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Sublethal doses of metribuzin applied to wheat plants at the stage of ear emergence increased endogenous gibberellin levels in the ears. The activation of hormonal systems in connection with “chemical stress” is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Summary We cloned the Penicillium chrysogenum trpC gene from a genomic library by complementation of an Escherichia coli trpC mutant lacking phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase activity. The gene ecodes a 2.7 kb poly(A)+ RNA. We localized the gene by sequence analysis in a 2.9 kb DNA insert found in the smallest plasmid selected from the library. Sequence data strongly suggest that the organization of the gene is similar to that described in other Ascomycetes. We found that a DNA fragment which codes only for the carboxy-terminal protion of the polypeptide is sufficient for complementation of the E. coli trpC9830 mutation.  相似文献   
The regrowth of 27 temperature-sensitive division mutants of Streptococcus faecium ATCC 9790 was examined after various periods of incubation at the nonpermissive temperature. Several of the mutants blocked at various stages of septum formation or of daughter-cell separation divided in a partially or completely synchronous way after a short incubation at the nonpermissive temperature. All four lytic mutants blocked early in the cell division cycle divided at a normal rate after a brief lag.  相似文献   
Extraction with dimethyl sulfoxide of wood-meal of the stem of bracatinga (Mimosa scabrella), a south Brazilian hardwood, that was defatted and delignified by treatment with aqueous chlorine at 0–5° followed by extraction with cold ethanol, gave a soluble O-acetylated 4-O-methyl-d-glucurono-d-xylan having (1→4)-linked β-d-xylopyranosyl residues that were unsubstituted (65%) and 2-O-(14%), 3-O- (16%), and 2,3-di-O-acetylated (5%), as determined by methylation analysis. Another preparation obtained by use of refluxing ethanol in the delignification process showed neither removal nor migration of acetyl groups. By comparison with synthetic, partly O-acetylated d-xylans of known composition, 13C-n.m.r. spectroscopy indicated that O-acetyl group migration does not occur during treatment with cold aqueous chlorine, refluxing ethanol, or water at 70°. Methyl 2-O-acetyl-4-O-methyl-β-d-xylopyranoside (6) was also unaffected by aqueous chlorine. O-Acetyl group migration took place more readily in aqueous and dimethyl sulfoxide solutions of 6 than of O-acetyl-d-xylans. The lowest temperatures at which migration was observed in monosaccharides was at 50 and 70° for solutions in D2O and (CD3)2SO, respectively.  相似文献   
Secondary components of visual evoked potentials (slow negative wave-SNW, and photically-evoked sensory afterdischarge-SAD) are known to be precursors of experimentally activated wave-spike discharges, similar to wave-spikes of petit mal epilepsy. Both SNW and SAD may be potently suppressed wither by amphetamine or GABAergic compounds such as diazepam and sodium valproate. A hypothesis was tested in the present study, that amphetamine-induced suppression of wave-spike discharges may require GABA-benzodiazepine activity for its expression.Electrocortical activity was recorded and averaged in unrestrained albino rats with chronically implanted epicortical electrodes. SNW and SAD obtained in habituated rats in the predrug state were potently suppressed by amphetamine (1 mg/kg, i.p.). Fifteen minutes after amphetamine injection, a challenging drug (metrazol, picrotoxin, convulsant benzodiazepine, Ro 5-3663, or imidazodiazepine, Ro 15-1788) was administered intraperitoneally. Subconvulsive doses of metrazol (10 mg/kg) reversed amphetamine suppression; imidazodiazepine (20 mg/kg) and picrotoxin (1.5 mg/kg) reliably opposed the SNW suppression; convulsant benzodiazepine, Ro 5-3663 (2 mg/kg), showed modest and nonsignificant effect in the same direction. It is proposed that the antiepileptic potency of amphetamine may be associated with its ability, apparently via modulatory effect of norepinephrine, to facilitate the activation of benzodiazepine-GABA receptors.  相似文献   
Rat liver mitochondrial fractions corresponding to four morphological structures (matrix, inner membrane, intermembrane space and outer membrane) contain proteinases that cleave casein components at different rates. Proteinases of the intermembrane space preferentially cleave kappa-casein, whereas the proteinases of the outer membrane, inner membrane and matrix fractions degrade alpha S1-casein more rapidly. Electrophoretic separation of the degradation products of alpha S1-casein and kappa-casein in polyacrylamide gels shows that different polypeptides are produced when the substrate is degraded by the matrix, by both membranes and by the intermembrane-space fraction. Some of the degradation products resulting from incubation of the caseins with the mitochondrial fractions are probably the result of digestion by contaminating lysosomal proteinase(s). The matrix has a high peptidase activity, since glucagon, a small peptide, is very rapidly degraded by this fraction. These observations strongly suggest that distinct proteinases, with different specificities, are associated respectively with the intermembrane space and with both membrane fractions.  相似文献   
Résumé Dans le but d'étudier des souches d'actinomycètes productrices de substances antifongiques de structure non-polyénique, 13, échantillons de sol prélevés dans le sud de la France ont été examinés. L'utilisation de milieux sélectifs a permis d'isoler 486 souches d'actinomycètes qui ont été testées vis-à-vis de quatre espèces de champignons et de levures: 18% des souches isolées sont actives sur au moins l'une des espèces utilisées. Parmi celles-ci 14 souches, productrices de substances de structure non-polyénique, ont été sélectionnées après étude des spectres d'absorption en UV des surnageants de culture, des extraits butanoliques de ces surnageants ou des extraits méthanoliques de mycélium. L'utilisation d'un test bactérien de toxicité à court terme (SOS Chromotest) a permis de montrer que 10 souches sur 14 présentent aussi une activité génotoxique.
Summary In order to study actinomycete strains producing non-polyenic antifungal substances 13 soil samples were collected in S. France. By using selective media 486 strains of actinomycetes were isolated and tested on four species of moulds and yeasts: 18% of the isolated strains were active against one or more of the test organisms. From these isolates 14 producers of non-polyenic antifungal substances were selected by means of u.v. absorption spectra of culture supernatant fractions, butanol extracts of these fractions, or methanol extracts of mycelium. A rapid bacterial toxicity assay (SOS Chromotest) demonstrated that 10 of the 14 selected strains had genotoxic activity.

Resumen Para el estudio de cepas de actinomicetes productores de sustancias antifúngicas no poliénicas, se recogieron 13 muestras de suelo en el S. de Francia. Utilizando medios selectivos se aislaron 486 cepas de actinomicetes que se ensayaron frente a cuatro especies de mohos y levaduras: 18% de las cepas aisladas mostraron actividad frente a uno o más de los organismos utilizados en el test. De estas cepas se seleccionaron 14 que eran productoras de sustancias antifúngicas no poliénicas mediante el espectro de absorción al U.V. de las fracciones sobrenadantes del cultivo, de extractos butanólicos de dichas fracciones o de extractos metanólicos del micelio. Un ensayo rápido de toxicidad bacteriana (SOS Chromotest) mostró que de las 14 cepas seleccionadas lo tenían actividad genotóxica.
Mutants resistant to several hydrophobic membrane antagonists were isolated from a "deep rough" (rfaC) mutant of Salmonella typhimurium. The resistance was due to an alteration in the core region lipopolysaccharide composition as evidenced by altered bacteriophage and complement sensitivity and by compositional analysis. The principal change in carbohydrate composition was the predominance of the unusual heptose isomer D-glycero-D-manno-heptose. The unusually wide pleiotropic phenotype of this organism is suggested to be due to a fundamental change in the properties of the bacterial outer membrane.  相似文献   
The chromosomal location of the active NORs has been analyzed by a silver impregnation procedure in theSteropleurus martorelli complex. A primary NOR, which is always present at the first meiotic prophase, has been found in each of the four described races. In addition to this, all races possess one or two secondary NORs which are less active than the former and can be occasionally shown. Usually only one of the two homologous chromosomes has been found to be involved with nucleolus organisation.These results are discussed in relation to hypotheses on the chromosome differentiation of this species complex.  相似文献   
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