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Studies were conducted to determine the uptake and metabolism of the pigment synthesis inhibiting herbicide clomazone in tolerant-soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv Corsoy) and susceptible-cotton (Gossypium hirsutum [L.] cv Stoneville 825) photomixotrophic cell suspensions. Soybean and cotton on a whole plant level are tolerant and susceptible to clomazone, respectively. Preliminary studies indicated that I50 values for growth, chlorophyll (Chl), β-carotene, and lutein were, respectively, >22, 14, 19, and 23 times greater for the soybean cell line (SB-M) 8 days after treatment (DAT) compared to the cotton cell line (COT-M) 16 DAT. Differences in [14C]clomazone uptake cannot account for selectivity since there were significantly greater levels of clomazone absorbed by the SB-M cells compared to the COT-M cells for each treatment. The percentage of absorbed clomazone converted to more polar metabolite(s) was significantly greater by the SB-M cells relative to COT-M cells at 6 and 24 hours after treatment, however, only small differences existed between the cell lines by 48 hours after treatment. Nearly identical levels of parental clomazone was recovered from both cell lines for all treatments. A pooled metabolite fraction isolated from SB-M cells had no effect on the leaf pigment content of susceptible velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medic.) or soybean seedlings. Conversely, a pooled metabolite fraction from COT-M cells reduced the leaf Chl content of velvetleaf. Soybean tolerance to clomazone appears to be due to differential metabolism (bioactivation) and/or differences at the site of action.  相似文献   
Studies were conducted to determine the herbicidal site of clomazone action in tolerant-soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv Corsoy) (SB-M) and susceptible-cotton (Gossypium hirsutum [L.] cv Stoneville 825) (COT-M) photomixotrophic cell suspension cultures. Although a 10 micromolar clomazone treatment did not significantly reduce the terpene or mixed terpenoid content (microgram per gram fresh weight) of the SB-M cell line, there was over a 70% reduction in the chlorophyll (Chl), carotenoid (CAR), and plastoquinone (PQ) content of the COT-M cell line. The tocopherol (TOC) content was reduced only 35.6%. Reductions in the levels of Chl, CAR, TOC, and PQ indicate that the site of clomazone action in COT-M cells is prior to geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate (GGPP). The clomazone treatment did not significantly reduce the flow of [14C]mevalonate ([14C]MEV) (nanocuries per gram fresh weight) into CAR and the three mixed terpenoid compounds of SB-M cells. Conversely, [14C]MEV incorporation into CAR and the terpene moieties of Chl, PQ, and TOC in COT-M cells was reduced at least 73%, indicating that the site of clomazone action must be after MEV. Sequestration of clomazone away from the chloroplast cannot account for soybean tolerance to clomazone since chloroplasts isolated from both cell lines incubated with [14C]clomazone contained a similar amount of radioactivity (disintegrations per minute per microgram of Chl). The possible site(s) of clomazone inhibition include mevalonate kinase, phosphomevalonate kinase, pyrophosphomevalonate decarboxylase, isopentenyl pyrophosphate isomerase, and/or a prenyl transferase.  相似文献   
Cultures of bovine adrenomedullary chromaffin cells accumulated 1-[methyl-3H]methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ([3H]MPP+) in a time- and concentration-dependent manner with an apparent Km of 0.7 microM and a Vmax of 3 pmol/min/10(6) cells. The uptake was sodium dependent and sensitive to inhibitors of the cell-surface catecholamine transporter. At low concentrations of MPP+, the subcellular distribution was identical to that of endogenous catecholamines in the catecholamine-containing chromaffin vesicles. However, at a higher concentration of MPP+, a larger proportion of the toxicant was recovered in the cytosolic fraction, with less in the chromaffin vesicle fractions. When cells were prelabeled with [3H]MPP+, at 1 and 300 microM, and then permeabilized with digitonin in the absence of Ca2+, there was a proportionally greater release of MPP+ from the cells labeled at the higher concentration of the toxicant. In the presence of Ca2+, cell permeabilization induced a time-dependent secretion of catecholamines and a parallel secretion of MPP+. Under these conditions, the secretion of endogenous catecholamines was unaffected by the presence of MPP+. When the permeabilization studies were carried out in the presence of tetrabenazine, a massive release of MPP+ was observed in the absence of Ca2+ and was not further increased by Ca2+. In intact cells prelabeled with 300 microM [3H]MPP+, the secretagogues nicotine and veratridine elicited a Ca2+ -dependent secretion of catecholamines and MPP+ from the cells in similar proportions to their cellular contents. Barium-induced release of both species was independent of external Ca2+.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Quantal melatonin suppression by exposure to low intensity light in man   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plasma melatonin concentrations were examined following three relatively low intensities of artificial light. Six normal, healthy control subjects were all exposed to (a) 200 lux, (b) 400 lux and (c) 600 lux for a three hour duration from midnight to 0300 h. Blood was also collected on a control night where light intensity was less than 10 lux throughout. Significant suppression of melatonin was observed following light of 400 lux and 600 lux intensity when compared to the control night (p less than 0.05; Mann-Whitney U-test). 200 lux light did not produce a statistically significant melatonin suppression when compared with control samples. Each light intensity produced its own individual maximal melatonin suppression by one hour of exposure. Increased duration of exposure to the light had no further influence on melatonin plasma concentrations. These data confirm a dose response relationship between light and melatonin suppression, and indicate that there is no reciprocal relationship between the effects of light intensity and the duration of exposure on maximal melatonin suppression in man.  相似文献   
Animal studies suggest nicotine and cannabinoids may significantly enhance the therapeutic value of neuroleptics in motor disorders. This was recently demonstrated in humans by the finding that chewing nicotine gum produced striking relief from tics and other symptoms of Tourette syndrome not controlled by neuroleptic treatment alone. It appears that the use of nicotine or cannabinoids may greatly improve the clinical response to neuroleptics in motor disorders.  相似文献   
We report DNA and clinical analyses of cystic fibrosis (CF) in two previously unstudied, genetically isolated populations: Pueblo and Navajo Native Americans. Direct mutation analysis of six mutations of the CFTR gene--namely, delta F508, G542X, G551D, R553X, N1303K, and W1282X--was performed on PCR-amplified genomic DNA extracted from blood samples. Haplotype analyses with marker/enzyme pairs XV2c/TaqI and KM19/PstI were performed as well. Of the 12 affected individuals studied, no delta F508 mutation was detected; only one G542X mutation was found. None of the other mutations was detected. All affected individuals have either an AA, AC, or CC haplotype, except for the one carrying the G542X mutation, who has the haplotype AB. Clinically, six of the affected individuals examined exhibit growth deficiency, and five (all from the Zuni Pueblo) have a severe CF phenotype. Four of the six Zunis with CF are also microcephalic, a finding not previously noted in CF patients. Our DNA data have serious implications for risk assessment of CF carrier status for these people.  相似文献   
The uv-visible spectra of 7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazaflavin-5'-phosphoryllactyl glutamate (coenzyme F420), a naturally occurring 5-deazaflavin derivative, in three different buffers changed with a rise in temperature; the effect on the extinction coefficient at 420 nm (epsilon 420) was as follows: In phosphate-buffered solutions at pH less than 7.5, the epsilon 420 increased (at pH 5.0 for a temperature shift from 15 to 60 degrees C, delta epsilon 420 was +87%), but between pH 7.5 and 8, epsilon 420 changed very little. At pH greater than 8.0 in phosphate- or borate-buffered solutions, epsilon 420 decreased slightly. In morpholineethanesulfonic acid (Mes)-buffered F420 solutions at pH 5 and 5.5, epsilon 420 changed very little, whereas at pH 6-8, the epsilon 420 decreased. Absorbance of F420 at 401 nm in phosphate buffer at pH 5 to 9 was not significantly affected by temperature. Changes in epsilon 420 due to temperature change corresponded to changes in the pKa of 8-OH of the deazaflavin molecule; studies with adenylated F420 showed that the 8-OH of F420 was responsible for these changes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
It has been reported that vitamin K deficiency in the rat markedly increases the 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 receptor (VDR) binding to DNA and that vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylation of endogenous substrates of the intestinal and renal cytosol, also containing VDR, sharply reduced that binding (Sergeev, I.N., and Spirichev, V.B. (1989) Nutr. Res. 9, 725-733). In the present study we have evaluated vitamin K-dependent 14CO2 incorporation to VDR quantitated by immunoprecipitation with anti-VDR monoclonal antibodies. The results obtained strongly suggest that VDR in vitro can undergo gamma-carboxylation in the presence of vitamin K1 and that 15-25% of Glu residues in the VDR are carboxylated in vivo. Taking into account our earlier findings, it is likely that the VDR gamma-carboxylation modulates its binding to DNA.  相似文献   
Genes encoding the Leu (GAG), Ser (UGA), Gln (UUG) and Lys (UUU) tRNAs have been cloned and sequenced from the deep sea hyperthermophilic Archaeon, Methanopyrus kandleri. Sequences conforming to the TATA box element established for methanogen promoters are located upstream of the tRNA(Gln) and tRNA(Lys) genes. All four of the tRNA genes appear to encode the 3' terminal CCA residues of the mature tRNA. These methanogen tRNAs are predicted to contain most, but not all, invariant residues and are characterized by a high level of G + C base pairing, consistent with the 98 degrees C optimum growth temperature of M. kandleri.  相似文献   
Four different α-d-glucosyltransferases (GTF) have been obtained from culture filtrates of Streptococcus sobrinus strains grown in the chemostat at pH 6·5 in complex medium supplemented with Tween 80. Three of the enzymes, GTF-S1, GTF-S3 and GTF-S4, converted sucrose into soluble glucans. Their limit of hydrolysis with endodextranase, the proportion of linear to branched oligosaccharides among the end products of enzymic degradation, and methylation analysis, all supported the view that the glucans were dextrans. The S1-dextrans were highly branched (32% of α-(1 → 3)-branch points), S3-dextrans were linear, and the branching of S4-dextrans was intermediate in value (9%). The enzymes that catalyze the synthesis of three such diverse dextrans were thus proved to be three different GTF, each with a characteristic specificity. Conditions of growth in the chemostat could be varied to provide maximum yields of either GTF-S1, -S3 or -S4.  相似文献   
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