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Purpose: Recent studies indicate that the effects of interleukin 6 (IL-6) realized via soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R) facilitate the development of various pathological processes. Soluble gp130 (sgp130) is a naturally occurring inhibitor of signal transduction via this pathway. In this study, we assessed the relationship between circulating levels of IL-6, sIL-6R and sgp130 and severity of coronary atherosclerosis in patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD).

Methods: Plasma levels of IL-6, sIL-6R and sgp130 were measured in patients with atherosclerotic coronary lesions (n?=?128, group 1) and with intact coronary arteries (n?=?48, group 2). The severity of coronary atherosclerosis was evaluated by the number of affected arteries and by Gensini Score index.

Results: Circulating IL-6 levels in group 1 were significantly higher than those in group 2. The levels of sIL-6R did not differ considerably in both the groups. The levels of sgp130 in group 1 were significantly lower than in group 2. A negative correlation has been revealed between sgp130 levels and the number of affected coronary arteries and Gensini Score index.

Conclusions: Serum concentration of sgp130 in patients with stable CAD is inversely related to severity of coronary damage. Low sgp130 level may serve as an additional indicator of coronary atherosclerosis severity.  相似文献   
Changes in the timing of life history events within the year alter the degree to which the activity patterns of different species coincide, making the dynamics of interspecific interactions sensitive to the phenology of the interacting parties. For parasites, the availability of suitable hosts to infect represents a crucial determinant of dynamics, and changes in the host (and parasite) phenology may thus alter disease epidemiology and the conditions for disease maintenance. We tested the hypothesis that the incidence of a sexually transmitted mite infection, Coccipolipus hippodamiae, in Adalia bipunctata ladybird beetles in Sweden was determined by host phenology, namely presence/absence of sexual contact between cohorts of the host. We observed that the pattern of mite presence/absence across Swedish A. bipunctata populations was highly reproducible between years, implying a persistent biological/ecological basis underlying the incidence. Further, ladybirds from populations where the mite was absent were able to acquire mites during copulation, develop a mite infection, and transmit infection onward, indicating an ecological (rather than biological) driver of mite incidence. Observations of ladybird phenology in natural populations provided evidence of sexual contact between overwintered and new cohort adults in populations where the mite was present. In contrast, new cohort ladybirds in the two northern Swedish populations where the mite was not present had not had sexual contact with the overwintered generation, creating a ‘hard stop’ to mite transmission. We conclude that variation in host phenology may be an important driver of the incidence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) by determining the presence/absence of sexual contact between generations. More generally, we hypothesize that sensitivity to variation in host phenology will be highest for parasites like STIs that infect one host species, one host life stage and are directly transmitted on contact between host individuals.  相似文献   
In order to determine the relative contribution of checkpoint abrogation and subsequent aberrant mitotic entry to gemcitabine chemosensitization by CHK1 inhibition, we established a model utilizing the CDK inhibitors roscovitine or purvalanol A to re-establish cell cycle arrest and prevent aberrant mitotic entry in pancreatic cancer cells treated with gemcitabine and the CHK inhibitor AZD7762. In this study, we report that the extent of aberrant mitotic entry, as determined by flow cytometry for the mitotic marker phospho-Histone H3 (Ser10), did not reflect the relative sensitivities of pancreatic cancer cell lines to gemcitabine chemosensitization by AZD7762. In addition, re-establishing gemcitabine-induced cell cycle arrest either pharmacologically, with roscovitine or purvalanol A, or genetically, with cyclin B1 siRNA, did not inhibit chemosensitization uniformly across the cell lines. Furthermore, we found that AZD7762 augmented high-intensity γH2AX signaling in gemcitabine-treated cells, suggesting the presence of replication stress when CHK1 is inhibited. Finally, the ability of roscovitine to prevent chemosensitization correlated with its ability to inhibit AZD7762-induced high-intensity γH2AX, but not aberrant pHH3, suggesting that the effects of AZD7762 on DNA replication or repair rather than aberrant mitotic entry determine gemcitabine chemosensitization in pancreatic cancer cells.  相似文献   
Here, we found that functionally active mitochondria isolated from the brain of NMRI donor mice and administrated intranasally to recipient mice penetrated the brain structures in a dose-dependent manner. The injected mitochondria labeled with the MitoTracker Red localized in different brain regions, including the neocortex and hippocampus, which are responsible for memory and affected by degeneration in patients with Alzheimer''s disease. In behavioral experiments, intranasal microinjections of brain mitochondria of native NMRI mice improved spatial memory in the olfactory bulbectomized (OBX) mice with Alzheimer’s type degeneration. Control OBX mice demonstrated loss of spatial memory tested in the Morris water maze. Immunocytochemical analysis revealed that allogeneic mitochondria colocalized with the markers of astrocytes and neurons in hippocampal cell culture. The results suggest that a non-invasive route intranasal administration of mitochondria may be a promising approach to the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases characterized, like Alzheimer''s disease, by mitochondrial dysfunction.  相似文献   
Recently, a putative ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transport system was identified in Bifidobacterium longum NCC2705 that is highly up-regulated during growth on fructose as the sole carbon source. Cloning and expression of the corresponding ORFs (bl0033-0036) result in efficient fructose uptake by bacteria. Sequence analysis reveals high similarity to typical ABC transport systems and suggests that these genes are organized as an operon. Expression of FruE is induced by fructose, ribose, or xylose and is able to bind these sugars with fructose as the preferred substrate. Our data suggest that BL0033-0036 constitute a high affinity fructose-specific ABC transporter of B. longum NCC2705. We thus suggest to rename the coding genes to fruEKFG and the corresponding proteins to FruE (sugar-binding protein), FruK (ATPase subunit), FruF, and FruG (membrane permeases). Furthermore, protein-protein interactions between the components of the transporter complex were determined by GST pulldown and Western blot analysis. This revealed interactions between the membrane subunits FruF and FruG with FruE, which in vivo is located on the external side of the membrane, and with the cytoplasmatic ATPase FruK. This is in line with the proposed model for bacterial ABC sugar transporters.  相似文献   
We investigated the livers, spleens, kidneys and lungs collected from 24 cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) naturally infected with Ebola virus subtype Reston (EBO-R) during the Philippine outbreak in 1996, in order to reveal the histopathologic findings. These macaques showed necrotic hepatocytes with inclusions, slight to massive fibrin deposition in splenic cords, depletion of lymphoid cells in the white pulp of the spleen, and fibrin thrombi in some organs. Immunohistochemical analysis using anti-leukocyte antigen L1 antibody revealed an increase in blood-derived macrophages/monocytes in the livers, kidneys and lungs of EBO-R infected macaques. EBO-R NP antigens were detected in the macrophages/monocytes, endothelial cells and fibroblasts in the liver, spleen, kidney and lung. These results indicate that EBO-R infection is characterized by systemic coagulopathy and an increase in blood-derived macrophages/monocytes in accordance with the EBO-R propagation in macrophages/monocytes.  相似文献   


Sex-determining systems have evolved independently in vertebrates. Placental mammals and marsupials have an XY system, birds have a ZW system. Reptiles and amphibians have different systems, including temperature-dependent sex determination, and XY and ZW systems that differ in origin from birds and placental mammals. Monotremes diverged early in mammalian evolution, just after the mammalian clade diverged from the sauropsid clade. Our previous studies showed that male platypus has five X and five Y chromosomes, no SRY, and DMRT1 on an X chromosome. In order to investigate monotreme sex chromosome evolution, we performed a comparative study of platypus and echidna by chromosome painting and comparative gene mapping.


Chromosome painting reveals a meiotic chain of nine sex chromosomes in the male echidna and establishes their order in the chain. Two of those differ from those in the platypus, three of the platypus sex chromosomes differ from those of the echidna and the order of several chromosomes is rearranged. Comparative gene mapping shows that, in addition to bird autosome regions, regions of bird Z chromosomes are homologous to regions in four platypus X chromosomes, that is, X1, X2, X3, X5, and in chromosome Y1.


Monotreme sex chromosomes are easiest to explain on the hypothesis that autosomes were added sequentially to the translocation chain, with the final additions after platypus and echidna divergence. Genome sequencing and contig anchoring show no homology yet between platypus and therian Xs; thus, monotremes have a unique XY sex chromosome system that shares some homology with the avian Z.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to define mechanisms by which dopamine (DA) regulates the Na,K-ATPase in alveolar epithelial type 2 (AT2) cells. The Na,K-ATPase activity increased by twofold in cells incubated with either 1 μM DA or a dopaminergic D1 agonist, fenoldopam, but not with the dopaminergic D2 agonist quinpirole. The increase in activity paralleled an increase in Na,K-ATPase α1 and β1 protein abundance in the basolateral membrane (BLM) of AT2 cells. This increase in protein abundance was mediated by the exocytosis of Na,K-pumps from late endosomal compartments into the BLM. Down-regulation of diacylglycerol-sensitive types of protein kinase C (PKC) by pretreatment with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate or inhibition with bisindolylmaleimide prevented the DA-mediated increase in Na,K-ATPase activity and exocytosis of Na,K-pumps to the BLM. Preincubation of AT2 cells with either 2-[1-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-5-methoxyindol-3-yl]-3-(1H-indol-3-yl)maleimide (Gö6983), a selective inhibitor of PKC-δ, or isozyme-specific inhibitor peptides for PKC-δ or PKC-ε inhibited the DA-mediated increase in Na,K-ATPase. PKC-δ and PKC-ε, but not PKC-α or -β, translocated from the cytosol to the membrane fraction after exposure to DA. PKC-δ– and PKC-ε–specific peptide agonists increased Na,K-ATPase protein abundance in the BLM. Accordingly, dopamine increased Na,K-ATPase activity in alveolar epithelial cells through the exocytosis of Na,K-pumps from late endosomes into the basolateral membrane in a mechanism-dependent activation of the novel protein kinase C isozymes PKC-δ and PKC-ε.  相似文献   
Lipid transfer protein, designated as Lc-LTP2, was isolated from seeds of the lentil Lens culinaris. The protein has molecular mass 9282.7 Da, consists of 93 amino acid residues including 8 cysteines forming 4 disulfide bonds. Lc-LTP2 and its stable isotope labeled analogues were overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified. Antimicrobial activity of the recombinant protein was examined, and its spatial structure was studied by NMR spectroscopy. The polypeptide chain of Lc-LTP2 forms four α-helices (Cys4-Leu18, Pro26-Ala37, Thr42-Ala56, Thr64-Lys73) and a long C-terminal tail without regular secondary structure. Side chains of the hydrophobic residues form a relatively large internal tunnel-like lipid-binding cavity (van der Waals volume comes up to ∼600 Å3). The side-chains of Arg45, Pro79, and Tyr80 are located near an assumed mouth of the cavity. Titration with dimyristoyl phosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) revealed formation of the Lc-LTP2/lipid non-covalent complex accompanied by rearrangements in the protein spatial structure and expansion of the internal cavity. The resultant Lc-LTP2/DMPG complex demonstrates limited lifetime and dissociates within tens of hours.  相似文献   
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