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Six closely related taxa of the sect.Eusideritis of the genusSideritis (S. leucantha, S. pusilla, S. flavovirens, S. granatensis, S. biflora andS. osteoxylla) are analysed to elucidate their phylogenetic relationships and position within the sect.Eusideritis. Meiotic behaviour, karyotype features, size and fertility of pollen grains, DNA amounts and seed protein profiles are reviewed. A polyploid origin of the group (from x = 7) and the further diversification through dysploidy and chromosome repatterning is postulated.S. osteoxylla is apparently of hybrid origin.  相似文献   
A total of 140 environmental Vibrio cholerae non-O1 isolates, together with several culture collection strains from both environmental and clinical sources, were studied in relation to hemagglutination, surface hydrophobicity, and the enzymatic, hemolytic, cytotoxic, and enterotoxic activities of their extracellular products. A total of 78 and 62% of the strains produced hemagglutinins and exohemagglutinins, respectively. Four different hemagglutinating and two exohemagglutinating activities were found by using eight sugars in the inhibition assays. Cell-bound mannose-sensitive hemagglutination was detected mainly in chicken blood, whereas fucose-sensitive hemagglutination was recorded only in human blood. Cell-bound hemagglutinin resistant to all sugars tested was the only one related to surface hydrophobicity. The surface properties varied along the growth curves. The non-O1 strains displayed strong enzymatic and hemolytic activities, except for esculin hydrolysis. Of 26 non-O1 isolates selected for cytotoxin and enterotoxin production, 23 showed a wide spectrum of cytotoxic effects on cell lines of poikilothermic and homoiothermic species, but they were weakly enterotoxigenic in the infant mouse test. All extracellular products of cytotoxic strains were proteolytic, lipolytic, and hemolytic, and a high percentage produced hemagglutination of chicken blood. The cytotoxic factors in the non-O1 strains analyzed were not R plasmid mediated.  相似文献   
We reviewed 98 cases of fine needle aspiration of soft tissue tumors with histologic confirmation performed during an eight-year period and propose a working morphologic classification based on the most prominent cytologic features. Six main tumor groups are recognized: myxoid, round cells, spindle cells, pleomorphic cells, polygonal cells and well differentiated. We believe that this classification allows recognition of the most common soft tissue tumors while helping with the differential diagnosis of other neoplasia, primary or secondary, with similar morphology and a similar presentation.  相似文献   
Peripheral neuroepithelioma of soft tissue is a malignant primitive neuroectodermal tumor that appears both in children and adults and usually has a poor outcome. Fine needle aspiration on two patients with tumors in the lower limbs showed small round cells with unipolar processes and a tendency to form Homer-Wright rosettes. The cells had a round to oval nucleus with fine chromatin, up to four small, conspicuous nucleoli and vacuolated, periodic acid-Schiff-positive cytoplasm. The diagnosis was supported by electron microscopic study of the aspirate, which showed features of neuroblastic differentiation (i.e., neurosecretory granules), and by histologic, immunohistochemical and cytogenetic study of the resected tumors.  相似文献   
The rotational motions of human fibrinogen in solution at 20 degrees C have been examined, in the 0.2-12-microseconds time range, by measuring the laser-induced dichroism of the triplet state of an erythrosin probe covalently bonded to the protein. The decay of the anisotropy was multiexponential, and up to three correlation times (phi 1 = 380 +/- 50 ns, phi 2 = 1.1 +/- 0.1 microseconds, and phi 3 = 3.3 +/- 0.6 microseconds) were needed to obtain a satisfactory analysis. The experimental data are consistent with the brownian motions of an elongated, rigid particle. If the correlation times are combined with previous data on the intrinsic viscosity of fibrinogen, the rotational and translational diffusive properties of the protein can be reproduced with high accuracy by idealizing it as an elongated ellipsoid of revolution with dimensions (2a x 2b) of (54 +/- 6) x (7.2 +/- 0.5) nm, having rotational diffusion constants of D parallel = (6.2 +/- 0.7) x 10(5) s-1 and D perpendicular = (5 +/- 1) x 10(4) s-1. The possibility of Ca(2+)-dependent changes in the rigidity or conformation of fibrinogen was excluded by examining the submicrosecond time-resolved fluorescence depolarization of 1-methylpyrene conjugates of the protein in the presence of different calcium concentrations. Although there are inherent difficulties to extrapolate the data on isolated fibrinogen molecules to the polymerizing species, this relatively stiff conformation meets the requirements of the classical half-staggered double-stranded model of fibrin polymerization rather better than those of the recently proposed interlocked single-stranded mechanism.  相似文献   
Aphidius staryi Chen & Luhman n. sp. is described. The species was collected and introduced into California from Israel and Turkey byD. González. The new species is morphologically most similar toAphidius smithi, and keys toEady's urticae group.  相似文献   
Forty-one isolates ofFusarium obtained from the main Argentinian corn production area were tested for their ability to produce moniliformin. One of 22 isolates ofF. moniliforme, 2/10 of F.proliferatum and 3/9 ofF. subglutinans, produced moniliformin in a range between 0,3 to 2,7 mg/g. These data represent the first report of the production of moniliformin byFusarium species from section Liseola in Argentina.  相似文献   
N-formyl peptides (FMLP) and complement fragment C5a are neutrophil chemoattractants. In humans, a single-copy gene was identified for the C5a receptor, and the receptor for FMLP (FPR1) is encoded by a single gene that shows 53% amino acid similarity to the C5aR. Two other humanFPR1 homologues,FPR-like 1 (FPR2/FPRL1) andFPR-like 2 (FPRL2) have been cloned. The human C5aR, FPR1, FPRL1, and FPRL2 are physically linked. By direct sequencing or by sequencing plasmid clones we studied theC5aR andFPR genes from four non-human primates (chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, and macaque). The sequences showed 95%–99% similarity to the human homologues, with the major divergences observed in macaque. In these genes, the transmembrane and the cytoplasmic domains are highly conserved, while the highest divergence corresponded to the extracellular loops involved in ligand binding. Additionally, we constructed a physical map of these genes in non-human primates. In all species the four genes were physically linked and we defined the relative orientation of the four genes in primates:C5aR>FPR1>FPR2 (FPRL1)>FPRL2. The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the EMBL/GenBank nucleotide sequence databases and have assigned the accession numbers X97730 (PTC5aR), X97731 (MMC5aR), X97732 (PPC5aR), X97730 (GGC5aR), X97734 (MMFPR1), X97735 (PPFPR1), X97736 (GGFPR1), X97737 (MMFPRL1), X97738 (GGFPRL1), X97739 (PTFPRL1), X97740 (MMFPRL2), X97741 (PPFPRL2), X97742 (GGFPRL2), X97743 (PTFPRL2), X97744 (PPFPRL1), and X97745 (PTFPR1)  相似文献   
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