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The sequence of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) has been previously identified as a promising candidate for reconstructing Mesozoic-age divergences (Friedlander, Regier, and Mitter 1992, 1994). To test this hypothesis more rigorously, 597 nucleotides of aligned PEPCK coding sequence (approximately 30% of the coding region) were generated from 18 species representing Mesozoic-age lineages of moths (Insecta: Lepidoptera) and outgroup taxa. Relationships among basal Lepidoptera are well established by morphological analysis, providing a strong test for the utility of a gene which has not previously been used in systematics. Parsimony and other phylogenetic analyses were conducted on nucleotides by codon positions (nt1, nt2, nt3) separately and in combination, and on amino acids, for comparison to the test phylogeny. The highest concordance was achieved with nt1 + nt2, for which one of two most-parsimonious trees was identical to the test phylogeny, and with all nucleotides when nt3 was down-weighted sevenfold or higher, for which a single most-parsimonious tree identical to the test phylogeny resulted. Substitutions in nt3 approached saturation in many, but not all, pairwise comparisons and their exclusion or severe downweighting greatly increased the degree of concordance with the test phylogeny. Neighbor-joining analysis confirms this finding. The utility of PEPCK for phylogenetics is demonstrated over a time span for which few other suitable genes are currently available.   相似文献   
After an 88-fold purification, pectinesterase produced by a strain ofAspergillus niger, isolated from rotten lemons, showed the following main characteristics: maximum activity at 45°C, pH 5; Km, with pectin as substrate, 1.01 mg/L; G*, 4750 Cal/mol. Polygalacturonic acid and methanol acted as competitive and non-competitive inhibitors, respectively. The activity of the enzyme was impaired by MgCl2 and stimulated by NaCl.  相似文献   


Interventions to prevent mother to child transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) during childbirth and breastfeeding can reduce HIV infections in infants to less than 5% in low and middle income countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends all mothers, regardless of their HIV status, practice exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of an infant’s life. In line with these recommendations and to protect, promote and support breastfeeding, in 2009 the PNG National Department of Health revised their National HIV infant feeding guidelines, reinforcing the WHO recommendation of exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months followed by the introduction of other food and fluids, while continuing breastfeeding.The overall aim of this paper is to explore health care workers’ knowledge regarding infant feeding options in PNG, specifically as they relate to HIV exposed infants.


As part of a study investigating women’s and men’s experiences of prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) services in two sites in PNG, 28 key informant interviews were undertaken. This paper addresses one theme that emerged from thematic data analysis: Health care workers’ knowledge regarding infant feeding options, specifically how this knowledge reflects the Papua New Guinea National HIV Care and Treatment Guidelines on HIV and infant feeding (2009).


Most informants mentioned exclusive breastfeeding, the majority of whom reflected the most up-to-date National Guidelines of exclusive breastfeeding for six months. The importance of breastfeeding continuing beyond this time, along with the introduction of food and fluids was less well understood. The most senior people involved in PMTCT were the informants who most accurately reflected the national guidelines of continuing breastfeeding after six months.


Providing advice on optimal infant feeding in resource poor settings is problematic, especially in relation to HIV transmission. Findings from our study reflect those found elsewhere in identifying that key health care workers are not aware of up-to-date information relating to infant feeding, especially within the context of HIV. Greater emphasis needs to be placed on ensuring the most recent feeding guidelines are disseminated and implemented in clinical practice in PNG.
p27kip1 has been implicated in cell cycle regulation, functioning as an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase activity. In addition, p27 was also shown to affect cell migration, with accumulation of cytoplasmic p27 associated with tumor invasiveness. However, the mechanism underlying p27 regulation as a cytoplasmic protein is poorly understood. Here we show that glucose starvation induces proteasome-dependent degradation of cytoplasmic p27, accompanied by a decrease in cell motility. We also show that the glucose limitation-induced p27 degradation is regulated through an ubiquitin E3 ligase complex involving Siah1 and SIP/CacyBP. SIP−/− embryonic fibroblasts have increased levels of cytosolic p27 and exhibit increased cell motility compared with wild-type cells. These observations suggest that the Siah1/SIP E3 ligase complex regulates cell motility through degradation of p27.Key words: p27kip1, Siah1, SIP, glucose starvation, cell migration  相似文献   
The impact of gender and/or hormone variations on a wide variety of neural functions makes the choice between studying males or females (or both) of a given species difficult. Although female rats are widely used experimentally, few studies control for the stage of estrus. More detailed information about how to distinguish the various stages of the estrous cycle is needed. For the present study, vaginal smears were obtained once a day and stained using an adaptation of the Papanicolaou (PAP) procedure. Images are provided of unstained “wet” samples and the corresponding PAP stained smears illustrating the cellular profile for each stage of the cycle as well as post-ovariectomy. The different cell populations across the cycle were quantified and ratios determined to show trends between the predominant and other cell types in each stage of the estrous cycle. Both stained and unstained images and cell quantification data provide valuable guidelines for distinguishing the stages of the estrous cycle.  相似文献   
Typical preparation of seed samples for infrared (IR) microspectroscopy involves imbibition of the seed for varying time periods followed by cryosectioning. Imbibition, however, may initiate germination even at 4° C with associated changes in the chemistry of the sample. We have found that it is possible to section seeds that are sufficiently hard, such as soybeans, on a standard laboratory microtome without imbibition. The use of dry sectioning of unimbibed seeds is reported here, as well as a comparison of different mounting media and modes of analysis. Glycerol, Tissue-Tek, and ethanol were used as mounting media, and the quality of the resulting spectra was assessed. Ethanol was the preferred mountant, because it dried quickly with no residue and thus did not interfere with the spectrum of interest. Analysis in transmission mode using barium fluoride windows to hold the samples was compared with transmission-reflection analysis with sections mounted on special infrared-reflecting slides. The two modes of analysis performed well in different regions of the spectrum. The mode of analysis (transmission vs. transmission-reflection) should be based on the components of greatest interest in the sample.  相似文献   
Porous species boundaries are characterized by differential gene flow, where some regions of the genome experience divergent evolution while others experience the homogenizing effects of gene flow. If species can arise or remain distinct despite gene flow between them, speciation can only be understood on a gene by gene level. To understand the genetics of speciation, we therefore must identify the targets of selection that cause divergent evolution and identify the genetic architecture underlying such “speciation phenotypes”. This will enable characterization of genomic regions that are “free to flow” between species, and those that diverge in the face of gene flow. We discuss this problem in the genus Laupala, a morphologically cryptic, flightless group of crickets that has radiated in Hawaii. Because songs are used in courtship and always distinguish close relatives of Laupala as well as species in sympatry, we argue that songs in Laupala are speciation phenotypes. Here, we present our approaches to identify the underlying genomic regions and song genes that differentiate closely related species. We discuss what is known about the genetic basis of this species difference derived from classic quantitative genetics and quantitative trait locus mapping experiments. We also present a model of the molecular expression of cricket song to assist in our goal to identify the genes involved in song variation. As most species are sympatric and exchange genes with congeners, we discuss the importance of understanding the genetic and genomic architecture of song as a speciation phenotype that must be characterized to identify differential patterns of gene flow at porous species boundaries.  相似文献   
Unlike central nervous system neurons; those in the peripheral nervous system have the potential for full regeneration after injury. Following injury, recovery is controlled by schwann cells which replicate and modulate the subsequent immune response. The level of nerve recovery is strongly linked to the severity of the initial injury despite the significant advancements in imaging and surgical techniques. Multiple experimental model shave been used with varying successes to augment the natural regenerative processes which occur following nerve injury. Stem cell therapy in peripheral nerve injury may be an important future intervention to improve the best attainable clinical results. In particular adipose derived stem cells(ADSCs) are multipotent mesenchymal stem cells similar to bone marrow derived stem cells, which are thought to have neurotrophic properties and the ability to differentiate into multiple lineages. They are ubiquitous within adipose tissue; they can form many structures resembling the mature adult peripheral nervous system. Following early in vitro work; multiple small and large animal in vivo models have been used in conjunction with conduits, autografts and allografts to successfully bridge the peripheral nerve gap. Some of the ADSC related neuroprotective and regenerative properties have been elucidated however much work remains before a model can be used successfully in human peripheral nerve injury(PNI). This review aims to provide a detailed overview of progress made in the use of ADSC in PNI, with discussion on the role of a tissue engineered approach for PNI repair.  相似文献   
An established lepidopteran insect cell line (Sf9) was cotransfected with expression plasmids encoding neomycin phosphotransferase and bovine beta 1,4-galactosyltransferase. Neomycin-resistant transformants were selected, assayed for beta 1,4-galactosyltransferase activity, and the transformant with the highest level of enzymatic activity was characterized. Southern blots indicated that this transformed Sf9 cell derivative contained multiple copies of the galactosyltransferase- encoding expression plasmid integrated at a single site in its genome. One-step growth curves showed that these cells supported normal levels of baculovirus replication. Baculovirus infection of the transformed cells stimulated beta 1,4-galactosyltransferase activity almost 5-fold by 12 h postinfection. This was followed by a gradual decline in activity, but the infected cells still had about as much activity as uninfected controls as late as 48 h after infection and they were able to produce a beta 1,4-galactosylated virion glycoprotein during infection. Infection of the transformed cells with a conventional recombinant baculovirus expression vector encoding human tissue plasminogen activator also resulted in the production of a galactosylated end-product. These results demonstrate that stable transformation can be used to add a functional mammalian glycosyltransferase to lepidopteran insect cells and extend their N- glycosylation pathway. Furthermore, stably-transformed insect cells can be used as modified hosts for conventional baculovirus expression vectors to produce foreign glycoproteins with "mammalianized" glycans which more closely resemble those produced by higher eucaryotes.   相似文献   
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