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The anaerobic film pouch technique was used to quantitate and isolate clostridial spores in 2,358 samples of raw meat (1,078 of chicken, 624 of beef, 656 of pork). Of 19,727 putrefactive anaerobic (PA) sporeformers isolated, 1 was confirmed by mouse protection testing to be Clostridium botulinum type C. This isolate was obtained from a Western Canada chicken sample which contained 5.33 clostridia per gram. These data indicate a very low incidence of botulinal contamination in raw meats at the packing-plant level (0.042% of 2,358 samples) and an almost 20,000:1 ratio of nonbotulinal PA sporeformers to mesophilic C. botulinum spores. The mean level of PA contamination was 2.8 PA sporeformers per gram of meat; 77% of the samples contained three or less PA sporeformers per gram. Small but statistically significant differences in the incidence of clostridial spores were noted for season, geographical region, and type of meat.  相似文献   
Serum specimens from infants 2 to 12 months old vaccinated with the WC3 bovine rotavirus were analyzed to determine the relative concentrations of neutralizing antibody to the VP4 and VP7 proteins of the vaccine virus. To do this, reassortant rotaviruses that contained the WC3 genome segment for only one of these two neutralization proteins were made. The segment for the other neutralization protein in these reassortants was from heterotypic rotaviruses that were serotypically distinct from WC3. Sera were examined from 31 infants who had no evidence of a previous rotavirus infection and the highest postvaccination WC3-neutralizing antibody titers (i.e., 160 to 600) of the 103 subjects administered the vaccine. A reassortant (3/17) that contained both neutralization proteins from the heterotypic rotaviruses, i.e., EDIM (EW strain of mouse rotavirus) VP7 and rhesus rotavirus VP4, was not neutralized by these sera (geometric mean titer [GMT], less than 20). A reassortant (E19) that contained EDIM VP7 and WC3 VP4 was also very poorly neutralized by these antisera (GMT = 20). In contrast, antibody titers to a reassortant (R20) that contained WC3 VP7 and rhesus rotavirus VP4 were higher than those against WC3 (GMTs of 458 and 313, respectively). Thus, VP7 appeared to be the dominant immunogen for production of neutralizing antibody after intestinal infection of previously uninfected infants vaccinated with WC3 bovine rotavirus.  相似文献   
Recent studies using radiolabeled rotavirus lysates have demonstrated a 35-kilodalton viral protein that binds specifically to the surface of MA104 cells (N. Fukuhara, O. Yoshie, S. Kitakoa, and T. Konno, J. Virol. 62:2209-2218, 1988; M. Sabara, J. Gilchrist, G.R. Hudson, and L.A. Babiuk, J. Virol. 53:58-66, 1985). The binding protein was identified as vp7, an outer capsid glycoprotein and the product of rotavirus gene 9. These studies concluded that vp7 mediated viral attachment to MA104 cells and that the binding of a soluble viral protein to a cell monolayer mirrored the attachment of infectious rotavirus to permissive tissue culture cells. In the process of determining which viral protein adheres to the in vivo target cell in rotavirus infection, the mammalian enterocyte, we found that a similar 35-kilodalton rhesus rotavirus (RRV) protein bound to both MA104 cells and murine enterocytes. However, further analysis of this protein by immunoprecipitation, inhibition of glycosylation, and partial proteolysis showed that it was not the RRV gene 9 product, vp7, but the gene 8 product, NS35. Similar results were obtained by using porcine rotavirus (OSU) and bovine rotavirus (NCDV) strains. Binding studies using the in vitro-expressed products of RRV genes 8 and 9 confirmed these results. Since double-shelled virions inhibited the binding of NS35 to cells, we looked for the presence of this protein in preparations of purified virus. Examination of density gradient-purified virus preparations revealed biochemical and immunological evidence that NS35 copurifies in small amounts with double-shelled virions. Thus, these studies clearly demonstrated that when rotavirus proteins are prepared in a soluble form from infected cells, NS35, and not vp7, binds to the surfaces of MA104 cells and murine enterocytes. The observations do not confirm previous experimental results which supported the hypothesis that vp7 was the viral attachment protein. They are consistent with but do not prove the hypothesis that NS35 functions as the rotavirus attachment protein.  相似文献   
This paper investigates effects on lod scores when one individual in a data set changes diagnostic or recombinant status. First we examine the situation in which a single offspring in a nuclear family changes status. The nuclear-family situation, in addition to being of interest in its own right, also has general theoretical importance, since nuclear families are "transparent"; that is, one can track genetic events more precisely in nuclear families than in complex pedigrees. We demonstrate that in nuclear families log10 [(1-theta)/theta] gives an upper limit on the impact that a single offspring's change in status can have on the lod score at that recombination fraction (theta). These limits hold for a fully penetrant dominant condition and fully informative marker, in either phase-known or phase-unknown matings. Moreover, log10 [(1-theta)/theta] (where theta denotes the value of theta at which Zmax occurs) gives an upper limit on the impact of a single offspring's status change on the maximum lod score (Zmax). In extended pedigrees, in contrast to nuclear families, no comparable limit can be set on the impact of a single individual on the lod score. Complex pedigrees are subject to both stabilizing and destabilizing influences, and these are described. Finally, we describe a "sensitivity analysis," in which, after all linkage analysis is completed, every informative individual in the data set is changed, one at a time, to see the effect which each separate change has on the lod scores. The procedure includes identifying "critical individuals," i.e., those who would have the greatest impact on the lod scores, should their diagnostic status in fact change. To illustrate use of the sensitivity analysis, we apply it to the large bipolar pedigree reported by Egeland et al. and Kelsoe et al. We show that the changes in lod scores observed there, on the order of 1.1-1.2 per person, are not unusual. We recommend that investigators include a sensitivity analysis as a standard part of reporting the results of a linkage analysis.  相似文献   
The relationship between bulk cellular myo-inositol content and phosphatidylinositol metabolism was evaluated in a human mesangial cell line under euglycemic and hyperglycemic conditions. Mesangial cells maintained in high glucose medium displayed a concentration-dependent fall in myo-inositol as measured by gas-liquid chromatography. Measurements of phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylinositol 4-monophosphate and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate mass revealed slight but statistically insignificant increases in cells exposed to high glucose containing medium. CDP-diacylglycerol: myo-inositol 3-phosphatidylinositol transferase activity, measured in plasma membranes from mesangial cells grown under control and hyperglycemic conditions, was kinetically similar with Michaelis constants (Km values) for myo-inositol of 2.9 and 2.1 mM, respectively. Finally, hormone-stimulated intracellular calcium mobilization and myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate mass was measured from mesangial cells grown under normal and hyperglycemic conditions. Both intracellular calcium and inositol trisphosphate formation were unchanged in cells previously exposed to high glucose conditions (400 mg/dl) compared to cells grown under normal glucose concentration (100 mg/dl). These data indicate that bulk changes in myo-inositol induced by hyperglycemia are neither associated with alterations in basal levels of inositol containing glycerolipids nor with changes in hormone-stimulated calcium mobilization and inositol trisphosphate formation under conditions of short term changes in extracellular glucose.  相似文献   
To identify the rotavirus protein which mediates attachment to cells in culture, viral reassortants between the simian rotavirus strain RRV and the murine strains EHP and EW or between the simian strain SA-11 and the human strain DS-1 were isolated. These parental strains differ in the requirement for sialic acid to bind and infect cells in culture. Infectivity and binding assays with the parental and reassortant rotaviruses indicate that gene 4 encodes the rotavirus protein which mediates attachment to cells in culture for both sialic acid-dependent and -independent strains. Using ligated intestinal segments of newborn mice and reassortants obtained between the murine strain EW and RRV, we developed an in vivo infectivity assay. In this system, the infectivity of EW was not affected by prior treatment of the enterocytes with neuraminidase, while neuraminidase treatment reduced the infectivity of a reassortant carrying gene 4 from RRV on an EW background more than 80% relative to the controls. Thus, VP4 appears to function as the cell attachment protein in vivo as well as in vitro.  相似文献   
Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth type-1A neuropathy (CMT1A) is a demyelinating peripheral nerve disorder that is commonly associated with a submicroscopic tandem DNA duplication of a 1.5-Mb region of 17p11.2p12 that contains the peripheral myelin gene PMP22. Clinical features of CMT1A include progressive distal muscle atrophy and weakness, foot and hand deformities, gait abnormalities, absent reflexes, and the completely penetrant electrophysiologic phenotype of symmetric reductions in motor nerve conduction velocities (NCVs). Molecular and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analyses were performed to determine the duplication status of the PMP22 gene in four patients with rare cytogenetic duplications of 17p. Neuropathologic features of CMT1A were seen in two of these four patients, in addition to the complex phenotype associated with 17p partial trisomy. Our findings show that the CMT1A phenotype of reduced NCV is specifically associated with PMP22 gene duplication, thus providing further support for the PMP22 gene dosage mechanism for CMT1A. Received: 3 May 1995 / Revised: 1 August 1995  相似文献   
Waardenburg syndrome (WS) is a dominantly inherited and clinically variable syndrome of deafness, pigmentary changes, and distinctive facial features. Clinically, WS type I (WS1) is differentiated from WS type II (WS2) by the high frequency of dystopia canthorum in the family. In some families, WS is caused by mutations in the PAX3 gene on chromosome 2q. We have typed microsatellite markers within and flanking PAX3 in 41 WS1 kindreds and 26 WS2 kindreds in order to estimate the proportion of families with probable mutations in PAX3 and to study the relationship between phenotypic and genotypic heterogeneity. Evaluation of heterogeneity in location scores obtained by multilocus analysis indicated that WS is linked to PAX3 in 60% of all WS families and in 100% of WS1 families. None of the WS2 families were linked. In those families in which equivocal lod scores (between −2 and +1) were found, PAX3 mutations have been identified in 5 of the 15 WS1 families but in none of the 4 WS2 families. Although preliminary studies do not suggest any association between the phenotype and the molecular pathology in 20 families with known PAX3 mutations and in four patients with chromosomal abnormalities in the vicinity of PAX3, the presence of dystopia in multiple family members is a reliable indicator for identifying families likely to have a defect in PAX3.  相似文献   
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