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The domestic dog is a robust model for studying the genetics of complex disease susceptibility. The strategies used to develop and propagate modern breeds have resulted in an elevated risk for specific diseases in particular breeds. One example is that of Standard Poodles (STPOs), who have increased risk for squamous cell carcinoma of the digit (SCCD), a locally aggressive cancer that causes lytic bone lesions, sometimes with multiple toe recurrence. However, only STPOs of dark coat color are at high risk; light colored STPOs are almost entirely unaffected, suggesting that interactions between multiple pathways are necessary for oncogenesis. We performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) on STPOs, comparing 31 SCCD cases to 34 unrelated black STPO controls. The peak SNP on canine chromosome 15 was statistically significant at the genome-wide level (Praw = 1.60×10−7; Pgenome = 0.0066). Additional mapping resolved the region to the KIT Ligand (KITLG) locus. Comparison of STPO cases to other at-risk breeds narrowed the locus to a 144.9-Kb region. Haplotype mapping among 84 STPO cases identified a minimal region of 28.3 Kb. A copy number variant (CNV) containing predicted enhancer elements was found to be strongly associated with SCCD in STPOs (P = 1.72×10−8). Light colored STPOs carry the CNV risk alleles at the same frequency as black STPOs, but are not susceptible to SCCD. A GWAS comparing 24 black and 24 light colored STPOs highlighted only the MC1R locus as significantly different between the two datasets, suggesting that a compensatory mutation within the MC1R locus likely protects light colored STPOs from disease. Our findings highlight a role for KITLG in SCCD susceptibility, as well as demonstrate that interactions between the KITLG and MC1R loci are potentially required for SCCD oncogenesis. These findings highlight how studies of breed-limited diseases are useful for disentangling multigene disorders.  相似文献   


Pain has a distinct sensory and affective (i.e., unpleasantness) component. BreEStim, during which electrical stimulation is delivered during voluntary breathing, has been shown to selectively reduce the affective component of post-amputation phantom pain. The objective was to examine whether BreEStim increases pain threshold such that subjects could have improved tolerance of sensation of painful stimuli.


Eleven pain-free healthy subjects (7 males, 4 females) participated in the study. All subjects received BreEStim (100 stimuli) and conventional electrical stimulation (EStim, 100 stimuli) to two acupuncture points (Neiguan and Weiguan) of the dominant hand in a random order. The two different treatments were provided at least three days apart. Painful, but tolerable electrical stimuli were delivered randomly during EStim, but were triggered by effortful inhalation during BreEStim. Measurements of tactile sensation threshold, electrical sensation and electrical pain thresholds, thermal (cold sensation, warm sensation, cold pain and heat pain) thresholds were recorded from the thenar eminence of both hands. These measurements were taken pre-intervention and 10−min post-intervention.


There was no difference in the pre-intervention baseline measurement of all thresholds between BreEStim and EStim. The electrical pain threshold significantly increased after BreEStim (27.5±6.7% for the dominant hand and 28.5±10.8% for the non-dominant hand, respectively). The electrical pain threshold significantly decreased after EStim (9.1±2.8% for the dominant hand and 10.2±4.6% for the non–dominant hand, respectively) (F[1, 10] = 30.992, p = .00024). There was no statistically significant change in other thresholds after BreEStim and EStim. The intensity of electrical stimuli was progressively increased, but no difference was found between BreEStim and EStim.


Voluntary breathing controlled electrical stimulation selectively increases electrical pain threshold, while conventional electrical stimulation selectively decreases electrical pain threshold. This may translate into improved pain control.  相似文献   
The addicted phenotype is characterized as a long-lasting, chronically relapsing disorder that persists following long periods of abstinence, suggesting that the underlying molecular changes are stable and endure for long periods even in the absence of drug. Here, we investigated Transforming Growth Factor-Beta Type I receptor (TGF-β R1) expression in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) following periods of withdrawal from cocaine self-administration (SA) and a sensitizing regimen of non-contingent cocaine. Rats were exposed to either (i) repeated systemic injections (cocaine or saline), or (ii) self-administration (cocaine or saline) and underwent a period of forced abstinence (either 1 or 7 days of drug cessation). Withdrawal from cocaine self-administration resulted in an increase in TGF-β R1 protein expression in the NAc compared to saline controls. This increase was specific for volitional cocaine intake as no change in expression was observed following a sensitizing regimen of experimenter-administered cocaine. These findings implicate TGF-β signaling as a novel potential therapeutic target for treating drug addiction.  相似文献   
Saint Peter and Saint Paul's Archipelago (SPSPA), one of the smallest and most isolated island groups in the world, is situated on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, between Brazil and the African continent. SPSPA has low species richness and high endemism; nonetheless, the diversity of fishes from deep habitats (>30 m depth) had not been previously studied in detail. Several expeditions conducted between 2009 and 2018 explored the shallow and deep reefs of SPSPA using scuba, closed-circuit rebreathers, manned submersibles, baited remote underwater stereo-videos (stereo-BRUV) and fishing between 0 and 1050 m depth. These expeditions yielded 41 new records of fishes for SPSPA: 9 in open waters, 9 in shallow waters (0–30 m), 8 in mesophotic ecosystems (30–150 m) and 15 in deeper reefs (>150 m). Combined with literature records of adult pelagic, shallow and deep-reef species, as well as larvae, the database of the fish biodiversity for SPSPA currently comprises 225 species (169 recorded as adult fishes and 79 as larvae, with 23 species found in both stages). Most of them (112) are pelagic, 86 are reef-associated species and 27 are deep-water specialists. Species accumulation curves show that the number of fish species has not yet reached an asymptote. Whereas the number of species recorded in SPSPA is similar to that in other oceanic islands in the Atlantic Ocean, the proportion of shorefishes is relatively lower, and the endemism level is the third highest in the Atlantic. Twenty-nine species are listed as threatened with extinction. Observations confirm the paucity of top predators on shallow rocky reefs of the island, despite the presence of several pelagic shark species around SPSPA. Because all of the endemic species are reef associated, it is argued that the new marine-protected areas created by the Brazilian government do not ensure the protection and recovery of SPSPA's biodiversity because they allow exploitation of the most vulnerable species around the archipelago itself. This study suggests a ban on reef fish exploitation inside an area delimited by the 1000 m isobath around the islands (where all known endemics are concentrated) as the main conservation strategy to be included in the SPSPA management plan being prepared by the Brazilian government.  相似文献   
Molecular Biology Reports - Treatment options for pancreatic cancer (PC) are severely limited due to late diagnosis, early metastasis and the inadequacy of chemotherapy and radiotherapy to combat...  相似文献   

Acknowledging the importance of studies toward the development of measures against terrorism and bioterrorism, this study aims to contribute to the design of new prototypes of potential drugs against smallpox. Based on a former study, nine synthetic feasible prototypes of selective inhibitors for thymidylate kinase from Variola virus (VarTMPK) were designed and submitted to molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulations and binding energy calculations. The compounds are simplifications of two more complex scaffolds, with a guanine connected to an amide or alcohol through a spacer containing ether and/or amide groups, formerly suggested as promising for the design of selective inhibitors of VarTMPK. Our study showed that, despite the structural simplifications, the compounds presented effective energy values in interactions with VarTMPK and HssTMPK and that the guanine could be replaced by a simpler imidazole ring linked to a –NH2 group, without compromising the affinity for VarTMPK. It was also observed that a positive charge in the imidazole ring is important for the selectivity toward VarTMPK and that an amide group in the spacer does not contribute to selectivity. Finally, prototype 3 was pointed as the most promising to be synthesized and experimentally evaluated.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   
Various treatments have been proposed to attenuate and eventually inhibit the generation of acid mine drainage (AMD) or acid-rock drainage (ARD). The addition of Natural Phosphate Rocks (NPR) to mining wastes has been shown to reduce acid generation. The biogeochemical reactions underlying the phosphate precipitation reactions are however poorly understood, even though the chemical reactions are well defined. The present study was designed to study the role of solution chemistry and bacterial activity on phosphate precipitation on waste rock surfaces. Waste rock samples (rich in sulphides) previously weathered for 989 days in the presence of NPR were submersed in 2 different phosphate-rich growth media in order to enhance the growth of acidophilic and neutrophilic bacteria. DAPI and FISH analyses revealed that most cells belonged to the bacteria domain, and that alpha- and beta-proteobacteria were the dominant neutrophiles. ESEM, SEM and TEM observations of the samples revealed the presence of a biofilm on the surface of the rocks at both pH conditions. Bacteria and fine-grained precipitates were trapped in an exopolymer matrix. At low pH, the formation of fine precipitates rich in Fe and P within the biofilm corresponded to a decline of phosphate concentrations in the growth medium. This was in agreement with the solubility calculations which indicated that the medium became over-saturated with respect to some Fe-phosphate minerals. In the pH neutral system, solubility calculations indicated that Ca- and Mg-phosphate minerals were stable, but they were not detected in the biofilm. Solubility calculations also indicated that vivianite became unstable over time, which could explain the release of soluble phosphate over time in the pH neutral system. Our results showed that precipitation reactions played an important role in the solubility of phosphate in both systems, but a series of complex nucleation reactions involving bacterial exopolymers and the presence of microenvironments within the biofilms were likely important factors as well. Our findings also imply that the reduction of acid generation in NPR-treated waste rocks could be due in part to the formation of biofilms on the rock surfaces because the biofilms would act as a physical and chemcial barrier to limit the extent of pyrite oxidation.  相似文献   
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