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Pulmonary surfactant is a mixture of lipids and proteins that controls the surface tension of the fluid lining the inner lung. Its composition is conserved among the vertebrates. Here we hypothesize that the in ovo administration of glucocorticoids and thyroid hormones during late incubation will accelerate surfactant development in the saltwater crocodile, Crocodylus porosus. We also hypothesize that the increased maturation of the type II cells in response to hormone pretreatment will result in enhanced responsiveness of the cells to surfactant secretagogues. We sampled embryos at days 60, 68, and 75 of incubation and after hatching. We administered dexamethasone (Dex), 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T(3)), or a combination of both hormones (Dex + T(3)), 48 and 24 h before each prehatching time point. Lavage analysis indicated that the maturation of the phospholipids (PL) in the lungs of embryonic crocodiles occurs rapidly. Only T(3) and Dex + T(3) increased total PL in lavage at embryonic day 60, but Dex, T(3), and Dex + T(3) increased PL at day 75. The saturation of the PLs was increased by T(3) and Dex + T(3) at day 68. Swimming exercise did not increase the amount or alter the saturation of the surfactant PLs. Pretreatment of embryos with Dex, T(3), or Dex + T(3) changed the secretion profiles of the isolated type II cells. Dex + T(3) increased the response of the cells to agonists at days 60 and 68. Therefore, glucocorticoids and thyroid hormones regulate surfactant maturation in the crocodile.  相似文献   
In recent decades, female red-cockaded woodpeckers (Picoides borealis) have laid eggs increasingly earlier in response to a changing climate, as has been observed in several other bird species breeding at north temperate latitudes. Within each year, females that lay earlier are more productive than females that lay later. However, inexperienced females, experienced females who change mates and inbred birds have not adjusted to the changing climate by laying earlier, and have suffered reproductive costs as a result. Failure to respond to global climate change may be a further example of the reduced ability of inbred animals to respond to environmental challenges.  相似文献   
Spores of Bacillus subtilis lacking all germinant receptors germinate >500-fold slower than wild-type spores in nutrients and were not induced to germinate by a pressure of 100 MPa. However, a pressure of 550 MPa induced germination of spores lacking all germinant receptors as well as of receptorless spores lacking either of the two lytic enzymes essential for cortex hydrolysis during germination. Complete germination of spores either lacking both cortex-lytic enzymes or with a cortex not attacked by these enzymes was not induced by a pressure of 550 MPa, but treatment of these mutant spores with this pressure caused the release of dipicolinic acid. These data suggest the following conclusions: (i) a pressure of 100 MPa induces spore germination by activating the germinant receptors; and (ii) a pressure of 550 MPa opens channels for release of dipicolinic acid from the spore core, which leads to the later steps in spore germination.  相似文献   
The fungal pathogens Fusarium graminearum and F. culmorum cause ear blight disease on cereal crops worldwide. The disease lowers both grain quality and grain safety. Disease prevalence is increasing due to changes in cropping practices and the difficulties encountered by plant breeders when trying to introgress the polygene-based resistance. The molecular basis of resistance to Fusarium ear blight in cereal species is poorly understood. This is primarily due to the large size of cereal genomes and the expensive resources required to undertake gene function studies in cereals. We therefore explored the possibility of developing various model floral infection systems that would be more amenable to experimental manipulation and high-throughput gene function studies. The floral tissues of tobacco, tomato, soybean and Arabidopsis were inoculated with Fusarium conidia and this resulted in disease symptoms on anthers, anther filaments and petals in each plant species. However, only in Arabidopsis did this initial infection then spread into the developing siliques and seeds. A survey of 236 Arabidopsis ecotypes failed to identify a single genotype that was extremely resistant or susceptible to Fusarium floral infections. Three Arabidopsis floral mutants that failed to develop anthers and/or functional pollen (i.e. agamous-1, apetala1-3 and dad1) were significantly less susceptible to Fusarium floral infection than wild type. Deoxynivalenol (DON) mycotoxin production was also detected in Fusarium-infected flowers at >1 ppm. This novel floral pathosystem for Arabidopsis appears to be highly representative of a serious cereal crop disease.  相似文献   
Although there is growing evidence that endocytosis is important in hyphal tip growth, it has not previously been shown to occur during fungal spore germination. We have analysed and characterized endocytosis during the germination of living conidia of the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe grisea. Conidia treated with the endocytic markers Lucifer Yellow carbohydrazide, FITC-dextran, and FM4-64 were imaged by confocal microscopy. Internalization of these fluorescent marker dyes by conidia was blocked by chemical and temperature treatments that inhibit endocytosis, and the sequential staining of organelles by the membrane-selective dye FM4-64 was consistent with dye internalization by endocytosis. FM4-64 uptake occurred within 2-3 min of conidial hydration, more than 40 min before the emergence of the germ tube. The times at which each of the three conidial cells initiated dye internalization were different as were the rates of dye uptake by each cell. Using these techniques we have demonstrated for the first time that ungerminated and germinated spores of filamentous fungi undergo endocytosis. Furthermore, internalization of FITC-dextran and Lucifer Yellow carbohydrazide by germinating conidia provides the first direct evidence for fluid-phase endocytosis in a filamentous fungus. FM4-64 was internalized by both ungerminated conidia and conidial germlings on the rice leaf suggesting that endocytosis might play a significant role in spore germination and germ tube growth during the pre-penetration phase of infection.  相似文献   
The phylogenetic relationships among the southern African freshwater crab species were examined using partial sequence data from three mitochondrial genes (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, and mtDNA COI) 26 morphological characters and 14 allozyme loci. The aims of the present study were firstly to determine whether freshwater crab species that live in the same geographic region share a close phylogenetic relationship. Secondly, to investigate whether hybridizing species are genetically closely related and thirdly, to test for the validity of subgenera based on the genetic data sets. Phylogenetic analysis based on sequence data revealed largely congruent tree topologies and some associations had consistently high bootstrap support, and these data did not support Bott's subgeneric divisions. The morphological data were less informative for phylogenetic reconstruction while the allozyme data generally supported patterns recovered by the sequence data. A combined analysis of all the data recovered two monophyletic clades, one comprised of small-bodied mountain stream species and the other clade consisting of large-bodied riverine species. The combined analyses reflected clear biogeographic patterning for these river crabs. In addition, there was a clear correlation between genetic distance values and the ability of sympatric species to hybridize.  相似文献   
The primary function of pulmonary surfactant is to reduce the surface tension (ST) created at the air-liquid interface in the lung. Surfactant is a complex mixture of lipids and proteins and its function is influenced by physiological parameters such as metabolic rate, body temperature and breathing. In the microchiropteran bat Chalinolobus gouldii these parameters fluctuate throughout a 24 h period. Here we examine the surface activity of surfactant from warm-active and torpid bats at both 24 degrees C and 37 degrees C to establish whether alterations in surfactant composition correlate with changes in surface activity. Bats were housed in a specially constructed bat room at Adelaide University, at 24 degrees C and on a 8:16 h light:dark cycle. Surfactant was collected from bats sampled during torpor (2535 degrees C). Alterations in the lipid composition of surfactant occur with changes in the activity cycle. Most notable is an increase in surfactant cholesterol (Chol) with decreases in body temperature [Codd et al., Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 73 (2000) 605-612]. Surfactant from active bats was more surface active at higher temperatures, indicated by lower ST(min) and less film area compression required to reach ST(min) at 37 degrees C than at 24 degrees C. Conversely, surfactant from torpid bats was more active at lower temperatures, indicated by lower ST(min) and less area compression required to reach ST(min) at 24 degrees C than at 37 degrees C. Alterations in the Chol content of bat surfactant appear to be crucial to allow it to achieve low STs during torpor.  相似文献   
A 14-mer α-pheromone peptide of Candida albicans was chemically synthesized and used to analyze the role of white-opaque switching in the mating process. The α-pheromone peptide blocked cell multiplication and induced “shmooing” in a/a cells expressing the opaque-phase phenotype but not in a/a cells expressing the white-phase phenotype. The α-pheromone peptide induced these effects at 25°C but not at 37°C. An analysis of mating-associated gene expression revealed several categories of gene regulation, including (i) MTL-homozygous-specific, pheromone stimulated, switching-independent (CAG1 and STE4); (ii) mating type-specific, pheromone-induced, switching-independent (STE2); and (iii) pheromone-induced, switching-dependent (FIG1, KAR4, and HWP1). An analysis of switching-regulated genes revealed an additional category of opaque-phase-specific genes that are downregulated by α-pheromone only in a/a cells (OP4, SAP1, and SAP3). These results demonstrate that α-pheromone causes shmooing, the initial step in the mating process, only in a/a cells expressing the opaque phenotype and only at temperatures below that in the human host. These results further demonstrate that although some mating-associated genes are stimulated by the α-pheromone peptide in both white- and opaque-phase cells, others are stimulated only in opaque-phase cells, revealing a category of gene regulation unique to C. albicans in which α-pheromone induction requires the white-opaque transition. These results demonstrate that in C. albicans, the mating process and associated gene regulation must be examined within the context of white-opaque switching.  相似文献   
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