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The diversity of reaction mechanisms employed by Type II restriction enzymes was investigated by analysing the reactions of seven endonucleases at the same DNA sequence. NarI, KasI, Mly113I, SfoI, EgeI, EheI and BbeI cleave DNA at several different positions in the sequence 5′-GGCGCC-3′. Their reactions on plasmids with one or two copies of this sequence revealed five distinct mechanisms. These differ in terms of the number of sites the enzyme binds, and the number of phosphodiester bonds cleaved per turnover. NarI binds two sites, but cleaves only one bond per DNA-binding event. KasI also cuts only one bond per turnover but acts at individual sites, preferring intact to nicked sites. Mly113I cuts both strands of its recognition sites, but shows full activity only when bound to two sites, which are then cleaved concertedly. SfoI, EgeI and EheI cut both strands at individual sites, in the manner historically considered as normal for Type II enzymes. Finally, BbeI displays an absolute requirement for two sites in close physical proximity, which are cleaved concertedly. The range of reaction mechanisms for restriction enzymes is thus larger than commonly imagined, as is the number of enzymes needing two recognition sites.  相似文献   
The development of engineered constructs to bridge nerve gaps may hold the key to improved functional outcomes in the repair of injured peripheral nerves. These constructs must be rendered bioactive by providing the growth factors required for successful peripheral nerve regeneration. Previous studies demonstrated that harvested human and rat dermal fibroblasts could be genetically engineered to release nerve growth factor (NGF) both in vitro and in vivo. The use of fibroblasts, however, has the potential to cause scarring, and the expression of NGF from those cells was transient. To overcome these potential difficulties, human embryonic kidney cells were modified for use with the ecdysone-inducible mammalian expression system. These cells (hNGF-EcR-293) have been engineered and regulated to secrete human NGF in response to the ecdysone analogue ponasterone A. HEK-293 cells were transfected with human NGF cDNA with the ecdysone-inducible mammalian expression system (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, Calif.). Stable clones were then selected. Ponasterone A, an analogue of ecdysone, was used as the inducing agent. The secretion of NGF into the medium was analyzed with two different methods. After 24 hours of exposure to the inducing agent, cell medium was transferred to PC-12 cells seeded in 12-well plates, for determination of whether the secreted NGF was bioactive. Medium from untreated or ponasterone A-treated hNGF-EcR-293 cells was deemed bioactive on the basis of its ability to induce PC-12 cell differentiation. The concentrations of secreted NGF were also quantified with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, in triplicate. NGF production was measured in successive samples of the same medium during a 9-day period, with maximal release of 9.05 +/- 2.6 ng/ml at day 9. Maximal NGF production was 8.46 +/- 2.1 pg/10(3) cells at day 9. These levels were statistically significantly different from levels in noninduced samples (p 相似文献   
The presence of ampicillin-resistant Escherichia coli (Amp(r) E. coli) in the fecal flora of calves was monitored on a monthly basis in seven cohorts of calves. Calves were rapidly colonized by Amp(r) E. coli, with peak prevalence in cohort calves observed in the 4 months after the calves were born. The prevalence of calves yielding Amp(r) E. coli in cohorts consistently declined to low levels with increasing age of the calves (P < 0.001).  相似文献   
G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) are amongst the best studied and most functionally diverse types of cell-surface protein. The importance of GPCRs as mediates or cell function and organismal developmental underlies their involvement in key physiological roles and their prominence as targets for pharmacological therapeutics. In this review, we highlight the requirement for integrated protocols which underline the different perspectives offered by different sequence analysis methods. BLAST and FastA offer broad brush strokes. Motif-based search methods add the fine detail. Structural modelling offers another perspective which allows us to elucidate the physicochemical properties that underlie ligand binding. Together, these different views provide a more informative and a more detailed picture of GPCR structure and function. Many GPCRs remain orphan receptors with no identified ligand, yet as computer-driven functional genomics starts to elaborate their functions, a new understanding of their roles in cell and developmental biology will follow.  相似文献   
Laboratory classes are commonplace and essential in biology departments but can sometimes be cumbersome, unreliable, and a drain on time and resources. As university intakes increase, pressure on budgets and staff time can often lead to reduction in practical class provision. Frequently, the ability to use laboratory equipment, mix solutions, and manipulate test animals are essential learning outcomes, and "wet" laboratory classes are thus appropriate. In others, however, interpretation and manipulation of the data are the primary learning outcomes, and here, computer-based simulations can provide a cheaper, easier, and less time- and labor-intensive alternative. We report the evaluation of two computer-based simulations of practical exercises: the first in chromosome analysis, the second in bioinformatics. Simulations can provide significant time savings to students (by a factor of four in our first case study) without affecting learning, as measured by performance in assessment. Moreover, under certain circumstances, performance can be improved by the use of simulations (by 7% in our second case study). We concluded that the introduction of these simulations can significantly enhance student learning where consideration of the learning outcomes indicates that it might be appropriate. In addition, they can offer significant benefits to teaching staff.  相似文献   
Phage display techniques using random peptide interactions have supported the role of mammalian glutathione transferase (GST) as part of a signalling pathway for both oxidative stress and an apoptosis pathway. Little is known about the interaction of nonmammalian GST with other proteins. GSTs have been implicated in the development of chronic nematode infections by neutralising cytotoxic products arising from host immune initiated reactive oxygen species (ROS) assault. In this study we attached one of the key GSTs expressed in the model nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to an affinity support matrix and directly identified major interacting proteins by two-dimensional electrophoresis and peptide mass fingerprinting before and following oxidative stress. Nematode GST does not appear to be a stand-alone enzyme and interacts with many types of proteins in both normal and ROS stress conditions. Pull-down proteomic presents a flexible, label free, rapid and economical assay without specialised ligand fishing equipment to identify protein binding partners.  相似文献   
A plasmid containing human coagulation factor VII (hFVII) complementary DNA regulated by a cytomegalovirus promoter was microinjected into fertilized eggs of zebrafish, African catfish, and tilapia. The active form of hFVll was detected in the fish embryos by various assays. This positive expression of human therapeutic protein in fish embryos demonstrates the possibility of exploitation of transgenic fish as bioreactors.  相似文献   
By introducing additional T-DNA borders into a binary plasmid used in Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation, previous studies have demonstrated that the marker gene and the gene of interest (GOI) can be carried by independent T-strands, which sometimes integrate in unlinked loci in the plant genome. This allows the recovery of marker-free transgenic plants through genetic segregation in the next generation. In this study, we have found that by repositioning the selectable marker gene in the backbone and leaving only the GOI in the T-DNA region, a regular two-border binary plasmid was able to generate marker-free transgenic maize plants more efficiently than a conventional single binary plasmid with multiple T-DNA borders. These results also provide evidence that both the right and left borders can initiate and terminate T-strands. Such non-canonical initiation and termination of T-strands may be the basis for the elevated frequencies of cotransformation and unlinked insertions.  相似文献   
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