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A few animal species are capable of vocal learning. Parrots are well known for their vocal imitation abilities. In this study, we investigated whether African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus) emit specific vocalizations in specific contexts. We first described the vocal repertoire and its ontogenesis of four captive grey parrots. After a comparison with vocalizations emitted by wild and other captive African grey parrots, we observed that only three call categories were shared by all grey parrots populations, suggesting that isolated populations of parrots develop population-specific calls. Then, we artificially provoked ten different contexts and recorded vocalizations of four captive grey parrots in these situations. Parrots predominantly emitted call categories in some contexts: distress, protestation, alarm, asking (i.e. emitted when a bird wanted something from an experimenter) and contact calls. These results suggest that some calls are learned and can be used in specific contexts.  相似文献   
The potential role and function of gastrokine-1 (GNK1) in smooth muscle cells is investigated in this work by first establishing a preparative protocol to obtain this native protein from freshly dissected chicken gizzard. Some unexpected biochemical properties of gastrokine-1 were deduced by producing specific polyclonal antibody against the purified protein. We focused on the F-actin interaction with gastrokine-1 and the potential role and function in smooth muscle contractile properties.


GNK1 is thought to provide mucosal protection in the superficial gastric epithelium. However, the actual role of gastrokine-1 with regards to its known decreased expression in gastric cancer is still unknown. Recently, trefoil factors (TFF) were reported to have important roles in gastric epithelial regeneration and cell turnover, and could be involved in GNK1 interactions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role and function of GNK1 in smooth muscle cells.

Methodology/Principal Findings

From fresh chicken gizzard smooth muscle, an original purification procedure was used to purify a heat soluble 20 kDa protein that was sequenced and found to correspond to the gastrokine-1 protein sequence containing one BRICHOS domain and at least two or possibly three transmembrane regions. The purified protein was used to produce polyclonal antibody and highlighted the smooth muscle cell distribution and F-actin association of GNK1 through a few different methods.


Altogether our data illustrate a broader distribution of gastrokine-1 in smooth muscle than only in the gastrointestinal epithelium, and the specific interaction with F-actin highlights and suggests a new role and function of GNK1 within smooth muscle cells. A potential role via TFF interaction in cell-cell adhesion and assembly of actin stress fibres is discussed.  相似文献   
A method for the simultaneous determination of HEPP ( -3-hydroxy-3-ethyl-3-phenylpropionamide), a member of a new homologous series of phenylamide-derivative anticonvulsants, with six other antiepileptic drugs (ethosuximide, primidone, phenobarbital, phenytoin, carbamazepine and clonazepam) in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography is described. These drugs are extracted from plasma by adding an equal volume of acetonitrile. An aliquot of the extract is then injected on a reversed-phase column with a acetonitrile-methanol-phosphate buffer mobile phase. The total time required for the whole analytical process, including the plasma pretreatment and chromatography, is approximately 30 min. The assay method is simple, rapid and reproducible, and therefore considered suitable for routine use in clinical investigations monitoring HEPP simultaneously with common antiepileptic drugs.  相似文献   


In this study, we intend to compare two different setup procedures for female breast cancer patients.


Imaging in radiotherapy provides a precise localization of the tumour, increasing the accuracy of the treatment delivery in breast cancer.

Materials and methods

Twenty breast cancer patients who underwent whole breast radiotherapy (WBRT) were selected for this study. Patients were divided into two groups of ten. Group one (G1) was positioned by tattoos and then the patient positioning was adjusted with the aid of AlignRT (Vision RT, London, UK). In group two (G2), patients were positioned only by tattoos. For both groups, the first 15 fractions were analyzed, a daily kilovoltage (kV) cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) image was made and then the rotational and translational displacements and, posteriorly, the systematic (Σ) and random (σ) errors were analyzed.


The comparison of CBCT displacements for the two groups showed a statistically significant difference in the translational left–right (LR) direction (ρ = 0.03), considering that the procedure with AlignRT system has smaller lateral displacements. The results of systematic (Σ) and random (σ) errors showed that for translational displacements the group positioned only by tattoos (G2) demonstrated higher values of errors when compared with the group positioned with the aid of AlignRT (G1).


AlignRT could help the positioning of breast cancer patients; however, it should be used with another imaging method.  相似文献   
Diverse variations in membrane properties are observed in binary phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol mixtures. These mixtures are nonideal, displaying single or phase coexistence, depending on chemical composition and other thermodynamic parameters. When compared with pure phospholipid bilayers, there are changes in water permeability, bilayer thickness and thermomechanical properties, molecular packing and conformational freedom of phospholipid acyl chains, in internal dipolar potential and in lipid lateral diffusion. Based on the phase diagrams for DMPC/cholesterol and DPPC/cholesterol, we compare the equivalent polarity of pure bilayers with specific compositions of these mixtures, by using the Py empirical scale of polarity. Besides the contrast between pure and mixed lipid bilayers, we find that liquid-ordered (l(o)) and liquid-disordered (l(d)) phases display significantly different polarities. Moreover, in the l(o) phase, the polarities of bilayers and their thermal dependences vary with the chemical composition, showing noteworthy differences for cholesterol proportions at 35, 40, and 45 mol%. At 20 degrees C, for DMPC/cholesterol at 35 and 45 mol%, the equivalent dielectric constants are 21.8 and 23.8, respectively. Additionally, we illustrate potential implications of polarity in various membrane-based processes and reactions, proposing that for cholesterol containing bilayers, it may also go along with the occurrence of lateral heterogeneity in biological membranes.  相似文献   
The queen conch, Strombus gigas, is a marine resource of ecological and economical importance in the Caribbean region. Given its importance in this region, and the critical status of most populations, the reproductive biology of this species has been studied to support management decisions. It was from these studies that a generalized sporozoan infection was detected. This study describes the geographic distribution of a coccidian (Apicomplexa) parasite infecting the digestive gland of S. gigas throughout the Caribbean. The parasite was present in every location sampled. Based on histological analysis, the parasites from all locations are similar and appear to complete their life cycle within the digestive gland. The highest occurrence of the parasites was registered in samples from Puerto Rico (54 parasites per field) and Martinique (45 parasites per field). The lowest incidence was registered on the Mexican coast of Yucatan peninsula, at Alacranes and Chinchorro with 17 parasites per field. Data showed significant differences among sites (Kruskal Wallis H = 106.957; p ? 0.05). The abundance of parasites found in the digestive ducts and in the faeces suggests the liberation of parasites to the environment. A gradual decrease in abundance was found from East to West of the Caribbean sea.  相似文献   
Plant pathogens have evolved many dispersal mechanisms, using biotic or abiotic vectors or a combination of the two. Rain splash dispersal is known from a variety of fungi, and can be an efficient driver of crop epidemics, with infectious strains propagating rapidly among often genetically homogenous neighboring plants. Splashing is nevertheless a local dispersal process and spores taking the droplet ride seldom move farther than a few decimeters. In this study, we assessed rain splash dispersal of conidia of the yam anthracnose agent, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, in an experimental setting using a rain simulator, with emphasis on the impact of soil contamination (i.e., effect of re-splashing events). Spores dispersed up to 50 cm from yam leaf inoculum sources, though with an exponential decrease with increasing distance. While few spores were dispersed via re-splash from spore-contaminated soil, the proportion deposited via this mechanism increased with increasing distance from the initial source. We found no soil contamination carryover from previous rains, suggesting that contamination via re-splashing from contaminated soils mainly occurred within single rains. We conclude that most dispersal occurs from direct splashing, with a weaker contribution of indirect dispersal via re-splash.  相似文献   
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