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Camera trapping studies have become increasingly popular to produce population estimates of individually recognisable mammals. Yet, monitoring techniques for rare species which occur at extremely low densities are lacking. Additionally, species which have unpredictable movements may make obtaining reliable population estimates challenging due to low detectability. Our study explores the effectiveness of intensive camera trapping for estimating cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) numbers. Using both a more traditional, systematic grid approach and pre-determined, targeted sites for camera placement, the cheetah population of the Northern Tuli Game Reserve, Botswana was sampled between December 2012 and October 2013. Placement of cameras in a regular grid pattern yielded very few (n = 9) cheetah images and these were insufficient to estimate cheetah density. However, pre-selected cheetah scent-marking posts provided 53 images of seven adult cheetahs (0.61 ± 0.18 cheetahs/100km²). While increasing the length of the camera trapping survey from 90 to 130 days increased the total number of cheetah images obtained (from 53 to 200), no new individuals were recorded and the estimated population density remained stable. Thus, our study demonstrates that targeted camera placement (irrespective of survey duration) is necessary for reliably assessing cheetah densities where populations are naturally very low or dominated by transient individuals. Significantly our approach can easily be applied to other rare predator species.  相似文献   
Eight pilot-scale in-line filtration trials were performed to evaluate the passage of cyanobacterial cells through drinking water filters after sudden increases in hydraulic loading rates. Trials were performed at 30 °C using two coagulant combinations (aluminum sulfate and cationic polymer or ferric chloride and cationic polymer), two initial filter loading rates (7 or 10 m/h) and two species of morphologically different cyanobacteria (Microcystis aeruginosa or Anabaena flos aquae). The filter was perturbed by instantaneously increasing the hydraulic loading rate by 50%. Filter influent and effluent water qualities were characterized by measuring turbidity, particles and chlorophyll a. The observed post-perturbation filter effluent chlorophyll a peaks were 1.6–48 times greater than the pre-perturbation averages. Chlorophyll a peaks were larger for M. aeruginosa than for A. flos aquae. Chlorophyll a peaks were also larger for the higher (10 m/h) than for the lower (7 m/h) initial filter loading rate. The post-perturbation effluent turbidity peaks were 1.4–7.2 times greater than the pre-perturbation averages. The post-perturbation effluent particle peaks were 6.5–25 times greater than the pre-perturbation averages. These results indicate that particles were a more sensitive indicator of cyanobacterial passage than turbidity.  相似文献   
Introduction and naturalization of non-native species is one of the most important threats to global biodiversity. Birds have been widely introduced worldwide, but their impacts on populations, communities, and ecosystems have not received as much attention as those of other groups. This work is a global synthesis of the impact of nonnative birds on native ecosystems to determine (1) what groups, impacts, and locations have been best studied; (2) which taxonomic groups and which impacts have greatest effects on ecosystems, (3) how important are bird impacts at the community and ecosystem levels, and (4) what are the known benefits of nonnative birds to natural ecosystems. We conducted an extensive literature search that yielded 148 articles covering 39 species belonging to 18 families -18% of all known naturalized species. Studies were classified according to where they were conducted: Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe, North America, South America, Islands of the Indian, of the Pacific, and of the Atlantic Ocean. Seven types of impact on native ecosystems were evaluated: competition, disease transmission, chemical, physical, or structural impact on ecosystem, grazing/ herbivory/ browsing, hybridization, predation, and interaction with other non-native species. Hybridization and disease transmission were the most important impacts, affecting the population and community levels. Ecosystem-level impacts, such as structural and chemical impacts were detected. Seven species were found to have positive impacts aside from negative ones. We provide suggestions for future studies focused on mechanisms of impact, regions, and understudied taxonomic groups.  相似文献   
The onset of incubation varies in birds, with many species beginning incubation prior to clutch completion. Here we examine whether early onset is more likely to occur during high temperatures, a critical prediction of the egg-viability hypothesis, which suggest that birds begin incubation prior to clutch completion in order to maintain egg-viability. We examined onset of incubation in tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor at two locations at the extremes of their breeding range, Alaska and Tennessee. A majority of individuals (68%) began incubation prior to clutch completion. While females in Tennessee were more likely to begin incubation early, there was no difference between sites when differences in temperatures inside nestboxes were controlled in analyses. Rather, early onset of incubation was predicted by the proportion of daily temperatures above physiological zero during laying, a critical prediction of the egg viability hypothesis. Both warm weather and early onset led to shorter incubation periods and increased levels of hatching asynchrony. We found no effect of timing of nesting, female body condition index or clutch size on the probability of beginning incubation prior to clutch completion. Our results are consistent with the egg viability hypothesis, not consistent with a threshold clutch size rule, and do not support the hurry-up hypothesis, that individuals breeding later in the season would begin incubation early to reduce the time spent nesting. Overall, our results suggest that broad scale geographic differences in incubation behaviour may be explained by individual-level responses to environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Humans have been shown to adapt to the temporal statistics of timing tasks so as to optimize the accuracy of their responses, in agreement with the predictions of Bayesian integration. This suggests that they build an internal representation of both the experimentally imposed distribution of time intervals (the prior) and of the error (the loss function). The responses of a Bayesian ideal observer depend crucially on these internal representations, which have only been previously studied for simple distributions. To study the nature of these representations we asked subjects to reproduce time intervals drawn from underlying temporal distributions of varying complexity, from uniform to highly skewed or bimodal while also varying the error mapping that determined the performance feedback. Interval reproduction times were affected by both the distribution and feedback, in good agreement with a performance-optimizing Bayesian observer and actor model. Bayesian model comparison highlighted that subjects were integrating the provided feedback and represented the experimental distribution with a smoothed approximation. A nonparametric reconstruction of the subjective priors from the data shows that they are generally in agreement with the true distributions up to third-order moments, but with systematically heavier tails. In particular, higher-order statistical features (kurtosis, multimodality) seem much harder to acquire. Our findings suggest that humans have only minor constraints on learning lower-order statistical properties of unimodal (including peaked and skewed) distributions of time intervals under the guidance of corrective feedback, and that their behavior is well explained by Bayesian decision theory.  相似文献   
A winter bloom dominated by Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha Lundholm, Moestrup et Hasle (Bacillariophyceae), a potential domoic acid producer, is reported for the first time in the Aegean Sea, Greece, in a semi-enclosed embayment (Kalloni Gulf) surrounded by agricultural land and drained by intermittent rivers. Abundances of this species in the inner part of the Gulf during February were extremely high (max 1.1 × 107 cells l−1). The species Alexandrium insuetum Balech (Dinophyceae) was also found in considerable cell numbers (max 1.4 × 105 cells l−1) during the bloom and reached up to 40% of the total biovolume. This study demonstrates an evident cause and effect relationship between nutrient inflows originating from agricultural activities in the watershed and the development of a potential HAB. The massive bloom formation was observed soon after an episodic rainfall event during the fertilizer application period (December to February). A bloom was also observed the following year, but it was less pronounced due to the fact that rainfalls were more evenly spaced in time and were of moderate intensity.  相似文献   
Summary Clonal populations were isolated from the mouse mammary cell line, COMMA-D, by transfection with a dominant-selectable gene, pSV2Neo, which confers resistance to the antibiotic, G418. Seven of twenty-four clones isolated retained the ability of the parental line to repopulate cleared mammary fat pads in vivo as ductal-alveolar hyperplasias. Two sublines designated CDNR2 and CDNR4 retained hyperplastic growth potential after multiple passages in vitro with low incidence of tumor formation. A third subpopulation, CDNR1, contained a single integration site for the pSV2Neo plasmid indicating a bonafide clonal origin for this subline. CDNR1 cells displayed heterogeneous growth phenotypes in vivo including hyperplasia, adenocarcinoma, and bone formation. Functional differentiation of CDNR1 cells organized as alveolarlike structures in vivo or on floating collagen gels in vitro was observed as determined by immunoperoxidase staining for the milk-specific protein, casein. Overall, the results indicate that a subset of cells from the COMMA-D cell line may be functionally analogous to stem cells existing in the mammary gland. Supported by NCI research grants CA-38650, CA-33369, CA-39017, and CA-25215.  相似文献   
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