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A recently isolated, lethal mutation of the homeotic Abdominal gene of the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum is associated with an insertion of a novel retrotransposon into an intron. Sequence analysis indicates that this retrotransposon, named Woot, is a member of the gypsy family of mobile elements. Most strains of T. castaneum appear to harbor ~25-35 copies of Woot per genome. Woot is composed of long terminal repeats of unprecedented length (3.6 kb each), flanking an internal coding region 5.0 kb in length. For most copies of Woot, the internal region includes two open reading frames (ORFs) that correspond to the gag and pol genes of previously described retrotransposons and retroviruses. The copy of Woot inserted into Abdominal bears an apparent single frameshift mutation that separates the normal second ORF into two. Woot does not appear to generate infectious virions by the criterion that no envelop gene is discernible. The association of Woot with a recent mutation suggests that this retroelement is currently transpositionally active in at least some strains.  相似文献   
Chilling ofArabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. callus tissue to 4 °C led to conditions of oxidative stress, as indicated by increased levels of the products of peroxidative damage to cell membranes. Cellular H2O2 was also observed to increase initially upon chilling but by day 8 cellular levels had declined to below control levels. Although levels of catalase activity remained similar to those in unchilled tissue, activity of ascorbate peroxidase increased between days 4 and 8 of chilling to 4 °C. In callus held at 23 °C, levels of reduced glutathione remained static whereas they rose in callus held at 4 °C. Levels of oxidised glutathione were initially low but increased significantly by day 4 in the chilled callus. At 23 °C, however, levels of oxidised glutathione remained low. Between days 1 and 3 at 4 °C, levels of glutathione reductase activity increased but by day 8 glutathione reductase activity was similar to that in cells held at 23 °C. Exposure of callus to abscisic acid at 23 °C also led to increased activities of ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - GSH reduced glutathione - GSSG oxidised glutathione - TTC 2,35-triphenyltetrazolium chloride This work is supported by a grant from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council.  相似文献   
The retrospective analysis of a large database on wheat variety testing in New South Wales (NSW) is considered. This analysis involved three key steps. Initially error variance heterogeneity is modelled, indicating significant differences in error variance due to trial location, year of trialling, sowing date and trial mean yield. The implication of this modelling for the estimaion of variance components is discussed.  相似文献   
We studied two systems of multilocus markers revealed by PCR using primers directing amplification betweenAlurepeats in a tail-to-tail orientation. Genomic polymorphisms were detected as the presence or absence of the electrophoretic bands representing DNA fragments of a given length. A total of 104 such fragments segregating as Mendelian markers in a panel of eight CEPH families were analyzed by two-point linkage analysis. Fifty-one of these fragments were localized with respect to CEPH markers; they represented 33 loci, 7 of which were multiallelic. Locus-specific oligonucleotides were developed and used as hybridization probes to identify the mapped loci within a complex pattern of inter-AluPCR products. A great proportion of inter-AluPCR polymorphisms represented length variants within amplified DNA segments, while others were presumably due to mutations within the priming sites. To describe the expected number of informative loci per typing experiment we introduced a parameter called overall informativity (OI), which provides a single measure of the multiplex ratio and the informativity of markers contributing to a multilocus system (OIof a single locus is equivalent to its heterozygosity and cannot exceed 0.5 for a biallelic codominant marker). HighOIvalues (5.8 and 11.5) of the two presented systems of inter-AluPCR markers of random chromosomal distribution render them suitable for mapping genomic rearrangements such as genomic deletions in tumoral tissues. This was illustrated by the detection of loss of heterozygosity in the 9q22–qter region in sporadic colon cancer.  相似文献   
X-ray microprobe analyses of the secreted salts from glandsof 20 Tamarix aphylla (L.) Karst trees growing in alluvial soilsin the north western district of Victoria, Australia, show thatthe glands secrete a variety of elements including calcium,magnesium and sulphur. However, sodium, potassium and chloride,common ions reported to be secreted predominantly in other studies,are present in relatively low amounts in the secreted salts.Calcium, the major cationic element in the secretory productof the gland, was not detected in the symplasm of the secretoryand collecting cells or in the vacuoles of the collecting cells.Some evidence indicates that silicon may be secreted by theglands but further corroboratory data are required. Our resultssupport previous suggestions that the glands of Tamarix havea low level of selectivity. Large, spherical aggregates of calcium crystals were observedin the vacuoles of the mesophyll cells and quantitative X-raymicroanalysis suggested that the chemical composition of thecrystalline aggregates was CaSO4, 2H2O. The predominant elementsin the vacuolar sap were magnesium and sulphur, probably presentas MgSO4, whereas the major elements in the cytoplasm were potassium,sulphur and phosphorus. In Tamarix aphylla the calcium contentof the leaf appears to be regulated by both the secretion ofcalcium salts from the leaf and by intracellular calcificationin mesophyll cells.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press X-ray microanalysis, Tamarix, salt gland, secretion, salts, ions, calcium crystals, compartmentation  相似文献   
Donor scarcity precludes the use of pancreatic transplantation to treat type I diabetes. Xenogeneic islet transplantation offers the possibility of overcoming this problem; however, it entails the use of immunoisolation devices to prevent immune rejection of the transplanted islets. These devices consist of a semipermeable membrane, which surrounds the islets and isolates them from the host's immune system, while allowing the passage of insulin and essential nutrients, including glucose. Problems associated with proposed device designs include diffusion limitations, biocompatibility, device retrieval in the event of failure, and mechanical integrity. Microencapsulation appears to be the most promising system of immunoisolation, however, the design of a device suitable for human clinical use remains a challenge. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Evolution of secondary structure in the family of 7SL-like RNAs   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Primate and rodent genomes are populated with hundreds of thousands copies of Alu and B1 elements dispersed by retroposition, i.e., by genomic reintegration of their reverse transcribed RNAs. These, as well as primate BC200 and rodent 4.5S RNAs, are ancestrally related to the terminal portions of 7SL RNA sequence. The secondary structure of 7SL RNA (an integral component of the signal recognition particle) is conserved from prokaryotes to distant eukaryotic species. Yet only in primates and rodents did this molecule give rise to retroposing Alu and B1 RNAs and to apparently functional BC200 and 4.5S RNAs. To understand this transition and the underlying molecular events, we examined, by comparative analysis, the evolution of RNA structure in this family of molecules derived from 7SL RNA.RNA sequences of different simian (mostly human) and prosimian Alu subfamilies as well as rodent B1 repeats were derived from their genomic consensus sequences taken from the literature and our unpublished results (prosimian and New World Monkey). RNA secondary structures were determined by enzymatic studies (new data on 4.5S RNA are presented) and/or energy minimization analyses followed by phylogenetic comparison. Although, with the exception of 4.5S RNA, all 7SL-derived RNA species maintain the cruciform structure of their progenitor, the details of 7SL RNA folding domains are modified to a different extent in various RNA groups. Novel motifs found in retropositionally active RNAs are conserved among Alu and B1 subfamilies in different genomes. In RNAs that do not proliferate by retroposition these motifs are modified further. This indicates structural adaptation of 7SL-like RNA molecules to novel functions, presumably mediated by specific interactions with proteins; these functions were either useful for the host or served the selfish propagation of RNA templates within the host genome.Abbreviations FAM fossil Alu element - FLAM free left Alu monomer - FRAM free right Alu monomer - L-Alu left Alu subunit - R-Alu right Alu subunit Correspondence to: D. LabudaDedicated to Dr. Robert Cedergren on the occasion of his 25th anniversary at the University of Montreal  相似文献   
Enhanced zooplankton biomass was found in shallow (<900 m)and deep (>900 m) net samples collected over the EndeavourRidge hydrothermal plume in 1991 and 1992. This enhanced biomasswas manifest in considerably higher abundance values for mostspecies in proximity to the vent field compared with abundancevalues from net samples collected 10–50 km off-axis. Thespecies most enriched in abundance by the hydrothermal plumewere those normally found in the mid-depth scattering layerat 400–900 m depth. These mid-depth animals were alsothe dominant fauna in the deep scattering layers that overliethe hydrothermal plume at depths of 1200–1900 m near themain vent field. The abundance and biomass dominants were specieswith pronounced ontogenetic migration patterns, and their associatedpredators. The abundance of many typically deep species wasalso enhanced over the main vent field. Faimal compositionsof net samples were compared using a similarity measure andaverage linkage rule. Deep fauna in proximity to the vent fieldbut not associated with scattering layers (Group 1), were similarto deep fauna 10–50 km off axis. The fauna of the deepscattering layer over the vent field (Group 2) was most similarto surface and mid- depth scattering layer fauna found withina 50km radius of the vent field. Statistical tests of linkagesobtained using a bootstrap method indicate that the abundanceand taxonomic composition of the two faunal groups were significantlydistinct in 1992, but not in 1991. We conclude that there wasconsiderable infiltration of shallow fauna into the deep scatteringlayers within 2–3 km of the main vent field, less extensiveinfiltration 10–15 km to the noilh and south of the ventfield in 1991, and insignificant infiltration at stations 50kmto the west of the vent field in 1992. A bootstrap analysiscomparing the faunal composition of nets towed above 900 m depthshowed that shallow fauna were not significantly distinct betweenthe two sampling years or up to 50 km away from the vent field.  相似文献   
A novel experimental set-up and method of recording of electrical potential differences in plants have been developed which enable continuous, 8-channel monitoring of electrical activity over extended periods of time using inserted, extracellular electrodes. The investigations were carried out on 21- to 23-day-old Helianthus annuus plants, and spontaneously-generated action potentials were recorded during monitoring sessions lasting for 3 days and nights. Characteristics of these spontaneous action potentials were elaborated, adopting as parameters their typical form, amplitude, duration, velocity, direction, and distance of propagation and frequency of occurrence in morphologically different parts of the plant, Variability, similarities, and interdependence of the above parameters in individual plants and in a group of 15 plants were determined. A hypothesis concerning propagation of action potentials in plants along specific impulse-propagating 'columns' is discussed. The frequency of generated impulses is highest at night and lowest in the day and also displays an apparent 24-h rhythm. Presumably this mechanism is under both endogenous and exogenous control and may be partly dependent on a biological clock.  相似文献   
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