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Published in 2003. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The asymmetric synthesis of novel, potent phosphoramidate alpha(2-6)sialyltransferase transition-state analogue inhibitors such as (R)-9 (K(i)=68 microM) is described, via condensation of cytidine phosphitamide 6 with key chiral, non-racemic alpha-aminophosphonates, prepared in >98% ee by Mitsunobu azidation followed by Staudinger reduction of the corresponding chiral, non-racemic alpha-hydroxyphosphonates.  相似文献   
The microsatellite locus TNFa is frequently used as an additional genetic marker in studies of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). Novel sequence variations at the TNFa locus have been described, and which may have implications for genetic analyses. In this study, we set up a nested polymerase chain reaction-sequence-specific primer (PCR-SSP) approach to type for these TNFa sequence variations. First, sequencing analysis of workshop B lymphoblastoid cell lines (n=13) showed the presence of three sequence variations upstream of the dinucleotide repeat at TNFa. Using nested PCR-SSP, we were able to detect these variations in a larger B lymphoblastoid cell line panel (n=34). Furthermore, we were able to show that TNFa alleles a7 and a10 are present in two distinct conformations leading to "splitting" of TNFa alleles exhibiting identical fragment lengths. To establish the frequency of the TNFa alleles and their variants, we performed microsatellite typing of a large panel of random individuals from the Dutch population (n=272). Subsequent nested PCR-SSP typing showed the presence of three previously described sequence variations in the Dutch population. Furthermore, the presence of a fourth subtype was established. The described variations of allele TNFa7 and TNFa10 are present in the random population with significant frequencies. Haplotyping analysis between HLA-DR, TNFa, and HLA-B showed that allele TNFa7.2 is present in an extended DR7-TNFa7.2-B13 haplotype. In this way, we were able to show that the additional sequence variations behave like distinct TNFa alleles.  相似文献   
The protein deacetylase SIRT1 is involved in the regulation of a large number of cellular processes that are thought to be required for cancer initiation and progression. Both SIRT1 activity and tumorigenesis can be influenced by dietary fat and polyphenolics. We set out to determine whether dietary modulations of tumorigenesis are mediated by SIRT1 catalytic functions. We introduced a mammary gland tumor-inducing transgene, MMTV-PyMT, into stocks of mice bearing a H355Y point mutation in the Sirt1 gene that abolishes SIRT1 catalytic activity. Tumor latency was reduced in animals fed a high fat diet but this effect was not dependent on SIRT1 activity. Resveratrol had little effect on tumor formation except in animals heterozygous for the mutant Sirt1 gene. We conclude that the effects of these dietary interventions on tumorigenesis are not mediated by modulation of SIRT1 catalytic activity.  相似文献   
Editor's Note. Dr Vanbreuseghem was a member of the Mycopathologia Educational Board from 1959 to 1960.  相似文献   
Over the past decades, numerous twin studies have revealed moderate to high heritability estimates for individual differences in a wide range of human traits, including cognitive ability, psychiatric disorders, and personality traits. Even factors that are generally believed to be environmental in nature have been shown to be under genetic control, albeit modest. Is such heritability also present in social traits that are conceptualized as causes and consequences of social interactions or in other ways strongly shaped by behavior of other people? Here we examine a population-based sample of 1,012 twins and relatives. We show that the genetic influence on generalized trust in other people (trust-in-others: h2 = 5%, ns), and beliefs regarding other people’s trust in the self (trust-in-self: h2 = 13%, ns), is virtually absent. As test-retest reliability for both scales were found to be moderate or high (r = .76 and r = .53, respectively) in an independent sample, we conclude that all variance in trust is likely to be accounted for by non-shared environmental influences. We show that, relative to cognitive abilities, psychiatric disorders, and classic personality variables, genetic influences are smaller for trust, and propose that experiences with or observations of the behavior of other people shape trust more strongly than other traits.  相似文献   
The chick dorsal feather-forming dermis originates from the dorsomedial somite and its formation depends primarily on Wnt1 from the dorsal neural tube. We investigate further the origin and specification of dermal progenitors from the medial dermomyotome. This comprises two distinct domains: the dorsomedial lip and a more central region (or intervening zone) that derives from it. We confirm that Wnt1 induces Wnt11 expression in the dorsomedial lip as previously shown, and show using DiI injections that some of these cells, which continue to express Wnt11 migrate under the ectoderm, towards the midline, to form most of the dorsal dermis. Transplantation of left somites to the right side to reverse the mediolateral axis confirms this finding and moreover suggests the presence of an attractive or permissive environment produced by the midline tissues or/and a repellent or inadequate environment by the lateral tissues. By contrast, the dorsolateral dermal cells just delaminate from the surface of the intervening space, which expresses En1. Excision of the axial organs or the ectoderm, and grafting of Wnt1-secreting cells, shows that, although the two populations of dermal progenitors both requires Wnt1 for their survival, the signalling required for their specification differs. Indeed Wnt11 expression relies on dorsal neural tube-derived Wnt1, while En1 expression depends on the presence of the ectoderm. The dorsal feather-forming dermal progenitors thus appear to be differentially regulated by dorsal signals from the neural tube and the ectoderm, and derive directly and indirectly from the dorsomedial lip. As these two dermomyotomal populations are well known to also give rise to epaxial muscles, an isolated domain of the dermomyotome that contains only dermal precursors does not exist and none of the dermomyotomal domains can be considered uniquely as a dermatome.  相似文献   


Kallikrein 6 (KLK6) is a newly identified member of the kallikrein family of secreted serine proteases that prior studies indicate is elevated at sites of central nervous system (CNS) inflammation and which shows regulated expression with T cell activation. Notably, KLK6 is also elevated in the serum of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients however its potential roles in immune function are unknown. Herein we specifically examine whether KLK6 alters immune cell survival and the possible mechanism by which this may occur.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using murine whole splenocyte preparations and the human Jurkat T cell line we demonstrate that KLK6 robustly supports cell survival across a range of cell death paradigms. Recombinant KLK6 was shown to significantly reduce cell death under resting conditions and in response to camptothecin, dexamethasone, staurosporine and Fas-ligand. Moreover, KLK6-over expression in Jurkat T cells was shown to generate parallel pro-survival effects. In mixed splenocyte populations the vigorous immune cell survival promoting effects of KLK6 were shown to include both T and B lymphocytes, to occur with as little as 5 minutes of treatment, and to involve up regulation of the pro-survival protein B-cell lymphoma-extra large (Bcl-XL), and inhibition of the pro-apoptotic protein Bcl-2-interacting mediator of cell death (Bim). The ability of KLK6 to promote survival of splenic T cells was also shown to be absent in cell preparations derived from PAR1 deficient mice.


KLK6 promotes lymphocyte survival by a mechanism that depends in part on activation of PAR1. These findings point to a novel molecular mechanism regulating lymphocyte survival that is likely to have relevance to a range of immunological responses that depend on apoptosis for immune clearance and maintenance of homeostasis.  相似文献   
Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) and their receptors have been implicated in limb development. However, because of early post-implantation lethality associated with fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) deficiency, the role of this receptor in limb development remains elusive. To overcome embryonic lethality, we have performed a conditional knockout of Fgfr1 using the Cre-LoxP approach. We show that Cre-mediated deletion of Fgfr1 in limb mesenchyme, beginning at a time point slightly after the first sign of initial budding, primarily affects formation of the first one or two digits. In contrast, deletion of Fgfr1 at an earlier stage, prior to thickening of limb mesenchyme, results in more severe defects, characterized by malformation of the AER, diminished Shh expression and the absence of the majority of the autopod skeletal elements. We show that FGFR1 deficiency does not affect cell proliferation. Instead, it triggers cell death and leads to alterations in expression of a number of genes involved in apoptosis and digit patterning, including increased expression of Bmp4, Dkk1 and Alx4, and downregulation of MKP3. These data demonstrate that FGF/FGFR1 signals play indispensable roles in the early stages of limb initiation, eliciting a profound effect on the later stages of limb development, including cell survival, autopod formation and digit patterning.  相似文献   
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