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Curved membranes are an essential feature of dynamic cellular structures, including endocytic pits, filopodia protrusions and most organelles. It has been proposed that specialized proteins induce curvature by binding to membranes through two primary mechanisms: membrane scaffolding by curved proteins or complexes; and insertion of wedge-like amphipathic helices into the membrane. Recent computational studies have raised questions about the efficiency of the helix-insertion mechanism, predicting that proteins must cover nearly 100% of the membrane surface to generate high curvature, an improbable physiological situation. Thus, at present, we lack a sufficient physical explanation of how protein attachment bends membranes efficiently. On the basis of studies of epsin1 and AP180, proteins involved in clathrin-mediated endocytosis, we propose a third general mechanism for bending fluid cellular membranes: protein-protein crowding. By correlating membrane tubulation with measurements of protein densities on membrane surfaces, we demonstrate that lateral pressure generated by collisions between bound proteins drives bending. Whether proteins attach by inserting a helix or by binding lipid heads with an engineered tag, protein coverage above ~20% is sufficient to bend membranes. Consistent with this crowding mechanism, we find that even proteins unrelated to membrane curvature, such as green fluorescent protein (GFP), can bend membranes when sufficiently concentrated. These findings demonstrate a highly efficient mechanism by which the crowded protein environment on the surface of cellular membranes can contribute to membrane shape change.  相似文献   
The Perdido Key beach mouse (Peromyscus poliontus trissyllepsis) is an endangered mammal indigenous to the panhandle beaches of Northwest Florida. A captive 3.5-y-old female mouse was evaluated because of severe pruritus, diffuse alopecia, skin reddening, and ulcerations over the dorsum of her body. Initial skin biopsy of the affected area suggested bacterial dermatitis but was inconclusive. Despite empiric antibiotic, anthelmintic, and antihistamine treatments, she continued to decline and developed severe ulcerations over the majority of her body. Postmortem histopathologic evaluation led to a tentative diagnosis of epitheliotropic lymphoma, suggestive of a mycosis fungoides T-cell-type cutaneous lymphoma. However, immunohistochemistry results challenged this diagnosis, indicating that the lesion was actually an epidermotropic B-cell lymphoma. Spontaneous cutaneous B-cell lymphomas are rare in rodents and had not previously been reported to occur in Perdido Key beach mice. This case report provides initial evidence that the Perdido Key beach mouse is susceptible to cutaneous B-cell lymphoma.  相似文献   
Previous studies have demonstrated the feasibility of translocator protein (TSPO) imaging to visualize and quantify human breast adenocarcinoma (MDA-MB-231) cells in vivo using a TSPO-targeted near-infrared (NIR) probe (NIR-conPK11195). This study aimed to extend the use of the TSPO-targeted probe to a more biologically relevant and clinically important tumor microenvironment as well as to assess our ability to longitudinally detect the presence and progression of breast cancer cells in the brain. The in vivo biodistribution and accumulation of NIR-conPK11195 and free (unconjugated) NIR dye were quantitatively evaluated in intracranial MDA-MB-231-bearing mice and non-tumor-bearing control mice longitudinally once a week from two to five weeks post-inoculation. The in vivo time-activity curves illustrate distinct clearance profiles for NIR-conPK11195 and free NIR dye, resulting in preferential accumulation of the TSPO-targeted probe in the intracranial tumor bearing hemisphere (TBH) with significant tumor contrast over normal muscle tissue (p < 0.005 at five weeks; p < 0.01 at four weeks). In addition, the TSPO-labeled TBHs demonstrated significant contrast over the TBHs of mice injected with free NIR dye (p < 0.001 at four and five weeks) as well as over the TSPO-labeled non-tumor-bearing hemispheres (NTBHs) of control mice (p < 0.005 at four and five weeks). Overall, TSPO-targeted molecular imaging appears useful for visualizing and quantifying breast cancer xenografts propagated in the murine brain and may assist in preclinical detection, diagnosis and monitoring of metastatic disease as well as drug discovery. Furthermore, these results indicate it should be possible to perform TSPO-imaging of breast cancer cells in the brain using radiolabeled TSPO-targeted agents, particularly in light of the fact that [11C]-labeled TSPO probes such as [11C]-PK 11195 have been successfully used to image gliomas in the clinic.  相似文献   
Since the first discovery of deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the Galápagos Rift in 1977, numerous vent sites and endemic faunal assemblages have been found along mid-ocean ridges and back-arc basins at low to mid latitudes. These discoveries have suggested the existence of separate biogeographic provinces in the Atlantic and the North West Pacific, the existence of a province including the South West Pacific and Indian Ocean, and a separation of the North East Pacific, North East Pacific Rise, and South East Pacific Rise. The Southern Ocean is known to be a region of high deep-sea species diversity and centre of origin for the global deep-sea fauna. It has also been proposed as a gateway connecting hydrothermal vents in different oceans but is little explored because of extreme conditions. Since 2009 we have explored two segments of the East Scotia Ridge (ESR) in the Southern Ocean using a remotely operated vehicle. In each segment we located deep-sea hydrothermal vents hosting high-temperature black smokers up to 382.8°C and diffuse venting. The chemosynthetic ecosystems hosted by these vents are dominated by a new yeti crab (Kiwa n. sp.), stalked barnacles, limpets, peltospiroid gastropods, anemones, and a predatory sea star. Taxa abundant in vent ecosystems in other oceans, including polychaete worms (Siboglinidae), bathymodiolid mussels, and alvinocaridid shrimps, are absent from the ESR vents. These groups, except the Siboglinidae, possess planktotrophic larvae, rare in Antarctic marine invertebrates, suggesting that the environmental conditions of the Southern Ocean may act as a dispersal filter for vent taxa. Evidence from the distinctive fauna, the unique community structure, and multivariate analyses suggest that the Antarctic vent ecosystems represent a new vent biogeographic province. However, multivariate analyses of species present at the ESR and at other deep-sea hydrothermal vents globally indicate that vent biogeography is more complex than previously recognised.  相似文献   
Establishing the habitat preferences of early hominin taxa is a necessary, though difficult, requirement for understanding the interaction between environmental change and hominin evolution. The environments typically associated with Australopithecus robustus have been reconstructed as predominantly open grasslands situated within a habitat mosaic that included a more wooded component with a nearby perennial water source. Most studies have concluded that the open grassland component represents the habitat preference of the hominins. In this study we investigate indicators of habitat association of A. robustus that are preserved in the animal paleocommunities represented in a series of fossil cave infills in the Bloubank Valley of South Africa, including Swartkrans, Sterkfontein, Kromdraai, and Coopers. Testing for conditions of isotaphonomy reveals a potential bias relating to depositional matrix and perhaps accumulating agent, though such a bias has not unduly influenced the taxonomic composition the assemblages. Correspondence analysis of census data from modern African nature reserves demonstrates that carnivore predation patterns are indicative of animal communities, which in turn are representative of habitats. As a result, modern census data are used to document patterns of habitat preference of large herbivores, thus allowing assignment of fossil taxa to a series of broadly defined habitat categories. Correspondence analysis of fossil assemblages reveals that the abundance profile of A. robustus is most similar to that of woodland-adapted taxa. In addition, fluctuations in the relative abundance of taxa assigned to the broad habitat categories reveal a significant negative correlation between A. robustus and open grassland-adapted taxa, indicating that the more grassland-adapted taxa there are in a given assemblage, the fewer hominins there tend to be. Thus, it appears that the open grasslands that comprise the majority of the paleoenvironments associated with A. robustus do not necessarily indicate the habitat preference of the hominins. Rather, it would appear that in addition to being dietary generalists, A. robustus were also likely to have been habitat generalists.  相似文献   
Microtubules function in concert with associated proteins that modify microtubule behavior and/or transmit signals that effect changes in growth. To better understand how microtubules and their associated proteins influence growth, we analyzed one family of microtubule-associated proteins, the END BINDING1 (EB1) proteins, in Arabidopsis thaliana (EB1a, EB1b, and EB1c). We find that antibodies directed against EB1 proteins colocalize with microtubules in roots, an observation that confirms previous reports using EB1-GFP fusions. We also find that T-DNA insertion mutants with reduced expression from EB1 genes have roots that deviate toward the left on vertical or inclined plates. Mutant roots also exhibit extended horizontal growth before they bend downward after tracking around an obstacle or after a 90 degrees clockwise reorientation of the root. These observations suggest that leftward deviations in root growth may be the result of delayed responses to touch and/or gravity signals. Root lengths and widths are normal, indicating that the delay in bend formation is not due to changes in the overall rate of growth. In addition, the genotype with the most severe defects responds to low doses of microtubule inhibitors in a manner indistinguishable from the wild type, indicating that microtubule integrity is not a major contributor to the leftward deviations in mutant root growth.  相似文献   
Hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) is associated with atherosclerotic events involving the modulation of arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism and the activation of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9). Cytochrome P450 (CYP) epoxygenase-2J2 (CYP2J2) is abundant in the heart endothelium, and its AA metabolites epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs) mitigates inflammation through NF-kappabeta. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms for MMP-9 regulation by CYP2J2 in HHcy remain obscure. We sought to determine the molecular mechanisms by which P450 epoxygenase gene transfection or EETs supplementation attenuate homocysteine (Hcy)-induced MMP-9 activation. CYP2J2 was over-expressed in mouse aortic endothelial cells (MAECs) by transfection with the pcDNA3.1/CYP2J2 vector. The effects of P450 epoxygenase transfection or exogenous supplementation of EETs on NF-kappabeta-mediated MMP-9 regulation were evaluated using Western blot, in-gel gelatin zymography, electromobility shift assay, immunocytochemistry. The result suggested that Hcy downregulated CYP2J2 protein expression and dephosphorylated PI3K-dependent AKT signal. Hcy induced the nuclear translocation of NF-kappabeta via downregulation of IKbetaalpha (endogenous cytoplasmic inhibitor of NF-kappabeta). Hcy induced MMP-9 activation by increasing NF-kappabeta-DNA binding. Moreover, P450 epoxygenase transfection or exogenous addition of 8,9-EET phosphorylated the AKT and attenuated Hcy-induced MMP-9 activation. This occurred, in part, by the inhibition of NF-kappabeta nuclear translocation, NF-kappabeta-DNA binding and activation of IKbetaalpha. The study unequivocally suggested the pivotal role of EETs in the modulation of Hcy/MMP-9 signal.  相似文献   
Forward dynamic models suggest that muscle-induced joint motions depend on dynamic coupling between body segments. As a result, biarticular muscles may exhibit non-intuitive behavior in which the induced joint motion is opposite to that assumed based on anatomy. Empirical validation of such predictions is important for models to be relied upon to characterize muscle function. In this study, we measured, in vivo, the hip and knee accelerations induced by electrical stimulation of the rectus femoris (RF) and the vastus medialis (VM) at postures representatives of the toe-off and early swing phases of the gait cycle. Seven healthy young subjects were positioned side-lying with their lower limb supported on air bearings while a 90 ms pulse train stimulated each muscle separately or simultaneously. Lower limb kinematics were measured and compared to predictions from a similarly configured dynamic model of the lower limb. We found that both RF and VM, when stimulated independently, accelerated the hip and knee into extension at these postures, consistent with model predictions. Predicted ratios of hip acceleration to knee acceleration were generally within 1 s.d. of average values. In addition, measured responses to simultaneous RF and VM stimulation were within 13% of predictions based on the assumption that joint accelerations induced by activating two muscles simultaneously can be found by adding the joint accelerations induced by activating the same muscles independently. These results provide empirical evidence of the importance of considering dynamic effects when interpreting the role of muscles in generating movement.  相似文献   
Arginine vasopressin (AVP) is an important regulator of cardiovascular homeostasis in the fetus, but its role after birth is unclear. Although infused AVP increases mean arterial pressure (MAP) during the 1st mo after birth, pressor responses are unchanged, suggesting that vascular responsiveness is also unchanged. Alternatively, this could reflect increases in AVP metabolic clearance rate (MCR(AVP)). However, newborn AVP metabolism and synthesis are poorly studied. Therefore, we examined the pressor responses to infused AVP and the pattern of circulating AVP, AVP production rate (PR(AVP)), and MCR(AVP) in conscious newborn sheep (n = 5) at 9-38 days after birth. Basal MAP rose and heart rate (HR) fell during the study period (P < or = 0.02), while circulating AVP was unchanged (P > 0.1), averaging 3.01 +/- 0.86 pg/ml. Infused AVP elicited steady-state responses at 10-40 min, increasing plasma AVP and MAP and decreasing HR (P < 0.001). Although pressor responses were unchanged between 9 and 38 days, the rise in MAP correlated with increases in plasma AVP (R = 0.47, P = 0.02, n = 24). MCR(AVP) was unchanged throughout the 1st mo (P > 0.2), averaging 205 +/- 17 ml.kg(-1).min(-1), and was associated with an elevated PR(AVP), 973 +/- 267 pg.kg(-1).min(-1), which also was unchanged (P > 0.1). After birth, MCR(AVP) and PR(AVP) are elevated, probably accounting for the stable plasma AVP levels. The former is also likely to account for the stable pressor responses to infused AVP during the 1st mo. The reason for the elevated PR(AVP) is unclear but may relate to increases in vascular volume associated with postnatal growth.  相似文献   
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