Reactive oxygen species(ROS) play a crucial role in numerous biological processes in plants, including development, responses to environmental stimuli, and programmed cell death(PCD). Deficiency in MOSAIC DEATH 1(MOD1), a plastid-localized enoyl-ACP reductase essential for de novo fatty acid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana, leads to the increased malate export from chloroplasts to mitochondria, and the subsequent accumulation of mitochondria-generated ROS and PCD. In this study, we report the identification and characterization of a mod1 suppressor, som592. SOM592 encodes mitochondrion-localized NAD~+ transporter 2(NDT2). We show that the mitochondrial NAD pool is elevated in the mod1 mutant. The som592 mutation fully suppressed mitochondrial NADH hyper-accumulation, ROS production, and PCD in the mod1 mutant, indicating a causal relationship between mitochondrial NAD accumulation and ROS/PCD phenotypes. We also show that in wild-type plants, the mitochondrial NAD+uptake is involved in the regulation of ROS production in response to continuous photoperiod. Elevation of the alternative respiration pathway can suppress ROS accumulation and PCD in mod1, but leads to growth restriction. These findings uncover a regulatory mechanism for mitochondrial ROS production via NADH homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana that is likely important for growth regulation in response to altered photoperiod. 相似文献
Sunlight-induced C to T mutation hot spots in skin cancers occur primarily at methylated CpG sites that coincide with sites of UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD) formation. The C and 5-methyl-C in CPDs are not stable and deaminate to U and T, respectively, which leads to the insertion of A by the DNA damage bypass polymerase η, thereby defining a probable mechanism for the origin of UV-induced C to T mutations. Deamination rates for TmCG CPDs have been found to vary 12-fold with rotational position in a nucleosome in vitro. To determine the influence of nucleosome structure on deamination rates in vivo, we determined the deamination rates of CPDs at TCG sites in a stably positioned nucleosome within the FOS promoter in HeLa cells. A procedure for in vivo hydroxyl radical footprinting with Fe-EDTA was developed, and, together with results from a cytosine methylation protection assay, we determined the translational and rotational positions of the TCG sites. Consistent with the in vitro observations, deamination was slower for one CPD located at an intermediate rotational position compared with two other sites located at outside positions, and all were much faster than for CPDs at non-TCG sites. Photoproduct formation was also highly suppressed at one site, possibly due to its interaction with a histone tail. Thus, it was shown that CPDs of TCG sites deaminate the fastest in vivo and that nucleosomes can modulate both their formation and deamination, which could contribute to the UV mutation hot spots and cold spots. 相似文献
Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) play important roles in the spatial and temporal regulation of muscle development and regeneration. Nevertheless, the determination of their biological functions and mechanisms underlying muscle regeneration remains challenging. Here, we identified a lncRNA named lncMREF (lncRNA muscle regeneration enhancement factor) as a conserved positive regulator of muscle regeneration among mice, pigs and humans. Functional studies demonstrated that lncMREF, which is mainly expressed in differentiated muscle satellite cells, promotes myogenic differentiation and muscle regeneration. Mechanistically, lncMREF interacts with Smarca5 to promote chromatin accessibility when muscle satellite cells are activated and start to differentiate, thereby facilitating genomic binding of p300/CBP/H3K27ac to upregulate the expression of myogenic regulators, such as MyoD and cell differentiation. Our results unravel a novel temporal-specific epigenetic regulation during muscle regeneration and reveal that lncMREF/Smarca5-mediated epigenetic programming is responsible for muscle cell differentiation, which provides new insights into the regulatory mechanism of muscle regeneration. 相似文献
Development of microbial biofilms and the recruitment of propagules on the surfaces of man-made structures in the marine environment cause serious problems for the navies and for marine industries around the world. Current antifouling technology is based on the application of toxic substances that can be harmful to the natural environment. For this reason and the global ban of tributyl tin (TBT), there is a need for the development of "environmentally-friendly" antifoulants. Marine microbes are promising potential sources of non-toxic or less-toxic antifouling compounds as they can produce substances that inhibit not only the attachment and/or growth of microorganisms but also the settlement of invertebrate larvae and macroalgal spores. However, so far only few antilarval settlement compounds have been isolated and identified from bacteria. In this review knowledge about antifouling compounds produced by marine bacteria and diatoms are summarised and evaluated and future research directions are highlighted. 相似文献