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Despite the fact that mucus and bicarbonate are important macroscopic components of the gastric mucosal barrier, severe acidic and peptic conditions surely exist at the apical membrane of gastric glandular cells, and these membranes must have highly specialized adaptations to oppose external insults. Parietal cells abundantly express the heterodimeric, acid-pumping H-K-ATPase in their apical membranes. Its beta-subunit (HKbeta), a glycoprotein with >70% of its mass and all its oligosaccharides on the extracellular side, may play a protective role. Here, we show that the extracellular domain of HKbeta is highly resistant to trypsin in the native state (much more than that of the structurally related Na-K-ATPase beta-subunit) and requires denaturation to expose tryptic sites. Native HKbeta also resists other proteases, such as chymotrypsin and V8 protease, which hydrolyze at hydrophobic and anionic amino acids, respectively. Removal of terminal alpha-anomeric-linked galactose does not appreciably alter tryptic sensitivity of HKbeta. However, full deglycosylation makes HKbeta much more susceptible to all proteases tested, including pepsin at pH <2.0. We propose that 1) intrinsic folding of HKbeta, 2) bonding forces between subunits, and 3) oligosaccharides on HKbeta provide a luminal protein domain that resists gastric lytic conditions. Protein folding that protects susceptible charged amino acids and is maintained by disulfide bonding and hydrophilic oligosaccharides would provide a stable structure in the face of large pH changes. The H-K-ATPase is an obvious model, but other gastric luminally exposed proteins are likely to possess analogous protective specializations.  相似文献   
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) regulate gene expression by repressing translation or directing sequence-specific degradation of complementary mRNA. Here, we report that expression of miR-205 is significantly suppressed in melanoma specimens when compared with nevi and is correlated inversely with melanoma progression. miRNA target databases predicted E2F1 and E2F5 as putative targets. The expression levels of E2F1 and E2F5 were correlated inversely with that of miR-205 in melanoma cell lines. miR-205 significantly suppressed the luciferase activity of reporter plasmids containing the 3'-UTR sequences complementary to either E2F1 or E2F5. Overexpression of miR-205 in melanoma cells reduced E2F1 and E2F5 protein levels. The proliferative capacity of melanoma cells was suppressed by miR-205 and mediated by E2F-regulated AKT phosphorylation. miR-205 overexpression resulted in induction of apoptosis, as evidenced by increased cleaved caspase-3, poly-(ADP-ribose) polymerase, and cytochrome c release. Stable overexpression of miR-205 suppressed melanoma cell proliferation, colony formation, and tumor cell growth in vivo and induced a senescence phenotype accompanied by elevated expression of p16INK4A and other markers for senescence. E2F1 overexpression in miR-205-expressing cells partially reversed the effects on melanoma cell growth and senescence. These results demonstrate a novel role for miR-205 as a tumor suppressor in melanoma.  相似文献   
Hormogastridae earthworms are highly important for the functioning of the Mediterranean soil system. However, little is known about the species distribution and genetic diversity of these soil invertebrates. In the present study, the genetic differentiation and gene flow were studied among populations of hormogastrids from the central Iberian Peninsula. A 648-bp portion of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I gene was sequenced for 82 individuals from 7 localities, resulting in the identification of 38 haplotypes exclusive to localities. All of the individuals were morphologically identified as Hormogaster elisae , but the high genetic divergence found among populations (up to 20.20%) suggests the occurrence of more than one cryptic species within this region. Further analysis of the phylogenetic relationships revealed six different evolutionary lineages coincident with geographical location, including the two nearest populations Molar and Redueña as one evolutionary unit. From these results, at least three new species could be inferred, in addition to the morphospecies H. elisae s.s . Partitioning of genetic variance among populations indicated that isolation by distance was the primary agent for differentiation of the investigated hormogastrid populations. Our data suggest that the evolutionary lineages for H. elisae s.l. originated between the late Miocene and the early Pleistocene, but that mtDNA genealogies coalesce on a more recent scale of a few thousand years.  相似文献   
Used vehicle tires are a source of mosquito vectors and a means of their introduction and expansion. With the aim of assessing the effects of urbanisation on the main mosquito vectors in temperate Argentina, the infestation levels of Aedes aegypti (L.) and Culex pipiens L. were studied in used tires from highly urbanised cities to low-urbanised small towns in Buenos Aires. Immatures of both species accounted for 96% of the 9,722 individuals collected; the total individuals collected represented seven species. The percentage of water-filled tires containing mosquitoes [container index (CI)] was 33% and the percentage of infested sites [site index (SI)] was 65.2%. These indexes decreased significantly from low to high urbanisation levels for both mosquito species. The relative abundance (RA) of Ae. aegypti immatures was slightly higher toward large cities, but showed no difference for Cx. pipiens. The CI of shaded tires was significantly higher than the CI of exposed tires for both mosquito species. There was no difference in RA values between shaded and sunlit tires. The CI and the SI were highest during the summer across the urbanisation levels, except for Cx. pipiens, which continued to increase during the autumn in small towns. Results related to urbanisation gradient, sunlit exposure and seasonality are discussed.  相似文献   
Modular protein interaction domains form the building blocks of eukaryotic signaling pathways. Many of them, known as peptide recognition domains, mediate protein interactions by recognizing short, linear amino acid stretches on the surface of their cognate partners with high specificity. Residues in these stretches are usually assumed to contribute independently to binding, which has led to a simplified understanding of protein interactions. Conversely, we observe in large binding peptide data sets that different residue positions display highly significant correlations for many domains in three distinct families (PDZ, SH3 and WW). These correlation patterns reveal a widespread occurrence of multiple binding specificities and give novel structural insights into protein interactions. For example, we predict a new binding mode of PDZ domains and structurally rationalize it for DLG1 PDZ1. We show that multiple specificity more accurately predicts protein interactions and experimentally validate some of the predictions for the human proteins DLG1 and SCRIB. Overall, our results reveal a rich specificity landscape in peptide recognition domains, suggesting new ways of encoding specificity in protein interaction networks.  相似文献   
Incomplete reproductive isolation and hybridization is relatively frequent in primates. However, no cases of hybridization between formally recognized species have been reported in tamarins (genus Saguinus), a highly specious group of Neotropical primates. Here, we provide evidence from different sources to demonstrate three cases of hybridization in captivity between species of Saguinus distributed west of the Andes (trans-Andean). To do this, we described fur color patterns, genotyped 12 microsatellite loci, sequenced the mitochondrial hypervariable region I, and generated chromosomal R bands for the three formally recognized species and the new hybrids of trans-Andean tamarins. We identified one case of interbreeding between the white-footed tamarin (Saguinus leucopus) and the cotton-top tamarin (S. ?dipus) and two independent reciprocal crosses of S. leucopus and the Geoffroy’s tamarin (S. geoffroyi). All these hybrids exhibit intermediate phenotypes between parental species, and genetic data are consistent with first-generation hybridization. Cytogenetic data suggest that the S. leucopus × S. ?dipus hybrid is sterile, as it is a female with XY karyotype apparently affected by a condition known as gonadal dysgenesis. Trans-Andean tamarin species occur in northwest Colombia with parapatric distributions bounded by major rivers. Potential contact zones, either natural or anthropogenic, might facilitate hybridization in the wild, but this scenario remains to be assessed. Our findings warrant future studies focused on the evolutionary mechanisms of reproductive isolation in tamarins. Given the risk of hybridization, caution should be taken in management and conservation of tamarins.  相似文献   
The synthesis of simplified analogs of the novel isoquinoline alkaloid stephaoxocanidine, carrying the oxazaphenalene ABC-ring system of the natural product, and their activity as inhibitors of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, are reported. 5,6-Dimethoxy-7H -8-oxa-1-aza-phenalen-9-one (5) was as active as a Narcissus extract enriched in galantamine.  相似文献   
Viroids: an Ariadne's thread into the RNA labyrinth   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Increasing evidence suggests that melatonin can exert some effect at nuclear level. Previous experiments using binding techniques clearly showed the existence of specific melatonin binding sites in cell nucleus of rat liver. To further identify these sites, nuclear extracts from rat hepatocytes were treated with different percentages of ammonium sulfate and purified by affinity chromatography. Subsequent ligand blot analysis shows the presence of two polypeptides of approximately 60 and approximately 74 kDa that bind specifically to melatonin. N-Terminal sequence analysis showed that the 60 kDa protein shares a high homology with rat calreticulin, whereas the 74 kDa protein shows no homology with any known protein. The binding of melatonin to calreticulin was further characterized incubating 2-[125I]melatonin with recombinant calreticulin. Binding kinetics show a Kd = 1.08 +/- 0.2 nm and Bmax = 290 +/- 34 fmol.mg protein-1, compatible with other binding sites of melatonin in the cell. The presence of calreticulin was further identified by Western blot analysis, and the lack of endoplasmic reticulum contamination in our material was assessed by Western blot and immunostaining with anti-calnexin Ig. The results suggest that calreticulin may represent a new class of high-affinity melatonin binding sites involved in some functions of the indoleamine including genomic regulation.  相似文献   
The functionalization of long chain alkylamine controlled-pore glass (CPG) with a 3-hydroxypropyl-(2-cyanoethyl)thiophosphoryl linker and its conversion to the support 7 has led to the synthesis of DNA oligonucleotides and their 3'- or (3',5')-conjugates. Indeed, CPG support 7 has been successfully employed in the synthesis of both native and fully phosphorothioated DNA 20-mers. Unlike conventional succinylated CPG supports, this distinctively functionalized support allows oligonucleotide deprotection and removal of the deprotection side products to proceed without releasing the oligonucleotide into the aqueous milieu. When freed from deprotection side products, the DNA oligonucleotide is thermolytically released from the support within 2 h under nearly neutral conditions (pH 7.2, 90 degrees C). The quality of these oligonucleotides is comparable to that of identical oligonucleotides synthesized from succinylated CPG supports in terms of shorter than full length oligonucleotide contaminants and overall yields. The versatility of the thermolytic CPG support 7 is further demonstrated by the synthesis of a DNA oligonucleotide (20-mer) and its conjugation with an azido and alkynyl groups at both 5'-and 3'-termini, respectively. The functionality of the (3',5')-heteroconjugated oligonucleotide 18 is verified by its circularization to the DNA oligonucleotide 19 under "click" chemistry conditions.  相似文献   
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