis was stimulated in fullyexpanded but not in senescent leaves. Short treatments (18 h)of leaf segments with growth substances in either light or indarkness, significantly changed the rate of protein synthesisshown by chloroplasts. The relationship between chloroplastprotein synthesis and leaf senescence is discussed. Key words: Hormones, light, maturity  相似文献   
Polyclonal antibodies against the core protein of the small chondroitin sulfate-dermatan sulfate proteoglycan from human skin fibroblast secretions were used, after affinity-purification, as a probe to study localization of crossreactive material in several human tissues by indirect immunocytochemistry. In contrast to skin, kidney, and the adventitial layer of aorta, positive staining of brain, liver, cartilage, and intimal and medial layers of aorta required pre-treatment of tissue sections with chondroitin ABC lyase. In all tissues investigated, antigenic material was present in the interstitial space. Filamentous structures were perpendicularly oriented towards basement membranes. In liver, specific staining was seen along the sinusoidal walls. Reticular fibers with or without focal condensations were seen in cerebral cortex and cerebellum. The results suggest a role of small chondroitin sulfate-dermatan sulfate proteoglycan in cell-matrix interactions.  相似文献   
The establishment of certain patterns of mystacial vibrissae in mice has been the aim of an extensive breeding program carried on in this laboratory since 1977. In a companion paper we have reported on variations in this pattern in an outbred population of ICR mice. Starting with 21 ICR animals we bred, mostly by brother-sister mating, for 13 bilaterally symmetric patterns of mystacial vibrissae characterized by the presence (or absence) of supernumerary whiskers (SWs). The strains are classified as follows: I, a mouse strain with the standard pattern; II, eight strains bred for the occurrence of SWs at a given site or sites; and III, four mouse strains bred for a maximal number of SWs in different regions of the whiskerpad. Commonly, SWs occur in regions that coincide with the zones of mergence between the three facial processes except for two class II strains in which we bred for SWs in the "straddler" row of vibrissae, and for one class III strain, in which we cultivated the tendency (that appeared late in our program) to have SWs at the crest of a facial process. For classes I and II we analyzed the results for about 18 generations in terms of "improvement," meaning an increase in the percentages of animals with the desired phenotype together with a decreased frequency of undesired SWs. For class III, success in breeding meant the increase of the mean number of the desired SWs. All results led to the same conclusion: there is a genetic basis for the occurrence of SWs. The side preference of a particular SW is not strain dependent. It disappears in those class I and II strains in which almost 100% of animals obtained the desired phenotype. The increase in number of SWs in one zone of mergence does not depend on the presence of SWs in the other. Where tested, we almost always found a representation of an SW in a topologically equivalent location within the "barrelfield" area of the somatosensory cerebral cortex. Except for some diseases early in the breeding program, and some side effects of inbreeding that were eliminated, the population was without obvious defects. Where tested, there was no correlation between the occurrence of SWs and sex. The observed variations in pattern of mystacial vibrissae and their genetic background led us to propose a morphogenetic model for the formation of the pattern of mystacial vibrissae.  相似文献   
The effect of cyclosporin A (CyA) application on the development of cutaneous lesions was analyzed in genetically susceptible BALB/c mice infected s.c. with Leishmania tropica promastigotes. Daily i.p. injections of CyA, beginning 2 days before or at the day of the infection, dose dependently inhibited the development of parasite-induced lesions; no effect on the lesions was observed, however, if CyA application was started 14 days after the infection. Cessation of CyA administration after having successfully suppressed the cutaneous lesions for a period of 42 days, resulted in the development of lesions within 3 days. CyA had no inhibitory effect on lesions developing in L. tropica infected hypothymic BALB/c nu/nu mice. CyA or CyA-containing mouse serum did not directly affect the viability and the growth rate of L. tropica promastigotes, suggesting that the effect of the agent was imposed on the cells participating in the formation of the cutaneous lesions. Quantitative analysis of the cell distribution in the spleens of infected mice revealed that CyA markedly suppressed the infection-associated numerical increase of splenocytes. Within the Thy-1+ lymphocyte compartment, CyA had its most pronounced effect on the Lyt-1+ T lymphocyte subset. Early in the disease, the frequency of splenic cells proliferating in response to L. tropica antigen in vitro was clearly inhibited by CyA; in the later stages of the infection, however, this effect could not be observed, indicating the presence of L. tropica-inducible T cells being relatively resistant to CyA. Taken together, our findings indicate that CyA reversibly inhibits or delays the parasite-induced expansion of Lyt-1+ splenic T lymphocytes, and thus suppresses the biological function of those T cells that are instrumental for the formation of cutaneous lesions in L. tropica-infected BALB/c mice.  相似文献   
A liquid-phase assay system based on small-zone size-exclusion chromatography was used to examine the binding of a monoclonal anti-idiotopic antibody, F6, to its idiotope on the murine plasmacytoma IgA, TEPC-15. Chromatographic behavior revealed a strong association between T-15 and F6, which was previously characterized by solid-phase immunoassay as recognizing a nonbinding site epitope of the T-15. This chromatographic pattern suggests that the inability of the hapten phosphorylcholine to inhibit the anti-idiotope:idiotope relationship in solid-phase immunoassay might be equally explained by the low affinity of the hapten relative to the high affinity of the anti-idiotope antibody. Bivalent interactions between solid-phase IgA and liquid-phase IgG should enhance the binding of the anti-idiotope to an extent that would prevent the hapten from dissociating the complex. Under these solid-phase assay conditions, observation of hapten inhibition may, in some cases, indicate site specificity, but absence of inhibition cannot be interpreted. Computer simulations of solid-phase hapten inhibition scenarios were used to evaluate the qualitative nature of binding inhibition profiles expected under various conditions of liquid- and solid-phase reactant affinities and concentrations. The apparently unusual inhibition curves previously observed in the T-15:anti-T-15 studies in which the degree of binding inhibition by hapten appeared to be independent of anti-idiotope concentration may be predictable in cases of excess solid-phase epitope; the plateau inhibition value is a function of relative affinity constants and concentrations of solid-phase and inhibitor components. The results additionally suggest that the affinity of a liquid-phase antibody may modulate the effective concentration of solid-phase epitope.  相似文献   
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