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Understanding the impact of past climatic events on the demographic history of extant species is critical for predicting species' responses to future climate change. Palaeoclimatic instability is a major mechanism of lineage diversification in taxa with low dispersal and small geographical ranges in tropical ecosystems. However, the impact of these climatic events remains questionable for the diversification of species with high levels of gene flow and large geographical distributions. In this study, we investigate the impact of Pleistocene climate change on three Neotropical orchid bee species (Eulaema bombiformis, E. meriana and E. cingulata) with transcontinental distributions and different physiological tolerances. We first generated ecological niche models to identify species‐specific climatically stable areas during Pleistocene climatic oscillations. Using a combination of mitochondrial and nuclear markers, we inferred calibrated phylogenies and estimated historical demographic parameters to reconstruct the phylogeographical history of each species. Our results indicate species with narrower physiological tolerance experienced less suitable habitat during glaciations and currently exhibit strong population structure in the mitochondrial genome. However, nuclear markers with low and high mutation rates show lack of association with geography. These results combined with lower migration rate estimates from the mitochondrial than the nuclear genome suggest male‐biased dispersal. We conclude that despite large effective population sizes and capacity for long‐distance dispersal, climatic instability is an important mechanism of maternal lineage diversification in orchid bees. Thus, these Neotropical pollinators are susceptible to disruption of genetic connectivity in the event of large‐scale climatic changes.  相似文献   
In terms of its soluble precursors, the coagulation proteome varies quantitatively among apparently healthy individuals. The significance of this variability remains obscure, in part because it is the backdrop against which the hemostatic consequences of more dramatic composition differences are studied. In this study we have defined the consequences of normal range variation of components of the coagulation proteome by using a mechanism-based computational approach that translates coagulation factor concentration data into a representation of an individual's thrombin generation potential. A novel graphical method is used to integrate standard measures that characterize thrombin generation in both empirical and computational models (e.g max rate, max level, total thrombin, time to 2 nM thrombin ("clot time")) to visualize how normal range variation in coagulation factors results in unique thrombin generation phenotypes. Unique ensembles of the 8 coagulation factors encompassing the limits of normal range variation were used as initial conditions for the computational modeling, each ensemble representing "an individual" in a theoretical healthy population. These "individuals" with unremarkable proteome composition was then compared to actual normal and "abnormal" individuals, i.e. factor ensembles measured in apparently healthy individuals, actual coagulopathic individuals or artificially constructed factor ensembles representing individuals with specific factor deficiencies. A sensitivity analysis was performed to rank either individual factors or all possible pairs of factors in terms of their contribution to the overall distribution of thrombin generation phenotypes. Key findings of these analyses include: normal range variation of coagulation factors yields thrombin generation phenotypes indistinguishable from individuals with some, but not all, coagulopathies examined; coordinate variation of certain pairs of factors within their normal ranges disproportionately results in extreme thrombin generation phenotypes, implying that measurement of a smaller set of factors may be sufficient to identify individuals with aberrant thrombin generation potential despite normal coagulation proteome composition.  相似文献   
Over the last million years, human language has emerged and evolved as a fundamental instrument of social communication and semiotic representation. People use language in part to convey emotional information, leading to the central and contingent questions: (1) What is the emotional spectrum of natural language? and (2) Are natural languages neutrally, positively, or negatively biased? Here, we report that the human-perceived positivity of over 10,000 of the most frequently used English words exhibits a clear positive bias. More deeply, we characterize and quantify distributions of word positivity for four large and distinct corpora, demonstrating that their form is broadly invariant with respect to frequency of word use.  相似文献   
Eukaryotes and archaea both possess multiple genes coding for family B DNA polymerases. In animals and fungi, three family B DNA polymerases, alpha, delta, and epsilon, are responsible for replication of nuclear DNA. We used a PCR-based approach to amplify and sequence phylogenetically conserved regions of these three DNA polymerases from Giardia intestinalis and Trichomonas vaginalis, representatives of early-diverging eukaryotic lineages. Phylogenetic analysis of eukaryotic and archaeal paralogs suggests that the gene duplications that gave rise to the three replicative paralogs occurred before the divergence of the earliest eukaryotic lineages, and that all eukaryotes are likely to possess these paralogs. One eukaryotic paralog, epsilon, consistently branches within archaeal sequences to the exclusion of other eukaryotic paralogs, suggesting that an epsilon-like family B DNA polymerase was ancestral to both archaea and eukaryotes. Because crenarchaeote and euryarchaeote paralogs do not form monophyletic groups in phylogenetic analysis, it is possible that archaeal family B paralogs themselves evolved by a series of gene duplications independent of the gene duplications that gave rise to eukaryotic paralogs.   相似文献   
Early folliculogenesis in primate ovaries: testing the role of estrogen.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of an exogenous estrogen, diethylstilbestrol (DES), on follicle development in the ovary of a juvenile primate. The immature cynomolgus monkey (12-22 mo) was used as a model since ovaries at this age lack endogenous gonadotropin support but are capable of responding to exogenous hormonal stimulation. In addition, the pituitary gland receives virtually no GnRH stimulation and under these conditions lacks responsiveness to estrogen feedback. Two groups of three monkeys each received DES for 14 days. Members of the second group also were given GnRH antagonist to assure no GnRH action upon the gonadotropes. The left ovary of each monkey was removed just prior to Day 1 of DES treatment and served as the control. The right ovary was removed on Day 14 of treatment. Both ovaries from each monkey were prepared for evaluation by light microscopy. Results indicated that both the number of preantral follicles and the mean number of medium-sized (0.5-1 mm in diameter) developing antral follicles decreased significantly (p less than 0.05) in the DES-treated ovaries with no increase in early-atretic antral follicles. These data suggest that DES, at the amount administered, inhibits the growth of both preantral and medium-sized antral follicles in the primate. Whether these effects are manifest directly at the follicle level or are mediated by other mechanisms remains to be determined.  相似文献   
Hybridoma cell lines, which secreted antibodies directed against two different strains of Eimeria tenella and one strain of E. mitis, were produced by fusion of spleen cells from sporozoite-immunized Balb/cByJ mice with P3-X63-Ag8 myeloma cells. The antibodies demonstrated at least eight different binding patterns on or in air-dried sporozoites as determined by the indirect immunofluorescent antibody (IFA) test. These patterns varied from a general internal fluorescence similar to that seen with sporozoites exposed to hyperimmune chicken serum, to fluorescence observed on the tip, pellicle, and refractile body of the parasite. Five cloned, antibody-secreting cell lines were successfully established. Four of these clones produced antibody that reacted only with various strains of E. tenella and cross-reacted with no other species of coccidia. The fifth clone produced antibody directed against only E. mitis and did not react with any other coccidial species.  相似文献   
The brush border, isolated from chicken intestine epithelial cells, contains the 95,000 relative molecular mass (M(r)) polypeptide, villin. This report describes the purification and characterization of villin as a Ca(++)-dependent, actin bundling/depolymerizing protein. Then 100,000 g supernatant from a Ca(++) extract of isolated brush borders is composed of three polypeptides of 95,000 (villin), 68,000 (fimbrin), and 42,000 M(r) (actin). Villin, following purification from this extract by differential ammonium sulfate precipitation and ion-exchange chromatography, was mixed with skeletal muscle F-actin. Electron microscopy of negatively stained preparations of these villin-actin mixtures showed that filament bundles were present. This viscosity, sedimentability, and ultrastructural morphology of filament bundles are dependent on the villin:actin molar ratio, the pH, and the free Ca(++) concentration in solution. At low free Ca(++) (less than 10(-6) M), the amount of protein in bundles, when measured by sedimentation, increased as the villin: actin molar ratio increased and reached a plateau at approximately a 4:10 ratio. This behavior correlates with the conversion of single actin filaments into filament bundles as detected in the electron microscope. At high free Ca(++) (more than 10(-6) M), there was a decrease in the apparent viscosity in the villin-actin mixtures to a level measured for the buffer. Furthermore, these Ca(++) effects were correlated with the loss of protein sedimented, the disappearance of filament bundles, and the appearance of short fragments of filaments. Bundle formation is also pH-sensitive, being favored at mildly acidic pH. A decrease in the pH from 7.6 to 6.6 results in an increase in sedimentable protein and also a transformation of loosly associated actin filaments into compact actin bundles. These results are consistent with the suggestions that villin is a bundling protein in the microvillus and is responsible for the Ca(++)-sensitive disassembly of the microvillar cytoskeleton. Thus villin may function in the cytoplasm as a major cytoskeletal element regulating microvillar shape.  相似文献   
The report that microvillar cores of isolated, demembranated brush borders retract into the terminal web in the presence of Ca(++) and ATP has been widely cited as an example of Ca(++)-regulated nonmuscle cell motility. Because of recent findings that microvillar core actin filaments are cross-linked by villin which, in the presence of micromolar Ca(++), fragments actin filaments, we used the techniques of video enhanced differential interference contrast, immunofluorescence, and phase contrast microscopy and thin-section electron microscopy (EM) to reexamine the question of contraction of isolated intestinal cell brush borders. Analysis of video enhanced light microscopic images of Triton- demembranated brush borders treated with a buffered Ca(++) solution shows the cores disintegrating with the terminal web remaining intact; membranated brush borders show the microvilli to vesiculate with Ca(++). Using Ca(++)/EGTA buffers, it is found that micromolar free Ca(++) causes core filament dissolution in membranated or demembranated brush borders, Ca(++) causes microvillar core solation followed by complete vesiculation of the microvillar membrane. The lengths of microvilli cores and rootlets were measured in thin sections of membranated and demembranated controls, in Ca(++)-, Ca(++) + ATP-, and in ATP-treated brush borders. Results of these measurements show that Ca(++) alone causes the complete solation of the microvillar cores, yet the rootlets in the terminal web region remain of normal length. These results show that microvilli do not retract into the terminal web in response to Ca(++) and ATP but rather that the microvillar cores disintegrate. NBD-phallicidin localization of actin and fluorescent antibodies to myosin reveal a circumferential band of actin and myosin in mildly permeabilized cells in the region of the junctional complex. The presence of these contractile proteins in this region, where other studies have shown a circumferential band of thin filaments, is consistent with the hypothesis that brush borders may be motile through the circumferential constriction of this “contractile ring,” and is also consistent with the observations that ATP-treated brush borders become cup shaped as if there had been a circumferential constriction.  相似文献   
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