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Populations of species located at southern range edges may be particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change as warming temperatures and subsequent changes to ecosystems exceed species-specific tolerances. One such species is Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis), a cold-adapted mesocarnivore that maintains a large core population in Alaska, USA, and Canada but exists within several peripheral populations in the contiguous United States. Increases in temperature, declines in snow pack, and climate-influenced increases in fire frequency and intensity, could negatively affect lynx populations, threatening their long-term persistence in the continental United States. Despite these threats, our understanding of broad-scale effects on lynx occupancy and the extent of current lynx distribution in many of these peripheral populations is minimal. We conducted an occupancy survey of lynx in Washington, USA, using a spatially extensive camera-trapping array covering 7,000 km2 of potential lynx habitat. We used the resulting database of detection data to develop single-season occupancy models to examine the abiotic and biotic effects on current lynx occupancy and predict future lynx distribution based on climate change forecasts. Our results show lynx occupancy across the Washington landscape is restricted and dictated largely by abiotic factors, disturbance regimes, and distance from source populations in Canada. Predictions of future distribution suggest lynx will be increasingly challenged by climatic changes, particularly at the southern and lower elevation portions of their range in Washington. Our results paint an alarming picture for lynx persistence in Washington that is relevant to current deliberations regarding lynx delisting from the Endangered Species Act. Our simple camera design was a highly effective method for surveying lynx across broad spatial scales, and could be a key monitoring tool for lynx that is easy to implement by researchers and government agencies. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
In North America, wild pigs (Sus scrofa; feral pigs, feral swine, wild boars) are a widespread exotic species capable of creating large-scale biotic and abiotic landscape perturbations. Quantification of wild pig environmental effects has been particularly problematic in northern climates, where they occur only recently as localized populations at low densities. Between 2016 and 2017, we assessed short-term (within ~2 yrs of disturbance) effects of a low-density wild pig population on forest features in the central Lower Peninsula of Michigan, USA. We identified 16 8-ha sites using global positioning system locations from 7 radio-collared wild pigs for sampling. Within each site, we conducted fine-scale assessments at 81 plots and quantified potential disturbance by wild pigs. We defined disturbance as exposure of overturned soil, often resulting from rooting behavior by wild pigs. We quantified ground cover of plants within paired 1-m2 frames at each plot, determined effects to tree regeneration using point-centered quarter sampling, and collected soil cores from each plot. We observed less percent ground cover of native herbaceous plants and lower species diversity, particularly for plants with a coefficient of conservatism ≥5, in plots disturbed by wild pigs. We did not observe an increase in colonization of exotic plants following disturbance, though the observed prevalence of exotic plants was low. Wild pigs did not select for tree species when rooting, and we did not detect any differences in regeneration of light- and heavy-seeded tree species between disturbed or undisturbed plots. Magnesium and ammonium content in soils were lower in disturbed plots, suggesting soil disturbance accelerated leaching of macronutrients, potentially altering nitrogen transformation. Our study suggested that disturbances by wild pigs, even at low densities, alters short-term native herbaceous plant diversity and soil chemistry. Thus, small-scale exclusion of wild pigs from vulnerable and rare plant communities may be warranted. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Biotically-mediated weathering helps to shape Earth’s surface. For example, plants expend carbon (C) to mobilize nutrients in forms whose relative abundances vary with depth. It thus is likely that trees’ nutrient acquisition strategies—their investment in rooting systems and exudates—may function differently following disturbance-induced changes in depth of rooting zones and soil nutrient stocks. These changes may persist across centuries. We test the hypothesis that plant C allocation for nutrient acquisition is depth dependent as a function of rooting system development and relative abundances of organic vs. mineral nutrient stocks. We further posit that patterns of belowground C allocation to nutrient acquisition reveal anthropogenic signatures through many decades of forest regeneration. To test this idea, we examined fine root abundances and rooting system C in organic acid exudates and exo-enzymes in tandem with depth distributions of organically- and mineral-bound P stocks. Our design permitted us to estimate C tradeoffs between organic vs. mineral nutrient benefits in paired forests with many similar aboveground traits but different ages: post-agricultural mixed-pine forests and older reference hardwoods. Fine roots were more abundant throughout the upper 2 m in reference forest soils than in regenerating stands. Rooting systems in all forests exhibited depth-dependent C allocations to nutrient acquisition reflecting relative abundances of organic vs. mineral bound P stocks. Further, organic vs. mineral stocks underwent redistribution with historic land use, producing distinct ecosystem nutritional economies. In reference forests, rooting systems are allocating C to relatively deep fine roots and low-C exudation strategies that can increase mobility of mineral-bound P stocks. Regenerating forests exhibit relatively shallower fine root distributions and more diverse exudation strategies reflecting more variable nutrient stocks. We observed these disparities in rooting systems’ depth and nutritional mechanisms even though the regenerating forests have attained aboveground biomass stocks similar to those in reference hardwood forests. These distinctions offer plausible belowground mechanisms for observations of continued C sink strength in relatively old forests, and have implications for soil C fates and soil development on timescales relevant to human lifetimes. As such, depth-dependent nutrient returns on plant C investments represent a subtle but consequential signal of the Anthropocene.


Tropical coral reefs are subject to multiple pressures from both natural and anthropogenic sources. These pressures have caused widespread declines in reef health, resulting in the increased use of spatial management tools such as marine protected areas (MPAs). MPAs have proven generally effective if well designed and enforced, but there are limited long-term studies investigating how the presence of small-scale MPAs affects fish populations and reef communities. Using a 12-year time series, we found that small-scale (10–50 ha) community-managed MPAs along the Danajon Bank of the Philippines preserved average fish biomass within their boundaries over time relative to surrounding fished reefs. Unprotected areas are, however, showing significant long-term biomass decline. MPAs were also found to preserve more key trophic groups and larger-bodied commercially targeted reef fish families. Fish biomass of piscivore, scavenger and invertivore trophic groups inside individual MPAs is, however, still declining at a similar rate as outside. Surprisingly, long-term benthic cover and growth form composition were not significantly affected overall by MPA presence, despite the sporadic use of highly destructive dynamite fishing in this region. Coral cover has remained historically low (21–28%) throughout the study, following widespread bleaching mortality. While management tempered overall abundance declines, we found that irrespective of MPA presence, there was a generalised decline of both large- and small-bodied fish size groups across the study region, most steeply within the 20–30 cm length fish, and a shift towards proportionally higher abundances of small (5–10 cm) fish. This indicates a combination of over-exploitation, inadequate MPA size and coverage for larger fish, and the lingering effects of the 1998 bleaching event. Generalised shifts in body size and trophic structure reported here could lead to future reductions in fishery productivity and stability and will be further exacerbated unless broader fishery regulations and enforcement is instated.


Elevated temperatures and nutrients are degrading coral reef ecosystems, but the understanding of how early life stages of reef corals respond to these stressors remains limited. Here, we test the impact of temperature (mean ~ 27 °C vs. ~ 29 °C) and nitrate and phosphate enrichment (ambient, + 5 µM nitrate, + 1 µM phosphate and combined + 5 µM nitrate with 1 µM phosphate) on coral larvae using three Hawaiian coral species with different modes of symbiont transmission and reproduction: Lobactis scutaria (horizontal, gonochoric broadcast spawner), Pocillopora acuta (vertical, hermaphroditic brooder) and Montipora capitata (vertical, hermaphroditic broadcast spawner). Temperature and nutrient effects were species specific and appear antagonistic for L. scutaria and M. capitata, but not for P. acuta. Larvae survivorship in all species was lowest under nitrate enrichment at 27 °C. M. capitata and L. scutaria survivorship increased at 29 °C. However, positive effects of warming on survivorship were lost under high nitrate, but phosphate attenuated nitrate effects when N/P ratios were balanced. P. acuta larvae exhibited high survivorship (> 91%) in all treatments and showed little change in larval size, but lower respiration rates at 29 °C. Elevated nutrients (+N+P) led to the greatest loss in larvae size for aposymbiotic L. scutaria, while positive growth in symbiotic M. capitata larvae was reduced under warming and highest in +N+P treatments. Overall, we report a greater sensitivity of broadcast spawners to warming and nutrient changes compared to a brooding coral species. These results suggest variability in biological responses to warming and nutrient enrichment is influenced by life-history traits, including the presence of symbionts (vertical transmission), in addition to nutrient type and nutrient stoichiometry.

Molecular Biology Reports - N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, which are widely present in the central nervous system, have also been found to be up-regulated in a variety of cancer cells and...  相似文献   
Molecular Biology Reports - Proper bony tissue regeneration requires mechanical stabilization, an osteogenic biological activity and appropriate scaffolds. The latter two elements can be combined...  相似文献   
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