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Eight Danish Holstein cows were milked with a 1-mm thick specially designed soft liner on their right rear teat and a standard liner mounted under extra high tension on their left rear teat. Four of the animals were overmilked for 5 min. Rear teats were subjected to ultrasound examination on the first day and to infrared thermography on the second day. Teats were submersed in ethanol 20 min post-milking on the second day. Ultrasonography measurements showed that teat canal length increased by 30–41% during milking. Twenty minutes after milking, teats milked with modified standard liners still had elongated teat canals while teats milked with the soft liner were normalized. Overmilking tended to increase teat wall thickness. Approximately 80% of variability in teat canal length, from before teat preparation to after milking, could be explained by changes during teat preparation. Thermography indicated a general drop in teat temperature during teat preparation. Teat temperature increased during milking and continued to increase until the ethanol challenge induced a significant drop. Temperatures approached pre-challenge rather than pre-milking temperatures within 10 minutes after challenge. Teat temperatures were dependent on type of liner. Mid-teat temperatures post-challenge relative to pre-teat preparation were dependent on overmilking. Thermography and ultrasound were considered useful methods to indirectly and non invasively evaluate teat tissue integrity.  相似文献   
Sporothrix schenckii produces two extracellular proteinases, namely proteinase I and II. Proteinase I is a serine proteinase, inhibited by chymostatin, while proteinase II is an aspartic proteinase, inhibited by pepstatin. Studies on substrate specificity and the effect of proteinase inhibitors on cell growth suggest an important role for these proteinases in terms of fungal invasion and growth. There has, however, been no evidence presented demonstrating thatS. schenckii produces 2 extracellular proteinases in vivo. In order to substantiate the in vivo production of proteinases and to attempt a preliminary serodiagnosis of sporotrichosis, serum antibodies against 2 proteinases were assayed usingS. schenckii inoculated hairless mice. Subsequent to an intracutaneous injection ofS. schenckii to the mouse skin, nodules spontaneously formed and disappeared for a period of 4 weeks. Histopathological examination results were in accordance with the microscopic observations. Micro-organisms disappeared during the fourth week. Serum antibody titers against purified proteinases I and II were measured weekly, using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (EIA). As a result, the time course of the antibody titers to both proteinases I and II were parallel to that of macroscopic and microscopic observations in an experimental mouse sporotrichosis model. These results suggest thatS. schenckii produces both proteinases I and II in vivo. Moreover, the detection of antibodies against these proteinases can contribute to a serodiagnosis of sporotrichosis.  相似文献   
This study aimed to examine whether lung tissue extracellular matrix (ECM) hydrogels have protective effects on radiation-induced lung injury (RILI). The cytocompatibility and histocompatibility were tested for the obtained ECM-derived hydrogel. Sprague–Dawley rats were randomly divided into three groups (n = 18): control group (control); rats receiving irradiation and intratracheal injection of normal saline (IR + NS); and rats receiving irradiation and intratracheal injection of lung ECM-derived hydrogel (IR + ECM). The wet/dry weight ratio was used to evaluate the congestion and edema of the lungs. Histopathological analysis of lung tissues was performed using hemotoxylin and eosin staining and Masson's trichrome staining. Immunohistochemical staining and western blot analyses were carried out to determine the expression of epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT)-related proteins in lung tissues (E-cadherin, α-smooth muscle actin [α-SMA], and vimentin). In addition, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) and interleukin-6 (IL-6), hydroxyproline, malondialdehyde (MDA), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels were also evaluated. The ECM-derived hydrogels had good cytocompatibility and histocompatibility. ECM-derived hydrogel treatment improved lung histopathology injury and pulmonary edema. Higher expression of E-cadherin and lower expression of vimentin and α-SMA were found in the IR + ECM group compared with those in the IR + NS group. Hydroxyproline levels were reduced by ECM-derived hydrogel treatment compared with those in the IR + NS group. Obvious increases of TNF-α, IL-6, and TGF-β1 were identified following irradiation. Marked reductions in MDA content and increases in SOD were induced by ECM-derived hydrogel treatment in rats after radiation. ECM-derived hydrogels were shown to protect against RILI, potentially by reducing EMT, inflammation, and oxidative damage.  相似文献   
Parafollicular cells (PC) of the sheep thyroid gland are neural crest derivatives that synthesize and release the biogenic amine serotonin (5-HT) as well as the hormone calcitonin. The thyroid also contains a highly specific serotonin-binding protein (SBP). Separation of dissociated thyroid cells was done to study the cellular localization of SBP and to develop a means of isolating PC for study. Various methods were used to obtain an enriched and purified population of PC. Minced thyroid glands were enzymatically dissociated and the cells were layered on a Ficoll linear density gradient. Fractions obtained from the gradient were examined for cell number, viability, 5-HT concentration, SBP activity, and morphology by electron microscopy. One of the fractions was found to be enriched in PC. High levels of 5-HT and SBP were also found in this fraction, whereas these levels were low where the majority of cells were found. This PC-rich fraction, however, contained numerous follicular cells (FC); therefore, additional approaches to cell separation were used. FC can be stimulated in vitro with thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) to become intensely phagocytic. When stimulated cells were incubated in the presence of silica microspheres, the FC engulfed the microspheres, which were toxic to them. PC did not become phagocytic and were unharmed by the microspheres. Suspended cells, after incubation with microspheres, were centrifuged on a discontinuous gradient, and a PC-rich fraction was obtained. Silica, however, interfered with analysis of SBP. Another method to take advantage of the phagocytic potential of FC was therefore used. TSH-stimulated cell suspensions were passed through a column of sepharose to which thyroglobulin had been coupled. Stimulated FC apparently adhered to the beads and were retained by the columns. Fractions eluting from the columns were greatly enriched with PC. These fractions contained high levels of 5-HT and SBP, and considerably reduced FC contamination was found by quantitative electron microscopy. It is concluded that SBP is localized to PC in the sheep thyroid. The idea that these cells resemble serotonergic neurons in their mechanisms of 5-HT storage is supported.  相似文献   
The HLA class I antigen B44 is found in each of two different extended major histocompatibility haplotypes (allele combinations of HLA-B, HLA-DR, and complement genes BF, C2, C4A, and C4B in linkage disequilibrium). Using isoelectric focusing, two variants of HLA-B44 were identified. The basic variant was found in all cell lines with the extended haplotype HLA-B44, DR7, FC31, and the acidic variant in all cell lines with the extended haplotype HLA-B44, DR4, SC30. The occurrence of each antigen variant with a unique extended haplotype explains previous observations concerning the nonrandom association of B44 variants with DR antigens.  相似文献   
Lysosome-associated membrane protein (LAMP)-1, one of the major protein components of the lysosomal membrane, is upregulated in the human glioblastoma cell lines, U-373 MG and LN-Z308, which undergo cisplatin-induced apoptosis. These human brain tumor cell lines demonstrated apoptosis in response to cisplatin/nifedipine treatment. Both cell lines demonstrated an apoptotic response by more than one criterion. Apoptosis was demonstrated by DNA fragmentation techniques such as DNA laddering, ApopTag in situ labeling, and an ELISA-based method of detecting liberated oligosomes. These cells also had characteristic morphologic changes and upregulation of bax consistent with apoptosis. LAMP-1 expression at the protein and mRNA level was examined and found to increase with cisplatin/nifedipine treatment. LAMP-1 expression was examined using indirect immunofluorescent staining, Northern blot analysis and Western blot analysis. The finding of an augmentation of LAMP-1 in these cells induced to die is enigmatic. These findings raise the possibility of LAMP-1 involvement in the apoptotic process.  相似文献   
Summary Morphological alterations induced by dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA) were studied in polycystic mouse ovaries (PCO). Treated mice showed ovulatory failure and cystic changes; cysts and follicles in various stages of growth and atresia were present although corpora lutea were absent. The levels of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, 3- and 3-androstanediol, estrone and androstenedione increased, whereas estradiol was not detectable.The ultrastructure of granulosa cells in healthy and atretic follicles was similar to that of control animals, although the membrana granulosa in cysts was reduced to a monolayer of flattened cells. The theca interna of healthy and atretic follicles and ovarian cysts showed ultrastructural signs of abnormal steroidogenic stimulation.No significant differences (0.7<P<0.8) were found between the extensive surface area of gap junctions of healthy follicles of control and DHA-treated animals. On the P-face of granulosa cells of large healthy follicles, meandering strands of tight junctional particles were observed; their average length was significantly longer than those in healthy follicles of control animals (P<0.001). This increase was probably related to the large amounts of androgens present in the treated animals.Theca interna cells possessed small gap junctions; no significant differences (P>0.9) in gap-junction surface area were observed between DHA-treated and control animals. These results suggest that the size of gap junctions is probably unrelated to the steroidogenic activities of theca cells.The following trivial names have been used: Dihydrotestosterone: 5-androstan 17 ol-13 one; 3-androstanediol: 5-androstan 3,17 diol; 3-androstanediol: 5-androstan 3,17 diol  相似文献   
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