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Measurements made in fresh water wetland have shown that temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and bicarbonate alkalinity in the hyacinth infested area were lower, but dissolved free carbon dioxide concentration was excitingly greater than in the open water area. This extreme hypoxic and hypercarbic condition of hyacinth covered areas was caused by the thick coverage of Eichhornia crassipes which was crucial for the composition of the characteristic flora and fauna.  相似文献   
Summary Glucagon increased alanine amino transferase (AAT) activity in perfused rat liver by about 90% over control. Propranolol, the beta receptor antagonist, abolished the effect of glucagon on this enzyme. Well known beta receptor agonists like isoproterenol, norepinephrine and epinephrine also increased the enzyme activity under identical condition and the enhancement was similarly abolished by propranolol. These experiments suggest that the effect of glucagon on AAT was mediated through beta adrenergic receptor. However, the interesting observation was that phenylephrine, alpha receptor agonist and phenoxybenzamine and tolazoline, two alpha receptor antagonists, increased the AAT activity like glucagon in perfusion experiments and the effects of all these three agents were also abolished by propranolol. Glucagon, when perfused with phenoxybenzamine showed some additive effect. From all these results we are proposing that in our system phenoxybenzamine is acting as beta agonist although it is known to be an alpha antagonist.  相似文献   
A Ni(II)-binding serpin, pNiXA, is abundant in Xenopus oocytes and embryos. Kinetic assays show that purified pNiXa strongly inhibits bovine α-chymotrypsin (K1 = 3 mM), weakly inhibits porcine elastase (K1 = 0.5 μM), and does not inhibit bovine trypsin. The reversible, slow-binding inhibition of α-chymotrypsin by pNiXa is unaffected by Ni(II). Ovochymase in egg exudates is inhibited by pNiXa, but to a limited extent, even at high pNiXa concentrations. An octadecapeptide that models the His-rich domain (-HRHRHEQQGHHDSAKHGH-) of pNiXa forms six-coordinate, octahedral Ni(II)-complexes when the N-terminus is acetylated, and a square-planar Ni(II)-complex when the N-terminus is unblocked. Spectroscopy reveals two distinct types of octahedral Ni(II)-coordination to the N-acetylated octadecapeptide, involving, respectively, 3–4 and 5–6 imidazole nitrogens; the octadecapeptide undergoes partial, reversible precipitation in pH-and Ni(II)-dependent fashion, suggesting an insoluble, Ni(II)-coupled (Hx)n-dimer. Such (Hx)n-peptide interaction is confirmed by an enzyme-linked biotin-avidin assay with N-biotin-KHRHRHE-amide and N-acetyl-KHRHRHE-resin beads, which become coupled after adding Ni(II) or Zn(II). H2O2 oxidation of 2′-deoxyguanosine to mutagenic 8-hydroxy-2′deoxyguanosine is enhanced by the octahedral Ni(II)-octadecapeptide complex, although the effect is more intense with the square-planar Ni(II) octadecapeptide complex. Immunoperoxidase staining of whole mounts wish pNiXa antibody shows that pNiXa is distributed throughout gastrula-stage embryos and is localized during organogenesis in the brain, eye, spinal cord, myotomes, craniofacial tissues, and other sites of Ni(II) induced anomalies. Patterns of pNiXa staining are similar in controls and Ni(II)-exposed embryos. Binding of Ni(II) to pNiXa may cause embryotoxicity by enhancing oxidative reactions that produce tissue injury and genotoxicity. Although the natural target proteinases for pNiXa inhibition have not been established, pNiXa may be an important regulator of proteolysis during embryonic development. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary Metabolism of sulfonylurea herbicides by Streptomyces griseolus ATCC 11796 is carried out via two cytochromes P-450, P-450SU1 and P-450SU2. Mutants of S. griseolus, selected by their reduced ability to metabolize a fluorescent sulfonylurea, do not synthesize cytochrome P-450SU1 when grown in the presence of sulfonylureas. Genetic evidence indicated that this phenotype was the result of a deletion of > 15 kb of DNA, including the structural genes for cytochrome P-450SU1 and an associated ferredoxin Fd-1 (suaC and suaB, respectively). In the absence of this monooxygenase system, the mutants described here respond to the presence of sulfonylureas or phenobarbital in the growth medium with the expression of only the suhC,B gene products (cytochrome P-450SU2 and Fd-2), previously observed only as minor components in wild-type cells treated with sulfonylurea. These strains have enabled an analysis of sulfonylurea metabolism mediated by cytochrome P-450SU2 in the absence of P-450SU1, yielding an in vivo delineation of the roles of the two different cytochrome P-450 systems in herbicide metabolism by S. griseolus.  相似文献   
A monomeric glycoprotein (SGP) of Mr 32,000 was isolated to purity from scorpion (Heterometrus bengalensis) haemolymph by (NH4)2SO4 fractionation, chromatofocusing and h.p.l.c. The homogeneity of SGP is confirmed by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. SGP is soluble in 100%-satd. (NH4)2SO4 solution. Needle-shaped crystals of SGP were obtained in an aqueous environment. The glycan part of the molecule contains arabinose, which does not commonly occur in animal glycoproteins. Amino acid analysis demonstrated a preponderance of glycine, tyrosine and glutamic acid. SGP enhances phenol oxidase (EC activity.  相似文献   
On binding toVicia faba lectin, the fluorescence of 4-methylumbelliferyl-α-D-glucoPyranoside was quantitatively quenched showing that the interaction of 4-methylumbelliferyl-α-D-glucoPyranoside took Place in a binding environment. The binding of the fluorescent sugar was saccharide sPecific as evidenced by the reversal of 4-methylumbelliferyl-α-D-glucoPyranoside fluorescence quenching by D-fructose. The association constant,K a, values for the 4-methylumbelliferyl-α-D-glucoPyranoside was determined by comPetition study emPloying reversal of fluorescence quenching of 4-methylumbelliferyl-α-D-glucoPyranoside by D-fructose. TheK a value obtained for D-fructose was 1.07 ±0.03 X 104 M-1 and for 4-methylumbelliferyl-α-D-glucoPyranoside was 1.60 ±0.05 X 104 M-1 at 15°C. TheK a values of 2.51 ±0.06 X 104M-1, l.26 ±0.02 X 104 M-1 and 0.56 ±0.01 X 104M-1, resPectively at 10°, 20° and 30°C were obtained from the ChiPman equation. The relative fluorescence quenching, ΔF a, at infinite concentration of the free saccharide sites ofVicia faba lectin [P′] was 93.5% at 30°C and the binding constant for 4-methylumbelliferyl-α-D-glucoPyranoside lectin interaction as derived by Yank and Hanaguchi equation was 0.63 ±0.01 X 104M-1.  相似文献   
The effect of Ep on radioactive glucose and methyl-alpha-D-glucoside transport by rat erythrocytes and bone marrow cells were studied. There is initial linearity followed by saturation kinetics of [14C]glucose transport by the erythrocytes of starved and starved plus Ep-treated rats at different concentrations of glucose. Starvation caused slight inhibition of glucose transport which increased markedly on Ep administration to starved rats. Normal animals failed to show any significant change in glucose transport after Ep treatment. Methyl-alpha-D-glucoside inhibited the Ep-stimulated glucose transport significantly. Ep also stimulated the transport of radioactive methyl-alpha-D-glucoside which was competitively inhibited in presence of D-glucose. Glucose transport in erythrocytes was found to be sensitive to metabolic inhibitors like azide and DNP. A sulfhydryl reagent and ouabain also inhibited the transport process. Ep stimulated glucose and methyl-alpha-D-glucoside transport in the bone marrow cells of starved rats. The sugar analog competitively inhibited the glucose transport in bone marrow cells and vice versa.  相似文献   
Abstract The outer membrane (OM) protein components of a Vibrio cholerae O1 and four V. cholerae O139 strains, collected from cholera patients, were analysed by SDS-PAGE. A protein of 69 kDa molecular mass was observed only when the OMPs were prepared from strains grown in synthetic broth. As a result of passage in the rabbit ileal loop (RIL), virulence was enhanced, and a protein component around 18 kDa of the V. cholerae O139 OM became the major protein component. On immunoblot analysis with rabbit antiserum against V. cholerae O139 OM, it was shown that, apart from the major protein component of V. cholerae O1 OM of around 45 kDa and that of V. cholerae O139 OM of around 38 kDa, all other minor protein components were cross-reactive between the two serogroups. In immunoblot assays with convalescent sera obtained from V. cholerae O139-infected patients, it was observed that in addition to the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced antibody, only the 38 kDa major protein component elicited considerable levels of antibody in the pateint. Minor OM components of 18 kDa were detected in the immunoblot analysis by LPS-directed antibody, however, as the OM proteins are known to be associated with LPS.  相似文献   
Expression of a retroviral protein, Gag, in mammalian cells is sufficient for assembly of immature virus-like particles (VLPs). VLP assembly is mediated largely by interactions between the capsid (CA) domains of Gag molecules but is facilitated by binding of the nucleocapsid (NC) domain to nucleic acid. We have investigated the role of SP1, a spacer between CA and NC in HIV-1 Gag, in VLP assembly. Mutational analysis showed that even subtle changes in the first 4 residues of SP1 destroy the ability of Gag to assemble correctly, frequently leading to formation of tubes or other misassembled structures rather than proper VLPs. We also studied the conformation of the CA-SP1 junction region in solution, using both molecular dynamics simulations and circular dichroism. Consonant with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies from other laboratories, we found that SP1 is nearly unstructured in aqueous solution but undergoes a concerted change to an α-helical conformation when the polarity of the environment is reduced by addition of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), trifluoroethanol, or ethanol. Remarkably, such a coil-to-helix transition is also recapitulated in an aqueous medium at high peptide concentrations. The exquisite sensitivity of SP1 to mutational changes and its ability to undergo a concentration-dependent structural transition raise the possibility that SP1 could act as a molecular switch to prime HIV-1 Gag for VLP assembly. We suggest that changes in the local environment of SP1 when Gag oligomerizes on nucleic acid might trigger this switch.  相似文献   
Study of genetic diversity in crop plants is essential for the selection of appropriate germplasm for crop improvement. As salinity posses a serious environmental challenge to rice production globally and especially in India, it is imperative that the study of large collections of germplasms be undertaken to search for salt tolerant stocks. In the present study, 64 indica germplasms were collected from different agro-climatic zones of West Bengal, India, from the Himalayan foothills in the northern part down to the southern saline belt of the state keeping in view the soil characteristics and other edaphic factors prevailing in the region. Salt tolerance parameters were used to screen the large set of germplasms in terms of root-shoot length, fresh-dry weight, chlorophyll content, Na+/K+ ratio and germination potential in presence of salt. Standard evaluation score or SES was calculated to find out tolerant to sensitive cultivar. Twenty-one SSR markers, some associated with the Saltol QTL and others being candidate gene based SSR (cgSSR) were used to study the polymorphism of collected germplasm. A wide diversity was detected among the collected germplasms at the phenotypic as well as molecular level. Of the 21 SSR markers, 15 markers were found to be polymorphic with 88 alleles. Based on phenotypic and biochemical results, 21 genotypes were identified as salinity tolerant, whereas 40 genotypes turned out to be salt susceptible. The present study shows that apart from the established salt tolerant lines, several other landraces like Bonkanta, Morisal, Ghiosh, Patni may be the source of salt tolerant donor in future breeding programs.  相似文献   
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