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Fuente de Piedra is a shallow, temporary saline lake whoseseasonal behavior is strongly dependent on the annual hydrologicalbudget. In this study, we outline the characteristics of Fuente dePiedra Lake for two years that had different hydrological budgets.The high precipitations in 1989–90 caused the lake not to dry asusual, and decreased both salinity and the amplitude of changes.There were also differences in nutrient dynamics, with generallylower concentrations of soluble reactive phosphorus and ammonium,whereas in the more humid year nitrate showed a distinct maximum inwinter. Winter bloom chlorophyll a concentrations were alsomuch higher in 1989–90 (>600 g l-1) but there wasalso a winter productive phase that was presumably poorly coupledwith consumption processes that predominate in spring. Planktonicassemblages were different between years. Highly halotolerantphytoplankton species (Dunaliella salina and D. viridis) became scarcer, and especially two previouslyunrecorded diatoms (Cyclotella sp. and Chaetoceros sp.)became dominant in the bloom time in the wet year. The speciesrichness of the zooplankton increased in the wet year, with newspecies appearing that were not collected during 1987–88(Branchinectella media, Daphnia mediterranea, Macrothrix sp.,Arctodiaptomus salinus, Cyclops sp., Sigara sp...).There was also a much higher development of macrophytes (Ruppiadrepanensis, Althenia orientalis, Lamprothamnium papulosum)and bird populations, especially flamingoes (Phoenicopterusruber).Important interannual variations in this sort of system pointto the need for long term studies to observe the whole range ofstates that define the lake as an entity.  相似文献   
A new genus of Platycopioida is described from a boxcore sample taken at a depth of 534 m in the ArcticBarents Sea. This is the deepest record ofPlatycopioida so far. Sarsicopia gen. n. is thesistergroup of a taxon comprising Platycopia and Nanocopia; the sistergroup ofthese is Antrisocopia. Sarsicopia gen. n.is the only platycopioid to retain 2 inner setae onthe second endopod segment P2–P4, and 8 setae in thethird endopod segment of P2. The male antennnule isremarkable in having a geniculation located betweenancestral segments XX and XXI. It is suggested thatthis flexure zone was already present in thegroundpattern of Copepoda. Platycopia and Nanocopia have secondarily lost thisgeniculation.  相似文献   
Several aspects of community organization wereanalyzed comparatively in a small side-arm of theParaná River (Correntoso) and a shallowfloodplain lake (El Tigre) (31° 41 S and60° 42 W), in relation to the hydrology of thesystem. Taxonomic and morphological composition inthe river differed from that in the lake: the riverhad lower species richness (151 vs 218),different contributions of some Classes to totalspecies number (higher Cyano-, Zygo- andDiatomophyceae vs higher Chlorophyceae), anddiffent proportions of nannoplanktonic algae (67.5%vs 80.7%) and netplanktonic filamentousspecies (18.2% vs 4.2%). Phytoplanktonbiomass, higher in the lake than in the river due tothe retention time, was mostly dominated bynannoplankton and netplankton. Loticphytoplankton was dominated by typical fluvialspecies of Diatomophyceae (R-strategists). Riverconditions seem to maintain a subclimacticcommunity, which was little impacted by the flushingof populations from floodplain lakes. Water levelwas the main factor controlling phytoplanktonbiomass, species diversity (H), evenness (E) andcommunity change rate () in the river. Inthe lake, phytoplankton had an autogenicsuccessional sequence during the isolation phase (C-to S-strategists) and other responses todisturbance, mainly during the flood(R-strategists). Frequent changes in phytoplanktoncomposition, biomass, H, E and , revealed aenvironmental instability in the lake, which may beexplained by interactions of external factors(hydrology and climatology) and those of internalorigin, such as nutrients and grazing.  相似文献   
In polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, the transferrin receptor (TR) is selectively delivered to the basolateral surface, where it internalizes transferrin via clathrin-coated pits and recycles back to the basolateral border. Mutant tailless receptors are sorted randomly in both the biosynthetic and endocytic pathways, indicating that the basolateral sorting of TR is dependent upon a signal located within the 61–amino acid cytoplasmic domain. To identify the basolateral sorting signal of TR, we have analyzed a series of mutant human TR expressed in MDCK cells. We find that residues 19–41 are sufficient for basolateral sorting from both the biosynthetic and endocytic pathways and that this is the only region of the TR cytoplasmic tail containing basolateral sorting information. The basolateral sorting signal is distinct from the YTRF internalization signal contained within this region and is not tyrosine based. Detailed functional analyses of the mutant TR indicate that residues 29–35 are the most important for basolateral sorting from the biosynthetic pathway. The structural requirements for basolateral sorting of internalized receptors from the endocytic pathway are not identical. The most striking difference is that alteration of G31DNS34 to YTRF impairs basolateral sorting of newly synthesized receptors from the biosynthetic pathway but not internalized receptors from the endocytic pathway. Also, mutations have been identified that selectively impair basolateral sorting of internalized TRs from the endocytic pathway without affecting basolateral sorting of newly synthesized receptors. These results imply that there are subtle differences in the recognition of the TR basolateral sorting signal by separate sorting machinery located within the biosynthetic and endocytic pathways.  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequence of 17 variants of the satellite RNA of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV-satRNA) isolated from field-infected tomato plants in the springs of 1989, 1990, and 1991 was determined. The sequence of each of the 17 satRNAs was unique and was between 334 and 340 nucleotides in length; 57 positions were polymorphic. There was much genetic divergence, ranging from 0.006 to 0.141 nucleotide substitutions per site for pairwise comparisons, and averaging 0.074 for any pair. When the polymorphic positions were analyzed relative to a secondary structure model proposed for CMV-satRNAs, it was found that there were significantly different numbers of changes in base-paired and non–base-paired positions, and that mutations that did not disrupt base pairing were preferred at the putatively paired sites. This supports the concept that the need to maintain a functional structure may limit genetic divergence of CMV-satRNA. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the 17 CMV-satRNA variants clustered into two subgroups, I and II, and evolutionary lines proceeding by the sequential accumulation of mutations were apparent. Three satRNA variants were outliers for these two phylogenetic groups. They were shown to be recombinants of subgroup I and II satRNAs by calculating phylogenies for different molecular regions and by using Sawyer's test for gene conversion. At least two recombination events were required to produce these three recombinant satRNAs. Thus, recombinants were found to be frequent (∼17%) in natural populations of CMV-satRNA, and recombination may make an important contribution to the generation of new variants. To our knowledge this is the first report of data allowing the frequency of recombinant isolates in natural populations of an RNA replicon to be estimated. Received: 14 May 1996 / Accepted: 17 July 1996  相似文献   
Mitochondrial small-subunit (19S) rDNA sequences were obtained from 10 angiosperms to further characterize sequence divergence levels and structural variation in this molecule. These sequences were derived from seven holoparasitic (nonphotosynthetic) angiosperms as well as three photosynthetic plants. 19S rRNA is composed of a conservative core region (ca. 1450 nucleotides) as well as two variable regions (V1 and V7). In pairwise comparisons of photosynthetic angiosperms to Glycine, the core 19S rDNA sequences differed by less than 1.4%, thus supporting the observation that variation in mitochondrial rDNA is 3–4 times lower than seen in protein coding and rDNA genes of other subcellular organelles. Sequences representing four distinct lineages of nonasterid holoparasites showed significantly increased numbers of substitutions in their core 19S rDNA sequences (2.3–7.6%), thus paralleling previous findings that showed accelerated rates in nuclear (18S) and plastid (16S) rDNA from the same plants. Relative rate tests confirmed the accelerated nucleotide substitution rates in the holoparasites whereas rates in nonparasitic plants were not significantly increased. Among comparisons of both parasitic and nonparasitic plants, transversions outnumbered transitions, in many cases more than two to one. The core 19S rRNA is conserved in sequence and structure among all nonparasitic angiosperms whereas 19S rRNA from members of holoparasitic Balanophoraceae have unique extensions to the V5 and V6 variable domains. Substitution and insertion/deletion mutations characterized the V1 and V7 regions of the nonasterid holoparasites. The V7 sequence of one holoparasite (Scybalium) contained repeat motifs. The cause of substitution rate increases in the holoparasites does not appear to be a result of RNA editing, hence the underlying molecular mechanism remains to be fully documented. Received: 18 May 1997 / Accepted: 11 July 1997  相似文献   
Small-subunit ribosomal RNA nucleotide sequences were inferred for Giraudyopsis stellifera Dangeard (Chrysomeridales), as well as for Pulvinaria sp. and Sarcinochrysis marina Geitler (Sarcinochrysidales,). Phylogenetic analyses of the molecular data indicate that the former is weakly related to the Phaeophyceae/Xanthophyceae clade, whereas the latter two have affinities to the Pelagophyceae, and the Sarcinochrysidales sensu stricto is transferred to this class. A recent study proposed that the Pelagophyceae belongs to a larger assemblage of chromophytic species characterized by reduced flagellar apparatuses. Although the flagellar apparatus characterizing the Sarcinochrysidales is reduced relative to the Chysomeridaels and some other chromophytes, it is the most complicated to be associated with “the reduced flagellar apparatus” lineage. Cladistic analyses of a traditional data set (largely ultrastructural features of the flagellar apparatus) and a combined traditional/molecular data set were used to assess the evolutionary trends of reduction in the flagellar apparatus within the heterokont chromophytes.  相似文献   
To examine the role of human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) Tax1 in the development of neurological disease, we studied the effects of extracellular Tax1 on gene expression in NT2-N cells, postmitotic cells that share morphologic, phenotypic, and functional features with mature human primary neurons. Treatment with soluble HTLV-1 Tax1 resulted in the induction of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) gene expression, as detected by reverse-transcribed PCR and by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. TNF-alpha induction was completely blocked by clearance with anti-Tax1 monoclonal antibodies. Furthermore, cells treated with either a mock bacterial extract or with lipopolysaccharide produced no detectable TNF-alpha. Synthesis of TNF-alpha in response to soluble Tax1 occurred in a dose-dependent fashion between 0.25 and 75 nM and peaked within 6 h of treatment. Interestingly, culturing NT2-N cells in the presence of soluble Tax1 for as little as 5 min was sufficient to result in TNF-alpha production, indicating that the induction of TNF-alpha in NT2-N does not require Tax1 to be continually present in the culture medium. Treatment of the undifferentiated parental embryonal carcinoma cell line NT2 with soluble Tax1 did not result in TNF-alpha synthesis, suggesting that differentiation-dependent, neuron-specific factors may be required. These results provide the first experimental evidence that neuronal cells are sensitive to HTLV-1 Tax1 as an extracellular cytokine, with a potential role in the pathology of HTLV-1-associated/tropical spastic paraparesis.  相似文献   
Rebello, Celso M., Machiko Ikegami, M. Gore Ervin, Daniel H. Polk, and Alan H. Jobe. Postnatal lung function and protein permeability after fetal or maternal corticosteroids in preterm lambs.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(1): 213-218, 1997.We evaluated postnatal lung function andintravascular albumin loss to tissues of 123-days-gestation pretermsurfactant-treated and ventilated lambs 15 h after direct fetal(n = 8) or maternal(n = 9) betamethasone treatment orsaline placebo (n = 9). Thebetamethasone-treated groups had similar increases in dynamiccompliances, ventilatory efficiency indexes, and lung volumes relativeto controls (P < 0.05). The lossesof 125I-labeled albumin fromblood, a marker of intravascular integrity, and the recoveries of125I-albumin in muscle and brainwere similar for control and betamethasone-exposed lambs.Betamethasone-treated lambs had lower recoveries of125I-albumin in lung tissues andin alveolar washes than did controls (P < 0.01). Although blood pressureswere higher for the treated groups (P < 0.05), all groups had similar blood volumes, cardiac outputs, andorgan blood flows. Maternal or fetal treatment with betamethasone 15 hbefore preterm delivery equivalently improved postnatal lung function,reduced albumin recoveries in lungs, and increased blood pressures.However, prenatal betamethasone had no effects on the systemicintravascular losses of albumin or did not change blood volumes.

Brilli, Richard J., Brian Krafte-Jacobs, Daniel J. Smith,Dominick Roselle, Daniel Passerini, Amos Vromen, Lori Moore, CsabaSzabó, and Andrew L. Salzman. Intratracheal instillation ofa novel NO/nucleophile adduct selectively reduces pulmonary hypertension. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(6):1968-1975, 1997.We examined the pulmonary and systemichemodynamic effects of administering soluble nitric oxide (NO) donorcompounds (NO/nucleophile adducts, i.e., NONOates) directly into thetrachea of animals with experimentally induced pulmonary hypertension.Steady-state pulmonary hypertension was created by using thethromboxane agonist U-46619. Yorkshire pigs were randomly assigned toone of four groups: group 1,intratracheal saline (control; n = 8);group 2, intratracheal sodiumnitroprusside (n = 6);group 3, intratracheal ethylputreanineNONOate (n = 6); andgroup 4, intratracheal2-(dimethylamino)-ethylputreanine NONOate (DMAEP/NO;n = 6). Pulmonary and systemichemodynamics were monitored after drug instillation.Group 4 had significant reductions in pulmonary vascular resistance index (PVRI) at all time points comparedwith steady state and compared with group1 (P < 0.05), whereas systemic vascular resistance index did not change. The meanchange in mean pulmonary arterial pressure in group4 was 33.1 ± 1.2% compared with +6.4 ± 1.3% in group 1 (P < 0.001), and the mean change inmean arterial pressure was 9.3 ± 0.7% compared with acontrol value of 0.9 ± 0.5%(P < 0.05). Groups 2 and 3 hadsignificant decreases in both PVRI and systemic vascular resistanceindex compared with steady state and with group1. In conclusion, intratracheal instillation of apolar-charged tertiary amine NONOate DMAEP/NO results in the selectivereduction of PVRI. Intermittent intratracheal instillation of selectiveNONOates may be an alternative to continuously inhaled NO in thetreatment of pulmonary hypertension.

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