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Methanococcus thermolithotrophicus is a methanogenic archaebacterium that can use either H2 or formate as its source of electrons for reduction of CO2 to methane. Growth and suspended-whole-cell experiments show that H2 plus CO2 methanogenesis was constitutive, while formate methanogenesis required adaptation time; selenium was necessary for formate utilization. Cells grown on formate had 20 to 100 times higher methanogenesis rates on formate than cells grown on H2-CO2 and transferred into formate medium. Enzyme assays with crude extracts and with F420 or methyl viologen as the electron acceptor revealed that hydrogenase was constitutive, while formate dehydrogenase was regulated. Cells grown on formate had 10 to 70 times higher formate dehydrogenase activity than cells grown on H2-CO2 with Se present in the medium; when no Se was added to H2-CO2 cultures, even lower activities were observed. Adaptation to and growth on formate were pH dependent, with an optimal pH for both about one pH unit above that optimal for H2-CO2 (pH 5.8 to 6.5). When cells were grown on H2-CO2 in the presence of formate, formate (greater than or equal to 50 mM) inhibited both growth and methanogenesis at pH 5.8 to 6.2, but not at pH greater than 6.6. Both acetate and propionate produced similar inhibition. Formate inhibition was also observed in Methanospirillum hungatei.  相似文献   
Photosynthetic electron transport capacity was varied in vivo in sugar beets using iron deficiency, and its effects on the light modulation of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase) studied. Three treatment groups corresponding to decreasing amounts of thylakoids per leaf area were examined: iron sufficient (control), moderately iron-stressed, and severely iron-stressed. Reduction in electron transport capacity in vivo was correlated with a substantial decrease in the level of RuBPCase activation, even at saturating irradiances. These results indicate a direct relationship between RuBPCase activation and photosynthetic electron transport. In addition, our data suggest that the activation of RuBPCase could not solely account for the increases in the photosynthetic rate at high irradiances; RuBPCase reached maximal activation at irradiances well below light saturation for net photosynthesis.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - FeCN ferricyanide - FBPase fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase - RuBP ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate - RuBPCase ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase - SBPase sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphatase  相似文献   
We have defined a DNA sequence that behaves as an RNA polymerase II termination signal by using the human HeLa cell transient expression system. Surprisingly, this sequence is tripartite, including part of the coding region of the sea urchin H2A histone gene together with two separate sequences in the 3' flanking region of the gene. We demonstrate that this signal functions both in its normal gene environment and also when placed within the human alpha-globin gene. However, we have failed to detect a discrete 3' terminus. Rather, our data indicate the presence of an extremely heterogeneous series of nonpolyadenylated RNAs. These heterogeneous nonpolyadenylated RNAs are stable when transcribed from the intact histone gene but are highly unstable within the human alpha-globin gene. This provides evidence for the role of poly(A) in the stability of mRNA.  相似文献   
A variety of compounds were investigated for use as sulfur sources for the growth of methanogenic bacteria.Methanococcus (Mc.) deltae, Mc. maripaludis, Methanobacterium (Mb.) speciesGC-2B, GC-3B, andMMY, Methanobrevibacter (Mbr.) ruminantium, andMethanosarcina (Ms.) barkeri strain 227 grew well with sulfide, So, thiosulfate, or cysteine as sole sulfur source.Mbr. ruminatium was able to grow on SO 4 = or SO 3 = , andMs. barkeri strain 227 was able to grow on SO 3 = , but not on SO 4 = as a sole sulfur source.Mc. jannaschii grew with sulfide, So, thiosulfate or SO 3 = , but not on cysteine or SO 4 = as sole surface source.Mc. thermolithotrophicus, Mc. jannaschii, Mc. deltae, andMb. thermoautotrophicum strains Marburg and H were able to grow with methanethiol, ethanethiol,n-propanethiol,n-butanethiol, methyl sulfide, dimethyl sulfoxide, ethyl sulfide, or CS2 as a sulfur source, when very low levels (20–30 M) of sulfide were present; no growth occurred on 5–100 M sulfide alone. Methanethiol, ethanethiol, and methyl sulfide-using cultures produced sulfide during growth.  相似文献   
A study was carried out to assess the respiratory function of children living in homes insulated with urea formaldehyde foam insulation (UFFI). A large data base on the effect of environmental variables on the respiratory function of 3500 children in the Hamilton, Ont., area had been collected from 1978 to 1980. From this data base 29 children who lived in UFFI-insulated homes were identified, and each was matched with 2 controls according to nine variables that had been shown to be strongly predictive of respiratory function. Reported respiratory symptoms and results of pulmonary function testing in the year immediately following installation of UFFI were examined. No significant differences in any variable were found between the subjects and controls. A power calculation indicated that the study had adequate power to detect clinically important changes. The authors conclude that there was no evidence of respiratory problems resulting from UFFI in the sample studied.  相似文献   
Feasibility of automating the micronucleus assay   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The results of a feasibility study on the automation of the micronucleus assay in whole blood cultures of human lymphocytes are reported. The assay requires determination of the number of lymphocytes with micronuclei among the proliferating population. Using an in-house-assembled image analysis system, a prototype software package was developed that addressed two problems: micronuclei identification and discrimination of nonproliferating cells from proliferating lymphocytes (the only ones that can give rise to micronuclei). The results of manual verification of automated micronucleus scoring showed that 70% of all digitized micronuclei were extracted from the images and 90% of them were correctly classified and paired with a parent nucleus by an "affinity function". The discrimination between proliferating and nonproliferating cells was carried out by linear discriminant analysis of simple nuclear features extracted from Feulgen-stained cells. Among the Feulgen-stained nuclei that were identified by autoradiography as proliferating or not, 85% were correctly classified by a six-feature discriminant function.  相似文献   
Two new metabolites of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3], namely 1,25(OH)2-24-oxo-vitamin D3 and 1,23,25(OH)3-24-oxo-vitamin D3, have been prepared in vitro using chick intestinal mucosal homogenates. To investigate the binding of 1,25(OH)2-[23-3H]-24-oxo-D3 and 1,23,25(OH)3-[23-3H]-24-oxo-D3 to the chick intestinal receptor we have isolated both metabolites in radioactive form using an incubation system containing 1,25(OH)2-[23,24-3H))-D3 with a specific radioactivity of 5.6 Ci/mmol. Both metabolites were highly purified by using Sephadex LH-20 chromatography followed by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Sucrose density gradient sedimentation analysis showed specific binding of both tritium-labeled metabolites to the chick intestinal cytosol receptor. Experiments were carried out to determine the relative effectiveness of binding to the chick intestinal mucosa receptor for 1,25(OH)2D3. The results are expressed as relative competitive index (RCI), where the RCI is defined as 100 for 1,25(OH)2D3. Whereas the RCI obtained for 1,25(OH)2-24-oxo-D3 was 98 +/- 2 (SE), the RCI for 1,23,25(OH)3-24-oxo-D3 was only 28 +/- 6 (SE). Also, the biological activity of both new metabolites was assessed in vivo in the chick. In our assay for intestinal calcium absorption, 1,25(OH)2-24-oxo-D3 was active at a dose level of 1.63 and 4.88 nmol/bird (at 14 h), whereas 1,23,25(OH)3-24-oxo-D3 showed only weak biological activity in this system. In our assay for bone calcium mobilization, administration of both new metabolites showed modest activity at the 4.88-nmol dose level, which was reduced at the 1.63-nmol dose level. The results indicate that biological activity declines as 1,25(OH)2D3 is metabolized to 1,24R,25(OH)3D3, 1,25(OH)2-24-oxo-D3, and then 1,23,25(OH)3-24-oxo-D3.  相似文献   
Assembly of F1-ATPase in isolated mitochondria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The assembly of the proton-translocating ATPase complex was studied in isolated mitochondria by incubating yeast mitochondria with radiolabeled precursors of mitochondrial proteins which had been made in a cell-free protein synthesis system. Following such an incubation, the ATPase complex (F1F0) was isolated. Newly assembled F1-ATPase was detected by autoradiography of the isolated enzyme, only peptide subunits which had been made in vitro and imported into the isolated mitochondria could be radioactive. Incorporation of radiolabeled ATPase subunits into the enzyme does not occur in the presence of an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation or of a divalent metal chelator, nor does it occur in submitochondrial particles rather than intact mitochondria. Incorporation of labeled ATPase subunits into the enzyme can be completed by unlabeled subunits, provided the unlabeled proteins are added before the mitochondria are incubated with radioactive precursors. These findings suggest that F1-ATPase is assembled from a pool of subunits in mitochondria.  相似文献   
Several proteins, including microtubule proteins, have been isolated from the oral apparatus of the ciliate Tetrahymena. The synthesis of these proteins has been studied in relation to formation of this organelle system by the cell. Electron microscopy has shown that the isolated oral apparatus consists primarily of basal bodies, pellicular membranes, and a system of subpellicular microtubules and filaments. Cilia were removed during the isolation; therefore none of the proteins studied was from these structures. Evidence was obtained from the study of total oral apparatus protein which indicates that at least some of the proteins involved in formation of this organelle system may be synthesized and stored in the cytoplasm for use over long periods. This pattern of regulation was found for three individual proteins isolated from the oral apparatus fraction after extraction with a phenol-acetic acid solvent. A different pattern of regulation was found for microtubule proteins isolated from the oral apparatus of Tetrahymena. The data suggest that microtubule proteins, at least in logarithmically growing cells, are not stored in a cytoplasmic pool but are synthesized in the same cell cycle in which they are assembled into oral structures.  相似文献   
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