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Powdery mildew (Golovinomyces cichoracearum), one of the most prolific obligate biotrophic fungal pathogens worldwide, infects its host by penetrating the plant cell wall without activating the plant's innate immune system. The Arabidopsis mutant powdery mildew resistant 5 (pmr5) carries a mutation in a putative pectin acetyltransferase gene that confers enhanced resistance to powdery mildew. Here, we show that heterologously expressed PMR5 protein transfers acetyl groups from [14C]‐acetyl‐CoA to oligogalacturonides. Through site‐directed mutagenesis, we show that three amino acids within a highly conserved esterase domain in putative PMR5 orthologs are necessary for PMR5 function. A suppressor screen of mutagenized pmr5 seed selecting for increased powdery mildew susceptibility identified two previously characterized genes affecting the acetylation of plant cell wall polysaccharides, RWA2 and TBR. The rwa2 and tbr mutants also suppress powdery mildew disease resistance in pmr6, a mutant defective in a putative pectate lyase gene. Cell wall analysis of pmr5 and pmr6, and their rwa2 and tbr suppressor mutants, demonstrates minor shifts in cellulose and pectin composition. In direct contrast to their increased powdery mildew resistance, both pmr5 and pmr6 plants are highly susceptibile to multiple strains of the generalist necrotroph Botrytis cinerea, and have decreased camalexin production upon infection with B. cinerea. These results illustrate that cell wall composition is intimately connected to fungal disease resistance and outline a potential route for engineering powdery mildew resistance into susceptible crop species.  相似文献   
Social insect colonies possess a range of defences which protect them against highly virulent parasites and colony collapse. The host–parasite interaction between honey bees (Apis mellifera) and the mite Varroa destructor is unusual, as honey bee colonies are relatively poorly defended against this parasite. The interaction has existed since the mid‐20th Century, when Varroa switched host to parasitize A. mellifera. The combination of a virulent parasite and relatively naïve host means that, without acaricides, honey bee colonies typically die within 3 years of Varroa infestation. A consequence of acaricide use has been a reduced selective pressure for the evolution of Varroa resistance in honey bee colonies. However, in the past 20 years, several natural‐selection‐based breeding programmes have resulted in the evolution of Varroa‐resistant populations. In these populations, the inhibition of Varroa's reproduction is a common trait. Using a high‐density genome‐wide association analysis in a Varroa‐resistant honey bee population, we identify an ecdysone‐induced gene significantly linked to resistance. Ecdysone both initiates metamorphosis in insects and reproduction in Varroa. Previously, using a less dense genetic map and a quantitative trait loci analysis, we have identified Ecdysone‐related genes at resistance loci in an independently evolved resistant population. Varroa cannot biosynthesize ecdysone but can acquire it from its diet. Using qPCR, we are able to link the expression of ecdysone‐linked resistance genes to Varroa's meals and reproduction. If Varroa co‐opts pupal compounds to initiate and time its own reproduction, mutations in the host's ecdysone pathway may represent a key selection tool for honey bee resistance and breeding.  相似文献   
Pantoea ananatis is a Gram‐negative bacterium first recognized in 1928 as the causative agent of pineapple rot in the Philippines. Since then various strains of the organism have been implicated in the devastation of agriculturally important crops. Some strains, however, have been shown to function as non‐pathogenic plant growth promoting organisms. To date, the factors that determine pathogenicity or lack thereof between the various strains are not well understood. All P. ananatis strains contain lipopolysaccharides, which differ with respect to the identities of their associated sugars. Given our research interest on the presence of the unusual sugar, 4‐formamido‐4,6‐dideoxy‐d ‐glucose, found on the lipopolysaccharides of Campylobacter jejuni and Francisella tularensis, we were curious as to whether other bacteria have the appropriate biosynthetic machinery to produce these unique carbohydrates. Four enzymes are typically required for their biosynthesis: a thymidylyltransferase, a 4,6‐dehydratase, an aminotransferase, and an N‐formyltransferase. Here, we report that the gene SAMN03097714_1080 from the P. ananatis strain NFR11 does, indeed, encode for an N‐formyltransferase, hereafter referred to as PA1080c. Our kinetic analysis demonstrates that PA1080c displays classical Michaelis–Menten kinetics with dTDP‐4‐amino‐4,6‐dideoxy‐d ‐glucose as the substrate and N10‐formyltetrahydrofolate as the carbon source. In addition, the X‐ray structure of PA1080c, determined to 1.7 Å resolution, shows that the enzyme adopts the molecular architecture observed for other sugar N‐formyltransferases. Analysis of the P. ananatis NFR11 genome suggests that the three other enzymes necessary for N‐formylated sugar biosynthesis are also present. Intriguingly, those strains of P. ananatis that are non‐pathogenic apparently do not contain these genes.  相似文献   
Through a structure-based drug design project (SBDD), potent small molecule inhibitors of pyruvate carboxylase (PC) have been discovered. A series of α-keto acids (7) and α-hydroxycinnamic acids (8) were prepared and evaluated for inhibition of PC in two assays. The two most potent inhibitors were 3,3′-(1,4-phenylene)bis[2-hydroxy-2-propenoic acid] (8u) and 2-hydroxy-3-(quinoline-2-yl)propenoic acid (8v) with IC50 values of 3.0 ± 1.0 μM and 4.3 ± 1.5 μM respectively. Compound 8v is a competitive inhibitor with respect to pyruvate (Ki = 0.74 μM) and a mixed-type inhibitor with respect to ATP, indicating that it targets the unique carboxyltransferase (CT) domain of PC. Furthermore, compound 8v does not significantly inhibit human carbonic anhydrase II, matrix metalloproteinase-2, malate dehydrogenase or lactate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   
In large areas of the world that are deeply scarred by desertification and hampered by low capacity for natural regeneration, the scaling up of ecological restoration and rehabilitation can be achieved only if it is low in cost with high return on investment, and shows promise of providing long‐lasting social‐economic as well as ecological benefits. In the Monte Austral region of Patagonia Argentina, concerted efforts are underway to facilitate scaling up of ecological restoration and rehabilitation practices. Here, we evaluate financial costs and preliminary results of direct seeding as compared to outplanting of nursery‐grown seedlings of three native species (Atriplex lampa, Senecio subulatus var. subulatus, and Hyalis argentea var. latisquama) considered to be high‐priority dryland framework species. Comparative success is expressed in terms of plant survival and in monetary terms. The three candidate species showed low survival rates, ranging from 4.3 to 22.3%, after the first summer following direct seeding. In contrast, survival rates for planted seedlings of the same three taxa varied between 84 and 91%, after the first summer following reintroduction. However, cost of direct seeding varied between 1,693 and 1,772 US$ less per hectare, that is, 64% less than the cost of outplanting nursery seedlings. Therefore, in the search for ways to scale up ecological restoration and rehabilitation in drylands, direct seeding should receive more attention. We discuss the social and ecological perspectives and the way forward for direct seeding techniques in Patagonia. We also consider how costs could be reduced and effectiveness improved in large‐scale efforts.  相似文献   
Globally, river degradation has decimated freshwater fish populations. To help reverse this trend in a southeastern Australia river, we used multiple restoration actions, including reintroduction of instream woody habitat, riparian revegetation, removal of a weir hindering fish movement, fencing out livestock, and controlling riparian weeds. We monitored the responses of native fish at the segment scale (20 km) and reach scale (0.3 km) over 7 years to assess the effectiveness of the different restoration strategies. Two closely related species, Murray cod Maccullochella peeli and trout cod Maccullochella macquariensis, increased at the restored segment compared with the control segment. However, inherent differences between river segments and low sample size hampered assessment of the mechanisms responsible for segment‐scale changes in fish abundance. In contrast, at the reach scale, only M. peeli abundance significantly increased in reaches supplemented with wood. These differential responses by 2 closely related fish species likely reflect species‐specific responses to increased habitat availability and enhanced longitudinal connectivity when the weir improved passage around a fishway. Changes in M. peeli abundance in segments supplemented with and without wood suggest an increase in carrying capacity and not simply a redistribution of individuals within the segment, facilitated the observed expansion. Our findings confirm the need to consider individual fish species' habitat preferences carefully when designing restoration interventions. Further, species‐specific responses to restoration actions provide waterway managers with precise strategies to target fish species for recovery and the potential to predict fish outcomes based on ecological preferences.  相似文献   
This is the first X-ray crystal structure of the monomeric form of sulfite reductase (SiR) flavoprotein (SiRFP-60) that shows the relationship between its major domains in an extended position not seen before in any homologous diflavin reductases. Small angle neutron scattering confirms this novel domain orientation also occurs in solution. Activity measurements of SiR and SiRFP variants allow us to propose a novel mechanism for electron transfer from the SiRFP reductase subunit to its oxidase metalloenzyme partner that, together, make up the SiR holoenzyme. Specifically, we propose that SiR performs its 6-electron reduction via intramolecular or intermolecular electron transfer. Our model explains both the significance of the stoichiometric mismatch between reductase and oxidase subunits in the holoenzyme and how SiR can handle such a large volume electron reduction reaction that is at the heart of the sulfur bio-geo cycle.  相似文献   
The Developmental Origins of Health and Disease paradigm evaluates the consequences of early life stress on health at later stages of life. Interacting with this paradigm represents a profound opportunity to leverage the lifespan and contextual approaches to human skeletal remains adopted by bioarchaeological research. Teeth and bone provide evidence for stressors experienced early in life. These events represent evidence for adaptive plasticity as Individuals survive the events through reallocation of energy to essential physiological functions, which inhibits enamel and skeletal growth. Age‐at‐death, adult body size, chronic infection, or childhood mortality may be used as covariates to better understand the physiological constraints operating on individual bodies following survival of early life stress. Contextual evidence from cemeteries provides clues to the ecological and cultural contingencies that exacerbate or mitigate the expression of these trade‐offs. Future studies should incorporate newly derived methods that provide reproducible and precise ways to evaluate early life stress, while incorporating populations that are often neglected.  相似文献   
Aspartimide (Asi) formation is a notorious side reaction in peptide synthesis that is well characterized and described in literature. In this context, we observed significant amounts of chain termination in Fmoc‐SPPS while synthesizing the N‐terminal Xaa‐Asp‐Yaa motif. This termination was caused by the formation of piperazine‐2,5‐diones. We investigated this side reaction using a linear model peptide and independently synthesizing its piperazine‐2,5‐dione derivative. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data of the side product present in the crude linear peptide proves that exclusively the six‐membered ring is formed whereas the theoretically conceivable seven‐membered 1,4‐diazepine‐2,5‐dione is not found. We propose a mechanism where nucleophilic attack of the N‐terminal amino function takes place at the α‐carbon of the carbonyl group of the corresponding Asi intermediate. In addition, we systematically investigated the impact of (a) different adjacent amino acid residues, (b) backbone protection, and (c) side chain protection of flanking amino acids. The side reaction is directly related to the Asi intermediate. Hence, hindering or avoiding Asi formation reduces or completely suppresses this side reaction.  相似文献   
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