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Access to a nucleotide by its rotation out of the DNA helix (base flipping) is used by numerous DNA modification and repair enzymes. Despite extensive studies of the paradigm HhaI methyltransferase, initial events leading to base flipping remained elusive. Here we demonstrate that the replacement of the target C:G pair with the 2-aminopurine:T pair in the DNA or shortening of the side chain of Gln237 in the protein severely perturb base flipping, but retain specific DNA binding. Kinetic analyses and molecular modeling suggest that a steric interaction between the protruding side chain of Gln237 and the target cytosine in B-DNA reduces the energy barrier for flipping by 3 kcal/mol. Subsequent stabilization of an open state by further 4 kcal/mol is achieved through specific hydrogen bonding of the side chain to the orphan guanine. Gln237 thus plays a key role in actively opening the target C:G pair by a "push-and-bind" mechanism.  相似文献   
Post-menopausal women have higher incidence of heart diseases compared to pre-menopausal women, suggesting a protective role for estrogen. The recently Women's Health Initiative (WHI) randomized controlled trial concluded that the overall heart risk exceeded benefits from use of combined estrogen and progestin as hormone replacement therapy for an average of five years among healthy postmenopausal US women. Therefore, there is an urgent need for new agents with tissue-selective activity with no deleterious effects. In the present study, we tested the effects on vascular tissues in vitro and in vivo of two natural compounds derived from licorice root: glabridin, the major isoflavan, and glabrene, an isoflavene, both demonstrated estrogen-like activities. Similar to estradiol-17beta (E2), glabridin (gla) stimulated DNA synthesis in human endothelial cells (ECV-304; E304) and had a bi-phasic effect on proliferation of human vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). Raloxifene inhibited gla as well as E2 activities. In animal studies, both intact females or after ovariectomy, gla similar to E2 stimulated the specific activity of creatine kinase (CK) in aorta (Ao) and in left ventricle of the heart (Lv). Glabrene (glb), on the other hand, had only the stimulatory effect on DNA synthesis in vascular cells, with no inhibition by raloxifene, suggesting a different mechanism of action. To further elucidate the mechanism of action of glb, cells were pre-incubated with glb and then exposed to either E2 or to gla; the DNA stimulation at low doses was unchanged but there was abolishment of the inhibition of VSMC cell proliferation at high doses as well as inhibition of CK stimulation by both E2 and by gla. We conclude that glb behaved differently than E2 or gla, but similarly to raloxifene, being a partial agonist/antagonist of E2. Glabridin, on the other hand, demonstrated only estrogenic activity. Therefore, we suggest the use of glb with or without E2 as a new agent for modulation of vascular injury and atherogenesis for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in post-menopausal women.  相似文献   
Gene 1 of the coronavirus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) encodes replicase polyproteins that are predicted to be processed into 16 nonstructural proteins (nsps 1 to 16) by two viral proteases, a papain-like protease (PLpro) and a 3C-like protease (3CLpro). Here, we identify SARS coronavirus amino-terminal replicase products nsp1, nsp2, and nsp3 and describe trans-cleavage assays that characterize the protease activity required to generate these products. We generated polyclonal antisera to glutathione S-transferase-replicase fusion proteins and used the antisera to detect replicase intermediates and products in pulse-chase experiments. We found that nsp1 (p20) is rapidly processed from the replicase polyprotein. In contrast, processing at the nsp2/3 site is less efficient, since a approximately 300-kDa intermediate (NSP2-3) is detected, but ultimately nsp2 (p71) and nsp3 (p213) are generated. We found that SARS coronavirus replicase products can be detected by 4 h postinfection in the cytoplasm of infected cells and that nsps 1 to 3 colocalize with newly synthesized viral RNA in punctate, perinuclear sites consistent with their predicted role in viral RNA synthesis. To determine if PLpro is responsible for processing these products, we cloned and expressed the PLpro domain and the predicted substrates and established PLpro trans-cleavage assays. We found that the PLpro domain is sufficient for processing the predicted nsp1/2 and nsp2/3 sites. Interestingly, expression of an extended region of PLpro that includes the downstream hydrophobic domain was required for processing at the predicted nsp3/4 site. We found that the hydrophobic domain is inserted into membranes and that the lumenal domain is glycosylated at asparagine residues 2249 and 2252. Thus, the hydrophobic domain may anchor the replication complex to intracellular membranes. These studies revealed that PLpro can cleave in trans at the three predicted cleavage sites and that it requires membrane association to process the nsp3/4 cleavage site.  相似文献   
Activation of members of the MAPK family, Erk 1 and 2, in oocytes resuming meiosis is regulated by Mos. The cAMP-dependent PKA-mediated cAMP action that inhibits the resumption of meiosis also prevents MAPK activation. We hypothesized that PKA interferes with the MAPK signaling pathways at the level of Mos. We also assumed that this regulatory cascade may involve p34cdc2. To test our hypothesis we explored the role of PKA and p34cdc2 in regulating Mos expression. Rat oocytes that resume meiosis spontaneously served as our experimental model. We found that meiotically arrested rat oocytes express the c-mos mRNA with no detectable Mos protein. The presence of Mos was initially demonstrated at 6 h after meiosis reinitiation and was associated with its mRNA polyadenylation. (Bu)(2)cAMP inhibited Mos expression as well as c-mos mRNA polyadenylation. Both these cAMP actions were reversed by the highly selective inhibitor of the catalytic subunit of PKA, 4-cyano-3-methylisoquinoline. Polyadenylation of c-mos mRNA was also prevented by roscovitine, which is a potent inhibitor of p34cdc2. Ablation of MAPK activity by two specific MAPK signaling pathway inhibitors, either PD 98059 or U0126, did not interfere with Mos accumulation. Our results suggest that translation of Mos in rat oocytes is negatively regulated by a PKA-mediated cAMP action that inhibits c-mos mRNA polyadenylation and involves suppressed activity of p34cdc2. We also demonstrate that stimulation of Mos synthesis in the rat does not require an active MAPK.  相似文献   
Quarantine treatment enables export of avocado fruit (Persea americana) to parts of the world that enforce quarantine against fruit fly. The recommended cold-based quarantine treatment (storage at 1.1°C for 14 days) was studied with two commercial avocado cultivars ‘Hass’ and ‘Ettinger’ for 2 years. Chilling injuries (CIs) are prevalent in the avocado fruit after cold-quarantine treatment. Hence, we examined the effect of integrating several treatments: modified atmosphere (MA; fruit covered with perforated polyethylene bags), methyl jasmonate (MJ; fruit dipped in 2.5 μM MJ for Hass or 10 μM MJ for Ettinger for 30 s), 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP; fruit treated with 300 ppb 1-MCP for 18 h) and low-temperature conditioning (LTC; a gradual decrease in temperature over 3 days) on CI reduction during cold quarantine. Avocado fruit stored at 1°C suffered from severe CI, lipid peroxidation, and increased expression of chilling-responsive genes of fruit peel. The combined therapeutic treatments alleviated CI in cold-quarantined fruit to the level in fruit stored at commercial temperature (5°C). A successful therapeutic treatment was developed to protect ‘Hass’ and ‘Ettinger’ avocado fruit during cold quarantine against fruit fly, while maintaining fruit quality. Subsequently, treated fruit stored at 1°C had a longer shelf life and less decay than the fruit stored at 5°C. This therapeutic treatment could potentially enable the export of avocado fruit to all quarantine-enforcing countries. Similar methods might be applicable to other types of fruit that require cold quarantine.  相似文献   
The PctC chemoreceptor of Pseudomonas aeruginosa mediates chemotaxis with high specificity to gamma‐aminobutyric acid (GABA). This compound is present everywhere in nature and has multiple functions, including being a human neurotransmitter or plant signaling compound. Because P. aeruginosa is ubiquitously distributed in nature and able to infect and colonize different hosts, the physiological relevance of GABA taxis is unclear, but it has been suggested that bacterial attraction to neurotransmitters may enhance virulence. We report the identification of McpG as a specific GABA chemoreceptor in non‐pathogenic Pseudomonas putida KT2440. As with PctC, GABA was found to bind McpG tightly. The analysis of chimeras comprising the PctC and McpG ligand‐binding domains fused to the Tar signaling domain showed very high GABA sensitivities. We also show that PctC inactivation does not alter virulence in Caenorhabditis elegans. Significant amounts of GABA were detected in tomato root exudates, and deletion of mcpG reduced root colonization that requires chemotaxis through agar. The C. elegans data and the detection of a GABA receptor in non‐pathogenic species indicate that GABA taxis may not be related to virulence in animal systems but may be of importance in the context of colonization and infection of plant roots by soil‐dwelling pseudomonads.  相似文献   
The complement system, which functions by lysing pathogens directly or by promoting their uptake by phagocytes, is critical for controlling many microbial infections. Here, we show that in Streptococcus pneumoniae, increasing bacterial chain length sensitizes this pathogen to complement deposition and subsequent uptake by human neutrophils. Consistent with this, we show that minimizing chain length provides wild-type bacteria with a competitive advantage in vivo in a model of systemic infection. Investigating how the host overcomes this virulence strategy, we find that antibody promotes complement-dependent opsonophagocytic killing of Streptococcus pneumoniae and lysis of Haemophilus influenzae independent of Fc-mediated effector functions. Consistent with the agglutinating effect of antibody, F(ab')(2) but not Fab could promote this effect. Therefore, increasing pathogen size, whether by natural changes in cellular morphology or via antibody-mediated agglutination, promotes complement-dependent killing. These observations have broad implications for how cell size and morphology can affect virulence among pathogenic microbes.  相似文献   
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