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The 2-oxoglutarate carrier (OGC) belongs to the mitochondrial carrier protein family whose members are responsible for the exchange of metabolites, cofactors and nucleotides between the cytoplasm and mitochondrial matrix. Initially, OGC was characterized by determining substrate specificity, kinetic parameters of transport, inhibitors and molecular probes that form covalent bonds with specific residues. It was shown that OGC specifically transports oxoglutarate and certain carboxylic acids. The substrate specificity combination of OGC is unique, although many of its substrates are also transported by other mitochondrial carriers. The abundant recombinant expression of bovine OGC in Escherichia coli and its ability to functionally reconstitute into proteoliposomes made it possible to deduce the individual contribution of each and every residue of OGC to the transport activity by a complete set of cys-scanning mutants. These studies give experimental support for a substrate binding site constituted by three major contact points on the even-numbered α-helices and identifies other residues as important for transport function through their crucial positions in the structure for conserved interactions and the conformational changes of the carrier during the transport cycle. The results of these investigations have led to utilize OGC as a model protein for understanding the transport mechanism of mitochondrial carriers.  相似文献   
The stimulation by Mg2+, Na+, K+, NH4 +, and ATP of (Na+, K+)-ATPase activity in a gill microsomal fraction from the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii was examined. Immunofluorescence labeling revealed that the (Na+, K+)-ATPase α-subunit is distributed predominantly within the intralamellar septum, while Western blotting revealed a single α-subunit isoform of about 108 kDa M r. Under saturating Mg2+, Na+, and K+ concentrations, the enzyme hydrolyzed ATP, obeying cooperative kinetics with V M = 115.0 ± 2.3 U mg?1, K 0.5 = 0.10 ± 0.01 mmol L?1. Stimulation by Na+ (V M = 110.0 ± 3.3 U mg?1, K 0.5 = 1.30 ± 0.03 mmol L?1), Mg2+ (V M = 115.0 ± 4.6 U mg?1, K 0.5 = 0.96 ± 0.03 mmol L?1), NH4 + (V M = 141.0 ± 5.6 U mg?1, K 0.5 = 1.90 ± 0.04 mmol L?1), and K+ (V M = 120.0 ± 2.4 U mg?1, K M = 2.74 ± 0.08 mmol L?1) followed single saturation curves and, except for K+, exhibited site–site interaction kinetics. Ouabain inhibited ATPase activity by around 73 % with K I = 12.4 ± 1.3 mol L?1. Complementary inhibition studies suggest the presence of F0F1–, Na+-, or K+-ATPases, but not V(H+)- or Ca2+-ATPases, in the gill microsomal preparation. K+ and NH4 + synergistically stimulated enzyme activity (≈25 %), suggesting that these ions bind to different sites on the molecule. We propose a mechanism for the stimulation by both NH4 +, and K+ of the gill enzyme.  相似文献   
AimsWe investigated the effects of ketogenic diet (KD) on levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α, a classical pro-inflammatory cytokine), BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor, commonly associated with synaptic plasticity), and S100B, an astrocyte neurotrophic cytokine involved in metabolism regulation.Main methodsYoung Wistar rats were fed during 8 weeks with control diet or two KD, containing different proportions of omega 6 and omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Contents of TNF-α, BDNF and S100B were measured by ELISA in two brain regions (hippocampus and striatum) as well as blood serum and cerebrospinal fluid.Key findingsOur data suggest that KD was able to reduce the levels of BDNF in the striatum (but not in hippocampus) and S100B in the cerebrospinal fluid of rats. These alterations were not affected by the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids offered. No changes in S100B content were observed in serum or analyzed brain regions. Basal TNF-α content was not affected by KD.SignificanceThese findings reinforce the importance of this diet as an inductor of alterations in the brain, and such changes might contribute to the understanding of the effects (and side effects) of KD in brain disorders.  相似文献   
Several evidences have demonstrated that oxidative stress has a central role in bipolar disorder (BD). Recently, studies have been suggested histone deacetylases (HDAC) as a possible target for new medications in treatment of mood disorders. In this study, we investigated the effects of sodium butyrate (SB, a histone deacetilase inhibitor) on oxidative stress in rats submitted to an animal model of mania induced by d-amphetamine (d-AMPH). Wistar rats were first given d-AMPH or saline (Sal) for 14 days, and then, between days 8 and 14, rats were treated with SB or Sal. Locomotor activity and risk-taking behavior were assessed by open-field test and oxidative stress was measured in prefrontal cortex, amygdala, hippocampus and striatum. The results showed that SB reversed and prevented d-AMPH-induced behavioral effects. The d-AMPH administration induced oxidative damage in all brain structures analyzed. Depending on the cerebral area and technique, SB was able to reverse this impairment. The present study reinforces the need for more studies of HDAC inhibitors as possible target for new medications in treatment for BD.  相似文献   
In the last decades, a series of compounds, including quinones and polyphenols, has been described as having anti-fibrillogenic action on α-synuclein (α-syn) whose aggregation is associated to the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Most of these molecules act as promiscuous anti-amyloidogenic agents, interacting with the diverse amyloidogenic proteins (mostly unfolded) through non-specific hydrophobic interactions. Herein we investigated the effect of the vitamins K (phylloquinone, menaquinone and menadione), which are 1,4-naphthoquinone (1,4-NQ) derivatives, on α-syn aggregation, comparing them with other anti-fibrillogenic molecules such as quinones, polyphenols and lipophilic vitamins. Vitamins K delayed α-syn fibrillization in substoichiometric concentrations, leading to the formation of short, sheared fibrils and amorphous aggregates, which are less prone to produce leakage of synthetic vesicles. In seeding conditions, menadione and 1,4-NQ significantly inhibited fibrils elongation, which could be explained by their ability to destabilize preformed fibrils of α-syn. Bidimensional NMR experiments indicate that a specific site at the N-terminal α-syn (Gly31/Lys32) is involved in the interaction with vitamins K, which is corroborated by previous studies suggesting that Lys is a key residue in the interaction with quinones. Together, our data suggest that 1,4-NQ, recently showed up by our group as a potential scaffold for designing new monoamine oxidase inhibitors, is also capable to modulate α-syn fibrillization in vitro.  相似文献   
Capsule: Studies of nest predation using artificial nests need to consider the effect of egg size on the types of predator that are detected.

Aims: To estimate the nest predation rate in the Patagonian temperate forest and evaluate the influence of egg size on predator guild.

Methods: On different plant species, we placed 108 nests each containing eggs of either Atlantic Canary Serinus canaria or Common Quail Coturnix coturnix, and a model clay egg of equal size to the real egg. Nest predators were identified from the marks left on the clay eggs or by videos recorded using camera traps.

Results: 86% of the nests were predated. Birds, mainly Chimango Caracara Milvago chimango, were the main nest predators. A marsupial, the Monito del Monte Dromiciops gliroides, and rodents also contributed to nest predation. Nest predation rates were similar for both egg sizes but the nest predator guild was different. Birds and rodents preyed on both eggs but the Monito del Monte consumed mainly small eggs.

Conclusion: Egg size did not influence the rate of nest predation but, instead, affected the nest predator guild. Consequently, in order to avoid underestimating the impacts of small predators, egg size should be considered in studies of nest predation.  相似文献   
The assays commonly used to determine ATP content in biological samples generally measure total cellular ATP content, but not the different subcellular pools. In this study a new simple method for measuring ATP content in a cytosol-enriched fraction (CEF) was developed, based on a rapid cytosolic ATP extraction (by an isotonic grinding medium that preserves organelle integrity) and its detection monitoring the NADPH fluorescence generated via hexokinase/glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase coupled reactions. Four protocols, differing for timing of NADPH generation and for either the presence or absence of some inhibitors of ATP and NADPH metabolism, were compared by determining CEF-ATP, as well as total ATP, in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) etiolated seedlings. The best protocol was the one adopting both simultaneous NADPH generation and use of inhibitors during tissue homogenization. This protocol also showed higher performance than the classical trichloroacetic acid extraction. Using the new method, CEF-ATP content was assessed in control, salt- and osmotic-stressed seedlings, resulting 2.68 ± 0.04, 1.69 ± 0.12 (?40%) and 1.35 ± 0.16 (?50%) μmol/g dry weight, respectively. Finally, the effects of this stress-dependent decrease of cytosolic ATP were evaluated with respect to a possible modulation of two mitochondrial energy-dissipating systems, the uncoupling protein (PUCP) and the K+ channel (PmitoKATP), both inhibited by cytosolic ATP. Experiments carried out at different physiological ATP concentrations suggest that the decreased cytosolic ATP content occurring under hyperosmotic stress may contribute to attenuate inhibition of PmitoKATP, thus promoting its activity (up to about 90%), but not of PUCP, that appears to lose ATP sensitivity under stress condition.  相似文献   
In some parasitic Hymenoptera the dying caterpillars remain attached or close to the parasitoid cocoons. It has been suggested that the caterpillars act as ‘bodyguards’ for the vulnerable cocoons and therefore protect them against predators and/or hyperparasitoids (the ‘usurpation hypothesis’). This hypothesis has been demonstrated in associations where the caterpillars remain active and/or aggressive after parasitism. However, in other associations the caterpillars are so physiologically depleted after parasitism that they are unable to physically defend the cocoons and instead sit atop them in a moribund state. In this study a generalist predator, the spined soldier bug, Podisus maculiventris Say (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), was provided with cocoons of the gregarious endoparasitoid Cotesia glomerata L. and the solitary endoparasitoid Microplitis mediator Haliday (both Hymenoptera: Braconidae), in turn attended by their hosts, Pieris brassicae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) and Mamestra brassicae L. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), respectively. Cotesia glomerata produces broods of up to 40 cocoons and the dying caterpillars sit atop the cocoons where they exhibit little response to physical stimuli. Previous studies reported that dying P. brassicae caterpillars were ineffective bodyguards against two species of hyperparasitoids. In both associations, the dying host caterpillars were significantly preferred as food by P. maculiventris over the parasitoid cocoons. However, in absence of caterpillars, the bugs readily attacked the C. glomerata cocoons. Alternatively, the survival of M. mediator was very low, irrespective of whether a caterpillar was present or not. Caterpillars attacked by M. mediator are several times smaller than those attacked by C. glomerata. Consequently, the predators ran out of food much more quickly in the former and switched from one prey to the other. We show that in some host–parasitoid associations the dying caterpillars provide more visually apparent or nutritionally superior prey, rather than acting as bodyguards.  相似文献   
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