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Quaternary climatic fluctuations have left contrasting historical footprints on the neutral genetic diversity patterns of existing populations of different tree species. We should expect the demography, and consequently the neutral genetic structure, of taxa less tolerant to particular climatic extremes to be more sensitive to long‐term climate fluctuations. We explore this hypothesis here by sampling all six pine species found in the Iberian Peninsula (2464 individuals, 105 populations), using a common set of chloroplast microsatellite markers, and by looking at the association between neutral genetic diversity and species‐specific climatic requirements. We found large variation in neutral genetic diversity and structure among Iberian pines, with cold‐enduring mountain species (Pinus uncinata, P. sylvestris and P. nigra) showing substantially greater diversity than thermophilous taxa (P. pinea and P. halepensis). Within species, we observed a significant positive correlation between population genetic diversity and summer precipitation for some of the mountain pines. The observed pattern is consistent with the hypotheses that: (i) more thermophilous species have been subjected to stronger demographic fluctuations in the past, as a consequence of their maladaptation to recurrent glacial cold stages; and (ii) altitudinal migrations have allowed the maintenance of large effective population sizes and genetic variation in cold‐tolerant species, especially in more humid regions. In the light of these results and hypotheses, we discuss some potential genetic consequences of impending climate change.  相似文献   
近年来,可用于昆虫迁飞研究且可自动运行的垂直波束雷达(vertical-looking radar,VLR)的发展使得对迁飞性害虫的周年长期自动监测成为可能。本文提供了我们对能否将这种雷达应用于中国的褐飞虱和其他水稻害虫的监测与预测体系以改善其综合治理的可行性研究结果。以往的研究已经表明,这些害虫一般在300—2000m高度迁飞;而我们根据褐飞虱的雷达和射有效截面的计算结果表明,目前使用的3.2cm波长的VLR对褐飞虱个体目标的最大可检测高度仅约240m;虽然建造一部8.8mm波长的VLR即可覆盖褐飞虱迁飞高度的绝大部分,但其造价和维护费用均过于昂贵。为此,一个更可行的解决方案是,以3.2cm波长的VLR作为包括大多数水稻害虫在内的个体较大的迁飞性害虫的监测工具。  相似文献   
Evolution of duplicate genes in a tetraploid animal, Xenopus laevis   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
To understand the evolution of duplicate genes, we compared rates of nucleotide substitution between 17 pairs of nonallelic duplicated genes in the tetraploid frog Xenopus laevis with rates between the orthologous loci of human and rodent. For all duplicated X. laevis genes, the number of synonymous substitutions per site (dS) was greater than the number of nonsynonymous substitutions per site (dN), indicating that these genes are subject to purifying selection. There was also a significant positive correlation (r = 0.915) between dN for the X. laevis genes and dN for the mammalian genes, suggesting that, at the amino acid level, the X. laevis genes and the mammalian genes are under similar constraints. Results of relative-rate tests showed nearly equal rates of nonsynonymous substitution in each copy of the X. laevis genes; apparently there are similar constraints on both copies. No correlation was found between dS for the X. laevis genes and dS for the mammalian genes. There was a significant positive correlation both between members of pairs of duplicated X. laevis genes (r = 0.951) and between human and rodent orthologues (r = 0.854) with respect to third- position G+C content but no such relationship between the X. laevis genes and either of their mammalian orthologues. The results indicate that both copies of a duplicate gene can be subject to purifying selection and thus support the hypothesis of selection against all genotypes containing a null allele at either of two duplicate loci.   相似文献   
In order to determine whether there is a genetic component to hip or knee joint failure due to idiopathic osteoarthritis (OA), we invited patients (probands) undergoing hip or knee arthroplasty for management of idiopathic OA to provide detailed family histories regarding the prevalence of idiopathic OA requiring joint replacement in their siblings. We also invited their spouses to provide detailed family histories about their siblings to serve as a control group. In the probands, we confirmed the diagnosis of idiopathic OA using American College of Rheumatology criteria. The cohorts included the siblings of 635 probands undergoing total hip replacement, the siblings of 486 probands undergoing total knee replacement, and the siblings of 787 spouses. We compared the prevalence of arthroplasty for idiopathic OA among the siblings of the probands with that among the siblings of the spouses, and we used logistic regression to identify independent risk factors for hip and knee arthroplasty in the siblings. Familial aggregation for hip arthroplasty, but not for knee arthroplasty, was observed after controlling for age and sex, suggesting a genetic contribution to end-stage hip OA but not to end-stage knee OA. We conclude that attempts to identify genes that predispose to idiopathic OA resulting in joint failure are more likely to be successful in patients with hip OA than in those with knee OA.  相似文献   
To test the hypothesis that proteins expressed in cells of the vertebrate immune system evolve unusually rapidly, 107 orthologous immunoglobulin C2 domains were compared between human and murine rodent. The analysis showed that the rate of nonsynonymous (amino-acid- altering) nucleotide substitution in these domains was correlated with factors associated with protein structure and with breadth of tissue expression, as well as with the rate of synonymous substitution. However, when such factors were controlled for statistically, there remained a strong positive association between expression in the immune system and nonsynonymous rate, with the highest rates being seen in genes expressed in the immune system only. Certain immune system genes are known to be subject to positive selection favoring diversity at the amino acid level; most of these genes encode receptors that interact directly with foreign antigens. The observed acceleration of the rate of nonsynonymous evolution in C2 domains of immune system proteins may be explained by either (1) reduced constraint at the amino acid level on molecules interacting with immune system receptors that are themselves evolving rapidly due to positive diversifying selection or (2) positive selection favoring amino acid changes correlated with changes in the immune system receptors.   相似文献   
Abstract: We recently cloned endopeptidase-24.16 (neurolysin; EC, a neurotensin-degrading peptidase likely involved in the physiological termination of the neurotensinergic signal in the central nervous system and in the gastrointestinal tract. We stably transfected human kidney cells with the pcDNA3-λ7aB1 construction bearing the whole open reading frame encoding the rat brain peptidase. Transfectants displayed endopeptidase-24.16 immunoreactivity and exhibited QFS- and neurotensin-hydrolyzing activities, the biochemical and specificity properties of which fully matched those observed with the purified murine enzyme. Cryoprotection experiments and substrate degradation by intact plated cells indicated that transfectants exhibited a membrane-associated form of endopeptidase-24.16, the catalytic site of which clearly faced the extracellular domain. Transfected cells were unable to secrete the enzyme. Overall, our experiments indicate that we have obtained stably transfectant cells that overexpress an enzymatic activity displaying biochemical properties identical to those of purified endopeptidase-24.16. The membrane-associated counterpart and lack of secretion of the enzyme were clearly reminiscent of what was observed with pure cultured neurons, but not with astrocytes. Therefore, the transfected cell model described here could prove useful for establishing, by a mutagenesis approach, the structural elements responsible for the "neuronal" phenotype exhibited by the enzyme in transfected cells.  相似文献   
Abstract: Recent reports indicate that missense mutations on presenilin (PS) 1 are likely responsible for the main early-onset familial forms of Alzheimer's disease (FAD). Consensual data obtained through distinct histopathological, cell biology, and molecular biology approaches have led to the conclusion that these PS1 mutations clearly trigger an increased production of the 42-amino-acid-long species of β-amyloid peptide (Aβ). Here we show that overexpression of wild-type PS1 in HK293 cells increases Aβ40 secretion. By contrast, FAD-linked mutants of PS1 trigger increased secretion of both Aβ40 and Aβ42 but clearly favor the production of the latter species. We also demonstrate that overexpression of the wild-type PS1 augments the α-secretase-derived C-terminally truncated fragment of β-amyloid precursor protein (APPα) recovery, whereas transfectants expressing mutated PS1 secrete drastically lower amounts of APPα when compared with cells expressing wild-type PS1. This decrease was also observed when comparing double transfectants overexpressing wild-type β-amyloid precursor protein and either PS1 or its mutated congener M146V-PS1. Altogether, our data indicate that PS mutations linked to FAD not only trigger an increased ratio of Aβ42 over total Aβ secretion but concomitantly down-regulate the production of APPα.  相似文献   
Phlebotomus papatasi is a proven vector of Leishmania major which is one of the causative agents of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the Old World. Although it has a wide geographical range, its population structure is not yet well understood. In an effort to better understand the population dynamics of this vector, we developed a panel of di‐ and trinucleotide microsatellite markers, using a magnetic bead hybridization enrichment protocol. These microsatellite loci showed three to seven alleles with an expected heterozygosity range between 0.702 and 0.876. The level of polymorphisms found in this study suggests that these microsatellite loci can be used for population analysis of P. papatasi.  相似文献   
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