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Variations in male body size are known to affect inter‐ and intrasexual selection outcomes in a wide range of animals. In mating systems involving sexual signaling before mating, body size often acts as a key factor affecting signal strength and mate choice. We evaluated the effect of male size on courtship displays and mating success of the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae). Wing vibrations performed during successful and unsuccessful courtships by large and small males were recorded by high‐speed videos and analyzed through frame‐by‐frame analysis. Mating success of large and small males was investigated. The effect of male–male competition on mating success was evaluated. Male body size affected both male courtship signals and mating outcomes. Successful males showed wing‐borne signals with high frequencies and short interpulse intervals. Wing vibrations displayed by successful large males during copulation attempt had higher frequencies over smaller males and unsuccessful large males. In no‐competition conditions, large males achieved higher mating success with respect to smaller ones. Allowing large and small males to compete for a female, large males achieve more mating success over smaller ones. Mate choice by females may be based on selection of the larger males, able to produce high‐frequency wing vibrations. Such traits may be indicative of “good genes,” which under sexual selection could means good social‐interaction genes, or a good competitive manipulator of conspecifics.  相似文献   
The extent to which the diurnal fluctuations of different cognitive processes could be affected by sleep loss may be explored to predict performance decrements observed in the real world. Twenty healthy male subjects voluntarily took part in 8 test sessions at 06:00, 10:00, 14:00, and 18:00 h, following either a night with or without sleep in random order. Measurements included oral temperature, simple reaction time, sign cancelation, Go/NoGo, and the Purdue pegboard test. The results indicate that simple reaction time and motor coordination had morning–afternoon variations closely following the rhythms of temperature and vigilance. Inhibitory attention (Go/NoGo) presented no morning–afternoon variations. Sleep deprivation may affect the profiles of cognitive performance depending on the processes solicited. Sustained and inhibitory attention are particularly affected in the morning (after 24 and 28 waking hours), while a complex task (visuo-motor coordination) would be affected after 32 waking hours only.  相似文献   
Computed tomography (CT) and microcomputed tomography (microCT) were used to examine the structures involved in cochlear stimulation in odontocetes and terrestrial mammals. Cranial CT examined the osseous attachment of the skull to the tympanoperiotic complex (TPC) and the path of the endocranial foramen of the vestibulocochlear nerve (EFVN), which was assumed to contain the perilymphatic duct. Additional CTs of TPC were taken postextraction to examine the gross morphology of this structure. MicroCT was used to examine the acoustic windows of the cochlea, including the round and oval windows and the apertures of the cochlear and vestibular aqueducts. Cranial CT scans demonstrated an osseous connection between the skull and TPC in beaked whales and Physeter macrocephalus. EFVN traveled through a greater length of cranial bone and communicated more closely with the periotic bone in beaked whales than in other species. Ziphius cavirostris was observed to have a reduced medial sulcus of the mallear ridge (MSMR) and tympanic plate and an enlarged aperture of the cochlear aqueduct, respectively. The potential significance of these findings, including the role of the perilymphatic duct as a novel route of cochlear stimulation referred to as the “vibroacoustic duct mechanism,” are discussed.  相似文献   
Aim Climate warming and increased wildfire activity are hypothesized to catalyse biogeographical shifts, reducing the resilience of fire‐prone forests world‐wide. Two key mechanisms underpinning hypotheses are: (1) reduced seed availability in large stand‐replacing burn patches, and (2) reduced seedling establishment/survival after post‐fire drought. We tested for regional evidence consistent with these mechanisms in an extensive fire‐prone forest biome by assessing post‐fire tree seedling establishment, a key indicator of forest resilience. Location Subalpine forests, US Rocky Mountains. Methods We analysed post‐fire tree seedling establishment from 184 field plots where stand‐replacing forest fires were followed by varying post‐fire climate conditions. Generalized linear mixed models tested how establishment rates varied with post‐fire drought severity and distance to seed source (among other relevant factors) for tree species with contrasting post‐fire regeneration adaptations. Results Total post‐fire tree seedling establishment (all species combined) declined sharply with greater post‐fire drought severity and with greater distance to seed sources (i.e. the interior of burn patches). Effects varied among key species groups. For conifers that dominate present‐day subalpine forests (Picea engelmannii, Abies lasiocarpa), post‐fire seedling establishment declined sharply with both factors. One exception was serotinous Pinus contorta, which did not vary with either factor. For montane species expected to move upslope under future climate change (Larix occidentalis, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Populus tremuloides) and upper treeline species (Pinus albicaulis), establishment was unrelated to either factor. Greater post‐fire tree seedling establishment on cooler/wetter aspects suggested local topographic refugia during post‐fire droughts. Main conclusions If future drought and wildfire patterns manifest as expected, post‐fire tree seedling establishment of species that currently characterize subalpine forests could be substantially reduced. Compensatory increases from lower montane and upper treeline species may partially offset these reductions, but our data suggest important near‐ to mid‐term shifts in the composition and structure of high‐elevation forests under continued climate warming and increased wildfire activity.  相似文献   
Ultraviolet (UV) vision exists in several animal groups. Intuitively, one would expect this trait to be favoured in species living in bright environments, where UV light is the most present. However, UV sensitivity, as deduced from sequences of UV photoreceptors and/or ocular media transmittance, is also present in nocturnal species, raising questions about the selective pressure maintaining this perceptual ability. Amphibians are among the most nocturnal vertebrates but their visual ecology remains poorly understood relative to other groups. Perhaps because many of these species breed in environments that filter out a large part of UV radiation, physiological and behavioural studies of UV sensitivity in this group are scarce. We investigated the extent of UV vision in Caudata, the order of amphibians with the most nocturnal habits. We could recover sequences of the UV sensitive SWS1 opsin in 40 out of 58 species, belonging to 6 families. In all of these species, the evidence suggests the presence of functional SWS1 opsins under purifying selection, potentially allowing UV vision. Interestingly, most species whose opsin genes failed to amplify exhibited particular ecological features that could drive the loss of UV vision. This likely wide distribution of functional UV photoreceptors in Caudata sheds a new light on the visual ecology of amphibians and questions the function of UV vision in nocturnal animal species.  相似文献   
Clay minerals and K feldspars were evaluated as sources of K in a Norway spruce stand (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) from the Skogaby experimental forest in southwest Sweden. The soil, developed in a Quaternary glacial till, has only 3–5% clay, and more than 95% of its K resides in feldspars. Ratios of K/Rb were assessed in interlayers of 2:1 clay minerals (extracted with hot (100 °C) 2 M HCl), biomass and the forest floor. These compartments had similarly low K/Rb ratios, whereas K feldspars were significantly poorer in Rb. A fractionation model indicated preferential retention of Rb in the biomass and forest floor, due to stronger adsorption of Rb than K in the humus, as well as preferential uptake of K from the exchange complex in the mineral soil. Preferential uptake of K may result from weaker adsorption of K by the cation exchanger, or preference for dissolved K over Rb by the roots. A quantitative mineralogical analysis revealed that loss from micas may account for half of the Holocene loss of K from the soil, which was approximately 22 Mg ha?1. Exceptionally low K/Rb ratios in HCl extracts of the upper 60 cm of the profile indicated extensive loss of K from mica in the parent material and re-fixation of K and Rb at lower ratios. The results indicate that fixation in and release from clay minerals may be prominent in the cycling of K, even in a soil that is poor in clay minerals.  相似文献   
Transects that traverse substantial climate gradients are important tools for climate change research and allow questions on the extent to which phenotypic variation associates with climate, the link between climate and species distributions, and variation in sensitivity to climate change among biomes to be addressed. However, the potential limitations of individual transect studies have recently been highlighted. Here, we argue that replicating and networking transects, along with the introduction of experimental treatments, addresses these concerns. Transect networks provide cost‐effective and robust insights into ecological and evolutionary adaptation and improve forecasting of ecosystem change. We draw on the experience and research facilitated by the Australian Transect Network to demonstrate our case, with examples, to clarify how population‐ and community‐level studies can be integrated with observations from multiple transects, manipulative experiments, genomics, and ecological modeling to gain novel insights into how species and systems respond to climate change. This integration can provide a spatiotemporal understanding of past and future climate‐induced changes, which will inform effective management actions for promoting biodiversity resilience.  相似文献   
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