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Dairy cows often have to choose which of two sides to enter in the milking parlour. Some cows are very consistent in this choice, and it is common to assume that when these cows are more disturbed are being milked in their non-preferred side. Such disturbance might involve significantly poor welfare. In order to assess this assumption, we decided to study the behaviour and milk yield of dairy cows and their relationships with side preference in the milking parlour. The study was carried out at Cambridge University Farm, in a two-sided tandem milking parlour. The data collection followed the daily management routine. We recorded the side chosen by each cow (left or right) during 40 milking sessions. Data from 70 cows, which were present in at least 25 milking sessions (mode=36), were included in the statistical analysis. Cows' reactivity (CR) during premilking udder preparation, time spent fitting the milking cluster (FT), milk yield (MY) and duration of milking (DM) were measured. There was evident individual variation in the consistency of side choice. Individual differences (ANOVA, P<0.001) were also found in CR, FT, MY and DM; although these variables were not significantly affected by the side or the interaction animalxside (ANOVA, P>0.05). The comparison between left and right side means (paired t-test) of these variables did not show significant differences (P>0.05). We concluded that there is no evidence that the cows were discomforted or stressed when milked in the non-preferred side of the milking parlour.  相似文献   
We examined effects of aerial application of acephate (Orthene), Bacillus thuringiensis variety kurstaki Berliner (Foray), and tebufenozide (Mimic) on larval/pupal parasitoids of the Nantucket pine tip moth, Rhyacionia frustrana (Comstock), in the southwestern Georgia coastal plain. Parasitism of tip moths in acephate-treated plots was significantly lower than in untreated plots. Bacillus thuringiensis and tebufenozide showed no significant effects on parasitism. A tachinid, Lixophaga mediocris Aldrich, comprised a significantly greater proportion of emerging parasitoids in acephate-treated than in untreated control plots, whereas a chalcidid, Haltichella rhyacioniae Gahan, was less abundant in the acephate-treated plots. Acephate has a negative, but somewhat species-specific, impact on tip moth parasitism.  相似文献   
A phylogenetic survey using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has identified four major P element subfamilies in the saltans and willistoni species groups of Drosophila. One subfamily, containing about half of the sequences studied, consists of elements that are very similar to the canonical (and active) P element from D. melanogaster. Within this subfamily, nucleotide sequence differentiation among different copies from the same species and among elements from different species is relatively low. This observation suggests that the canonical elements are relatively recent additions to the genome or, less likely, are evolving slowly relative to the other subfamilies. Elements belonging to the three noncanonical lineages are distinct from the canonical elements and from one another. Furthermore, there is considerably more sequence variation, on the average, within the noncanonical subfamilies compared to the canonical elements. Horizontal transfer and the coexistence of multiple, independently evolving element subfamilies in the same genome may explain the distribution of P elements in the saltans and willistoni species groups. Such explanations are not mutually exclusive, and each may be involved to varying degrees in the maintenance of P elements in natural populations of Drosophila.   相似文献   


Upon appropriate stimulation, plants increase their level of resistance against future pathogen attack. This phenomenon, known as induced resistance, presents an adaptive advantage due to its reduced fitness costs and its systemic and broad-spectrum nature. In Arabidopsis, different types of induced resistance have been defined based on the signaling pathways involved, particularly those dependent on salicylic acid (SA) and/or jasmonic acid (JA).  相似文献   
目的: 当前评估左心室容量和功能仍常用正常值范围,个体化分析也仅使用体表面积进行校正。尚缺少个体化因素相关的大样本参考值和预计公式。方法: 本研究纳入美国加州洛杉矶县南湾地区1200名健康志愿者,其中男807女393,年龄20岁-94岁,心脏CT造影(CTA),经过高精度三维成像技术处理,计算左心室容积在收缩和舒张过程中的连续动态变化,测定左心室(LV)容量和功能指标:舒张末期容积(EDV)、收缩末期容积(ESV)、每搏输出量(SV)、射血分数(EF)和心输出量(CO)。将以上指标与一般特征指标进行多因素相关分析,以探索正常人预计值计算公式。结果: 男性除LVEF小于女性外(P<0.001),其余各指标均大于女性(P<0.001)。多元线性回归分析提示, 性别、年龄、身高和体质量均为EDV、ESV、SV的独立影响因子(P<0.001); 而CO仅受年龄、性别、体质量显著影响(P<0.001),但与身高无关(P>0.05)。CO的预测公式CO (L·min-1)= 6.963+0.446(Male) -0.037×年龄(yr)+0.013×体质量(kg)。结论: 性别、年龄、身高、体质量均影响左心室容量和功能,建立预测值计算公式,对心血管疾病的无创评估和个体化精准医疗具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
Molecular evolution of the period gene in Drosophila athabasca   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We measured nucleotide variability within and between the three semispecies of the Drosophila athabasca complex, at the period (per) gene by using a polymerase chain reaction-based four-cutter restriction- enzyme analysis. The levels of polymorphism varied considerably between the three semispecies. Our results for per, combined with previous data for X-linked allozymes, suggest that the X chromosome in the western- northern semispecies is less variable than expected under an equilibrium-neutral model. Both the pattern of divergence between the semispecies and a cladistic clustering of per haplotypes support the previously hypothesized grouping of eastern A and eastern B as the two most recently diverged semispecies. A 21-bp in-frame segment in the region of per which shares sequence similarity with the neuronal development gene single minded is deleted in all eastern A and eastern B flies examined but is present in all of the western-northern flies and all other published per sequences. Despite these hints that there may be significant differences at the per gene between the semispecies, especially the western-northern group versus the two eastern groups, there is no compelling evidence that per is involved in the mating song differences between the semispecies.   相似文献   
Cyclins are indispensable elements of the cell cycle and derangement of their function can lead to cancer formation. Recent studies have also revealed more mechanisms through which cyclins can express their oncogenic potential. This review focuses on the aberrant expression of G1/S cyclins and especially cyclin D and cyclin E; the pathways through which they lead to tumour formation and their involvement in different types of cancer. These elements indicate the mechanisms that could act as targets for cancer therapy.  相似文献   
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