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Our aim is to determine if there exists a difference in risk factors and diagnosis between patients being treated on internal medicine ward for coronary heart disease who have higher levels of cholesterol in their blood and other patients, without proved higher levels of cholesterol, hospitalized for coronary heart disease. We followed patients hospitalized in General Hospital Zabok for coronary heart disease for the period between 2004-2006y. On admission patients were diagnosed with coronary heart disease based on laboratory markers specific for the disease (CK, troponin, LDH,CRP), ECG and history taking. We analyzed two groups of patients for diagnosis and risk factors on discharge from the hospital: one group with proven hypercholesterolemia, the other with coronary heart disease without hypercholesterolemia. For the duration of the study there were no significant alternations concerning risk factors for coronary heart disease, and hypertension was the most prevalent of these factors in both groups. Values of HDL, as an indirect indicator of coronary heart disease, were lower in both groups for the duration of the study. In group of patients with hypercholesterolemia myocardial infarction with a ST segment elevation, as a discharge diagnosis, was a more prevalent complication of the disease, while for the group of patients without hypercholesterolemia stable angina pectoris was more prevalent and this is explained as atheroma plaque stabilization when there are normal values of blood cholesterol.  相似文献   
For decades we are used to judge our body composition by using the body mass index (BMI). Since the BMI denominator can be considered as a substitute for body surface area (BSA), the body mass/body surface ratio (BM/BSA) can be calculated. For a distribution of BM/BSA values comparable to the distribution of normal BMI values, the range 35.5-39.9 kg/m2 is chosen as normal, although it covers BM range 50 to 90 kg. The proposed normal BM/BSA range suggests that heavy adults with less than 2 m of height are not obese only if they are less than 90 kg. If the described limitations of the BM/BSA ratio are valid, then the BMI should be regarded as a biased tool, less applicable to individuals with body masses outside the 55 to 90 kg BM range. If we consider many health problems related to the increased body mass, it is possible that the BMI should be used with caution in heavy individuals.  相似文献   
A 69-year-old man underwent an emergency laparoscopic procedure after the acute appendicitis diagnosis has been established. Laparoscopic exploration showed inflamed appendix and perforation of terminal ileum with a swallowed part of the wooden toothpick. The treatment consisted of typical laparoscopic appendectomy and laparoscopic removal of the foreign body, followed by laparoscopic closure of the perforation site and lavage of the abdominal cavity. The postoperative course was uneventful and the patient was discharged from the hospital on day 3 after the operation.  相似文献   
The aims of the study were to analyse the sport activity and eating habits of obese people in their childhood and adulthood. The research was underpinned by a survey questionnaire containing 37 variables which was completed by 71 people attending the obesity programme. The frequencies and contingency tables were calculated, whereas statistical significance was established at a 5% significance level. The analysis of the results showed that more than one-half of the survey respondents joined the obesity programme primarily for reasons of health and well-being. Most obese people did not engage in any organised sport activity in their childhood, nor did most of their parents. The respondents practiced sport in their childhood to a greater extent if their parents were also physically active and if they guided and encouraged their children. No less than one-third of the respondents were overweight in their childhood, of whom two-thirds did not participate in any organised sport activity. The majority of the respondents (85.9%) are currently engaged in an organised sport activity in their adulthood, mainly due to their participation in the weight reduction programme; most of them practice sport twice a week. Their eating habits are encouraging; the share of skipped meals is considerably lower and practically negligible compared to that in childhood. It has to be emphasized that most of them are of opinion that obese people have difficulties finding expert information on obesity, nutrition and sport activities as well as weight management centers and institutions.  相似文献   
Summary In the Western Dinarides the Lower Liassic carbonates are underlain by Upper Triassic “Hauptdolomit”, whereas the first appearance of the foraminiferOrbitopsella praecursor (Gümbel) marks the beginning of the Middle Liassic. Their composition, observed at several localities in Western Croatia, shows a correlation of sedimentation events, which took place during Early Liassic on the Adriatic-Dinaridic carbonate platform. Facies variability is interpreted as result of autocyclic sedimentary processes on which the carbonate platform reacted by periodical oscillations of sea-bottom near the fair-weather wavebase. As a consequence, the Lower Liassic carbonate successions in the Dinarides is characterized by stacking of two main types of coarsening-upward parasequences: (1) the basal part of the Lower Liassic succession is represented by parasequences composed of mudstones or pelletal-bioclastic wackestones as their lower members, and peloidal-bioclastic wackestone/packstones to grain-stones as their upper members; and (2) the upper part of the Lower Liassic succession with parasequences consisting of mudstones or pelletal-bioclastic wackestones overlain by ooid grainstones. Judging from the composition of parasequences and thickness relations of their members, the first type is interpreted to comprise late transgressive system tract (ITST) and/or early highstand system tract (eHST), while the second type corresponds to a late highstand system tract (1HST) and/or early lowstand system tract (eLST) of a third-order sequence.  相似文献   
Drosophila genome encodes six alpha-subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins. The Gαs alpha-subunit is involved in the post-eclosion wing maturation, which consists of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition and cell death, accompanied by unfolding of the pupal wing into the firm adult flight organ. Here we show that another alpha-subunit Gαo can specifically antagonize the Gαs activities by competing for the Gβ13F/Gγ1 subunits of the heterotrimeric Gs protein complex. Loss of Gβ13F, Gγ1, or Gαs, but not any other G protein subunit, results in prevention of post-eclosion cell death and failure of the wing expansion. However, cell death prevention alone is not sufficient to induce the expansion defect, suggesting that the failure of epithelial-mesenchymal transition is key to the folded wing phenotypes. Overactivation of Gαs with cholera toxin mimics expression of constitutively activated Gαs and promotes wing blistering due to precocious cell death. In contrast, co-overexpression of Gβ13F and Gγ1 does not produce wing blistering, revealing the passive role of the Gβγ in the Gαs-mediated activation of apoptosis, but hinting at the possible function of Gβγ in the epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Our results provide a comprehensive functional analysis of the heterotrimeric G protein proteome in the late stages of Drosophila wing development.  相似文献   
Fermentations with yeastSaccharomyces cerevisiae in semiaerobic and in static conditions with the addition of chromic chloride into the used molasses medium were analysed. It was proved that the addition of optimal amounts of CrCl3 into the basal medium enhanced the kinetics of alcohol fermentations. The addition of 200 mg/l CrCl3 into the medium stimulated both the yeast growth and the ethanol production in all experimental conditions. On the other hand, the results showed that Cr3+ ions were incorporated into yeast cells during fermentation. Under these conditions the accumulation of Cr3+ ions was performed by yeast cells during the exponential growth phase, and with enriched amounts of 30–45 (μg/gd.m. of cells. Yeast biomass enriched with chromium ions was extracted with 01 mol/l NH4OH assuming that the extracts had the glucose tolerance factor (GTF). Then the extracts were passed through a gel-filtration column in order to isolate and purify the GTF. The presence of GTF in the purified fractions was determined by measuring the absorbance at 260 nm. It is evident from the obtained results that the added purified fractions enhanced the rates of CO2 production as well as the glucose utilization during alcoholic fermentation. As expected, the enhancement of both rates depended on the amounts of extracts added to the fermentation substrate. Thus, it is evident that purified extracts contained the GTF compound, and that Cr3+ ions were bonded to the protein molecule.  相似文献   
S100B, established as prevalent protein of the central nervous system, is a peripheral biomarker for blood-brain barrier disruption and often also a marker of brain injury. However, reports of extracranial sources of S100B, especially from adipose tissue, may confound its interpretation in the clinical setting. The objective of this study was to characterize the tissue specificity of S100B and assess how extracranial sources of S100B affect serum levels. The extracranial sources of S100B were determined by analyzing nine different types of human tissues by ELISA and Western blot. In addition, brain and adipose tissue were further analyzed by mass spectrometry. A study of 200 subjects was undertaken to determine the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and S100B serum levels. We also measured the levels of S100B homo- and heterodimers in serum quantitatively after blood-brain barrier disruption. Analysis of human tissues by ELISA and Western blot revealed variable levels of S100B expression. By ELISA, brain tissue expressed the highest S100B levels. Similarly, Western blot measurements revealed that brain tissue expressed high levels of S100B but comparable levels were found in skeletal muscle. Mass spectrometry of brain and adipose tissue confirmed the presence of S100B but also revealed the presence of S100A1. The analysis of 200 subjects revealed no statistically significant relationship between BMI and S100B levels. The main species of S100B released from the brain was the B-B homodimer. Our results show that extracranial sources of S100B do not affect serum levels. Thus, the diagnostic value of S100B and its negative predictive value in neurological diseases in intact subjects (without traumatic brain or bodily injury from accident or surgery) are not compromised in the clinical setting.  相似文献   
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