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Following the identification of the male (S-locus Cysteine Rich/S-locus Protein 11) and female (S Receptor kinase [SRK]) factors controlling self-incompatibility in the Brassicaceae, research in this field has focused on understanding the nature of the cellular responses activated by these regulators. We previously identified the ARM Repeat Containing1 (ARC1) E3 ligase as a component of the SRK signaling pathway and demonstrated ARC1’s requirement in the stigma for self-incompatible pollen rejection in Brassica napus, Arabidopsis lyrata, and Arabidopsis thaliana. Here, we discuss our findings on the role of ARC1 in reconstructing a strong and stable A. thaliana self-incompatibility phenotype, in the context of the putative issues outlined in a commentary by Nasrallah and Nasrallah. Additionally, with their proposed standardized strategy for studying self-incompatibility in A. thaliana, we offer our perspective on what constitutes a strong and stable self-incompatibility phenotype in A. thaliana and how this should be investigated and reported to the greater community.With many angiosperms possessing hermaphroditic flowers, self-incompatibility (SI) systems have evolved to avoid the deleterious effects of inbreeding (Figures 1A and 1B). As defined by Charlesworth et al. (2005), “plant SI systems all prevent self-fertilization through recognition and rejection of pollen by pistils expressing ‘cognate’ allelic specificity.” In Brassicaceae species, the allele specificity is conferred by two well-characterized polymorphic genes encoding the female S Receptor kinase (SRK) and the male S-locus Protein 11/S-locus Cysteine Rich (SP11/SCR; hereby referred to as SCR) (reviewed in Iwano and Takayama, 2012). The major outstanding area in this field is identifying the signaling proteins activated by SRK, determining their function at the cellular level, and investigating whether these signaling proteins have conserved functions across the self-incompatible species in the Brassicaceae. Despite strong interest in finding these potential factors by us and other groups, only the Brassica rapa M Locus Protein Kinase (Murase et al., 2004; Kakita et al., 2007a, 2007b) and the ARM Repeat Containing1 (ARC1) E3 ligase have emerged as direct downstream signaling proteins. We demonstrated a conserved role for ARC1 in self-incompatible Brassica napus (Gu et al., 1998; Stone et al., 1999, 2003), self-incompatible Arabidopsis lyrata (Indriolo et al., 2012), and self-incompatible Arabidopsis thaliana expressing A. lyrata SCRb, SRKb, and ARC1 transgenes (Indriolo et al., 2014). The commentary by Nasrallah and Nasrallah (2014) focuses on our proposed role for ARC1 in reconstituting self-incompatibility in transgenic A. thaliana.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Pathways for Compatible and Self-Incompatible Pollen Responses in A. thaliana.(A) Compatible (arrow) and self-incompatible (bar) pollen-pistil interactions.(B) Criteria for assessing compatible versus self-incompatible pollinations.(C) Model for the basal compatible pollen response. An unknown basal pollen response pathway is activated in the stigmatic papilla under the compatible pollen grain leading to the activation of vesicle secretion. Our research on Brassica and Arabidopsis Exo70A1 revealed a putative role for the exocyst complex in docking secretory vesicles at the stigmatic papillae plasma membrane (Samuel et al., 2009; Safavian and Goring, 2013; Safavian et al., 2014). Exo70A1 is proposed to assemble with the remaining subunits of the exocyst complex to dock secretory vesicles (reviewed in Zárský et al., 2013). SNARE proteins mediate vesicle fusion to the plasma membrane, and unknown cargo (ACA13 as one candidate; Iwano et al., 2014) are released to enable pollen hydration pollen tube entry through the stigmatic papillar cell wall (compatible pollen is accepted).(D) Model for the reconstituted self-incompatibility signaling pathway in the Sha ecotype. Following self-pollination in transgenic SCR-SRK+ARC1 Sha ecotype flowers, the pollen SCR ligand binds to SRK at the stigmatic papillar plasma membrane, resulting in the activation of the downstream signaling pathway. The ARC1 E3 ligase is recruited by SRK and targets Exo70A1 for ubiquitination. Even though the basal compatible pollen response pathway has been also activated, ubiquitinated Exo70A1 is somehow inhibited so that exocyst-mediated vesicle secretion to the self-incompatible pollen grain is blocked. In addition, secretory vesicles are degraded in the vacuole through autophagy. An unknown signaling protein (yellow) also has activity in the Sha ecotype in blocking exocytosis (see Samuel et al. [2009], Safavian and Goring [2013], and Indriolo et al. [2014] for further details and references therein).(E) Transmission electron microscopy image of a self-incompatible pollen-stigmatic papillar interaction at 10 min postpollination from the transgenic SCRb-SRKb+ARC1 Sha ecotype. Pseudocoloring has been added to distinguish the pollen (brown) from the stigmatic papilla (green). Autophagy is detected with the autophagic vacuole in the vacuole (see Rose et al. [2006] and Indriolo et al. [2014] for details). (Figures 1C to 1E adapted from Indriolo et al. [2014], Figures 9 and 10.)  相似文献   
High-efficiency DNA ligation is vital for many molecular biology experiments, and it is best achieved using reactants with non-palindromic sticky ends to maximize specificity. However, optimizing such multi-parametric ligation reactions often involves extensive trial and error. We have developed a freely available Web-based ligation calculator, NP-Sticky (http://sarkarlab.umn.edu/npsticky/), that predicts product distribution for given reactant concentrations, thus enabling straightforward computational optimization of these reactions. Built-in schemes include two-piece and three-piece linear ligation, as well as insert-vector circular ligation. The only parameters needed for the underlying thermodynamic model are the free energies of ligation for each sticky end, which can be estimated by the calculator from the overhang sequences or provided by the user from direct experimental measurement. Free energies of sticky-end mismatches are also calculated for determining the extent of byproduct formation. This ligation calculator allows rapid identification of the optimal conditions for maximizing incorporation, efficiency, and/or accuracy, based on specific needs.  相似文献   
In October 2012, the Haitian Ministry of Health and the US CDC were notified of 25 recent dengue cases, confirmed by rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs), among non-governmental organization (NGO) workers. We conducted a serosurvey among NGO workers in Léogane and Port-au-Prince to determine the extent of and risk factors for dengue virus infection. Of the total 776 staff from targeted NGOs in Léogane and Port-au-Prince, 173 (22%; 52 expatriates and 121 Haitians) participated. Anti-dengue virus (DENV) IgM antibody was detected in 8 (15%) expatriates and 9 (7%) Haitians, and DENV non-structural protein 1 in one expatriate. Anti-DENV IgG antibody was detected in 162 (94%) participants (79% of expatriates; 100% of Haitians), and confirmed by microneutralization testing as DENV-specific in 17/34 (50%) expatriates and 42/42 (100%) Haitians. Of 254 pupae collected from 68 containers, 65% were Aedes aegypti; 27% were Ae. albopictus. Few NGO workers reported undertaking mosquito-avoidance action. Our findings underscore the risk of dengue in expatriate workers in Haiti and Haitians themselves.  相似文献   
This article extends and adds more realism to Lande's analytical model for evolution under mate choice by using individual‐based simulations in which females sample a finite number of males and the genetic architecture of the preference and preferred trait evolves. The simulations show that the equilibrium heritabilities of the preference and preferred trait and the genetic correlation between them (rG), depend critically on aspects of the mating system (the preference function, mode of mate choice, choosiness, and number of potential mates sampled), the presence or absence of natural selection on the preferred trait, and the initial genetic parameters. Under some parameter combinations, preferential mating increased the heritability of the preferred trait, providing a possible resolution for the lek paradox. The Kirkpatrick–Barton approximation for rG proved to be biased downward, but the realized genetic correlations were also low, generally <0.2. Such low values of rG indicate that coevolution of the preference and preferred trait is likely to be very slow and subject to significant stochastic variation. Lande's model accurately predicted the incidence of runaway selection in the simulations, except where preferences were relative and the preferred trait was subject to natural selection. In these cases, runaways were over‐ or underestimated, depending on the number of males sampled. We conclude that rapid coevolution of preferences and preferred traits is unlikely in natural populations, but that the parameter combinations most conducive to it are most likely to occur in lekking species.  相似文献   
A fluorescence-labeled wheat germ agglutinin staining technique (R. K. Sizemore et al., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 56:2245–2247, 1990) was modified and found to be effective for staining gram-positive, acidophilic mining bacteria. Bacteria identified by others as being gram positive through 16S rRNA sequence analyses, yet clustering near the divergence of that group, stained weakly. Gram-negative bacteria did not stain. Background staining of environmental samples was negligible, and pyrite and soil particles in the samples did not interfere with the staining procedure.  相似文献   
Bumblebees and other eusocial bees offer a unique opportunity to analyze the evolution of body size differences between sexes. The workers, being sterile females, are not subject to selection for reproductive function and thus provide a natural control for parsing the effects of selection on reproductive function (i.e., sexual and fecundity selection) from other natural selection. Using a phylogenetic comparative approach, we explored the allometric relationships among queens, males, and workers in 70 species of bumblebees (Bombus sp.). We found hyperallometry in thorax width for males relative to workers, indicating greater evolutionary divergence of body size in males than in sterile females. This is consistent with the hypothesis that selection for reproductive function, most probably sexual selection, has caused divergence in male size among species. The slope for males on workers was significantly steeper than that for queens on workers and the latter did not depart from isometry, providing further evidence of greater evolutionary divergence in male size than female size, and no evidence that reproductive selection has accelerated divergence of females. We did not detect significant hyperallometry when male size was regressed directly on queen size and our results thus add the genus Bombus to the increasing list of clades that have female-larger sexual size dimorphism and do not conform to Rensch's rule when analyzed according to standard methodology. Nevertheless, by using worker size as a common control, we were able to demonstrate that bumblee species do show the evolutionary pattern underlying Rensch's rule, that being correlated evolution of body size in males and females, but with greater evolutionary divergence in males.  相似文献   
Bacterial production and amino acid metabolism in aquatic systems can be estimated by simultaneous incubation of water samples with both tritiated methyl-thymidine and 14C-labeled amino acids. This dual-label method not only saves time, labor, and materials, but also allows determination of these two parameters in the same microbial subcommunity. Both organic carbon incorporation and respiration can be estimated. The results obtained with the dual-label technique are not significantly different from single-radiolabel methods over a wide range of bacterial activity. The method is particularly suitable for large-scale field programs and has been used successfully with eutrophic estuarine samples as well as with oligotrophic oceanic water. In the mesohaline portion of Chesapeake Bay, thymidine incorporation ranged seasonally from 2 to 635 pmol liter−1 h−1 and amino acid turnover rates ranged from 0.01 to 28.4% h−1. Comparison of thymidine incorporation with amino acid turnover measurements made at a deep, midbay station in 1985 suggested a close coupling between bacterial production and amino acid metabolism during most of the year. However, production-specific amino acid turnover rates increased dramatically in deep bay waters during the spring phytoplankton bloom, indicating transient decoupling of bacterial production from metabolism. Ecological features such as this are readily detectable with the dual-label method.  相似文献   
Many traits are phenotypically discrete but polygenically determined. Such traits can be understood using the threshold model of quantitative genetics that posits a continuously distributed underlying trait, called the liability, and a threshold of response, individuals above the threshold displaying one morph and individuals below the threshold displaying the alternate morph. For many threshold traits the liability probably consists of a hormone or a suite of hormones. Previous experiments have implicated juvenile hormone esterase (JHE), a degratory enzyme of juvenile hormone, as a physiological determinant of wing dimorphism in the crickets Gryllus rubens and G. firmus. The present study uses a half-sib experiment to measure the heritability of JHE in the last nymphal stadium of G. firmus and its genetic correlation with fecundity, a trait that is itself genetically correlated with wing morph. The phenotypic and genetic parameters are consistent with the hypothesis that JHE is a significant component of the liability. Comparison of sire and dam estimates suggest that nonadditive effects may be important. Two models have been proposed to account for the fitness differences between morphs: the dichotomy model, which assumes that each morph can be characterized by a particular suite of traits, and the continuous model, which assumes that the associated fitness traits are correlated with the liability rather than the morphs themselves. The latter model predicts that the fitness differences will not be constant but change with the morph frequencies. Variation in fecundity and flight muscle histolysis are shown to be more consistent with the continuous model. Data from the present experiment on JHE are inconclusive, but results from a previous selection experiment also suggest that variation in JHE is consistent only with the continuous model.  相似文献   
Carriers of blue cone monochromacy have fewer cone photoreceptors than normal. Here we examine how this disruption at the level of the retina affects visual function and cortical organization in these individuals. Visual resolution and contrast sensitivity was measured at the preferred retinal locus of fixation and visual resolution was tested at two eccentric locations (2.5° and 8°) with spectacle correction only. Adaptive optics corrected resolution acuity and cone spacing were simultaneously measured at several locations within the central fovea with adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (AOSLO). Fixation stability was assessed by extracting eye motion data from AOSLO videos. Retinotopic mapping using fMRI was carried out to estimate the area of early cortical regions, including that of the foveal confluence. Without adaptive optics correction, BCM carriers appeared to have normal visual function, with normal contrast sensitivity and visual resolution, but with AO-correction, visual resolution was significantly worse than normal. This resolution deficit is not explained by cone loss alone and is suggestive of an associated loss of retinal ganglion cells. However, despite evidence suggesting a reduction in the number of retinal ganglion cells, retinotopic mapping showed no reduction in the cortical area of the foveal confluence. These results suggest that ganglion cell density may not govern the foveal overrepresentation in the cortex. We propose that it is not the number of afferents, but rather the content of the information relayed to the cortex from the retina across the visual field that governs cortical magnification, as under normal viewing conditions this information is similar in both BCM carriers and normal controls.  相似文献   
Human glutaredoxin 3 (Glrx3) is an essential [2Fe-2S]-binding protein with ill-defined roles in immune cell response, embryogenesis, cancer cell growth, and regulation of cardiac hypertrophy. Similar to other members of the CGFS monothiol glutaredoxin (Grx) family, human Glrx3 forms homodimers bridged by two [2Fe-2S] clusters that are ligated by the conserved CGFS motifs and glutathione (GSH). We recently demonstrated that the yeast homologues of human Glrx3 and the yeast BolA-like protein Fra2 form [2Fe-2S]-bridged heterodimers that play a key role in signaling intracellular iron availability. Herein, we provide biophysical and biochemical evidence that the two tandem Grx-like domains in human Glrx3 form similar [2Fe-2S]-bridged complexes with human BolA2. UV-visible absorption and circular dichroism, resonance Raman, and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopic analyses of recombinant [2Fe-2S] Glrx3 homodimers and [2Fe-2S] Glrx3-BolA2 complexes indicate that the Fe-S coordination environments in these complexes are virtually identical to those of the analogous complexes in yeast. Furthermore, we demonstrate that apo BolA2 binds to each Grx domain in the [2Fe-2S] Glrx3 homodimer forming a [2Fe-2S] BolA2-Glrx3 heterotrimer. Taken together, these results suggest that the unusual [2Fe-2S]-bridging Grx-BolA interaction is conserved in higher eukaryotes and may play a role in signaling cellular iron status in humans.  相似文献   
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