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Genetic variation in a pathogen, including the causative agent of salmonellosis, Salmonella enterica, can occur as a result of eco-evolutionary forces triggered by dissimilarities of ecological niches. Here, we applied comparative genomics to study 90 antimicrobial resistant (AMR) S. enterica isolates from bovine and human hosts in New York and Washington states to understand host- and geographic-associated population structure. Results revealed distinct presence/absence profiles of functional genes and pseudogenes (e.g., virulence genes) associated with bovine and human isolates. Notably, bovine isolates contained significantly more transposase genes but fewer transposase pseudogenes than human isolates, suggesting the occurrence of large-scale transposition in genomes of bovine and human isolates at different times. The high correlation between transposase genes and AMR genes, as well as plasmid replicons, highlights the potential role of horizontally transferred transposons in promoting adaptation to antibiotics. By contrast, a number of potentially geographic-associated single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), rather than geographic-associated genes, were identified. Interestingly, 38% of these SNPs were in genes annotated as cell surface protein-encoding genes, including some essential for antibiotic resistance and host colonization. Overall, different evolutionary forces and limited recent inter-population transmission appear to shape AMR S. enterica population structure in different hosts and geographic origins.  相似文献   
鲎是古老的海洋节肢动物。中华鲎(Tachypleus tridentatus)是世界现存4种鲎中体型最大的一种, 是河口生态系统的标志物种, 同时其血液被用于生产医用检验试剂――鲎试剂。中华鲎的自然地理分布范围相当狭窄, 仅局限于日本濑户内海向南延伸至印度尼西亚爪哇岛北岸以北的太平洋西岸海域, 其中在中国东岸和日本南部海域的历史产量较高。自20世纪50年代以来中华鲎种群数量出现了显著减少, 2019年中华鲎在IUCN红色名录中的濒危等级正式更新为濒危(EN), 明确了中华鲎资源呈现全球性衰退的状态, 究其原因可归纳为鲎生境破坏和过度捕捞两个方面。在开展鲎资源保护的实践工作中, 作者深刻反思当前鲎资源保护在海洋保护区划定、增殖放流及科普和野生动物保护法宣传中存在的问题并提出相应建议, 包括加快完善种群基线数据, 制定标准化种群和生境基线监测指南, 构建科学放流体系等, 以期推进全球范围内的中华鲎资源保护与科学管理。  相似文献   
[目的] 了解福州市公园的外来入侵植物种类组成,分析其原产地及入侵等级等情况,能够为福州外来入侵植物的扩散、防控以及生物多样性保护提供参考依据。[方法] 对福州市4个区49个公园的外来入侵植物种类、原产地、生活型、入侵频度、危害程度(入侵等级)等进行调查和分析。[结果] 在调查的福州市所有公园内均有入侵植物分布,目前有入侵植物66种,隶属25科,其中菊科、豆科、苋科3个科为优势科,共计33种(占50.00%);从来源上看,大多数原产于美洲,其次是非洲、欧洲、亚洲;以草本植物为主,共有55种(占83.30%);从入侵频度看,入侵频度超过50%的入侵植物有7种,其中小蓬草的频度最高,为87.76%;从入侵等级来看,其中恶性(1级)入侵植物16种,严重(2级)入侵植物14种,局部(3级)入侵植物12种,一般(4级)入侵植物11种,有待观察类(5级)13种。[结论] 当前福州市公园内的外来植物入侵现象比较严重,应当加强该区域的入侵植物监测与预警,防止入侵植物扩散从而造成重大生态危害。  相似文献   
Myriophyllum, among the most species‐rich genera of aquatic angiosperms with ca. 68 species, is an extensively distributed hydrophyte lineage in the cosmopolitan family Haloragaceae. The chloroplast (cp) genome is useful in the study of genetic evolution, phylogenetic analysis, and molecular dating of controversial taxa. Here, we sequenced and assembled the whole chloroplast genome of Myriophyllum spicatum L. and compared it to other species in the order Saxifragales. The complete chloroplast genome sequence of M. spicatum is 158,858 bp long and displays a quadripartite structure with two inverted repeats (IR) separating the large single copy (LSC) region from the small single copy (SSC) region. Based on sequence identification and the phylogenetic analysis, a 4‐kb phylogenetically informative inversion between trnE‐trnC in Myriophyllum was determined, and we have placed this inversion on a lineage specific to Myriophyllum and its close relatives. The divergence time estimation suggested that the trnE‐trnC inversion possibly occurred between the upper Cretaceous (72.54 MYA) and middle Eocene (47.28 MYA) before the divergence of Myriophyllum from its most recent common ancestor. The unique 4‐kb inversion might be caused by an occurrence of nonrandom recombination associated with climate changes around the K‐Pg boundary, making it interesting for future evolutionary investigations.  相似文献   
Chrysanthemum is one of the most important ornamental flowers in the world, and temperature has a significant influence on its field production. In the present study, differentially expressed proteins were investigated in the leaves of Dendranthema grandiflorum ‘Jinba’ under high temperature stress using label-free quantitative proteomics techniques. The expressed proteins were comparatively identified and analyzed. A total of 1,463 heat-related, differentially expressed proteins were successfully identified by Liquid Chromatography-tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), and 1,463 heat-related, differentially expressed proteins were successfully identified by mass spectrometry after a high temperature treatment. Among these, 701 proteins were upregulated and 762 proteins were downregulated. The in-depth bioinformatics analysis of these differentially expressed proteins revealed that these were involved in energy metabolism pathways, protein metabolism, and heat shock. In the present study, the investigators determined the changes in the levels of some proteins, and their expression at the protein and molecular levels in chrysanthemum to help reveal the mechanism of heat resistance in chrysanthemum. Furthermore, the present study elucidated some of the proteins correlated to heat resistance in chrysanthemum, and their expression changes at the protein and molecular levels to help reveal the mechanism of heat resistance in this flower species. These results provide a theoretical basis for the selection of new heat resistant varieties of chrysanthemum in the field.  相似文献   
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