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The Jacalin-related lectin (JRL) family comprises galactose-binding-type (gJRLs) and mannose-binding-type (mJRLs) lectins. Although the documented occurrence of gJRLs is confined to the family Moraceae, mJRLs are widespread in the plant kingdom. A detailed comparison of sugar-binding specificity was made by frontal affinity chromatography to corroborate the structure-function relationships of the extended mJRL subfamily. Eight mJRLs covering a broad taxonomic range were used: Artocarpin from Artocarpus integrifolia (jackfruit, Moraceae), BanLec from Musa acuminata (banana, Musaceae), Calsepa from Calystegia sepium (hedge bindweed, Convolvulaceae), CCA from Castanea crenata (Japanese chestnut, Fagaceae), Conarva from Convolvulus arvensis (bindweed, Convolvulaceae), CRLL from Cycas revoluta (King Sago palm tree, Cycadaceae), Heltuba from Helianthus tuberosus (Jerusalem artichoke, Asteraceae) and MornigaM from Morus nigra (black mulberry, Moraceae). The result using 103 pyridylaminated glycans clearly divided the mJRLs into two major groups, each of which was further divided into two subgroups based on the preference for high-mannose-type N-glycans. This criterion also applied to the binding preference for complex-type N-glycans. Notably, the result of cluster analysis of the amino acid sequences clearly corresponded to the above specificity classification. Thus, marked correlation between the sugar-binding specificity of mJRLs and their phylogeny should shed light on the functional significance of JRLs.  相似文献   
A running controversy in evolutionary thought was Eldredge and Gould's punctuated equilibrium model, which proposes long periods of morphological stasis interspersed with rapid bursts of dramatic evolutionary change. One of the earliest and most iconic pieces of research in support of punctuated equilibrium is the work of Williamson on the Plio-Pleistocene molluscs of the Turkana Basin. Williamson claimed to have found firm evidence for three episodes of rapid evolutionary change separated by long periods of stasis in a high-resolution sequence. Most of the discussions following this report centered on the topics of (eco)phenotype versus genotype and the possible presence of preservational and temporal artifacts. The debate proved inconclusive, leaving Williamson's reports as one of the empirical foundations of the paradigm of punctuated equilibrium. Here we conclusively show Williamson's original interpretations to be highly flawed. The supposed rapid bursts of punctuated evolutionary change represent artifacts resulting from the invasion of extrabasinal faunal elements in the Turkana palaeolakes during wet phases well known from elsewhere in Africa.  相似文献   
We examined species richness separately for cladocerans and ostracods in 52 temporary pools in a small geographical area, relating species richness with habitat traits using multiple regressions. Habitat traits considered included surface area, water depth, permanence and sediment depth. Permanence was an important predictor of species richness of both cladocerans and ostracods. Additionally, variation in ostracod species richness was significantly explained by water depth (negative relationship) and sediment depth (positive relationship). Surface area was not a statistically significant factor in any of our analyses. The importance of permanence supports the hypothesis that extinction due to pool drying is a major driving force behind the structuring of microcrustacean communities in temporary pools.  相似文献   
At present the three-dimensional structure of the tobacco lectin, further referred to as Nictaba, and its carbohydrate-binding site are unresolved. In this paper, we propose a three-dimensional model for the Nictaba domain based on the homology between Nictaba and the carbohydrate-binding module 22 of Clostridium thermocellum Xyn10B. The suggested model nicely fits with results from circular dichroism experiments, indicating that Nictaba consists mainly of β-sheet. In addition, the previously identified nuclear localization signal is located at the top of the protein as a part of a protruding loop. Judging from this model and sequence alignments with closely related proteins, conserved glutamic acid and tryptophan residues in the Nictaba sequence were selected for mutational analysis. The mutant DNA sequences as well as the original Nictaba sequence have been expressed in Pichia pastoris and the recombinant proteins were purified from the culture medium. Subsequently, the recombinant proteins were characterized and their carbohydrate binding properties analyzed with glycan array technology. It was shown that mutation of glutamic acid residues in the C-terminal half of the protein did not alter the carbohydrate-binding activity of the lectin. In contrast, mutation of tryptophan residues in the N-terminal half of the Nictaba domain resulted in a complete loss of carbohydrate binding activity. These results suggest that tryptophan residues play an important role in the carbohydrate binding site of Nictaba.  相似文献   
Macrobenthic and meiobenthic communities of an area off the Belgian coast of the North Sea were studied from 1970 until 1975 at 74 stations. On the basis of both macro- and meiobenthos, three zones can be distinguished in the area. The coastal zone is characterized by the macrobenthicAbra alba community, corresponding to the meiobenthicMicroarthridion littorale — Halectinosoma herdmani community, and the open sea zone by the macrobenthicVenus gallina community and the meiobenthicLeptastacus laticaudatus — Paramesochra helgolandica community. In between is a transient zone where elements of both other zones mix. The distribution of these zones is governed by the hydrodynamical regime of the region, especially by the residual and tidal current system of the Southern Bight. Within the coastal zone, the composition of the community is influenced by pollution which especially affects the epibenthic detritus-feeders of the meiobenthos. The spatial stability of parameters describing community structure can be used for monitoring changes. Temporal characteristics of these parameters could not be investigated properly, but diversity seems to be much stabler than biomass.  相似文献   
We investigated the morphology and variability of Leydigia ciliata Gauthier, 1939 (Chydoridae, Anomopoda, Cladocera) from Africa and of Leydigia cf. ciliata from the Americas, using optical microscope and SEM. Some differences, predominantly in limb armature, between African and Neotropical populations were revealed. Probably, the name L. striata Birabén, 1939 must be used for Neotropical populations, but this opinion must be confirmed by re-examination of topotypical material (Puerto de La Plata, Argentina). The confused situation in the systematics of the Leydigia acanthocercoides-ciliata complex is confirmed and some characters previously applied to the discrimination of L. ciliata Gauthier, 1939 from L. acanthocercoides (Fischer, 1854), are discussed.  相似文献   
A procedure developed to separate the homodimeric and heterodimeric mannose-binding lectins from bulbs of garlic (Allium sativum L.) and ramsons (Allium ursinum L.) also enabled the isolation of stable lectin-alliinase complexes. Characterization of the individual lectins indicated that, in spite of their different molecular structure, the homomeric and heteromeric lectins resemble each other reasonably well with respect to their agglutination properties and carbohydrate-binding specificity. However, a detailed analysis of the lectin-alliinase complexes from garlic and ramsons bulbs demonstrated that only the heterodimeric lectins are capable of binding to the glycan chains of the alliinase molecules (EC Moreover, it appears that only a subpopulation of the alliinase molecules is involved in the formation of lectin-alliinase complexes and that the complexed alliinase contains more glycan chains than the free enzyme. Finally, some arguments are given that the lectin-alliinase complexes do not occur in vivo but are formed in vitro after homogenization of the tissue. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Two novel lectins were isolated from roots and leaves of garlic. Characterization of the purified proteins indicated that the leaf lectin ASAL is a dimer of two identical subunits of 12 kDa, which closely resembles the leaf lectins from onion, leek and shallot with respect to its molecular structure and agglutination activity. In contrast, the root lectin ASARI, which is a dimer of subunits of 15 kDa, strongly differs from the leaf lectin with respect to its agglutination activity. cDNA cloning of the leaf and root lectins revealed that the deduced amino acid sequences of ASAL and ASARI are virtually identical. Since both lectins have identical N-terminal sequences the larger Mr of the ASARI subunits implies that the root lectin has an extra sequence at its C-terminus. These results not only demonstrate that virtually identical precursor polypeptides are differently processed at their C-terminus in roots and leaves but also indicate that differential processing yields mature lectins with strongly different biological activities. Further screening of the cDNA library for garlic roots also yielded a cDNA clone encoding a protein composed of two tandemly arrayed lectin domains. Since the presumed two-domain root lectin has not been isolated yet, its possible relationship to the previously described two-domain bulb lectin could not be studied at the protein level.  相似文献   
To understand the evolution of biological traits, information on the degree and origins of intraspecific variation is essential. Because adaptation can take place only if the trait shows heritable variation, it is important to know whether (at least) part of the trait variation is genetically based. We describe intra- and interindividual variation in three performance measures (sprint speed, climbing, and clambering speed) in juvenile Gallotia galloti lizards from three populations and examine how genetic, environmental (incubation temperature), and ontogenetic (age, size) effects interact to cause performance variation. Moreover, we test whether the three performance traits are intercorrelated phenotypically and genetically. Sprint speed is highest in juveniles incubated at the lowest temperature (26 degrees C) irrespective of population. Climbing speed differs among populations, and the differences persist at least until the lizards are 30 wk old. This suggests that the three populations experience different selective pressures. Moreover, mass, snout-vent length, and hindlimb length seem to affect climbing performance differently in the three populations. The variation in sprinting and climbing ability appears to be genetically based. Moreover, the two performance traits are intercorrelated and thus will not evolve independently from each other. Clambering speed (i.e., capacity to climb up an inclined mesh) varies among individuals, but the origin of this variation remains obscure.  相似文献   
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