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We examined the intra-tree foraging behavior of individually-released, wild-population Mediterranean fruit flies (medflies), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), on field-caged host trees bearing each of three different densities (0, 3, or 12 per tree) of non-infested host fruit (kumquat) or each of two levels of fruit quality (12 non-infested fruit or 12 fruit infested with eggs and covered with host marking pheromone). With increasing density of non-infested fruit, medflies tended to remain longer in trees, visit more fruit before leaving, oviposit more often, accept a proportionately smaller number of fruit visited, and emigrate sooner after the last egg was laid (i.e. have a shorter Giving-Up-Time). Medflies spent much less time, oviposited much less often, and exhibited a longer Giving-Up-Time on trees harboring pheromone-marked fruit than non-infested fruit. Variation in temperature within the range at which experiments were conducted (25–36°C) had little detectable influence on foraging behavior. We compare our findings with published findings on the intra-tree foraging behavior of another tephritid fly, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh), and with current foraging behavior theory. We discuss implications of our findings with respect to medfly management strategies, particularly fruit stripping in eradication programs and use of synthetic marking pheromone for control.
Résumé Nous avons étudié le comportement de prospection dans un arbre, de femelles d'une population sauvage de C. capitata, libérées individuellement à l'intérieur de cages contenant des Eriobotrya japonica (kumquat), portant chacun 3 densités différentes de fruits no contaminés (0, 3, 12 par arbre) et chacun 2 niveaux de qualité de fruits: 12 fruits non infestés ou 12 fruits contaminés par des oeufs et recouverts de phéromone de marquage de l'hôte. C. capitata avait terndance à rester plus longtemps dans les arbres, à visiter plus de fruits avant le quitter, à pondre plus souvent, à accepter proportionnellement un nombre plus réduit de fruits déjà visités, à émigrer plus tôt après la ponte du dernier oeuf (c'est-à-dire à présenter un temps d'abandon plus bref), quand la densité des fruits non contaminés augmentait. C. capitata a dépensé beaucoup moins de temps, pondu beaucoup moins souvent, et présenté un temps d'abandon plus long sur les arbres portant des fruits marqués par la phéromone que sur ceux ayant des fruits non contaminés. Les variations de température dans la gamme de cells où les observations ont eu lieu (23–36°C) n'ont eu qu'une faible influence décelable sur le comportement de prospection. Nous avons comparé nos résultats avec ceux publiés sur la prospection à l'intérieur de l'arbre par une autre téphritide (Rhagoletis pomonella) et avec la théorie dominante sur le comportement de prospection. Nous discutons les conséquences de nos résultats sur les stratégies de lutte contre C. capitata, en particulier l'élimination des fruits dans les plans d'erradication et l'utilisation de phéromone synthétique de marquage.
We have studied the chromatin structure ofPenicillium chrysogenum. This fungus presents the typical nucleosomal repeat and the core DNA size characteristic of all the eukaryotes. The repeat length (about 180 base pairs) is in the range of those obtained for most fungi (160–180 base pairs) and shorter than in higher eukaryotes. Knowledge aboutP. chrysogenum chromatin structure opens the way to the study of the mechanisms of genetic regulation in this filamentous fungus.  相似文献   
Summary Measurements of litter fall and litter removal by crabs, in conjunction with estimates of litter decay by microbes and tidal export of litter from three high-intertidal mangrove forests were made during a year-long study in tropical northeastern Australia. In forests dominated by Ceriops tagal and Bruguiera exaristata, litter standing stocks remained low on the forest floor (mean 6 g·m-2), although litter fall was high; 822 and 1022 g·m-2·y-1, respectively. Sesarmid crabs removed 580 (Ceriops) and 803 (Bruguiera) g·m-2·y-1, or 71 and 79%, of the total annual litter fall from the forest floor. Relative to the rate of litter removal by crabs, microbial turnover of whole, unshredded litter was insignificant, accounting for <1% of annual litter fall. Export of litter by tides was estimated to remove 194 (Ceriops) and 252 (Bruguiera) g·m-2·y-1 or 24 and 25% of annual litter fall. In a forest dominated by Avicenniamarina, in which an ocypodid crab was more abundant than sesarmids, litter standing stocks were higher (mean 84 g·m-2) and crabs removed less litter; 173 g·m-2·y-1 or 33% of the annual litter fall of 519 g·m-2·y-1. Microbial turnover of intact litter was more important in the Avicennia forest (168 g·m-2·y-1 or 32% of annual litter fall), and tides exported 107 g·m-2·y-1 or 21% of litter production. In areas where sesarmid crabs were absent or rare in Ceriops forests, there were significantly higher standing stocks of litter and slower rates of leaf removal. Taking into account the probable assimilation efficiencies of sesarmid crabs feeding on mangrove leaves, we estimate that in Ceriops and Bruguiera forests leaf processing by crabs turns litter over at >75 times the rate of microbial decay alone, thus facilitating the high sediment bacterial productivity in these forests. The importance of litter processing by crabs increases with height in the intertidal in tropical Australia, in contrast to New World mangrove forests, where the reverse is true.Contribution No. 445 from the Australian Institute of Marine Science  相似文献   
Auxin Physiology of the Tomato Mutant diageotropica   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum, Mill.) mutant diageotropica (dgt) exhibits biochemical, physiological, and morphological abnormalities that suggest the mutation may have affected a primary site of auxin perception or action. We have compared two aspects of the auxin physiology of dgt and wild-type (VFN8) seedlings: auxin transport and cellular growth parameters. The rates of basipetal indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) polar transport are identical in hypocotyl sections of the two genotypes, but dgt sections have a slightly greater capacity for IAA transport. 2,3,5-Triiodobenzoic acid and ethylene reduce transport in both mutant and wild-type sections. The kinetics of auxin uptake into VFN8 and dgt sections are nearly identical. These results make it unlikely that an altered IAA efflux carrier or IAA uptake symport are responsible for the pleiotropic effects resulting from the dgt mutation. The lack of auxin-induced cell elongation in dgt plants is not due to insufficient turgor, as the osmotic potential of dgt cell sap is less (more negative) than that of VFN8. An auxin-induced increase in wall extensibility, as measured by the Instron technique, only occurs in the VFN8 plants. These data suggest dgt hypocotyls suffer a defect in the sequence of events culminating in auxin-induced cell wall loosening.  相似文献   
With the exception of leaping, lorises and galagos move in many similar ways although frequencies and styles differ. This peculiar locomotor distinction in two closely related subfamilies has profoundly altered their respective postcranial anatomies from their common ancestor. A comparison of postcranial adaptation in extant forms shows that lorises and galagos differ somewhat in forelimb mobility, but are more fundamentally disparate in hindlimb adaptation. Inferences concerning locomotor adaptation in the lorisid fossil record indicate a more generalized locomotor pattern which is more like that of extant cheirogaleids than either living galagos or lorises. Thus, vertical clinging and leaping in galagines and the slow-climbing and suspensory movements of lorisines appear to be evolutionarily recent innovations from a more generalized locomotor past.  相似文献   
Summary The ultrastructure and density of chloride cells in the gill, opercular epithelium, and opercular skin of the euryhaline self-fertilizing fish Rivulus marmoratus (Cyprinodontidae) were studied with electron and fluorescence microscopy. R. marmoratus raised from birth in 1, 50, 100, and 200% seawater were compared. Chloride cells from fish raised in each of the four salinities exhibited an invaginated pit structure at the apical crypt. Multicellular complexes were present in the 1% seawater group and in those fish raised in higher salinities where elaborate interdigitations were seen between cells. Chloride cells from gills of fish raised in 200% seawater had a significantly higher percentage of their cytoplasmic volume composed of mitochondria than did those from fish raised in 1% seawater (69.9% vs 37.4%). The opercular skin and opercular epithelium had the same density of chloride cells (4.2×104-4.5×104 chloride cells/cm2), and this number did not vary significantly with increased salinity. The opercular skin thus appears far more responsive to environmental salinity than the opercular epithelium. Chloride cells from the opercular epithelium of fish raised in 200% seawater were found to be 39% larger than those from fish raised in 1% seawater, whereas the chloride cells from the opercular skin of the 200% seawater group were 107% larger than those from the 1% seawater group.  相似文献   
The effects of inadequate expansion of maternal blood volume on uterine blood flow, fetal oxygen levels and vasoactive mediators during the third trimester were studied in 8 pregnant sheep. Results were compared to those obtained during 15 normal pregnancies. Prevention of the normal (20 ml/day) increase in maternal plasma volume was achieved by repeated haemorrhage and injections of furosemide. These treatments also reduced the rise in blood flow to the pregnant uterine horn that normally occurs during this period of gestation: at term flow was only 508 +/- 61 (SEM) compared to 838 +/- 83 ml/min in the control group (P greater than 0.01). This reduction in uterine blood flow caused a gradual fall in fetal PaO2, and rise in fetal levels of plasma renin activity, vasopressin, catecholamines and angiotensin II without change in pHa or base excess. Four to 5 days prior to delivery, the difference from control in PaO2 was -3.9 +/- 0.5 mmHg, plasma renin activity +2.9 +/- 1.7 ng/ml.h, vasopressin +4.2 +/- 1.1 pg/ml, catecholamines +957 +/- 145.3 pg/ml and angiotensin II +243 +/- 108.2 pg/ml. Furthermore, the fall in PaO2 and rise in vasoactive mediators that normally occur 3-5 days prior to the onset of labour was either absent (PaO2 and plasma renin activity) or blunted. Thus when expansion of blood volume during pregnancy is inadequate, blood flow to the uterus is adversely affected. This leads to various degrees of chronic fetal hypoxaemia and stimulation of vasoactive mediator systems. However, the normal stimulation of vasoactive mediator systems that occurs 3-5 days before delivery appears to be blunted. Experimental prevention of blood volume expansion during pregnancy produces an excellent model for the study of chronic mild fetal hypoxaemia.  相似文献   
Summary In continuous cultures, alkaline phosphatase was synthesised and excreted for more than 250 h by immobilized growing cells in contrast to free cells for which the excretion decreased after 150 h of culture. This observed increase in alkaline phosphatase synthesis and excretion by immobilized cells may have resulted from growing conditions within the gel beads.Offprint requests to: C. Manin  相似文献   
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