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Increasing evidence suggests that an appropriate model for food webs, the network of feeding links in a community of species, should take into account the inherent variability of ecological interactions. Harnessing this variability, we will show that it is useful to interpret empirically observed food webs as realisations of a family of stochastic processes, namely random dot‐product graph models. These models provide an ideal extension of food‐web models beyond the limitations of current deterministic or partially probabilistic models. As an additional bene?t, our RDPG framework enables us to identify the pairwise distance structure given by species' functional food‐web traits: this allows for the natural emergence of ecologically meaningful species groups. Lastly, our results suggest the notion that the evolutionary signature in food webs is already detectable in their stochastic backbones, while the contribution of their ?ne wiring is arguable. Synthesis Food webs are influenced by many stochastic processes and are constantly evolving. Here, we treat observed food webs as realisations of random dot‐product graph models (RDPG), extending food‐web modelling beyond the limitations of current deterministic or partially probabilistic models. Our RDPG framework enables us to identify the pairwise‐distance structure given by species' functional food‐web traits, which in turn allows for the natural emergence of ecologically meaningful species groups. It also provides a way to measure the phylogenetic signal present in food webs, which we find is strongest in webs' low‐dimensional backbones.  相似文献   
Organoseleno-compounds have been investigated for its beneficial effects against methylmercury toxicity. In this way, diphenyl diselenide (PhSe)2 was demonstrated to decrease Hg accumulation in mice, protect against MeHg-induced mitochondrial dysfunction, and protect against the overall toxicity of this metal. In the present study we aimed to investigate if co-treatment with (PhSe)2 and MeHg could decrease accumulation of Hg in liver slices of rats. Rat liver slices were co-treated with (PhSe)2 (0.5; 5 µM) and/or MeHg (25 µM) for 30 min at 37 °C and Se and Hg levels were measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) in the slices homogenate, P1 fraction, mitochondria and incubation medium. Co-treatment with (PhSe)2 and MeHg did not significantly alter Se levels in any of the samples when compared with compounds alone. In addition, co-treatment with (PhSe)2 and MeHg did not decrease Hg levels in any of the samples tested, although, co-incubation significantly increased Hg levels in homogenate. We suggest here that (PhSe)2 could exert its previously demonstrated protective effects not by reducing MeHg levels, but forming a complex with MeHg avoiding it to bind to critical molecules in cell.  相似文献   
Peroxiredoxins are thiol‐dependent peroxidases that function in peroxide detoxification and H2O2 induced signaling. Among the six isoforms expressed in humans, PRDX1 and PRDX2 share 97% sequence similarity, 77% sequence identity including the active site, subcellular localization (cytosolic) but they hold different biological functions albeit associated with their peroxidase activity. Using recombinant human PRDX1 and PRDX2, the kinetics of oxidation and hyperoxidation with H2O2 and peroxynitrite were followed by intrinsic fluorescence. At pH 7.4, the peroxidatic cysteine of both isoforms reacts nearly tenfold faster with H2O2 than with peroxynitrite, and both reactions are orders of magnitude faster than with most protein thiols. For both isoforms, the sulfenic acids formed are in turn oxidized by H2O2 with rate constants of ca 2 × 103 M?1 s?1 and by peroxynitrous acid significantly faster. As previously observed, a crucial difference between PRDX1 and PRDX2 is on the resolution step of the catalytic cycle, the rate of disulfide formation (11 s?1 for PRDX1, 0.2 s?1 for PRDX2, independent of the oxidant) which correlates with their different sensitivity to hyperoxidation. This kinetic pause opens different pathways on redox signaling for these isoforms. The longer lifetime of PRDX2 sulfenic acid allows it to react with other protein thiols to translate the signal via an intermediate mixed disulfide (involving its peroxidatic cysteine), whereas PRDX1 continues the cycle forming disulfide involving its resolving cysteine to function as a redox relay. In addition, the presence of C83 on PRDX1 imparts a difference on peroxidase activity upon peroxynitrite exposure that needs further study.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae produces two groups of cyclic lipodepsipeptides (LDPs): the nona-peptides syringomycins, syringostatins, and syringotoxin (ST), and the more complex syringopeptins composed of either 22 or 25 amino acid residues (SP22 and SP25). Both classes of peptides significantly contribute to bacterial pathogenesis and their primary target of action seems to be the plasma membrane. We studied and compared the activity of some members of these two classes of LDPs on red blood cells and on model membranes (monolayers and unilamellar vesicles). All peptides induced red blood cell hemolysis. The mechanism was apparently that of a colloid-osmotic shock caused by the formation of pores, as it could be prevented by osmoticants of adequate size. Application of the Renkin equation indicated a radius of approximately 1 nm for the lesions formed by syringopeptins SP22A and SP25A, whereas those formed by syringomycin E (SRE) had a variable, dose-dependent size ranging from 0.7 up to 1.7 nm. All tested LDPs displayed surface activity, forming peptide monolayers with average molecular areas of 1.2 nm2 (SRE), 1.5 nm2 (SP22A), and 1.3 nm2 (SP25A). They also partitioned into preformed lipid monolayers occupying molecular areas that ranged from 0.6 to 1.7 nm2 depending on the peptide and the lipid composition of the film. These LDPs formed channels in lipid vesicles as indicated by the release of an entrapped fluorescent dye (calcein). The extent of permeabilization was dependent on the concentration of the peptide and the composition of the lipid vesicles, with a preference for those containing a sterol. From the dose dependence of the permeabilization it was inferred that LDPs increased membrane permeability by forming oligomeric channels containing from four to seven monomers. On average, syringopeptin oligomers were smaller than SRE and ST oligomers.  相似文献   
Syringopeptin 25A, a pseudomonad lipodepsipeptide, can form ion channels in planar lipid membranes. Pore conductance is around 40 pS in 0.1 M NaCl. Channel opening is strongly voltage dependent and requires a negative potential on the same side of the membrane where the toxin was added. These pores open and close with a lifetime of several seconds. At negative voltages, an additional pore state of around 10 pS and a lifetime of around 30 ms is also present. The voltage dependence of the rates of opening and closing of the stable pores is exponential. This allows estimation of the equivalent charge that is moved across the membrane during the process of opening at about 2.6 elementary charges. When NaCl is present, the pore is roughly 3 times more permeant for anions than for cations. The current voltage characteristic of the pore is nonlinear, i.e., pore conductance is larger at negative than at positive voltages. The maximal conductance of the pore depends on the concentration of the salt present, in a way that varies almost linearly with the conductivity of the solution. From this, an estimate of a minimal pore radius of 0.4 nm was derived.  相似文献   
Summary. The polyamines spermine, spermidine and putrescine are ubiquitous cell components. If they accumulate excessively within the cells, due either to very high extracellular concentrations or to deregulation of the systems which control polyamine homeostasis, they can induce toxic effects. These molecules are substrates of a class of enzymes that includes monoamine oxidases, diamine oxidases, polyamine oxidases and copper containing amine oxidases. Polyamine concentrations are high in growing tissues such as tumors. Amine oxidases are important because they contribute to regulate levels of mono- and polyamines. These enzymes catalyze the oxidative deamination of biogenic amines and polyamines to generate the reaction products H2O2 and aldehyde(s) that are able to induce cell death in several cultured human tumor cell lines. H2O2 generated by the oxidation reaction is able to cross the inner membrane of mitochondria and directly interact with endogenous molecules and structures, inducing an intense oxidative stress. Since amine oxidases are involved in many crucial physiopathological processes, investigations on their involvement in human diseases offer great opportunities to enter novel classes of therapeutic agents.  相似文献   
Muscle atrophy is a determinant of exercise capacity in heart failure (CHF). Myocyte apoptosis, triggered by tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) or its second messenger sphingosine (SPH), is one of the causes of atrophy. Growth hormone (GH) improves hemodynamic and cardiac trophism in several experimental models of CHF, but its effect on skeletal muscle in CHF is not yet clear. We tested the hypothesis that GH can prevent skeletal muscle apoptosis in rats with CHF. CHF was induced by injecting monocrotaline. After 2 wk, 2 groups of rats were treated with GH (0.2 mg·kg–1·day–1 and 1.0 mg·kg–1·day–1) subcutaneously. A third group of controls had saline. After 2 additional weeks, rats were killed. Tibialis anterior cross-sectional area, myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition, and a study on myocyte apoptosis and serum levels of TNF- and SPH were carried out. The number of apoptotic nuclei, muscle atrophy, and serum levels of TNF- and SPH were decreased with GH at high but not at low doses compared with CHF rats. Bcl-2 was increased, whereas activated caspases and bax were decreased. The MHC pattern in GH-treated animals was similar to that of controls. Monocrotaline slowed down both contraction and relaxation but did not affect specific tetanic force, whereas absolute force was decreased. GH treatment restored contraction and relaxation to control values and brought muscle mass and absolute twitch and tetanic tension to normal levels. These findings may provide an insight into the therapeutic strategy of GH given to patients with CHF to improve exercise capacity. apoptosis; cytokines; myosin heavy chains  相似文献   
The neuregulins (NRGs) are a family of signaling proteins that are ligands for receptor tyrosine kinase of the ErbB family (namely ErbB3 and ErbB4). To date, four different neuregulin genes have been identified (neuregulin1-4). While NRG1 isoforms have been extensively studied, little is yet known about the other genes of the family. We report the expression of recombinant NRG1beta1, NRG2alpha, NRG2beta, and NRG3 as recombinant fusion proteins in Escherichia coli. The cDNA encoding for the EGF-like domain of each protein was cloned from the mouse olfactory bulb and inserted into the pET-19b vector allowing for bacterial expression of the protein fused to an N-terminal His tag. The recombinant NRGs expressed in the inclusion bodies were solubilized under denaturing conditions, purified by affinity chromatography, and refolded via dialysis in the presence of reducing agents. Purified recombinant NRGs were active as they bound to their receptors and induced their phosphorylation. In particular, and in agreement with data on the native proteins, all the molecules were able to bind and activate ErbB4 while only the rNRG1 and the two rNRG2 (but not rNRG3) bound ErbB3.  相似文献   
Equinatoxin II is a representative of actinoporins, eukaryotic pore-forming toxins from sea anemones. It creates pores in natural and artificial lipid membranes by an association of three or four monomers. Cysteine-scanning mutagenesis was used to study the structure of the N terminus, which is proposed to be crucial in transmembrane pore formation. We provide data for two steps of pore formation: a lipid-bound monomeric intermediate state and a final oligomeric pore. Results show that residues 10-28 are organized as an alpha-helix in both steps. In the first step, the whole region is transferred to a lipid-water interface, laying flat on the membrane. In the pore-forming state, the hydrophilic side of the amphipathic helix lines the pore lumen. The pore has a restriction around Asp-10, according to the permeabilization ratio of ions flowing through pores formed by chemically modified mutants. A general model was introduced to derive the tilt angle of the helix from the ion current data. This study reveals that actinoporins use a unique single helix insertion mechanism for pore formation.  相似文献   
Indigenous mussels, Mytilus edulis, were collected at sites with supposed different amounts of pollution; Reykjavík harbour, Keflavík harbour, Grafarvogur and Hvalfj?rdur (reference), along the south-western coast of Iceland in March 2000. Mussels from Hvalfj?rdur and Reykjavík harbour were also collected in August the same year. Additionally, mussels were transplanted from the reference site to Reykjavík harbour for 6 weeks during both winter and summer for comparison. DNA adducts were analysed by 32P-post-labelling in gills and digestive gland. Highest adduct levels were found in gill tissue from indigenous mussels collected in Reykjavík harbour. Adduct levels in both tissues from mussels collected at the reference site were below or very close to the detection limit during winter, but seemed to increase a little during summer. Mussels from sites with supposed intermediate pollution had intermediate levels of DNA adducts in gills but did not differ from Reykjavík harbour in digestive gland. No increase in adduct levels was observed in mussels transplanted from the reference site to Reykjavík harbour, except for a slight increase in digestive gland during winter. This study shows that 32P-post-labelling analysis of DNA adducts is sensitive enough to be used on indigenous mussels from relatively pristine areas and that adduct levels are increased in harbours/urban sites. However, transplantation of mussels from a clean site to the harbour for 6 weeks did not result in increased adduct levels in gills, the tissue with the highest adduct levels. The results also indicate that seasonal variation in adduct levels may occur.  相似文献   
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