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We describe molecular dynamics simulations resulting in the folding the Fip35 Hpin1 WW domain. The simulations were run on a distributed set of graphics processors, which are capable of providing up to two orders of magnitude faster computation than conventional processors. Using the Folding@home distributed computing system, we generated thousands of independent trajectories in an implicit solvent model, totaling over 2.73 ms of simulations. A small number of these trajectories folded; the folding proceeded along several distinct routes and the system folded into two distinct three-stranded β-sheet conformations, showing that the folding mechanism of this system is distinctly heterogeneous.  相似文献   
Evaluating the validity of using unverified indices of body condition   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Condition indices are commonly used in an attempt to link body condition of birds to ecological variables of interest, including demographic attributes such as survival and reproduction. Most indices are based on body mass adjusted for structural body size, calculated as simple ratios or residuals from regressions. However, condition indices are often applied without confirming their predictive value (i.e., without being validated against measured values of fat and protein), which we term 'unverified' use. We evaluated the ability of a number of unverified indices frequently found in the literature to predict absolute and proportional levels of fat and protein across five species of waterfowl. Among indices we considered, those accounting for body size never predicted absolute protein more precisely than body mass, however, some indices improved predictability of fat, although the form of the best index varied by species. Further, the gain in precision by using a condition index to predict either absolute or percent fat was minimal (rise in r2≤0.13), and in many cases model fit was actually reduced. Our data agrees with previous assertions that the assumption that indices provide more precise indicators of body condition than body mass alone is often invalid. We strongly discourage the use of unverified indices, because subjectively selecting indices likely does little to improve precision and might in fact decrease predictability relative to using body mass alone.  相似文献   
Mast cells (MCs) are considered sentinels in the skin and mucosa. Their ability to release antimicrobial peptides, such as cathelicidin, protects against bacterial infections when the epithelial barrier is breached. We recently described that MCs defend against bacterial and viral infections through the release of cathelicidin during degranulation. In this study, we hypothesize that cathelicidin expression is induced in MCs by the activation of TLR2 from bacterial products (lipoteichoic acid) produced by commensal bacteria at the epithelial surface. Our research shows that signaling through TLR2 increases the production and expression of cathelicidin in mast cells, thereby enhancing their capacity to fight vaccinia virus. MCs deficient in cathelicidin were less efficient in killing vaccinia virus after lipoteichoic acid stimulation than wild-type cells. Moreover, the activation of TLR2 increases the MC recruitment at the skin barrier interface. Taken together, our findings reveal that the expression and control of antimicrobial peptides and TLR signaling on MCs are key in fighting viral infection. Our findings also provide new insights into the pathogenesis of skin infections and suggest potential roles for MCs and TLR2 ligands in antiviral therapy.  相似文献   
Mature prion protein (PrP) is a 208-residue polypeptide that contains a single disulfide bond. We report an alternative method to purify recombinant mouse PrP produced in Escherichia coli. Bacterial inclusion bodies were solubilized in a buffer containing 2 M urea at pH 12.5. The solubilized protein was rapidly purified on a nickel affinity column without a chaotrope gradient, followed by ion-exchange chromatography. The yield and purity of PrP produced by this alternative approach was similar to that obtained using a conventional solubilization and on-column refolding protocol. Recombinant PrP produced using the non-reducing purification protocol is properly folded, as determined by circular dichroism, and a competent substrate for amyloid fibril formation, as determined by Thoflavin-T dye binding assays. In summary, this report describes a rapid method for producing properly folded recombinant PrP without reducing agents or a chaotrope gradient.  相似文献   
Heterogeneity in the content and function of subcellular organelles on the intercellular and intracellular level plays an important role in determining cell fate. These variations extend to normal-state and disease-state cellular functions and responses to environmental stimuli, such as oxidative stress and therapeutic drugs. Analytical tools to characterize variation in all types of organelles are essential to provide insights that can lead to advances in medicine, such as therapies targeted to specific subcellular regions. In this review, we discuss analytical techniques for interrogating individual intact organelles (e.g. mitochondria and synaptic vesicles) and lysates in a high-throughput manner, including a recently developed nanoscale fluorescence-activated subcellular sorter and techniques based on capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection. We then highlight the advantages that droplet microfluidics offers for probing subcellular heterogeneity.  相似文献   
The Evolutionary species pool hypothesis (ESPH) predicts that historically more common habitats will be richer in species because they have had greater opportunity for the evolution of suitably adapted species. We explored the relationship between mire species richness and pH, an important environmental variable in mires, in two regions that differ in habitat pH distribution: the West Carpathians and Bulgaria. Mire habitats in both the West Carpathians and Bulgaria demonstrate support for the ESPH prediction that habitats with more common pH values host more species. We also explored the influence of habitat history by examining the distribution of generalists and specialists along gradients of habitat pH, using extensive community-level vegetation data from European mires in these two regions. We found a striking pattern with the distribution of pH-specialists having three distinct peaks in both regions, whereas the total species pool peaked in near neutral pH habitats in both regions. Because the peaks in specialist richness do not correspond to regional pH distribution patterns, we hypothesize that historical explanations may be important, and that habitats currently rich in pH-specialists may have historically acted as pleniglacial refugia for many mire species. Our findings support the general predictions of the ESPH, but further suggest that historical processes such as patterns of glacial refugia, may significantly influence contemporary species distributions and the diversity of plant species in mire habitats.  相似文献   


Vitamin D may play a protective role in many diseases. Public health messages are advocating sun avoidance to reduce skin cancer risk but the potential deleterious effects of these recommendations for vitamin D metabolism have been poorly investigated.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We investigated the association between 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25(OH)D), skin type and ultraviolet exposure in 1414 Caucasian females in the UK. Mean age of the cohort was 47 years (18–79) and mean 25(OH)D levels were 77 nmol/L (6–289). 25(OH)D levels were strongly associated with season of sampling with higher levels in the spring and summer months (p<0.0001). Light skin types (skin type 1 and 2) have lower levels of 25(OH)D (mean 71 nmol/L) compared to darker skin types (skin type 3 and 4) (mean 82 nmol/L) after adjusting for multiple confounders (p<0.0001). The trend for increasing risk of low vitamin D with fairer skin types was highly significant despite adjustment for all confounders (p = 0.001).


Contrary to previous studies across different ethnic backgrounds, this study within Caucasian UK females shows that fair skin types have lower levels of 25(OH)D compared to darker skin types with potential detrimental health effects. Public health campaigns advocating sun avoidance in fair skinned individuals may need to be revised in view of their risk of vitamin D deficiency.  相似文献   
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