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The protein composition of nuclear matrices containing different amount of DNA was examined. It was found that, in matrices containing 2% to 80% of total DNA, the quantity of DNA-bound proteins remains relatively constant varying from 10% to 15% of total nuclear proteins. Electrophoretic patterns do not differ substantially, but autoradiograms with in vitro 125I labelled proteins show quantitative variations in the actin content. Application of radioimmunoassay (RIA) enabled to determine the exact content of actin in GAT nuclei and nuclear matrices – 5 g/ml in nuclei, of which 50% are bound to DNA and 3001o being a component of the protein part of the nuclear matrix. These results are supported by electron microscopic data, where immunogold technique was performed on thin sections and spread material. The applied methods suggest that part of the nuclear actin is tightly bound (resistant to 2 M NaCI) to DNA and represents a component of the internal nuclear matrix.  相似文献   
The left-handed form of poly(dG-m5dC).poly(dG-m5dC) induced by heating the copolymer in the presence of magnesium and stabilized with polyarginine can be used to raise antibodies in rabbits. These antibodies are able to recognize the Z conformation of both methylated and nonmethylated forms of the copolymers. In the same experimental conditions, hypermethylated B DNA is not recognized by these antibodies.  相似文献   
In this study plasma levels of vitamin A, carotenoids, retinol binding protein (RBP), prealbumin (PA), HDL-and total cholesterol were determined in 19 female subjects with cervical dysplasia and compared to those of the healthy female subjects described in our previous research. Plasma levels of vitamin A and carotene were determined by a spectrophotometric method using trifluoroacetic acid, plasma RBP and PA by single radial immunodiffusion and HDL- and total cholesterol by enzymatic colorimetry. Plasma mean values of vitamin A and HDL-cholesterol were lower (P less than 0.05 and P less than 0.01, respectively) than in the control group. On the contrary total cholesterol was higher (P less than 0.01) in the patients than in the control group. Vitamin A plasma levels were significantly related (P less than 0.01) to RBP and PA. No significant statistical correlation was found between the severity of the dysplasia and vitamin A plasma levels.  相似文献   
Congenital cataracts are one of the most common major eye abnormalities and often lead to blindness in infants. At least a third of all cases are familial. Within this group, highly penetrant, autosomal dominant forms of congenital cataracts (ADCC) are most common. ADCC is a genetically heterogeneous group of disorders, in which at least eight different loci have been identified for nine clinically distinct forms. Among these, Armitageet al.(Nature Genet.9: 37–40, 1995) mapped a gene for cerulean blue cataracts to chromosome 17q24. Bodkeret al.(Am. J. Med. Genet.37: 54–59, 1990) described a large family with cerulean blue cataracts, in which the affected daughter of affected first cousins was presumed to be homozygous for the purported gene. We report linkage in this family to the region on chromosome 22q that includes two β crystallin genes (CRYBB2, CRYBB3) and one pseudogene (CRYBB2P1). The affected female in question is homozygous at all markers.  相似文献   
Counting statistics in the form of the variance-time curve provides an alternative to spectral analysis for point processes exhibiting 1/f β-fluctuations, such as the heart beat. However, this is true only for β<1. Here, the case of general β is considered. To that end, the mathematical relation between the variance-time curve and power spectral density in the presence of 1/f β-noise is worked out in detail. A modified version of the variance-time curve is presented, which allows us to deal also with the case β?1. Some applications to the analysis of heart rate variability are given.  相似文献   
Summary Intercellular junctions in the uterine epithelium of the ovoviviparous urodele Salamandra salamandra were studied in pregnant and non-pregnant females by freeze-fracture technique. Junctional complexes consist of zonulae occludentes (tight junctions) and numerous maculae adhaerentes (desmosomes); z. adhaerentes and nexuses (gap junctions) could not be identified. Tight junctions are of the flexible type exhibiting loosely interconnected fibrils. The fibrillary network appears stretched more often in pregnant females possibly due to the mechanical stress of pregnancy. The structure and occurrence of the junctions identified, especially that of the tight junctions, is discussed with regard to the functions of the uterus during pregnancy.Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe der Gefrierbruchtechnik wurden im Uterus-epithel trächtiger und nichtträchtiger Feuersalamanderweibchen (Salamandra salamandra) Zonulae occludentes und Maculae adhaerentes, jedoch keine Z. adhaerentes sowie Nexus identifiziert. Die Z. occludentes sind flexibel. Ihr fibrilläres Netzwerk ist bei trächtigen Weibchen öfter gestreckt; das ist möglicherweise auf die stärkere Ausdehnung des Uterusgewebes während der Trächtigkeit zurückzuführen. Das Vorkommen der verschiedenen Kontakt-strukturen, namentlich das der Z. occludentes, wird im Hinblick auf die Funktionen des Uterus während der Trächtigkeit diskutiert.We are indebted to Mrs. K. Ott for excellent technical assistance and to Miss Dr. U. Beigel for linguistic help  相似文献   
Summary Results of investigations on the occurrence of nerve fibres and endings in the synovial membrane of the knee and elbow joint in the cat are reported. The stratum synoviale contains only autonomic fibres, running in the adventitia of arteries.Free nerve endings are lacking in the stratum synoviale. Simple Pacinian corpuscles with an inner core are occasionally observed in the border zone between the stratum synoviale and fibrosum. The ultrastructure of these endorgans resembles that of Pacinian corpuscles in the hairless and hairy skin of the cat.  相似文献   
The deposition of fibrillar protein aggregates in human organs is the hallmark of several pathological states, including highly debilitating neurodegenerative disorders and systemic amyloidoses. It is widely accepted that small oligomers arising as intermediates in the aggregation process, released by fibrils, or growing in secondary nucleation steps are the cytotoxic entities in protein-misfolding diseases, notably neurodegenerative conditions. Increasing evidence indicates that cytotoxicity is triggered by the interaction between nanosized protein aggregates and cell membranes, even though little information on the molecular details of such interaction is presently available. In this work, we propose what is, to our knowledge, a new approach, based on the use of single-cell force spectroscopy applied to multifunctional substrates, to study the interaction between protein oligomers, cell membranes, and/or the extracellular matrix. We compared the interaction of single Chinese hamster ovary cells with two types of oligomers (toxic and nontoxic) grown from the N-terminal domain of the Escherichia coli protein HypF. We were able to quantify the affinity between both oligomer type and the cell membrane by measuring the mechanical work needed to detach the cells from the aggregates, and we could discriminate the contributions of the membrane lipid and protein fractions to such affinity. The fundamental role of the ganglioside GM1 in the membrane-oligomers interaction was also highlighted. Finally, we observed that the binding of toxic oligomers to the cell membrane significantly affects the functionality of adhesion molecules such as Arg-Gly-Asp binding integrins, and that this effect requires the presence of the negatively charged sialic acid moiety of GM1.  相似文献   
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