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Hoogsteen (HG) base pairing is characterized by a 180° rotation of the purine base with respect to the Watson-Crick-Franklin (WCF) motif. Recently, it has been found that both conformations coexist in a dynamical equilibrium and that several biological functions require HG pairs. This relevance has motivated experimental and computational investigations of the base-pairing transition. However, a systematic simulation of sequence variations has remained out of reach. Here, we employ advanced path-based methods to perform unprecedented free-energy calculations. Our methodology enables us to study the different mechanisms of purine rotation, either remaining inside or after flipping outside of the double helix. We study seven different sequences, which are neighbor variations of a well-studied A⋅T pair in A6-DNA. We observe the known effect of A⋅T steps favoring HG stability, and find evidence of triple-hydrogen-bonded neighbors hindering the inside transition. More importantly, we identify a dominant factor: the direction of the A rotation, with the 6-ring pointing either towards the longer or shorter segment of the chain, respectively relating to a lower or higher barrier. This highlights the role of DNA’s relative flexibility as a modulator of the WCF/HG dynamic equilibrium. Additionally, we provide a robust methodology for future HG proclivity studies.  相似文献   
The X-ray structures of human aldose reductase holoenzyme in complex with the inhibitors Fidarestat (SNK-860) and Minalrestat (WAY-509) were determined at atomic resolutions of 0.92 A and 1.1 A, respectively. The hydantoin and succinimide moieties of the inhibitors interacted with the conserved anion-binding site located between the nicotinamide ring of the coenzyme and active site residues Tyr48, His110, and Trp111. Minalrestat's hydrophobic isoquinoline ring was bound in an adjacent pocket lined by residues Trp20, Phe122, and Trp219, with the bromo-fluorobenzyl group inside the "specificity" pocket. The interactions between Minalrestat's bromo-fluorobenzyl group and the enzyme include the stacking against the side-chain of Trp111 as well as hydrogen bonding distances with residues Leu300 and Thr113. The carbamoyl group in Fidarestat formed a hydrogen bond with the main-chain nitrogen atom of Leu300. The atomic resolution refinement allowed the positioning of hydrogen atoms and accurate determination of bond lengths of the inhibitors, coenzyme NADP+ and active-site residue His110. The 1'-position nitrogen atom in the hydantoin and succinimide moieties of Fidarestat and Minalrestat, respectively, form a hydrogen bond with the Nepsilon2 atom of His 110. For Fidarestat, the electron density indicated two possible positions for the H-atom in this bond. Furthermore, both native and anomalous difference maps indicated the replacement of a water molecule linked to His110 by a Cl-ion. These observations suggest a mechanism in which Fidarestat is bound protonated and becomes negatively charged by donating the proton to His110, which may have important implications on drug design.  相似文献   
Light-induced formation of ubiquinol-10 in Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction centers was followed by rapid-scan Fourier transform IR difference spectroscopy, a technique that allows the course of the reaction to be monitored, providing simultaneously information on the redox states of cofactors and on protein response. The spectrum recorded between 4 and 29 ms after the second flash showed bands at 1,470 and 1,707 cm(-1), possibly due to a QH(-) intermediate state. Spectra recorded at longer delay times showed a different shape, with bands at 1,388 (+) and 1,433 (+) cm(-1) characteristic of ubiquinol. These spectra reflect the location of the ubiquinol molecule outside the Q(B) binding site. This was confirmed by Fourier transform IR difference spectra recorded during and after continuous illumination in the presence of an excess of exogenous ubiquinone molecules, which revealed the process of ubiquinol formation, of ubiquinone/ubiquinol exchange at the Q(B) site and between detergent micelles, and of Q(B)(-) and QH(2) reoxidation by external redox mediators. Kinetics analysis of the IR bands allowed us to estimate the ubiquinone/ubiquinol exchange rate between detergent micelles to approximately 1 s. The reoxidation rate of Q(B)(-) by external donors was found to be much lower than that of QH(2), most probably reflecting a stabilizing/protecting effect of the protein for the semiquinone form. A transient band at 1,707 cm(-1) observed in the first scan (4-29 ms) after both the first and the second flash possibly reflects transient protonation of the side chain of a carboxylic amino acid involved in proton transfer from the cytoplasm towards the Q(B) site.  相似文献   
Sex hormones seem to modulate the immune/inflammatory responses by different mechanisms in female and male rheumatoid arthritis patients. The effects of 17β-oestradiol and of testosterone were tested on the cultured human monocytic/macrophage cell line (THP-1) activated with IFN-γ in order to investigate their role in cell proliferation and apoptosis. Activated human THP-1 cells were cultured in the presence of 17β-oestradiol and testosterone (final concentration, 10 nM). The evaluation of markers of cell proliferation included the NF-κB DNA-binding assay, the NF-κB inhibition complex, the proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression and the methyl-tetrazolium salt test. Apoptosis was detected by the annexin V-propidium assay and by the cleaved poly-ADP ribose polymerase expression. Specific methods included flow analysis cytometry scatter analysis, immunocytochemistry and western blot analysis. Cell growth inhibition and increased apoptosis were observed in testosterone-treated THP-1 cells. Increased poly-ADP ribose polymerase-cleaved expression and decreased proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression, as well as an increase of IκB-α and a decrease of the IκB-α phosphorylated form (ser 32), were found in testosterone-treated THP-1 cells. However, the NF-κB DNA binding was found increased in 17β-oestradiol-treated THP-1 cells. The treatment with staurosporine (enhancer of apoptosis) induced decreased NF-κB DNA binding in all conditions, but particularly in testosterone-treated THP-1 cells. Treatment of THP-1 by sex hormones was found to influence cell proliferation and apoptosis. Androgens were found to increase the apoptosis, and oestrogens showed a protective trend on cell death – both acting as modulators of the NF-κB complex.  相似文献   
A cystinuria disease gene (rBAT) has been recently identified, and some mutations causing the disease have been described. The frequency of these mutations has been investigated in a large sample of 51 Italian and Spanish cystinuric patients. In addition, to identify new mutated alleles, genomic DNA has been analyzed by an accurate and sensitive method able to detect nucleotide changes. Because of the lack of information available on the genomic structure of rBAT gene, the study was carried out using the sequence data so far obtained by us. More than 70% of the entire coding sequence and 8 intron-exon boundaries have been analyzed. Four new mutations and seven intragenic polymorphisms have been detected. All mutations so far identified in rBAT belong only to cystinuria type I alleles, accounting for ~44% of all type I cystinuric chromosomes. Mutation M467T is the most common mutated allele in the Italian and Spanish populations. After analysis of 70% of the rBAT coding region, we have detected normal sequences in cystinuria type II and type III chromosomes. The presence of rBAT mutated alleles only in type I chromosomes of homozygous (type I/I) and heterozygous (type I/III) patients provides evidence for genetic heterogeneity where rBAT would be responsible only for type I cystinuria and suggests a complementation mechanism to explain the intermediate type I/type III phenotype.  相似文献   
Sialidases are hydrolytic enzymes present from virus to highereukaryotes, catalyzing the removal of sialic acid from glycoconjugates.Some protozoa Trypanosomatidae secrete high levels of sialidaseinto the medium. We have now purified the secreted sialidasefrom Trypanosoma rangeli Its N-terminal sequence reveals 100%identity with the corresponding region of the trans-sialidasefrom T.cruzi Trans-sialidase, although homologous to viral andbacterial sialidases, displays a novel sialyltransferase activityand is involved in host cell invasion. Several homologous trans-sialidase-likegenes were cloned from genomic DNA of T.rangeli, and groupedin three subfamilies. Active siali-dase-encoding genes werefound in one of them. The re-combinant sialidase shows similarproperties to those of the native enzyme, including undetectabletrans-sialidase activity. Nevertheless, it has an overall identityof 68.9% with the catalytic domain of T.cruzi trans-sialidase,increasing to 86.7% admitting conservative substitutions. Onlythree other eukaryotic sialidases have been previously cloned,none of them showing significant homology to trans-sialidase.The isolation of a highly similar sialidase is relevant to furtheridentify the molecular determinants allowing trans-sialidaseactivity. As a first approach, chimeric constructs between sialidaseand trans-sialidase were generated, one of them rendering asialidase with three times lower Km than the natural enzyme. eukaryotic sialidase gene family glycosidase parasite sialic acid  相似文献   
Plants respond to ultraviolet stress inducing a self-defence through the regulation of specific gene family members. The UV acclimation is the result of biochemical and physiological processes, such as enhancement of the antioxidant enzymatic system and accumulation of UV-absorbing phenolic compounds (e.g. flavonoids). Globe artichoke is an attractive species for studying the protein network involved in UV stress response, being characterized by remarkable levels of inducible antioxidants. Proteomic tools can assist the evaluation of the expression patterns of UV-responsive proteins and we applied the difference in-gel electrophoresis (DIGE) technology for monitoring the globe artichoke proteome variation at four time points following an acute UV-C exposure. A total of 145 UV-C-modulated proteins were observed and 119 were identified by LC-MS/MS using a ~144,000 customized Compositae protein database, which included about 19,000 globe artichoke unigenes. Proteins were Gene Ontology (GO) categorized, visualized on their pathways and their behaviour was discussed. A predicted protein interaction network was produced and highly connected hub-like proteins were highlighted. Most of the proteins differentially modulated were chloroplast located, involved in photosynthesis, sugar metabolisms, protein folding and abiotic stress. The identification of UV-C-responsive proteins may contribute to shed light on the molecular mechanisms underlying plant responses to UV stress.  相似文献   
Nonphosphorylating glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (np-Ga3PDHase) is a cytosolic unconventional glycolytic enzyme of plant cells regulated by phosphorylation in heterotrophic tissues. After interaction with 14-3-3 proteins, the phosphorylated enzyme becomes less active and more sensitive to regulation by adenylates and inorganic pyrophosphate. Here, we acknowledge that in wheat (Triticum aestivum), np-Ga3PDHase is specifically phosphorylated by the SnRK (SNF1-related) protein kinase family. Interestingly, only the kinase present in heterotrophic tissues (endosperm and shoots, but not in leaves) was found active. The specific SnRK partially purified from endosperm exhibited a requirement for Mg(2+) or Mn(2+) (being Ca(2+) independent), having a molecular mass of approximately 200 kD. The kinase also phosphorylated standard peptides SAMS, AMARA, and SP46, as well as endogenous sucrose synthase, results suggesting that it could be a member of the SnRK1 subfamily. Concurrently, the partially purified wheat SnRK was recognized by antibodies raised against a peptide conserved between SnRK1s from sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and maize (Zea mays) developing seeds. The wheat kinase was allosterically inhibited by ribose-5-phosphate and, to a lesser extent, by fructose-1,6-bisphosphate and 3-phosphoglycerate, while glucose-6-phosphate (the main effector of spinach [Spinacia oleracea] leaves, SnRK1) and trehalose-6-phosphate produced little or no effect. Results support a distinctive allosteric regulation of SnRK1 present in photosynthetic or heterotrophic plant tissues. After in silico analysis, we constructed two np-Ga3PDHase mutants, S404A and S447A, identifying serine-404 as the target of phosphorylation. Results suggest that both np-Ga3PDHase and the specific kinase could be under control, critically affecting the metabolic scenario involving carbohydrates and reducing power partition and storage in heterotrophic plant cells.  相似文献   
Molecular phylogenetic analyses suggest an emerging phylogeny for the extant Placentalia (eutherian) that radically departs from morphologically based constructions of the past. Placental mammals are partitioned into four supraordinal clades: Afrotheria, Xenarthra, Laurasiatheria, and Euarchontoglires. Afrotheria form an endemic African clade that includes elephant shrews, golden moles, tenrecs, aardvarks, hyraxes, elephants, dugongs, and manatees. Datamining databases of genome size (GS) shows that till today just one afrotherian GS has been evaluated, that of the aardvark Orycteropus afer. We show that the GSs of six selected representatives across the Afrotheria supraordinal group are among the highest for the extant Placentalia, providing a novel genomic signature of this enigmatic group. The mean GS value of Afrotheria, 5.3 ± 0.7 pg, is the highest reported for the extant Placentalia. This should assist in planning new genome sequencing initiatives. [Reviewing Editor: Dmitri Petrov]  相似文献   
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