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A decrease of erythrocyte membrane fluidity can contribute to the pathophysiology of hypertension. Soy products, which are used as alternative therapeutics in some cardiovascular conditions, contain various isoflavones (genistein, daidzein, and their glucosides, genistin and daidzin), which can incorporate cellular membrane and change its fluidity. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of soy extract (which generally corresponds to the soy products of isoflavone composition) on erythrocyte membrane fluidity at graded depths. We used electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and fatty acid spin probes (5-DS and 12-DS), the spectra of which are dependent on membrane fluidity. After being treated with soy extract, erythrocytes showed a significant (P = 0.016) decrease of membrane fluidity near the hydrophilic surface, while there were no significant changes of fluidity in deeper hydrophobic membrane regions. These results suggest that soy products containing high levels of genistein and isoflavone glucosides may not be suitable for use in hypertension because they decrease erythrocyte membrane fluidity.  相似文献   
Squids are especially frequent as paratenic hosts of helminth parasites, particularly to those that have elasmobranchs and mammals as final hosts. Among those parasite species, anisakid nematode larvae and cestode plerocercoids are most effectively transferred through the trophic chain by oegopsid squids. A total of 439 short-finned squids, Illex coindetii (245 males, 190 females and 4 unsexed) were sampled in the central part of the eastern Adriatic Sea in order to assess their helminth component community and parasite dynamics with respect to host sex, maturity, seasonality, and feeding behavior. Two larval helminths were isolated, i.e., larvae of Anisakis pegreffii, characterized by molecular tools at the species level, and plerocercoids of Phyllobothrium sp., with prevalences of 30.5% and 2.3%, respectively. Highly significant seasonal variation in diet consumption, congruent with seasonal variation in anisakid intensity, was observed, underlining the tight role of squid prey in the trophic transmission of parasite. Likewise, the highest helminth prevalence and intensity of infection was recorded in autumn, when the fish prey, mostly Maurolicus muelleri, comprised the greatest proportion of diet. This helped to assign the Adriatic broadtail shortfin squid not as a first, but as a second, paratenic host for the anisakid, unlike as suggested previously. The presence of larval A. pegreffii confirms its previously reported zoogeographical distribution in the Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas. The presence of 2 helminths in I. coindetii describes the feeding patterns of the squid, as well as clearly defined and coevolved predator-prey relationships.  相似文献   
Chlorite dismutase (Cld) is a unique heme enzyme catalyzing the conversion of ClO(2)(-) to Cl(-) and O(2). Cld is usually found in perchlorate- or chlorate-reducing bacteria but was also recently identified in a nitrite-oxidizing bacterium of the genus Nitrospira. Here we characterized a novel Cld-like protein from the chemolithoautotrophic nitrite oxidizer Nitrobacter winogradskyi which is significantly smaller than all previously known chlorite dismutases. Its three-dimensional (3D) crystal structure revealed a dimer of two identical subunits, which sharply contrasts with the penta- or hexameric structures of other chlorite dismutases. Despite a truncated N-terminal domain in each subunit, this novel enzyme turned out to be a highly efficient chlorite dismutase (K(m) = 90 μM; k(cat) = 190 s(-1); k(cat)/K(m) = 2.1 × 10(6) M(-1) s(-1)), demonstrating a greater structural and phylogenetic diversity of these enzymes than was previously known. Based on comparative analyses of Cld sequences and 3D structures, signature amino acid residues that can be employed to assess whether uncharacterized Cld-like proteins may have a high chlorite-dismutating activity were identified. Interestingly, proteins that contain all these signatures and are phylogenetically closely related to the novel-type Cld of N. winogradskyi exist in a large number of other microbes, including other nitrite oxidizers.  相似文献   
Much attention has been devoted to identifying genomic patterns underlying the evolution of the human brain and its emergent advanced cognitive capabilities, which lie at the heart of differences distinguishing humans from chimpanzees, our closest living relatives. Here, we identify two particular intragene repeat structures of noncoding human DNA, spanning as much as a hundred kilobases, that are present in human genome but are absent from the chimpanzee genome and other nonhuman primates. Using our novel computational method Global Repeat Map, we examine tandem repeat structure in human and chimpanzee chromosome 1. In human chromosome 1, we find three higher order repeats (HORs), two of them novel, not reported previously, whereas in chimpanzee chromosome 1, we find only one HOR, a 2mer alphoid HOR instead of human alphoid 11mer HOR. In human chromosome 1, we identify an HOR based on 39-bp primary repeat unit, with secondary, tertiary, and quartic repeat units, fully embedded in human hornerin gene, related to regenerating and psoriatric skin. Such an HOR is not found in chimpanzee chromosome 1. We find a remarkable human 3mer HOR organization based on the ~1.6-kb primary repeat unit, fully embedded within the neuroblastoma breakpoint family genes, which is related to the function of the human brain. Such HORs are not present in chimpanzees. In general, we find that human-chimpanzee differences are much larger for tandem repeats, in particularly for HORs, than for gene sequences. This may be of great significance in light of recent studies that are beginning to reveal the large-scale regulatory architecture of the human genome, in particular the role of noncoding sequences. We hypothesize about the possible importance of human accelerated HOR patterns as components in the gene expression multilayered regulatory network.  相似文献   
Based on the substrate transition state and our strategy to tackle the problem of drug resistance, a series of HIV/FIV protease (HIV /FIV PR) monocyclic inhibitors incorporating a 15- or 17-membered macrocycle with an equivalent P3 or P3' group and a unique unnatural amino acid, (2R, 3S)-3-amino-2-hydroxy-4-phenylbutyric acid, have been designed and synthesized. In addition, based on the structure of TL3 with small P3/P3' group, we have synthesized two conformationally restricted bicyclic inhibitors containing the macrocycle, which mimic the P1/P1'-P3/P3' tripeptide [Phe-Val-Ala] of TL3. We have found that the contribution of the macrocycle in our monocyclic inhibitors is important to the overall activity, but the ring size does not affect the activity to a significant extent. Several inhibitors that were developed in this work, exhibit low nanomolar inhibitory activity against the wild-type HIV/FIV PR and found to be highly effective against some drug-resistant as well as TL3-resistant mutants of HIV PRs. Compound 15, in particular, is the most effective cyclic inhibitor in hand to inhibit FIV replication in tissue culture at a concentration of 1.0 micro g/mL (1.2 microM).  相似文献   
The syntheses of the novel C-5 substituted pyrimidine derivatives of l-ascorbic acid containing free hydroxy groups at C-2' (6-10) or C-2' and C-3' (11-15) positions of the lactone ring are described. Debenzylation of the 6-chloro- and 6-(N-pyrrolyl)purine derivatives of 2,3-O,O-dibenzyl-l-ascorbic acid (16 and 17) gave the new compounds containing hydroxy groups at C-2' (18) and C-2' and C-3' (19 and 20). Z- and E-configuration of the C4'C5' double bond and position of the lactone ring of the compounds 6-9 were deduced from their one- and two-dimensional (1)H and (13)C NMR spectra and connectivities in NOESY and HMBC spectra. Compounds 15 and 18 showed the best inhibitory activities of all evaluated compounds in the series. The compound 15 containing 5-(trifluoromethyl)uracil showed marked inhibitory activity against all human malignant cell lines (IC(50): 5.6-12.8 microM) except on human T-lymphocytes. Besides, this compound influenced the cell cycle by increasing the cell population in G2/M phase and induced apoptosis in SW 620 and MiaPaCa-2 cells. The compound 18 containing 6-chloropurine ring expressed the most pronounced inhibitory activities against HeLa (IC(50): 6.8 microM) and MiaPaCa-2 cells (IC(50): 6.5 microM). The compound 20 with 6-(N-pyrrolyl)purine moiety showed the best differential inhibitory effect against MCF-7 cells (IC(50): 35.9 microM).  相似文献   
The unique response of desiccation-tolerant, or resurrection plants, to extreme drought is accompanied by major changes in the protein pool, raising the possibility of the involvement of proteases. We detected and characterized proteases present in their active state in leaf extracts of desiccated Ramonda serbica Pan?., a resurrection plant from the Balkan Peninsula. Plants desiccated under laboratory conditions and maintained in anhydrobiosis for 4 and 14 months revived upon rehydration. Protease activities were determined spectrophotometrically in solution and by zymography on gels. Several endo- and aminopeptidases were detected and characterized by their pH profiles. Their enzyme class was determined using specific inhibitors. Those with higher activities were a serine endopeptidase active against Bz-Arg-pNA with a pH optimum around 9, and aminopeptidases optimally active at pHs from 7 to 9 against Leu-pNA, Met-pNA, Phe-pNA, Pro-pNA and Ala-pNA. The levels of their activities in leaf extracts from desiccated plants were significantly higher than those from rehydrated plants and from regularly watered plants, implying their involvement in the recovery of vegetative tissues from desiccation.  相似文献   
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